

基于 Spring & Spring Boot & Spring Cloud 框架,依托和集成 阿里巴巴中间件 和 Spring Cloud Alibaba 等技术栈,企业级云原生微服务的开源解决方案。微信 : 1394997


    1 Nepxion / DiscoveryTool

    ☀️ Nepxion Discovery Tool is a set of tools for Nepxion Discovery including Console, Automation Simulation and Inspection Testing 对接DevOps运维平台的控制台、全链路自动化模拟流程测试、全链路自动化流量侦测测试等工具集

    最近更新: 26天前

    825 Nepxion / Discovery GVP

    ☀️ Nepxion Discovery is a solution for Spring Cloud with blue green, gray, route, limitation, circuit breaker, degrade, isolation, tracing, dye, failover, active 蓝绿灰度发布、路由、限流、熔断、降级、隔离、追踪、流量染色、故障转移、多活

    最近更新: 26天前

    38 Nepxion / DiscoveryAgent

    ☀️ Nepxion Discovery Agent is a java agent to resolve loss of ThreadLocal in cross-thread scenario, such as Spring Async、Hystrix Thread、Runnable、Callable、Single Thread、Thread Pool、MDC 异步跨线程Agent

    最近更新: 26天前

    2.5K celaraze / chemex GVP

    🔥 咖啡壶是一个免费、开源、高效且漂亮的资产管理平台。资产管理、归属/使用者追溯、盘点以及可靠的服务器状态管理面板。基于优雅的Laravel框架开发。

    最近更新: 6个月前

    5 Polaris PaaS / polaris-guide


    最近更新: 1年多前

    138 Nepxion / DiscoveryPlatform

    ☀️ Nepxion DiscoveryPlatform is a platform for Nepxion Discovery with service governance, release orchestration, traffic inspection, instance blacklist, gateway route 服务治理、蓝绿灰度编排、流量侦测、无损下线、网关路由的平台

    最近更新: 26天前

    4 Nepxion / Marvel

    💠 Nepxion Marvel is a meta-model framework based on ribbon desktop used for Comminications, Telecommunication, Mobiles

    最近更新: 4个月前

    5 Nepxion / Mask

    🔖 Nepxion Mask is a mask component collection which are used for finance service domain

    最近更新: 4个月前

    13 Nepxion / Zxing

    🎫 Nepxion Zxing is a general code picture generator based on google zxing framework, support QR code and EAN code for file and byte array formats 基于Google Zxing的二维码/条形码创建和扫描组件

    最近更新: 4个月前

    8 Nepxion / Banner

    🚩 Nepxion Banner is a colorful banner display component which can show an ascii image and project informations like versions, links and so on, based on Taobao Text 彩色旗标生成器

    最近更新: 4个月前
