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mojie126 / HDCN-PT

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
viewpeerlist.php 7.17 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
require "include/bittorrent.php";
//Send some headers to keep the user's browser from caching the response.
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");
$id = 0 + $_GET['id'];
if (isset($CURUSER)) {
function dltable($name, $arr, $torrent) {
global $lang_viewpeerlist, $viewanonymous_class, $userprofile_class, $enablelocation_tweak;
global $CURUSER;
$s = "<b>" . count($arr) . " $name</b>\n";
if (!count($arr))
return $s;
$s .= "\n";
$s .= "<table width=100% class=main border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>\n";
$s .= "<tr><td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_user_ip'] . "</td>" .
($enablelocation_tweak == 'yes' && get_user_class() >= $userprofile_class ? "<td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_location'] . "</td>" : "") .
"<td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_connectable'] . "</td>" .
"<td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_uploaded'] . "</td>" .
"<td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_rate'] . "</td>" .
"<td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_downloaded'] . "</td>" .
"<td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_rate'] . "</td>" .
"<td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_ratio'] . "</td>" .
"<td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_complete'] . "</td>" .
"<td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_connected'] . "</td>" .
"<td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_idle'] . "</td>" .
"<td class=colhead align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['col_client'] . "</td></tr>\n";
$now = time();
foreach ($arr as $e) {
$privacy = get_single_value("users", "privacy", "WHERE id=" . sqlesc($e['userid']));
$highlight = $CURUSER["id"] == $e['userid'] ? " bgcolor=#BBAF9B" : "";
$s .= "<tr$highlight>\n";
if ($privacy == "strong" || ($torrent['anonymous'] == 'yes' && $e['userid'] == $torrent['owner'])) {
if (get_user_class() >= $viewanonymous_class || $e['userid'] == $CURUSER['id']) {
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=left width=1%><i>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['text_anonymous'] . "</i> " . showip($e['userid']) . "<br />(" . get_username($e['userid']) . ")";
} else {
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=left width=1%><i>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['text_anonymous'] . "</i></a> " . showip($e['userid']) . "</td>\n";
} else {
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=left width=1%>" . get_username($e['userid']) . " " . showip($e['userid']);
$secs = max(1, ($e["la"] - $e["st"]));
if (school_ip_location($e['ip']) == '') {
$school = "未知";
} else {
$school = school_ip_location($e['ip']);
if ($enablelocation_tweak == 'yes' && get_user_class() >= $userprofile_class) {
list($loc_pub, $loc_mod) = get_ip_location($e["ip"]);
$location = get_user_class() >= $userprofile_class ? "<div title='" . $loc_mod . "'>" . $loc_pub . "</div>" : $loc_pub;
if (!ip2long($e['ip'])) {
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . $school . "</nobr></td>\n";
} else {
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . $location . "</nobr></td>\n";
} elseif (get_user_class() >= $userprofile_class) {
$location = $e["ip"];
if (!ip2long($e['ip'])) {
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . $school . "</nobr></td>\n";
} else {
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . $location . "</nobr></td>\n";
} else
$location = "";
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . ($e[connectable] == "yes" ? $lang_viewpeerlist['text_yes'] : "<font color=red>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['text_no'] . "</font>") . "</nobr></td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . mksize($e["uploaded"]) . "</nobr></td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . mksize(abs($e["uploaded"] - $e["uploadoffset"]) / $secs) . "/s</nobr></td>\n"; //上传速率
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . mksize($e["downloaded"]) . "</nobr></td>\n";
if ($e["seeder"] == "no")
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . mksize(abs($e["downloaded"] - $e["downloadoffset"]) / $secs) . "/s</nobr></td>\n"; //下载速率
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . mksize(($e["downloaded"] - $e["downloadoffset"]) / max(1, $e["finishedat"] - $e[st])) . "/s</nobr></td>\n";
if ($e["downloaded"]) {
$ratio = floor(($e["uploaded"] / $e["downloaded"]) * 1000) / 1000;
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=\"center\" width=1%><font color=" . get_ratio_color($ratio) . "><nobr>" . number_format($ratio, 3) . "</nobr></font></td>\n";
} elseif ($e["uploaded"])
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%>" . $lang_viewpeerlist['text_inf'] . "</td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%>---</td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . sprintf("%.2f%%", 100 * (1 - ($e["to_go"] / $torrent["size"]))) . "</nobr></td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . mkprettytime($now - $e["st"]) . "</nobr></td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . mkprettytime($now - $e["la"]) . "</nobr></td>\n";
$s .= "<td class=rowfollow align=center width=1%><nobr>" . htmlspecialchars(get_agent($e["peer_id"], $e["agent"])) . "</nobr></td>\n";
$s .= "</tr>\n";
$s .= "</table>\n";
return $s;
$downloaders = array();
$seeders = array();
$subres = sql_query("SELECT seeder, finishedat, downloadoffset, uploadoffset, ip, ipv6, port, uploaded, downloaded, to_go, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(started) AS st, connectable, agent, peer_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_action) AS la, userid FROM peers WHERE torrent = $id ORDER BY uploaded DESC") or sqlerr();
while ($subrow = mysql_fetch_array($subres)) {
if ($subrow["seeder"] == "yes")
$seeders[] = $subrow;
$downloaders[] = $subrow;
function showip($userid) {
$res = sql_query("SELECT ip FROM peers WHERE userid = $userid");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
if (!ip2long($row["ip"])) {
$showip = "[IPv6]";
} else {
$showip = "";
return $showip;
function leech_sort($a, $b) {
$x = $a["to_go"];
$y = $b["to_go"];
if ($x == $y)
return 0;
if ($x < $y)
return -1;
return 1;
function seed_sort($a, $b) {
$x = $a["uploaded"];
$y = $b["uploaded"];
if ($x == $y)
return 0;
if ($x < $y)
return 1;
return -1;
$res = sql_query("SELECT torrents.id, torrents.owner, torrents.size, torrents.anonymous FROM torrents WHERE torrents.id = $id LIMIT 1") or sqlerr();
$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
usort($seeders, "seed_sort");
usort($downloaders, "leech_sort");
print(dltable($lang_viewpeerlist['text_seeders'], $seeders, $row));
print(dltable($lang_viewpeerlist['text_leechers'], $downloaders, $row));
