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Moe 提交于 2022-11-13 06:24 . fix(stat): --format => -c
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This is a POSIX-compliant sh file which will actually download an awk file and run it.
# You can download that awk file directly without running this posix sh file.
# ---------------
# In POSIX.1-2017(IEEE Std 1003.1-2017) sh, `local`, `declare` & `typeset` are undefined.
# So, for compatibility, please do not use them to set local vars.
# ---------------
# Convert variable type from 8-bit unsigned integer to bool
# Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it `as_bool()`
# Example
# ```sh
# a=0
# # note: In POSIX.1-2017-compliant sh, we couldn't do this: if ((a + 1 > 0)) { echo a > -1 }
# # But via bif() function, we can do like this:
# bif $((a + 1 > 0)) && {
# pln "ok, a > -1"
# }
# bif $a && pln "This message is not printed as the data for a is converted to the bool value: false"
# ```
# bif(parameter_1: u8) -> bool
bif() {
case $1 in
0) false ;;
[1-9] | [0-9][0-9] | [0-2][0-5][0-5]) true ;;
warning "The value is not in the 8-bit unsigned integer type range." \
"Acceptable values range from 0 to 255." \
"You have passed in an invalid value and it will return false."
# ----------------
# ╭───┬──────╮
# │ # │ awk │
# ├───┼──────┤
# │ 0 │ gawk │
# │ 1 │ mawk │
# │ 2 │ nawk │
# ╰───┴──────╯
get_awk_cmd() {
# Priority: gawk > mawk > nawk > awk.
# On some systems, awk -> busybox. Don't panic, `busybox awk` is also supported.
# If `mawk` wasn't so problematic, then I would give it a higher priority. Because it runs faster.
for i in gawk mawk nawk awk; do
is_cmd_exists $i && {
pln $i
return 0
panic "Error!" \
"Name: get_awk_cmd()" \
"Description: The awk command was not found." \
"Note: oawk(1977) is unsupported!" \
"Please consider using awk that is compatible with POSIX.1-2008 or later."
# ----------------
# Get the uri of the awk file. You have to specify the source.
# Options: ee, m or gh
# Example
# ```sh
# URI=$(get_awk_uri gh)
# curl -v $URI
# ```
# get_awk_uri(_uri_src: string) -> string
get_awk_uri() {
# struct GitUri {
# base: string,
# repo: string,
# }
case $_uri_src in
ee | gitee) pln "${_uri_protocol}${_uri_base_ee}/${_git_repo_ee}/raw/${_awk_file}" ;;
m | moe | gitmoe) pln "${_uri_protocol}${_uri_base_m}/${_git_repo_m}/raw/branch/${_awk_file}" ;;
gh | github | "") pln "${_uri_protocol}${_uri_base_gh}/${_git_repo_gh}/${_awk_file}" ;;
panic "Error! Invalid arguments." \
"Name: get_awk_uri()" \
"Description: Takes a string and returns a uri (string)." \
"Error analysis: Only the specified argument will be parsed."
unset _uri_src _uri_protocol _uri_base_ee _uri_base_m _uri_base_gh _git_repo_m _git_repo_gh _git_repo_ee _awk_file
# ---------------
pln() {
printf "%s\n" "$@"
# ---------------
# If the program has a non-recoverable error, a panic will occur and the error message will be output to stderr.
# After printing the error message, the program will exit abnormally.
# Example
# panic "msg1" "msg2" "msg3"
panic() {
pln "$@" >/dev/stderr
exit 1
warning() {
pln "Warning!" "$@" >/dev/stderr
# ---------------
# Options: xdg or bsd
# get_tmoe_dir(_dir_src: string) -> string
get_tmoe_dir() {
case $_dir_src in
xdg) pln "${_xdg_data_home}/${_dir_name}" ;;
bsd) pln "${_bsd_cfg_dir}/${_dir_name}" ;;
unset _dir_src _xdg_data_home _bsd_cfg_dir _dir_name
# ---------------
# If the old-manger-file is found, it will skip running the awk file.
# Note: this function will need to be removed after the new edition is released.
# run_old_file() -> int
run_old_file() {
is_cmd_exists "$_cmd" || return 1
for i in xdg bsd; do
_tmoe_dir=$(get_tmoe_dir $i)
# if the old file exists, run it.
[ -s "$_tmoe_old_file" ] && {
"$_cmd" "$_tmoe_old_file"
return 0
unset _tmoe_old_manager _tmoe_dir _tmoe_old_file
return 1
# ---------------
# Get temporary file: "dir/name"
get_temp_file() {
# If `mktemp` exists => Use mktemp to generate the temporary file.
is_cmd_exists mktemp && {
mktemp && return 0
# `TMPDIR` from the environment variable
for i in "${TMPDIR}" /tmp "${HOME}"; do
[ -d "$i" ] && {
mkdir -p "$_tmp_dir"
pln "$_tmp_dir/.tmoe-old.sh"
unset _tmp_dir
# ---------------
# If the cmd exists -> 0
# Otherwise -> 1
# [[Arg, Usage]; [cmd_name, "(is_cmd_exists awk) && pln 'awk exists'"]]
# ╭───┬──────────┬────────────────────────────────────────╮
# │ # │ Arg │ Usage │
# ├───┼──────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤
# │ 0 │ cmd_name │ is_cmd_exists awk && pln 'awk exists' │
# ╰───┴──────────┴────────────────────────────────────────╯
# is_cmd_exists(_cmd_name: string) -> int
is_cmd_exists() {
(command -v "$_cmd_name" >/dev/null) && return 0
return 1
# ----------------
# dl_file_with_curl(_connect_timeout: int, _tmp_uri: string) -> int
dl_file_with_curl() {
pln "$_tmp_uri" "$_tmp_awk_file"
curl \
--connect-timeout "$_connect_timeout" \
--compressed \
-L \
"$_tmp_uri" \
-o "$_tmp_awk_file" || return 1
# ---------------
dl_file_with_wget() {
pln "$_tmp_uri"
wget \
--timeout="$_connect_timeout" \
"$_tmp_uri" \
-O "$_tmp_awk_file" || return 1
# ---------------
# Get(Download) the awk file
get_awk_file() {
for _dler in wget curl; do
is_cmd_exists "$_dler" && {
# if connect_timeout > 10:
(! "dl_file_with_$_dler" 10 "$_tmp_awk_uri") && {
# fallback to another uri
# connect_timeout: 20
for i in gh ee m; do
("dl_file_with_$_dler" 20 "$(get_awk_uri $i)") && break
unset _dler
# ---------------
# If the awk file <= 4KiB after downloading, then the download may have failed.
check_file_size_with_stat() {
_awk_file_size=$(eval "$_stat_cmd")
check_file_size() {
_stat_cmd="stat -c %s \"$_tmp_awk_file\""
# If the `stat` command is not available, then skip the following process.
is_cmd_exists stat || return 1
eval "$_stat_cmd" || {
pln "Syntax error, skip the file size detection."
return 1
# if awk_file_size > 4096 -> 0
bif $((_awk_file_size > 4096)) && {
unset _awk_file_size
return 0
pln "file-size: $_awk_file_size" \
"Unfortunately, the file is less than or equal to 4 KiB." \
"This means that the download may have failed." \
"Trying again..."
dl_file_with_curl 30 "$(get_awk_uri m)"
# check again
pln "new-size: $_awk_file_size"
bif $((_awk_file_size <= 4096)) && {
panic "Error! The file size is much smaller than the source file." \
"Name: check_file_size()" \
"Description: The download may have failed, this file may be broken." \
"You are unable to continue with the operation." \
"If this is not related to the file system's compression mechanism, you are welcome to report the bug."
# ----------------
run_awk_program() {
"$_awk_cmd" -f "$_tmp_awk_file"
# ----------------
main() {
run_old_file || {
_tmp_awk_uri=$(get_awk_uri ee)
main "${@}"
