Fetch the repository succeeded.
Copyright 2017 Shlomi Noach, GitHub Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package process
import (
var lastHealthCheckUnixNano int64
var lastGoodHealthCheckUnixNano int64
var LastContinousCheckHealthy int64
var lastHealthCheckCache = cache.New(config.HealthPollSeconds*time.Second, time.Second)
type NodeHealth struct {
Hostname string
Token string
AppVersion string
FirstSeenActive string
LastSeenActive string
ExtraInfo string
Command string
DBBackend string
LastReported time.Time
onceHistory sync.Once
onceUpdate sync.Once
func NewNodeHealth() *NodeHealth {
return &NodeHealth{
Hostname: osp.GetHostname(),
Token: dtstruct.ProcessToken.Hash,
AppVersion: dtstruct.RuntimeCLIFlags.ConfiguredVersion,
func (nodeHealth *NodeHealth) Update() *NodeHealth {
nodeHealth.onceUpdate.Do(func() {
nodeHealth.Hostname = osp.GetHostname()
nodeHealth.Token = dtstruct.ProcessToken.Hash
nodeHealth.AppVersion = dtstruct.RuntimeCLIFlags.ConfiguredVersion
nodeHealth.LastReported = time.Now()
return nodeHealth
var ThisNodeHealth = NewNodeHealth()
type HealthStatus struct {
Healthy bool
Hostname string
Token string
IsActiveNode bool
ActiveNode NodeHealth
Error error
AvailableNodes [](*NodeHealth)
RaftLeader string
IsRaftLeader bool
RaftLeaderURI string
RaftAdvertise string
RaftHealthyMembers []string
type ExecutionMode string
const (
ExecutionCliMode ExecutionMode = "CLIMode"
ExecutionHttpMode = "HttpMode"
var continuousRegistrationOnce sync.Once
func RegisterNode(nodeHealth *NodeHealth) (healthy bool, err error) {
healthy, err = WriteRegisterNode(nodeHealth)
atomic.StoreInt64(&lastHealthCheckUnixNano, time.Now().UnixNano())
if healthy {
atomic.StoreInt64(&lastGoodHealthCheckUnixNano, time.Now().UnixNano())
return healthy, err
// HealthTest attempts to write to the backend database and get a result
func HealthTest() (health *HealthStatus, err error) {
cacheKey := dtstruct.ProcessToken.Hash
if healthStatus, found := lastHealthCheckCache.Get(cacheKey); found {
return healthStatus.(*HealthStatus), nil
health = &HealthStatus{Healthy: false, Hostname: osp.GetHostname(), Token: dtstruct.ProcessToken.Hash}
defer lastHealthCheckCache.Set(cacheKey, health, cache.DefaultExpiration)
if healthy, err := RegisterNode(ThisNodeHealth); err != nil {
health.Error = err
return health, log.Errore(err)
} else {
health.Healthy = healthy
if orcraft.IsRaftEnabled() {
health.ActiveNode.Hostname = orcraft.GetLeader()
health.IsActiveNode = orcraft.IsLeader()
health.RaftLeader = orcraft.GetLeader()
health.RaftLeaderURI = orcraft.LeaderURI.Get()
health.IsRaftLeader = orcraft.IsLeader()
health.RaftAdvertise = config.Config.RaftAdvertise
health.RaftHealthyMembers = orcraft.HealthyMembers()
} else {
if health.ActiveNode, health.IsActiveNode, err = ElectedNode(); err != nil {
health.Error = err
return health, log.Errore(err)
health.AvailableNodes, err = ReadAvailableNodes(true)
return health, nil
func SinceLastHealthCheck() time.Duration {
timeNano := atomic.LoadInt64(&lastHealthCheckUnixNano)
if timeNano == 0 {
return 0
return time.Since(time.Unix(0, timeNano))
func SinceLastGoodHealthCheck() time.Duration {
timeNano := atomic.LoadInt64(&lastGoodHealthCheckUnixNano)
if timeNano == 0 {
return 0
return time.Since(time.Unix(0, timeNano))
// ContinuousRegistration will continuously update the ham_node_health
// table showing that the current process is still running.
func ContinuousRegistration(extraInfo string, command string) {
ThisNodeHealth.ExtraInfo = extraInfo
ThisNodeHealth.Command = command
continuousRegistrationOnce.Do(func() {
tickOperation := func() {
healthy, err := RegisterNode(ThisNodeHealth)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("ContinuousRegistration: RegisterNode failed: %+v", err)
if healthy {
atomic.StoreInt64(&LastContinousCheckHealthy, 1)
} else {
atomic.StoreInt64(&LastContinousCheckHealthy, 0)
// First one is synchronous
go func() {
registrationTick := time.Tick(config.HealthPollSeconds * time.Second)
for range registrationTick {
// We already run inside a go-routine so
// do not do this asynchronously. If we
// get stuck then we don't want to fill up
// the backend pool with connections running
// this maintenance operation.
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