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replica_range_lease.go 19.90 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
David Taylor 提交于 2017-04-17 18:10 . vendor: bump crlfmt
// Copyright 2016 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Andrei Matei (andreimatei1@gmail.com)
// Author: Tobias Schottdorf (tobias.schottdorf@gmail.com)
// This file contains replica methods related to range leases.
package storage
import (
// pendingLeaseRequest coalesces RequestLease requests and lets
// callers join an in-progress lease request and wait for the result.
// The actual execution of the RequestLease Raft request is delegated
// to a replica.
// There are two types of leases: expiration-based and epoch-based.
// Expiration-based leases are considered valid as long as the wall
// time is less than the lease expiration timestamp minus the maximum
// clock offset. Epoch-based leases do not expire, but rely on the
// leaseholder maintaining its node liveness record (also a lease, but
// at the node level). All ranges up to and including the node
// liveness table must use expiration-based leases to avoid any
// circular dependencies.
// Methods are not thread-safe; a pendingLeaseRequest is logically part of
// a replica, so replica.mu should be used to synchronize all calls.
type pendingLeaseRequest struct {
// Slice of channels to send on after lease acquisition.
// If empty, then no request is in progress.
llChans []chan *roachpb.Error
// nextLease is the pending RequestLease request, if any. It can be used to
// figure out if we're in the process of extending our own lease, or
// transferring it to another replica.
nextLease roachpb.Lease
// RequestPending returns the pending Lease, if one is in progress.
// The second return val is true if a lease request is pending.
func (p *pendingLeaseRequest) RequestPending() (roachpb.Lease, bool) {
pending := len(p.llChans) > 0
if pending {
return p.nextLease, true
return roachpb.Lease{}, false
// InitOrJoinRequest executes a RequestLease command asynchronously and returns a
// channel on which the result will be posted. If there's already a request in
// progress, we join in waiting for the results of that request.
// It is an error to call InitOrJoinRequest() while a request is in progress
// naming another replica as lease holder.
// replica is used to schedule and execute async work (proposing a RequestLease
// command). replica.mu is locked when delivering results, so calls from the
// replica happen either before or after a result for a pending request has
// happened.
// transfer needs to be set if the request represents a lease transfer (as
// opposed to an extension, or acquiring the lease when none is held).
// Note: Once this function gets a context to be used for cancellation, instead
// of replica.store.Stopper().ShouldQuiesce(), care will be needed for cancelling
// the Raft command, similar to replica.executeWriteBatch.
// Requires repl.mu is exclusively locked.
func (p *pendingLeaseRequest) InitOrJoinRequest(
ctx context.Context,
repl *Replica,
nextLeaseHolder roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
status LeaseStatus,
startKey roachpb.Key,
transfer bool,
) <-chan *roachpb.Error {
if nextLease, ok := p.RequestPending(); ok {
if nextLease.Replica.ReplicaID == nextLeaseHolder.ReplicaID {
// Join a pending request asking for the same replica to become lease
// holder.
return p.JoinRequest()
llChan := make(chan *roachpb.Error, 1)
// We can't join the request in progress.
llChan <- roachpb.NewErrorf("request for different replica in progress "+
"(requesting: %+v, in progress: %+v)",
nextLeaseHolder.ReplicaID, nextLease.Replica.ReplicaID)
return llChan
llChan := make(chan *roachpb.Error, 1)
// No request in progress. Let's propose a Lease command asynchronously.
reqSpan := roachpb.Span{
Key: startKey,
var leaseReq roachpb.Request
now := repl.store.Clock().Now()
reqLease := roachpb.Lease{
Start: status.timestamp,
Replica: nextLeaseHolder,
ProposedTS: &now,
if repl.requiresExpiringLeaseRLocked() {
reqLease.Expiration = status.timestamp.Add(int64(repl.store.cfg.RangeLeaseActiveDuration), 0)
} else {
// Get the liveness for the next lease holder and set the epoch in the lease request.
liveness, err := repl.store.cfg.NodeLiveness.GetLiveness(nextLeaseHolder.NodeID)
if err != nil {
llChan <- roachpb.NewError(&roachpb.LeaseRejectedError{
Existing: *status.lease,
Requested: reqLease,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("couldn't request lease for %+v: %v", nextLeaseHolder, err),
return llChan
reqLease.Epoch = proto.Int64(liveness.Epoch)
if transfer {
leaseReq = &roachpb.TransferLeaseRequest{
Span: reqSpan,
Lease: reqLease,
PrevLease: status.lease,
} else {
leaseReq = &roachpb.RequestLeaseRequest{
Span: reqSpan,
Lease: reqLease,
PrevLease: status.lease,
if err := p.requestLeaseAsync(repl, nextLeaseHolder, reqLease, status, leaseReq); err != nil {
// We failed to start the asynchronous task. Send a blank NotLeaseHolderError
// back to indicate that we have no idea who the range lease holder might
// be; we've withdrawn from active duty.
llChan <- roachpb.NewError(
newNotLeaseHolderError(nil, repl.store.StoreID(), repl.mu.state.Desc))
return llChan
// TODO(andrei): document this subtlety.
p.llChans = append(p.llChans, llChan)
p.nextLease = reqLease
return llChan
// requestLeaseAsync sends a transfer lease or lease request to the
// specified replica. The request is sent in an async task.
func (p *pendingLeaseRequest) requestLeaseAsync(
repl *Replica,
nextLeaseHolder roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
reqLease roachpb.Lease,
status LeaseStatus,
leaseReq roachpb.Request,
) error {
return repl.store.Stopper().RunAsyncTask(context.TODO(), func(ctx context.Context) {
ctx = repl.AnnotateCtx(ctx)
var pErr *roachpb.Error
// If requesting an epoch-based lease & current state is expired,
// potentially heartbeat our own liveness or increment epoch of
// prior owner. Note we only do this if the previous lease was
// epoch-based.
if reqLease.Type() == roachpb.LeaseEpoch && status.state == leaseExpired &&
status.lease.Type() == roachpb.LeaseEpoch {
var err error
// If this replica is previous & next lease holder, manually heartbeat to become live.
if status.lease.OwnedBy(nextLeaseHolder.StoreID) &&
repl.store.StoreID() == nextLeaseHolder.StoreID {
if err = repl.store.cfg.NodeLiveness.Heartbeat(ctx, status.liveness); err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, err)
} else if status.liveness.Epoch == *status.lease.Epoch {
// If not owner, increment epoch if necessary to invalidate lease.
if err = repl.store.cfg.NodeLiveness.IncrementEpoch(ctx, status.liveness); err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, err)
// Set error for propagation to all waiters below.
if err != nil {
pErr = roachpb.NewError(newNotLeaseHolderError(status.lease, repl.store.StoreID(), repl.Desc()))
// Propose a RequestLease command and wait for it to apply.
if pErr == nil {
ba := roachpb.BatchRequest{}
ba.Timestamp = repl.store.Clock().Now()
ba.RangeID = repl.RangeID
_, pErr = repl.Send(ctx, ba)
// We reset our state below regardless of whether we've gotten an error or
// not, but note that an error is ambiguous - there's no guarantee that the
// transfer will not still apply. That's OK, however, as the "in transfer"
// state maintained by the pendingLeaseRequest is not relied on for
// correctness (see repl.mu.minLeaseProposedTS), and resetting the state
// is beneficial as it'll allow the replica to attempt to transfer again or
// extend the existing lease in the future.
// Send result of lease to all waiter channels.
defer repl.mu.Unlock()
for _, llChan := range p.llChans {
// Don't send the same transaction object twice; this can lead to races.
if pErr != nil {
pErrClone := *pErr
llChan <- &pErrClone
} else {
llChan <- nil
p.llChans = p.llChans[:0]
p.nextLease = roachpb.Lease{}
// JoinRequest adds one more waiter to the currently pending request.
// It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that there is a pending request,
// and that the request is compatible with whatever the caller is currently
// wanting to do (i.e. the request is naming the intended node as the next
// lease holder).
func (p *pendingLeaseRequest) JoinRequest() <-chan *roachpb.Error {
llChan := make(chan *roachpb.Error, 1)
if len(p.llChans) == 0 {
llChan <- roachpb.NewErrorf("no request in progress")
return llChan
p.llChans = append(p.llChans, llChan)
return llChan
// TransferInProgress returns the next lease, if the replica is in the process
// of transferring away its range lease. This next lease indicates the next
// lease holder. The second return val is true if a transfer is in progress.
// Note that the return values are best-effort and shouldn't be relied upon for
// correctness: if a previous transfer has returned an error, TransferInProgress
// will return `false`, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the transfer
// cannot still apply (see replica.mu.minLeaseProposedTS).
// It is assumed that the replica owning this pendingLeaseRequest owns the
// LeaderLease.
// replicaID is the ID of the parent replica.
func (p *pendingLeaseRequest) TransferInProgress(
replicaID roachpb.ReplicaID,
) (roachpb.Lease, bool) {
if nextLease, ok := p.RequestPending(); ok {
// Is the lease being transferred? (as opposed to just extended)
if replicaID != nextLease.Replica.ReplicaID {
return nextLease, true
return roachpb.Lease{}, false
type leaseState int
const (
leaseError leaseState = iota // can't be used or acquired
leaseValid // can be used
leaseStasis // not expired, but can't be used
leaseExpired // expired, can't be used
leaseProscribed // proposed timestamp earlier than allowed
// LeaseStatus holds the lease state, the timestamp at which the state
// is accurate, the lease and optionally the liveness if the lease is
// epoch-based.
type LeaseStatus struct {
state leaseState // state of the lease @timestamp
timestamp hlc.Timestamp // timestamp the lease was evaluated at
lease *roachpb.Lease // lease which status describes
liveness *Liveness // liveness if epoch-based lease
// leaseStatus returns lease status. If the lease is epoch-based,
// the liveness field will be set to the liveness used to compute
// its state, unless state == leaseError.
// - The lease is considered valid if the timestamp is covered by the
// supplied lease. This is determined differently depending on the
// lease properties. For expiration-based leases, the timestamp is
// covered if it's less than the expiration (minus the maximum
// clock offset). For epoch-based "node liveness" leases, the lease
// epoch must match the owner node's liveness epoch -AND- the
// timestamp must be within the node's liveness expiration (also
// minus the maximum clock offset).
// To be valid, a lease which contains a valid ProposedTS must have
// a proposed timestamp greater than the minimum proposed timestamp,
// which prevents a restarted process from serving commands, since
// the command queue has been wiped through the restart.
// - The lease is considered in stasis if the timestamp is within the
// maximum clock offset window of the lease expiration.
// - The lease is considered expired in all other cases.
// The maximum clock offset must always be taken into consideration to
// avoid a failure of linearizability on a single register during
// lease changes. Without that stasis period, the following could
// occur:
// * a range lease gets committed on the new lease holder (but not the old).
// * client proposes and commits a write on new lease holder (with a
// timestamp just greater than the expiration of the old lease).
// * client tries to read what it wrote, but hits a slow coordinator
// (which assigns a timestamp covered by the old lease).
// * the read is served by the old lease holder (which has not
// processed the change in lease holdership).
// * the client fails to read their own write.
func (r *Replica) leaseStatus(
lease *roachpb.Lease, timestamp, minProposedTS hlc.Timestamp,
) LeaseStatus {
status := LeaseStatus{timestamp: timestamp, lease: lease}
if lease == nil {
status.state = leaseExpired
return status
var expiration hlc.Timestamp
if lease.Type() == roachpb.LeaseExpiration {
expiration = lease.Expiration
} else {
var err error
status.liveness, err = r.store.cfg.NodeLiveness.GetLiveness(lease.Replica.NodeID)
if err != nil || status.liveness.Epoch < *lease.Epoch {
// If lease validity can't be determined (e.g. gossip is down
// and liveness info isn't available for owner), we can neither
// use the lease nor do we want to attempt to acquire it.
status.state = leaseError
return status
if status.liveness.Epoch > *lease.Epoch {
status.state = leaseExpired
return status
expiration = status.liveness.Expiration
stasis := expiration.Add(-int64(r.store.Clock().MaxOffset()), 0)
if timestamp.Less(stasis) {
status.state = leaseValid
// If the replica owns the lease, additional verify that the lease's
// proposed timestamp is not earlier than the min proposed timestamp.
if lease.Replica.StoreID == r.store.StoreID() &&
lease.ProposedTS != nil && lease.ProposedTS.Less(minProposedTS) {
status.state = leaseProscribed
} else if timestamp.Less(expiration) {
status.state = leaseStasis
} else {
status.state = leaseExpired
return status
// requiresExpiringLeaseRLocked returns whether this range uses an
// expiration-based lease; false if epoch-based. Ranges located before or
// including the node liveness table must use expiration leases to avoid
// circular dependencies on the node liveness table. The replica mutex must be
// held.
func (r *Replica) requiresExpiringLeaseRLocked() bool {
return r.store.cfg.NodeLiveness == nil || !r.store.cfg.EnableEpochRangeLeases ||
// requestLeaseLocked executes a request to obtain or extend a lease
// asynchronously and returns a channel on which the result will be posted. If
// there's already a request in progress, we join in waiting for the results of
// that request. Unless an error is returned, the obtained lease will be valid
// for a time interval containing the requested timestamp.
// If a transfer is in progress, a NotLeaseHolderError directing to the recipient is
// sent on the returned chan.
func (r *Replica) requestLeaseLocked(
ctx context.Context, status LeaseStatus,
) <-chan *roachpb.Error {
if r.store.TestingKnobs().LeaseRequestEvent != nil {
// Propose a Raft command to get a lease for this replica.
repDesc, err := r.getReplicaDescriptorRLocked()
if err != nil {
llChan := make(chan *roachpb.Error, 1)
llChan <- roachpb.NewError(err)
return llChan
if transferLease, ok := r.mu.pendingLeaseRequest.TransferInProgress(repDesc.ReplicaID); ok {
llChan := make(chan *roachpb.Error, 1)
llChan <- roachpb.NewError(
newNotLeaseHolderError(&transferLease, r.store.StoreID(), r.mu.state.Desc))
return llChan
if r.store.IsDraining() {
// We've retired from active duty.
llChan := make(chan *roachpb.Error, 1)
llChan <- roachpb.NewError(newNotLeaseHolderError(nil, r.store.StoreID(), r.mu.state.Desc))
return llChan
return r.mu.pendingLeaseRequest.InitOrJoinRequest(
ctx, r, repDesc, status, r.mu.state.Desc.StartKey.AsRawKey(), false /* transfer */)
// AdminTransferLease transfers the LeaderLease to another replica. A
// valid LeaseStatus must be supplied. Only the current holder of the
// LeaderLease can do a transfer, because it needs to stop serving
// reads and proposing Raft commands (CPut is a read) after sending
// the transfer command. If it did not stop serving reads immediately,
// it would potentially serve reads with timestamps greater than the
// start timestamp of the new (transferred) lease. More subtly, the
// replica can't even serve reads or propose commands with timestamps
// lower than the start of the new lease because it could lead to read
// your own write violations (see comments on the stasis period in
// IsLeaseValid). We could, in principle, serve reads more than the
// maximum clock offset in the past.
// The method waits for any in-progress lease extension to be done, and it also
// blocks until the transfer is done. If a transfer is already in progress,
// this method joins in waiting for it to complete if it's transferring to the
// same replica. Otherwise, a NotLeaseHolderError is returned.
func (r *Replica) AdminTransferLease(ctx context.Context, target roachpb.StoreID) error {
// initTransferHelper inits a transfer if no extension is in progress.
// It returns a channel for waiting for the result of a pending
// extension (if any is in progress) and a channel for waiting for the
// transfer (if it was successfully initiated).
var nextLeaseHolder roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor
initTransferHelper := func() (<-chan *roachpb.Error, <-chan *roachpb.Error, error) {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
status := r.leaseStatus(r.mu.state.Lease, r.store.Clock().Now(), r.mu.minLeaseProposedTS)
if status.lease.OwnedBy(target) {
// The target is already the lease holder. Nothing to do.
return nil, nil, nil
desc := r.mu.state.Desc
if !status.lease.OwnedBy(r.store.StoreID()) {
return nil, nil, newNotLeaseHolderError(status.lease, r.store.StoreID(), desc)
// Verify the target is a replica of the range.
var ok bool
if nextLeaseHolder, ok = desc.GetReplicaDescriptor(target); !ok {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("unable to find store %d in range %+v", target, desc)
if nextLease, ok := r.mu.pendingLeaseRequest.RequestPending(); ok &&
nextLease.Replica != nextLeaseHolder {
repDesc, err := r.getReplicaDescriptorRLocked()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if nextLease.Replica == repDesc {
// There's an extension in progress. Let's wait for it to succeed and
// try again.
return r.mu.pendingLeaseRequest.JoinRequest(), nil, nil
// Another transfer is in progress, and it's not transferring to the
// same replica we'd like.
return nil, nil, newNotLeaseHolderError(&nextLease, r.store.StoreID(), desc)
// Stop using the current lease.
r.mu.minLeaseProposedTS = status.timestamp
transfer := r.mu.pendingLeaseRequest.InitOrJoinRequest(
ctx, r, nextLeaseHolder, status, desc.StartKey.AsRawKey(), true, /* transfer */
return nil, transfer, nil
// Loop while there's an extension in progress.
for {
// See if there's an extension in progress that we have to wait for.
// If there isn't, request a transfer.
extension, transfer, err := initTransferHelper()
if err != nil {
return err
if extension == nil {
if transfer == nil {
// The target is us and we're the lease holder.
return nil
return (<-transfer).GoError()
// Wait for the in-progress extension without holding the mutex.
if r.store.TestingKnobs().LeaseTransferBlockedOnExtensionEvent != nil {
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