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张能远 authored 2023-12-23 21:59 . updated view models in myems-admin

MyEMS Modbus TCP Service


This service is a component of MyEMS to acquire data from Modbus TCP devices.







Quick Run for Development

cd myems/myems-modbus-tcp
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp example.env .env
chmod +x run.sh


Option 1: Install myems-modbus-tcp on Docker

Refer to myems.io

Installation Option 2: Online install on Ubuntu server with internet access

Refer to myems.io

Installation Option 3: Offline install on Ubuntu server without internet access

Download and install MySQL Connector:

cd ~/tools
wget https://cdn.mysql.com//Downloads/Connector-Python/mysql-connector-python-8.0.28.tar.gz
tar xzf mysql-connector-python-8.0.28.tar.gz
cd ~/tools/mysql-connector-python-8.0.28
python3 setup.py install

Download and install Schedule

cd ~/tools
git clone https://github.com/dbader/schedule.git
cd ~/tools/schedule
python3 setup.py install

Download and install Python Decouple

cd ~/tools
git clone https://github.com/henriquebastos/python-decouple.git
cd ~/tools/python-decouple
python3 setup.py  install

Download and install modbus-tk

cd ~/tools
git clone https://github.com/pyserial/pyserial.git
cd ~/tools/pyserial
python3 setup.py install
git clone https://github.com/ljean/modbus-tk.git
cd ~/tools/modbus-tk
python3 setup.py install

Install myems-modbus-tcp service

cp -r myems/myems-modbus-tcp /myems-modbus-tcp
cd /myems-modbus-tcp

Create .env file based on example.env and edit the .env file if needed:

cp /myems-modbus-tcp/example.env /myems-modbus-tcp/.env
nano /myems-modbus-tcp/.env

Setup systemd service:

cp myems-modbus-tcp.service /lib/systemd/system/

Enable the service:

systemctl enable myems-modbus-tcp.service

Start the service:

systemctl start myems-modbus-tcp.service

Monitor the service:

systemctl status myems-modbus-tcp.service

View the log:

cat /myems-modbus-tcp.log

Add Data Sources and Points in MyEMS Admin UI

NOTE: If you modified Modbus TCP data sources and points, please restart this service:

systemctl restart myems-modbus-tcp.service

Input Data source protocol:


Data source connection example:


Point address example:

{"slave_id":1, "function_code":3, "offset":0, "number_of_registers":2, "format":"<f", "byte_swap":true}



The slave ID


    01 (0x01) Read Coils
    02 (0x02) Read Discrete Inputs
    03 (0x03) Read Holding Registers
    04 (0x04) Read Input Registers
    23 (0x17) Read/Write Multiple registers


The starting register address specified in the Request PDU


The number of registers specified in the Request PDU


Use python3 library struct to format bytes. Python bytes objects are used to hold the data representing the C struct and also as format strings (explained below) to describe the layout of data in the C struct.

The optional first format char indicates byte order, size and alignment: @: native order, size & alignment (default) =: native order, std. size & alignment <: little-endian, std. size & alignment >: big-endian, std. size & alignment !: same as >

The remaining chars indicate types of args and must match exactly; these can be preceded by a decimal repeat count: x: pad byte (no data); c:char; b:signed byte; B:unsigned byte; ?: _Bool (requires C99; if not available, char is used instead) h:short; H:unsigned short; i:int; I:unsigned int; l:long; L:unsigned long; f:float; d:double.

Special cases (preceding decimal count indicates length): s:string (array of char); p: pascal string (with count byte). Special cases (only available in native format): n:ssize_t; N:size_t; P:an integer type that is wide enough to hold a pointer.

Special case (not in native mode unless 'long long' in platform C): q:long long; Q:unsigned long long

Whitespace between formats is ignored.


A boolean indicates whether or not to swap adjacent bytes.
Swap adjacent bytes of 32bits(4bytes) or 64bits(8bytes). This is not for little-endian and big-endian swapping, and use format for that. The option is effective when number_of_registers is ether 2(32bits) or 4(64bits), else it will be ignored.


[1]. http://myems.io

[2]. http://www.modbus.org/tech.php

[3]. https://github.com/ljean/modbus-tk

[4]. https://docs.python.org/3/library/struct.html#format-strings

