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# hispark\_taurus<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001142448981"></a> - [Introduction](#section11660541593) - [Directory Structure](#section161941989596) - [Constraints](#section119744591305) - [Compilation and Building](#section137768191623) - [hispark\_taurus License Agreement](#section1312121216216) - [third\_party License Notice](#section129654513264) - [Repositories Involved](#section1371113476307) ## Introduction<a name="section11660541593"></a> The **hispark\_taurus** repository provides drivers for the Hi3516D V300 chip and provides basic multimedia capabilities for the Multimedia and Graphics subsystems. including audio/video collection, audio/video encoding and decoding, audio/video output, video pre-processing, encapsulation, decapsulation, file management, storage management, and log system. The following figure shows the architecture of the Multimedia subsystem. **Figure 1** Multimedia subsystem architecture<a name="fig4460722185514"></a> ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001095808970.png) ## Directory Structure<a name="section161941989596"></a> ``` /device/hisilicon/hispark_taurus/sdk_liteos ├── config # Hi3516D V300 device configuration information ├── mpp │ ├── lib # Media library files and license files of Hi3516D V300 │ └── module_init # Libraries and license files of corresponding media module drivers of Hi3516D V300 └── uboot ├── out # U-Boot compiled using third_party\uboot\u-boot-2020.01 ├── reg # U-Boot configuration files and license files ├── secureboot_ohos # Compilation scripts for securely booting OpenHarmony └── secureboot_release # Source code and license files for generating secure U-Boot files /device/hisilicon/hispark_taurus/sdk_linux/soc ├── ko # Kernel module loading script for the Hi3516D V300 chip ├── lib # Media and graphics library files and license files for the Hi3516D V300 chip └── src # Linux kernel driver module source code and license files for the Hi3516D V300 chip ├── interdrv # Peripheral modules │ ├── common # Common modules for all chips │ │ ├── cipher # Encryption/Decryption module │ │ ├── hi_adc # ADC bus controller │ │ ├── hi_ir # IR controller │ │ ├── hi_irq # IRQ management module of the user-space driver │ │ ├── hi_proc # Debugging information management module │ │ └── wtdg # Watchdog │ └── hi3516cv500 # Chip-specific modules │ ├── mipi_rx # RX direction of the MIPI protocol │ ├── mipi_tx # TX direction of the MIPI protocol │ └── sysconfig # System configurations ├── mpp # Graphics and multimedia modules │ ├── cbb │ │ ├── based # Logging functions │ │ ├── sysd # Basic system module that provides memory and module binding functions │ │ └── vo # video output │ └── component │ ├── hdmi # HDMI output │ ├── hifb # Frame buffer management │ └── tde # Two Dimensional Engine └── osal # Operating system abstraction layer, which shields system differences and provides unified interfaces ``` ## Constraints<a name="section119744591305"></a> Currently, the Hi3516D V300 chip is supported. ## Compilation and Building<a name="section137768191623"></a> - Compiling U-Boot 1. Download the GCC toolchain from [https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads](https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads). Currently, the toolchain version for compiling U-Boot is **gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017-q4-major-linux.tar.bz2**. You can also select other GCC versions. 2. Copy the GCC toolchain to the **prebuilts** directory and decompress it. 3. Go to the **hispark\_taurus\\uboot\\out\\boot** directory and modify the path of the toolchain defined by **OSDRV\_CROSS** in the **makefile** of the directory. 4. Run the **make clean;make all;** command to compile the U-Boot. The generated U-Boot is stored in the **hispark\_taurus\\uboot\\out\\boot** directory. Note: **prebuilts\\mkimage** is generated by the U-Boot source code. ## hispark\_taurus License Agreement <a name="section1312121216216"></a> - The **hispark\_taurus\\sdk\_linux\\soc\\lib** directory stores the HiSilicon-developed libraries, which comply with the license of HiSilicon \(Shanghai\). You can see the following license and copyright information in the license file stored in this directory: ``` / *End User License Agreement ... Copyright (C) 2021 HiSilicon (Shanghai) Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * / ``` - The **hispark\_taurus\\sdk\_linux\\soc\\src** directory stores the HiSilicon-developed code, which complies with the HiSilicon \(Shanghai\) copyright statement based on GPL. You can see the following license and copyright information at the beginning of the license file stored in this directory: ``` / *Copyright (c) 2021 HiSilicon (Shanghai) Technologies CO., LIMITED. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * ... * / ``` - The **hispark\_taurus\\prebuilts** directory stores the tools generated using the boot source code that is stored in the **device\\hisilicon\\third\_party\\uboot\\u-boot-2020.01** directory. prebuilts uses the Hisilicon \(Shanghai\) copyright statement based on the end-user license agreement. You can see the following license and copyright information in the license file stored in the **hispark\_taurus\\prebuilts** directory: ``` / *End User License Agreement ... Copyright (C) 2021 HiSilicon (Shanghai) Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * / ``` - The **hispark\_taurus\\sdk\_linux\\uboot\\reg** directory stores the HiSilicon-developed code, which complies with the HiSilicon \(Shanghai\) copyright statement based on the end-user license agreement. You can see the following license and copyright information in the license file stored in this directory: ``` / *End User License Agreement ... Copyright (C) 2021 Hisilicon (Shanghai) Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * / ``` - The **hispark\_taurus\\sdk\_liteos\\mpp\\module\_init\\lib** and **hispark\_taurus\\sdk\_liteos\\mpp\\lib** directories store the HiSilicon-developed libraries, which comply with the license of HiSilicon \(Shanghai\). You can see the following license and copyright information at the end of license files that are stored in the two directories: ``` Copyright (C) 2020 Hisilicon (Shanghai) Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. ``` - The **hispark\_taurus\\sdk\_liteos\\mpp\\module\_init\\src** directory stores the HiSilicon-developed code, which complies with the HiSilicon \(Shanghai\) copyright statement based on the Apache License Version 2.0. You can see the following license and copyright information at the beginning of the license file that is stored in this directory: ``` / *Copyright (c) 2020 HiSilicon (Shanghai) Technologies CO., LIMITED. Licensed under the Apache License,* ... * / ``` - The **hispark\_taurus\\sdk\_liteos\\uboot\\reg** directory stores a binary file, which complies with the license of HiSilicon \(Shanghai\). You can see the following copyright information at the end of a license file that is stored in this directory: ``` Copyright (C) 2020 Hisilicon (Shanghai) Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. ``` - The **hispark\_taurus\\sdk\_liteos\\uboot\\out\\boot** directory stores a binary U-Boot file compiled using **u-boot-2020.01** and **reg\_info\_hi3518ev300.bin** and following the **u-boot-2020.01** protocol. For details, see the readme files in the **third\_party\\uboot\\u-boot-2020.01\\Licenses** directory. - The **hispark\_aries\\sdk\_liteos\\uboot\\secureboot\_release** directory stores the open-source code of secure U-Boot, in which the HiSilicon-developed code complies with the HiSilicon \(Shanghai\) copyright statement based on the GPL license. You can see the following license and copyright information at the beginning of the license file that is stored in this directory: ``` / *Copyright (c) 2020 HiSilicon (Shanghai) Technologies CO., LIMITED. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * ... * / ``` - The notice file stored in the **hispark\_taurus\\NOTICE** directory describes three open-source software, namely **Das U-Boot 2020.01**, **mbed TLS 2.16.6**, and **fdk-aac v2.0.1**. ### third\_party License Notice<a name="section129654513264"></a> The **third\_party\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg-y** directory stores the open-source code of **ffmpeg**, in which the code complies with the open-source license notice of its own software version. For details, see the readme files in the **third\_party\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg-y** directory. The **third\_party\\uboot\\u-boot-2020.01** directory stores the open-source code of U-Boot, which complies with the open-source license notice of its own software version. For details, see the readme files in the **third\_party\\uboot\\u-boot-2020.01\\Licenses** directory. ## Repositories Involved<a name="section1371113476307"></a> device/hisilicon/build device/hisilicon/drivers device/hisilicon/hardware **device/hisilicon/hispark\_taurus** device/hisilicon/modules device/hisilicon/third\_party/ffmpeg device/hisilicon/third\_party/uboot vendor/hisilicon


(本仓已停止使用)Hi3516DV300 chip driver software, including media drivers, media user-space libraries, and notice files | Hi3516DV300芯片驱动软件,包括:媒体驱动子目录、媒体用户态库子目录、NOTICE文件 expand collapse
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