// Copyright 2017 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// This file defines structures and basic functionality that is useful when
// building distsql plans. It does not contain the actual physical planning
// code.
package distsqlplan
import (
// Processor contains the information associated with a processor in a plan.
type Processor struct {
// Node where the processor must be instantiated.
Node roachpb.NodeID
// Spec for the processor; note that the StreamEndpointSpecs in the input
// synchronizers and output routers are not set until the end of the planning
// process.
Spec distsqlrun.ProcessorSpec
// ProcessorIdx identifies a processor by its index in PhysicalPlan.Processors.
type ProcessorIdx int
// Stream connects the output router of one processor to an input synchronizer
// of another processor.
type Stream struct {
// SourceProcessor index (within the same plan).
SourceProcessor ProcessorIdx
// SourceRouterSlot identifies the position of this stream among the streams
// that originate from the same router. This is important when routing by hash
// where the order of the streams in the OutputRouterSpec matters.
SourceRouterSlot int
// DestProcessor index (within the same plan).
DestProcessor ProcessorIdx
// DestInput identifies the input of DestProcessor (some processors have
// multiple inputs).
DestInput int
// PhysicalPlan represents a network of processors and streams along with
// information about the results output by this network. The results come from
// unconnected output routers of a subset of processors; all these routers
// output the same kind of data (same schema).
type PhysicalPlan struct {
// Processors in the plan.
Processors []Processor
// Streams accumulates the streams in the plan - both local (intra-node) and
// remote (inter-node); when we have a final plan, the streams are used to
// generate processor input and output specs (see PopulateEndpoints).
Streams []Stream
// ResultRouters identifies the output routers which output the results of the
// plan. These are the routers to which we have to connect new streams in
// order to extend the plan.
// The processors which have this routers are all part of the same "stage":
// they have the same "schema" and PostProcessSpec.
// We assume all processors have a single output so we only need the processor
// index.
ResultRouters []ProcessorIdx
// ResultTypes is the schema (column types) of the rows produced by the
// ResultRouters.
// This is aliased with InputSyncSpec.ColumnTypes, so it must not be modified
// in-place during planning.
ResultTypes []sqlbase.ColumnType
// MergeOrdering is the ordering guarantee for the result streams that must be
// maintained when the streams eventually merge. The column indexes refer to
// columns for the rows produced by ResultRouters.
// Empty when there is a single result router. The reason is that maintaining
// an ordering sometimes requires to add columns to streams for the sole
// reason of correctly merging the streams later (see AddProjection); we don't
// want to pay this cost if we don't have multiple streams to merge.
MergeOrdering distsqlrun.Ordering
// Used internally for numbering stages.
stageCounter int32
// NewStageID creates a stage identifier that can be used in processor specs.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) NewStageID() int32 {
return p.stageCounter
// AddProcessor adds a processor to a PhysicalPlan and returns the index that
// can be used to refer to that processor.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) AddProcessor(proc Processor) ProcessorIdx {
idx := ProcessorIdx(len(p.Processors))
p.Processors = append(p.Processors, proc)
return idx
// SetMergeOrdering sets p.MergeOrdering.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) SetMergeOrdering(o distsqlrun.Ordering) {
if len(p.ResultRouters) > 1 {
p.MergeOrdering = o
} else {
p.MergeOrdering = distsqlrun.Ordering{}
// AddNoGroupingStage adds a processor for each result router, on the same node
// with the source of the stream; all processors have the same core. This is for
// stages that correspond to logical blocks that don't require any grouping
// (e.g. evaluator, sorting, etc).
func (p *PhysicalPlan) AddNoGroupingStage(
core distsqlrun.ProcessorCoreUnion,
post distsqlrun.PostProcessSpec,
outputTypes []sqlbase.ColumnType,
newOrdering distsqlrun.Ordering,
) {
stageID := p.NewStageID()
for i, resultProc := range p.ResultRouters {
prevProc := &p.Processors[resultProc]
proc := Processor{
Node: prevProc.Node,
Spec: distsqlrun.ProcessorSpec{
Input: []distsqlrun.InputSyncSpec{{
Type: distsqlrun.InputSyncSpec_UNORDERED,
ColumnTypes: p.ResultTypes,
Core: core,
Post: post,
Output: []distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec{{
Type: distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec_PASS_THROUGH,
StageID: stageID,
pIdx := p.AddProcessor(proc)
p.Streams = append(p.Streams, Stream{
SourceProcessor: resultProc,
DestProcessor: pIdx,
SourceRouterSlot: 0,
DestInput: 0,
p.ResultRouters[i] = pIdx
p.ResultTypes = outputTypes
// MergeResultStreams connects a set of resultRouters to a synchronizer. The
// synchronizer is configured with the provided ordering.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) MergeResultStreams(
resultRouters []ProcessorIdx,
sourceRouterSlot int,
ordering distsqlrun.Ordering,
destProcessor ProcessorIdx,
destInput int,
) {
proc := &p.Processors[destProcessor]
if len(ordering.Columns) == 0 || len(resultRouters) == 1 {
proc.Spec.Input[destInput].Type = distsqlrun.InputSyncSpec_UNORDERED
} else {
proc.Spec.Input[destInput].Type = distsqlrun.InputSyncSpec_ORDERED
proc.Spec.Input[destInput].Ordering = ordering
for _, resultProc := range resultRouters {
p.Streams = append(p.Streams, Stream{
SourceProcessor: resultProc,
SourceRouterSlot: sourceRouterSlot,
DestProcessor: destProcessor,
DestInput: destInput,
// AddSingleGroupStage adds a "single group" stage (one that cannot be
// parallelized) which consists of a single processor on the specified node. The
// previous stage (ResultRouters) are all connected to this processor.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) AddSingleGroupStage(
nodeID roachpb.NodeID,
core distsqlrun.ProcessorCoreUnion,
post distsqlrun.PostProcessSpec,
outputTypes []sqlbase.ColumnType,
) {
proc := Processor{
Node: nodeID,
Spec: distsqlrun.ProcessorSpec{
Input: []distsqlrun.InputSyncSpec{{
// The other fields will be filled in by mergeResultStreams.
ColumnTypes: p.ResultTypes,
Core: core,
Post: post,
Output: []distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec{{
Type: distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec_PASS_THROUGH,
StageID: p.NewStageID(),
pIdx := p.AddProcessor(proc)
// Connect the result routers to the processor.
p.MergeResultStreams(p.ResultRouters, 0, p.MergeOrdering, pIdx, 0)
// We now have a single result stream.
p.ResultRouters = p.ResultRouters[:1]
p.ResultRouters[0] = pIdx
p.ResultTypes = outputTypes
p.MergeOrdering = distsqlrun.Ordering{}
// GetLastStagePost returns the PostProcessSpec for the processors in the last
// stage (ResultRouters).
func (p *PhysicalPlan) GetLastStagePost() distsqlrun.PostProcessSpec {
post := p.Processors[p.ResultRouters[0]].Spec.Post
// All processors of a stage should be identical in terms of post-processing;
// verify this assumption.
for i := 1; i < len(p.ResultRouters); i++ {
pi := &p.Processors[p.ResultRouters[i]].Spec.Post
if pi.Filter != post.Filter || pi.Projection != post.Projection ||
len(pi.OutputColumns) != len(post.OutputColumns) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("inconsistent post-processing: %v vs %v", post, pi))
for j, col := range pi.OutputColumns {
if col != post.OutputColumns[j] {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("inconsistent post-processing: %v vs %v", post, pi))
return post
// SetLastStagePost changes the PostProcess spec of the processors in the last
// stage (ResultRouters).
// The caller must update the ordering via SetOrdering.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) SetLastStagePost(
post distsqlrun.PostProcessSpec, outputTypes []sqlbase.ColumnType,
) {
for _, pIdx := range p.ResultRouters {
p.Processors[pIdx].Spec.Post = post
p.ResultTypes = outputTypes
// AddProjection applies a projection to a plan. The new plan outputs the
// columns of the old plan as listed in the slice. The Ordering is updated;
// columns in the ordering are added to the projection as needed.
// Note: the columns slice is relinquished to this function, which can modify it
// or use it directly in specs.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) AddProjection(columns []uint32) {
post := p.GetLastStagePost()
// Update the ordering.
if len(p.MergeOrdering.Columns) > 0 {
newOrdering := make([]distsqlrun.Ordering_Column, len(p.MergeOrdering.Columns))
for i, c := range p.MergeOrdering.Columns {
// Look for the column in the new projection.
found := -1
for j, projCol := range columns {
if projCol == c.ColIdx {
found = j
if found == -1 {
// We have a column that is not in the projection but will be necessary
// later when the streams are merged; add it.
found = len(columns)
columns = append(columns, c.ColIdx)
newOrdering[i].ColIdx = uint32(found)
newOrdering[i].Direction = c.Direction
p.MergeOrdering.Columns = newOrdering
newResultTypes := make([]sqlbase.ColumnType, len(columns))
for i, c := range columns {
newResultTypes[i] = p.ResultTypes[c]
if post.RenderExprs != nil {
// Apply the projection to the existing rendering; in other words, keep
// only the renders needed by the new output columns, and reorder them
// accordingly.
oldRenders := post.RenderExprs
post.RenderExprs = make([]distsqlrun.Expression, len(columns))
for i, c := range columns {
post.RenderExprs[i] = oldRenders[c]
} else {
// There is no existing rendering; we can use OutputColumns to set the
// projection.
if post.Projection {
// We already had a projection: compose it with the new one.
for i, c := range columns {
columns[i] = post.OutputColumns[c]
post.OutputColumns = columns
post.Projection = true
p.SetLastStagePost(post, newResultTypes)
// exprColumn returns the column that is referenced by the expression, if the
// expression is just an IndexedVar.
// See MakeExpression for a description of indexVarMap.
func exprColumn(expr parser.TypedExpr, indexVarMap []int) (int, bool) {
v, ok := expr.(*parser.IndexedVar)
if !ok {
return -1, false
return indexVarMap[v.Idx], true
// AddRendering adds a rendering (expression evaluation) to the output of a
// plan. The rendering is achieved either through an adjustment on the last
// stage post-process spec, or via a new stage.
// The Ordering is updated; columns in the ordering are added to the render
// expressions as necessary.
// See MakeExpression for a description of indexVarMap.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) AddRendering(
exprs []parser.TypedExpr, indexVarMap []int, outTypes []sqlbase.ColumnType,
) {
// First check if we need an Evaluator, or we are just shuffling values. We
// also check if the rendering is a no-op ("identity").
needRendering := false
identity := (len(exprs) == len(p.ResultTypes))
for exprIdx, e := range exprs {
varIdx, ok := exprColumn(e, indexVarMap)
if !ok {
needRendering = true
identity = identity && (varIdx == exprIdx)
if !needRendering {
if identity {
// Nothing to do.
// We don't need to do any rendering: the expressions effectively describe
// just a projection.
cols := make([]uint32, len(exprs))
for i, e := range exprs {
streamCol, _ := exprColumn(e, indexVarMap)
if streamCol == -1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("render %d refers to column not in source: %s", i, e))
cols[i] = uint32(streamCol)
post := p.GetLastStagePost()
if len(post.RenderExprs) > 0 {
post = distsqlrun.PostProcessSpec{}
// The last stage contains render expressions. The new renders refer to
// the output of these, so we need to add another "no-op" stage to which
// to attach the new rendering.
distsqlrun.ProcessorCoreUnion{Noop: &distsqlrun.NoopCoreSpec{}},
compositeMap := indexVarMap
if post.Projection {
compositeMap = reverseProjection(post.OutputColumns, indexVarMap)
post.RenderExprs = make([]distsqlrun.Expression, len(exprs))
for i, e := range exprs {
post.RenderExprs[i] = MakeExpression(e, compositeMap)
if len(p.MergeOrdering.Columns) > 0 {
outTypes = outTypes[:len(outTypes):len(outTypes)]
newOrdering := make([]distsqlrun.Ordering_Column, len(p.MergeOrdering.Columns))
for i, c := range p.MergeOrdering.Columns {
found := -1
// Look for the column in the new projection.
for exprIdx, e := range exprs {
if varIdx, ok := exprColumn(e, indexVarMap); ok && varIdx == int(c.ColIdx) {
found = exprIdx
if found == -1 {
// We have a column that is not being rendered but will be necessary
// later when the streams are merged; add it.
// The new expression refers to column post.OutputColumns[c.ColIdx].
internalColIdx := c.ColIdx
if post.Projection {
internalColIdx = post.OutputColumns[internalColIdx]
newExpr := MakeExpression(&parser.IndexedVar{Idx: int(internalColIdx)}, nil)
found = len(post.RenderExprs)
post.RenderExprs = append(post.RenderExprs, newExpr)
outTypes = append(outTypes, p.ResultTypes[c.ColIdx])
newOrdering[i].ColIdx = uint32(found)
newOrdering[i].Direction = c.Direction
p.MergeOrdering.Columns = newOrdering
post.Projection = false
post.OutputColumns = nil
p.SetLastStagePost(post, outTypes)
// reverseProjection remaps expression variable indices to refer to internal
// columns (i.e. before post-processing) of a processor instead of output
// columns (i.e. after post-processing).
// Inputs:
// indexVarMap is a mapping from columns that appear in an expression
// (planNode columns) to columns in the output stream of a
// processor.
// outputColumns is the list of output columns in the processor's
// PostProcessSpec; it is effectively a mapping from the output
// schema to the internal schema of a processor.
// Result: a "composite map" that maps the planNode columns to the internal
// columns of the processor.
// For efficiency, the indexVarMap and the resulting map are represented as
// slices, with missing elements having values -1.
// Used when adding expressions (filtering, rendering) to a processor's
// PostProcessSpec. For example:
// TableReader // table columns A,B,C,D
// Internal schema (before post-processing): A, B, C, D
// OutputColumns: [1 3]
// Output schema (after post-processing): B, D
// Expression "B < D" might be represented as:
// IndexedVar(4) < IndexedVar(1)
// with associated indexVarMap:
// [-1 1 -1 -1 0] // 1->1, 4->0
// This is effectively equivalent to "IndexedVar(0) < IndexedVar(1)"; 0 means
// the first output column (B), 1 means the second output column (D).
// To get an index var map that refers to the internal schema:
// reverseProjection(
// [1 3], // OutputColumns
// [-1 1 -1 -1 0],
// ) =
// [-1 3 -1 -1 1] // 1->3, 4->1
// This is effectively equivalent to "IndexedVar(1) < IndexedVar(3)"; 1
// means the second internal column (B), 3 means the fourth internal column
// (D).
func reverseProjection(outputColumns []uint32, indexVarMap []int) []int {
if indexVarMap == nil {
panic("no indexVarMap")
compositeMap := make([]int, len(indexVarMap))
for i, col := range indexVarMap {
if col == -1 {
compositeMap[i] = -1
} else {
compositeMap[i] = int(outputColumns[col])
return compositeMap
// AddFilter adds a filter on the output of a plan. The filter is added either
// as a post-processing step to the last stage or to a new "no-op" stage, as
// necessary.
// See MakeExpression for a description of indexVarMap.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) AddFilter(expr parser.TypedExpr, indexVarMap []int) {
post := p.GetLastStagePost()
if len(post.RenderExprs) > 0 || post.Offset != 0 || post.Limit != 0 {
// The last stage contains render expressions or a limit. The filter refers
// to the output as described by the existing spec, so we need to add
// another "no-op" stage to which to attach the filter.
// In general, we might be able to push the filter "through" the rendering;
// but the higher level planning code should figure this out when
// propagating filters.
post = distsqlrun.PostProcessSpec{}
distsqlrun.ProcessorCoreUnion{Noop: &distsqlrun.NoopCoreSpec{}},
compositeMap := indexVarMap
if post.Projection {
compositeMap = reverseProjection(post.OutputColumns, indexVarMap)
filter := MakeExpression(expr, compositeMap)
if post.Filter.Expr != "" {
filter.Expr = fmt.Sprintf("(%s) AND (%s)", post.Filter.Expr, filter.Expr)
for _, pIdx := range p.ResultRouters {
p.Processors[pIdx].Spec.Post.Filter = filter
// emptyPlan creates a plan with a single processor that generates no rows; the
// output stream has the given types.
func emptyPlan(types []sqlbase.ColumnType, node roachpb.NodeID) PhysicalPlan {
s := distsqlrun.ValuesCoreSpec{
Columns: make([]distsqlrun.DatumInfo, len(types)),
for i, t := range types {
s.Columns[i].Encoding = sqlbase.DatumEncoding_VALUE
s.Columns[i].Type = t
return PhysicalPlan{
Processors: []Processor{{
Node: node,
Spec: distsqlrun.ProcessorSpec{
Core: distsqlrun.ProcessorCoreUnion{Values: &s},
Output: make([]distsqlrun.OutputRouterSpec, 1),
ResultRouters: []ProcessorIdx{0},
ResultTypes: types,
// AddLimit adds a limit and/or offset to the results of the current plan. If
// there are multiple result streams, they are joined into a single processor
// that is placed on the given node.
// For no limit, count should be MaxInt64.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) AddLimit(count int64, offset int64, node roachpb.NodeID) error {
if count < 0 {
return errors.Errorf("negative limit")
if offset < 0 {
return errors.Errorf("negative offset")
if count == 0 {
*p = emptyPlan(p.ResultTypes, node)
return nil
if len(p.ResultRouters) == 1 {
// We only have one processor producing results. Just update its PostProcessSpec.
// SELECT OFFSET 10+5 LIMIT min(1000, 20).
post := p.GetLastStagePost()
if offset != 0 {
if post.Limit > 0 && post.Limit <= uint64(offset) {
// The previous limit is not enough to reach the offset; we know there
// will be no results. For example:
// TODO(radu): perform this optimization while propagating filters
// instead of having to detect it here.
*p = emptyPlan(p.ResultTypes, node)
return nil
post.Offset += uint64(offset)
if count != math.MaxInt64 && (post.Limit == 0 || post.Limit > uint64(count)) {
post.Limit = uint64(count)
p.SetLastStagePost(post, p.ResultTypes)
return nil
// We have multiple processors producing results. We will add a single
// processor stage that limits. As an optimization, we also set a
// "local" limit on each processor producing results.
if count != math.MaxInt64 {
post := p.GetLastStagePost()
// If we have OFFSET 10 LIMIT 5, we may need as much as 15 rows from any
// processor.
localLimit := uint64(count + offset)
if post.Limit == 0 || post.Limit > localLimit {
post.Limit = localLimit
p.SetLastStagePost(post, p.ResultTypes)
post := distsqlrun.PostProcessSpec{
Offset: uint64(offset),
if count != math.MaxInt64 {
post.Limit = uint64(count)
distsqlrun.ProcessorCoreUnion{Noop: &distsqlrun.NoopCoreSpec{}},
return nil
// PopulateEndpoints processes p.Streams and adds the corresponding
// StreamEndpointSpecs to the processors' input and output specs. This should be
// used when the plan is completed and ready to be executed.
// The nodeAddresses map contains the address of all the nodes referenced in the
// plan.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) PopulateEndpoints(nodeAddresses map[roachpb.NodeID]string) {
// Note: instead of using p.Streams, we could fill in the input/output specs
// directly throughout the planning code, but this makes the rest of the code
// a bit simpler.
for sIdx, s := range p.Streams {
p1 := &p.Processors[s.SourceProcessor]
p2 := &p.Processors[s.DestProcessor]
endpoint := distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec{StreamID: distsqlrun.StreamID(sIdx)}
if p1.Node == p2.Node {
endpoint.Type = distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec_LOCAL
} else {
endpoint.Type = distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec_REMOTE
p2.Spec.Input[s.DestInput].Streams = append(p2.Spec.Input[s.DestInput].Streams, endpoint)
if endpoint.Type == distsqlrun.StreamEndpointSpec_REMOTE {
var ok bool
endpoint.TargetAddr, ok = nodeAddresses[p2.Node]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("node %d node in nodeAddresses map", p2.Node))
router := &p1.Spec.Output[0]
// We are about to put this stream on the len(router.Streams) position in
// the router; verify this matches the sourceRouterSlot. We expect it to
// because the streams should be in order; if that assumption changes we can
// reorder them here according to sourceRouterSlot.
if len(router.Streams) != s.SourceRouterSlot {
"sourceRouterSlot mismatch: %d, expected %d", len(router.Streams), s.SourceRouterSlot,
router.Streams = append(router.Streams, endpoint)
// GenerateFlowSpecs takes a plan (with populated endpoints) and generates the
// set of FlowSpecs (one per node involved in the plan).
// gateway is the current node's NodeID.
func (p *PhysicalPlan) GenerateFlowSpecs(
gateway roachpb.NodeID,
) map[roachpb.NodeID]distsqlrun.FlowSpec {
flowID := distsqlrun.FlowID{UUID: uuid.MakeV4()}
flows := make(map[roachpb.NodeID]distsqlrun.FlowSpec)
for _, proc := range p.Processors {
flowSpec, ok := flows[proc.Node]
if !ok {
flowSpec = distsqlrun.FlowSpec{FlowID: flowID, Gateway: gateway}
flowSpec.Processors = append(flowSpec.Processors, proc.Spec)
flows[proc.Node] = flowSpec
return flows
// MergePlans merges the processors and streams of two plan into a new plan.
// The result routers for each side are also returned (they point at processors
// in the merged plan).
func MergePlans(
left, right *PhysicalPlan,
) (mergedPlan PhysicalPlan, leftRouters []ProcessorIdx, rightRouters []ProcessorIdx) {
mergedPlan.Processors = append(left.Processors, right.Processors...)
rightProcStart := ProcessorIdx(len(left.Processors))
mergedPlan.Streams = append(left.Streams, right.Streams...)
// Update the processor indices in the right streams.
for i := len(left.Streams); i < len(mergedPlan.Streams); i++ {
mergedPlan.Streams[i].SourceProcessor += rightProcStart
mergedPlan.Streams[i].DestProcessor += rightProcStart
// Renumber the stages from the right plan.
for i := rightProcStart; int(i) < len(mergedPlan.Processors); i++ {
s := &mergedPlan.Processors[i].Spec
if s.StageID != 0 {
s.StageID += left.stageCounter
mergedPlan.stageCounter = left.stageCounter + right.stageCounter
leftRouters = left.ResultRouters
rightRouters = append([]ProcessorIdx(nil), right.ResultRouters...)
// Update the processor indices in the right routers.
for i := range rightRouters {
rightRouters[i] += rightProcStart
return mergedPlan, leftRouters, rightRouters
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