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audio_system_manager.h 40.80 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "parcel.h"
#include "audio_info.h"
#include "audio_interrupt_callback.h"
#include "audio_group_manager.h"
#include "audio_routing_manager.h"
namespace OHOS {
namespace AudioStandard {
class AudioDeviceDescriptor;
class AudioDeviceDescriptor : public Parcelable {
friend class AudioSystemManager;
DeviceType getType();
DeviceRole getRole() const;
DeviceType deviceType_;
DeviceRole deviceRole_;
int32_t deviceId_;
int32_t channelMasks_;
int32_t channelIndexMasks_;
std::string deviceName_;
std::string macAddress_;
int32_t interruptGroupId_;
int32_t volumeGroupId_;
std::string networkId_;
std::string displayName_;
bool exceptionFlag_ = false;
DeviceStreamInfo audioStreamInfo_ = {};
DeviceCategory deviceCategory_;
int64_t connectTimeStamp_;
std::shared_ptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor> pairDeviceDescriptor_;
ConnectState connectState_;
bool isScoRealConnected_ = false;
bool isEnable_ = true;
AudioDeviceDescriptor(DeviceType type, DeviceRole role, int32_t interruptGroupId, int32_t volumeGroupId,
std::string networkId);
AudioDeviceDescriptor(DeviceType type, DeviceRole role);
AudioDeviceDescriptor(const AudioDeviceDescriptor &deviceDescriptor);
AudioDeviceDescriptor(const sptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor> &deviceDescriptor);
virtual ~AudioDeviceDescriptor();
bool Marshalling(Parcel &parcel) const override;
static sptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor> Unmarshalling(Parcel &parcel);
void SetDeviceInfo(std::string deviceName, std::string macAddress);
void SetDeviceCapability(const DeviceStreamInfo &audioStreamInfo, int32_t channelMask,
int32_t channelIndexMasks = 0);
bool isSameDevice(const DeviceInfo &deviceInfo);
struct DistributedRoutingInfo {
sptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor> descriptor;
CastType type;
class InterruptGroupInfo;
class InterruptGroupInfo : public Parcelable {
friend class AudioSystemManager;
int32_t interruptGroupId_;
int32_t mappingId_;
std::string groupName_;
std::string networkId_;
ConnectType connectType_;
InterruptGroupInfo(int32_t interruptGroupId, int32_t mappingId, std::string groupName, std::string networkId,
ConnectType type);
virtual ~InterruptGroupInfo();
bool Marshalling(Parcel &parcel) const override;
static sptr<InterruptGroupInfo> Unmarshalling(Parcel &parcel);
class VolumeGroupInfo;
class VolumeGroupInfo : public Parcelable {
friend class AudioSystemManager;
int32_t volumeGroupId_;
int32_t mappingId_;
std::string groupName_;
std::string networkId_;
ConnectType connectType_;
* @brief Volume group info.
* @since 9
* @brief Volume group info.
* @param volumeGroupId volumeGroupId
* @param mappingId mappingId
* @param groupName groupName
* @param networkId networkId
* @param type type
* @since 9
VolumeGroupInfo(int32_t volumeGroupId, int32_t mappingId, std::string groupName, std::string networkId,
ConnectType type);
virtual ~VolumeGroupInfo();
* @brief Marshall.
* @since 8
* @return bool
bool Marshalling(Parcel &parcel) const override;
* @brief Unmarshall.
* @since 8
* @return Returns volume group info
static sptr<VolumeGroupInfo> Unmarshalling(Parcel &parcel);
* Describes the device change type and device information.
* @since 7
struct DeviceChangeAction {
DeviceChangeType type;
DeviceFlag flag;
std::vector<sptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor>> deviceDescriptors;
* @brief AudioRendererFilter is used for select speficed AudioRenderer.
class AudioRendererFilter;
class AudioRendererFilter : public Parcelable {
friend class AudioSystemManager;
virtual ~AudioRendererFilter();
int32_t uid = -1;
AudioRendererInfo rendererInfo = {};
AudioStreamType streamType = AudioStreamType::STREAM_DEFAULT;
int32_t streamId = -1;
bool Marshalling(Parcel &parcel) const override;
static sptr<AudioRendererFilter> Unmarshalling(Parcel &in);
* @brief AudioCapturerFilter is used for select speficed audiocapturer.
class AudioCapturerFilter;
class AudioCapturerFilter : public Parcelable {
friend class AudioSystemManager;
virtual ~AudioCapturerFilter();
int32_t uid = -1;
AudioCapturerInfo capturerInfo = {SOURCE_TYPE_INVALID, 0};
bool Marshalling(Parcel &parcel) const override;
static sptr<AudioCapturerFilter> Unmarshalling(Parcel &in);
// AudioManagerCallback OnInterrupt is added to handle compilation error in call manager
// Once call manager adapt to new interrupt APIs, this will be removed
class AudioManagerCallback {
virtual ~AudioManagerCallback() = default;
* Called when an interrupt is received.
* @param interruptAction Indicates the InterruptAction information needed by client.
* For details, refer InterruptAction struct in audio_info.h
virtual void OnInterrupt(const InterruptAction &interruptAction) = 0;
std::mutex cbMutex_;
class AudioManagerInterruptCallbackImpl : public AudioInterruptCallback {
explicit AudioManagerInterruptCallbackImpl();
virtual ~AudioManagerInterruptCallbackImpl();
* Called when an interrupt is received.
* @param interruptAction Indicates the InterruptAction information needed by client.
* For details, refer InterruptAction struct in audio_info.h
* @since 7
void OnInterrupt(const InterruptEventInternal &interruptEvent) override;
void SaveCallback(const std::weak_ptr<AudioManagerCallback> &callback);
std::weak_ptr<AudioManagerCallback> callback_;
std::shared_ptr<AudioManagerCallback> cb_;
class AudioManagerDeviceChangeCallback {
virtual ~AudioManagerDeviceChangeCallback() = default;
* Called when an interrupt is received.
* @param deviceChangeAction Indicates the DeviceChangeAction information needed by client.
* For details, refer DeviceChangeAction struct
* @since 8
virtual void OnDeviceChange(const DeviceChangeAction &deviceChangeAction) = 0;
class AudioManagerAvailableDeviceChangeCallback {
virtual ~AudioManagerAvailableDeviceChangeCallback() = default;
* Called when an interrupt is received.
* @param deviceChangeAction Indicates the DeviceChangeAction information needed by client.
* For details, refer DeviceChangeAction struct
* @since 11
virtual void OnAvailableDeviceChange(const AudioDeviceUsage usage,
const DeviceChangeAction &deviceChangeAction) = 0;
class VolumeKeyEventCallback {
virtual ~VolumeKeyEventCallback() = default;
* @brief VolumeKeyEventCallback will be executed when hard volume key is pressed up/down
* @param volumeEvent the volume event info.
* @since 8
virtual void OnVolumeKeyEvent(VolumeEvent volumeEvent) = 0;
class AudioParameterCallback {
virtual ~AudioParameterCallback() = default;
* @brief AudioParameterCallback will be executed when parameter change.
* @param networkId networkId
* @param key Audio paramKey
* @param condition condition
* @param value value
* @since 9
virtual void OnAudioParameterChange(const std::string networkId, const AudioParamKey key,
const std::string& condition, const std::string& value) = 0;
class AudioCapturerSourceCallback {
virtual ~AudioCapturerSourceCallback() = default;
virtual void OnCapturerState(bool isActive) = 0;
class WakeUpSourceCloseCallback {
virtual ~WakeUpSourceCloseCallback() = default;
virtual void OnWakeupClose() = 0;
class WakeUpSourceCallback : public AudioCapturerSourceCallback, public WakeUpSourceCloseCallback {
virtual ~WakeUpSourceCallback() = default;
virtual void OnCapturerState(bool isActive) = 0;
virtual void OnWakeupClose() = 0;
class AudioPreferredOutputDeviceChangeCallback;
class AudioFocusInfoChangeCallback {
virtual ~AudioFocusInfoChangeCallback() = default;
* Called when focus info change.
* @param focusInfoList Indicates the focusInfoList information needed by client.
* For details, refer audioFocusInfoList_ struct in audio_policy_server.h
* @since 9
virtual void OnAudioFocusInfoChange(const std::list<std::pair<AudioInterrupt, AudioFocuState>> &focusInfoList) = 0;
virtual void OnAudioFocusRequested(const AudioInterrupt &) {}
virtual void OnAudioFocusAbandoned(const AudioInterrupt &) {}
class AudioFocusInfoChangeCallbackImpl : public AudioFocusInfoChangeCallback {
explicit AudioFocusInfoChangeCallbackImpl();
virtual ~AudioFocusInfoChangeCallbackImpl();
* Called when focus info change.
* @param focusInfoList Indicates the focusInfoList information needed by client.
* For details, refer audioFocusInfoList_ struct in audio_policy_server.h
* @since 9
void OnAudioFocusInfoChange(const std::list<std::pair<AudioInterrupt, AudioFocuState>> &focusInfoList) override;
void OnAudioFocusRequested(const AudioInterrupt &requestFocus) override;
void OnAudioFocusAbandoned(const AudioInterrupt &abandonFocus) override;
void SaveCallback(const std::weak_ptr<AudioFocusInfoChangeCallback> &callback);
* Cancel when focus info change.
* @since 9
void RemoveCallback(const std::weak_ptr<AudioFocusInfoChangeCallback> &callback);
std::list<std::weak_ptr<AudioFocusInfoChangeCallback>> callbackList_;
std::shared_ptr<AudioFocusInfoChangeCallback> cb_;
std::mutex cbListMutex_;
class AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallback {
virtual ~AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallback() = default;
* Called when audio device descriptor change.
* @param descriptor Indicates the descriptor needed by client.
* For details, refer AudioDeviceDescriptor in audio_system_manager.h
* @since 9
virtual void OnDistributedRoutingRoleChange(const AudioDeviceDescriptor *descriptor, const CastType type) = 0;
std::mutex cbMutex_;
class AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallbackImpl : public AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallback {
explicit AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallbackImpl();
virtual ~AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallbackImpl();
* Called when audio device descriptor change.
* @param descriptor Indicates the descriptor needed by client.
* For details, refer AudioDeviceDescriptor in audio_system_manager.h
* @since 9
void OnDistributedRoutingRoleChange(const AudioDeviceDescriptor *descriptor, const CastType type) override;
void SaveCallback(const std::shared_ptr<AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallback> &callback);
void RemoveCallback(const std::shared_ptr<AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallback> &callback);
std::list<std::shared_ptr<AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallback>> callbackList_;
std::shared_ptr<AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallback> cb_;
class AudioDeviceRefiner {
virtual ~AudioDeviceRefiner() = default;
virtual int32_t OnAudioOutputDeviceRefined(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor>> &descs,
RouterType routerType, StreamUsage streamUsage, int32_t clientUid, RenderMode renderMode) = 0;
virtual int32_t OnAudioInputDeviceRefined(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor>> &descs,
RouterType routerType, SourceType sourceType, int32_t clientUid, RenderMode renderMode) = 0;
* @brief The AudioSystemManager class is an abstract definition of audio manager.
* Provides a series of client/interfaces for audio management
class AudioSystemManager {
static AudioSystemManager *GetInstance();
* @brief Map volume to HDI.
* @param volume volume value.
* @return Returns current volume.
* @since 8
static float MapVolumeToHDI(int32_t volume);
* @brief Map volume from HDI.
* @param volume volume value.
* @return Returns current volume.
* @since 8
static int32_t MapVolumeFromHDI(float volume);
* @brief Get audio streamType.
* @param contentType Enumerates the audio content type.
* @param streamUsage Enumerates the stream usage.
* @return Returns Audio streamType.
* @since 8
static AudioStreamType GetStreamType(ContentType contentType, StreamUsage streamUsage);
* @brief Set the stream volume.
* @param volumeType Enumerates the audio volume type.
* @param volume The volume to be set for the current stream.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if volume is successfully set; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t SetVolume(AudioVolumeType volumeType, int32_t volume) const;
* @brief Obtains the current stream volume.
* @param volumeType Enumerates the audio volume type.
* @return Returns current stream volume.
* @since 8
int32_t GetVolume(AudioVolumeType volumeType) const;
* @brief Set volume discount factor.
* @param streamId stream Unique identification.
* @param volume Adjustment percentage.
* @return Whether the operation is effective
* @since 9
int32_t SetLowPowerVolume(int32_t streamId, float volume) const;
* @brief get volume discount factor.
* @param streamId stream Unique identification.
* @return Returns current stream volume.
* @since 9
float GetLowPowerVolume(int32_t streamId) const;
* @brief get single stream volume.
* @param streamId stream Unique identification.
* @return Returns current stream volume.
* @since 9
float GetSingleStreamVolume(int32_t streamId) const;
* @brief get max stream volume.
* @param volumeType audio volume type.
* @return Returns current stream volume.
* @since 8
int32_t GetMaxVolume(AudioVolumeType volumeType);
* @brief get min stream volume.
* @param volumeType audio volume type.
* @return Returns current stream volume.
* @since 8
int32_t GetMinVolume(AudioVolumeType volumeType);
* @brief set stream mute.
* @param volumeType audio volume type.
* @param mute Specifies whether the stream is muted.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t SetMute(AudioVolumeType volumeType, bool mute) const;
* @brief is stream mute.
* @param volumeType audio volume type.
* @return Returns <b>true</b> if the rendering is successfully started; returns <b>false</b> otherwise.
* @since 8
bool IsStreamMute(AudioVolumeType volumeType) const;
* @brief Set global microphone mute state.
* @param mute Specifies whether the Microphone is muted.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t SetMicrophoneMute(bool isMute);
* @brief get global microphone mute state.
* @return Returns <b>true</b> if the rendering is successfully started; returns <b>false</b> otherwise.
* @since 9
bool IsMicrophoneMute(API_VERSION api_v = API_7);
* @brief Select output device.
* @param audioDeviceDescriptors Output device object.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 9
int32_t SelectOutputDevice(std::vector<sptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor>> audioDeviceDescriptors) const;
* @brief Select input device.
* @param audioDeviceDescriptors Output device object.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 9
int32_t SelectInputDevice(std::vector<sptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor>> audioDeviceDescriptors) const;
* @brief get selected device info.
* @param uid identifier.
* @param pid identifier.
* @param streamType audio stream type.
* @return Returns device info.
* @since 9
std::string GetSelectedDeviceInfo(int32_t uid, int32_t pid, AudioStreamType streamType) const;
* @brief Select the audio output device according to the filter conditions.
* @param audioRendererFilter filter conditions.
* @param audioDeviceDescriptors Output device object.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 9
int32_t SelectOutputDevice(sptr<AudioRendererFilter> audioRendererFilter,
std::vector<sptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor>> audioDeviceDescriptors) const;
* @brief Select the audio input device according to the filter conditions.
* @param audioRendererFilter filter conditions.
* @param audioDeviceDescriptors Output device object.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 9
int32_t SelectInputDevice(sptr<AudioCapturerFilter> audioCapturerFilter,
std::vector<sptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor>> audioDeviceDescriptors) const;
* @brief Get the list of audio devices.
* @param deviceFlag Flag of device type.
* @param GetAudioParameter Key of audio parameters to be obtained.
* @return Returns the device list is obtained.
* @since 9
std::vector<sptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor>> GetDevices(DeviceFlag deviceFlag);
* @brief Get audio parameter.
* @param key Key of audio parameters to be obtained.
* @return Returns the value of the obtained audio parameter
* @since 9
const std::string GetAudioParameter(const std::string key);
* @brief set audio parameter.
* @param key The key of the set audio parameter.
* @param value The value of the set audio parameter.
* @since 9
void SetAudioParameter(const std::string &key, const std::string &value);
* @brief set audio parameter.
* @parame key The key of the set audio parameter.
* @param value The value of the set audio parameter.
* @since 12
int32_t SetAsrAecMode(const AsrAecMode asrAecMode);
* @brief set audio parameter.
* @parame key The key of the set audio parameter.
* @param value The value of the set audio parameter.
* @since 12
int32_t GetAsrAecMode(AsrAecMode& asrAecMode);
* @brief set audio parameter.
* @parame key The key of the set audio parameter.
* @param value The value of the set audio parameter.
* @since 12
int32_t SetAsrNoiseSuppressionMode(const AsrNoiseSuppressionMode asrNoiseSuppressionMode);
* @brief set audio parameter.
* @parame key The key of the set audio parameter.
* @param value The value of the set audio parameter.
* @since 12
int32_t GetAsrNoiseSuppressionMode(AsrNoiseSuppressionMode& asrNoiseSuppressionMode);
* @brief set audio parameter.
* @parame key The key of the set audio parameter.
* @param value The value of the set audio parameter.
* @since 12
int32_t IsWhispering();
* @brief Get audio parameter.
* @param mainKey Main key of audio parameters to be obtained.
* @param subKeys subKeys of audio parameters to be obtained.
* @param result value of sub key parameters.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* @since 11
int32_t GetExtraParameters(const std::string &mainKey,
const std::vector<std::string> &subKeys, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &result);
* @brief Set audio parameters.
* @param key The main key of the set audio parameter.
* @param kvpairs The pairs with sub keys and values of the set audio parameter.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* @since 11
int32_t SetExtraParameters(const std::string &key,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &kvpairs);
* @brief Get transaction Id.
* @param deviceType device type.
* @param deviceRole device role.
* @return Returns transaction Id.
* @since 9
uint64_t GetTransactionId(DeviceType deviceType, DeviceRole deviceRole);
* @brief Set device active.
* @param deviceType device type.
* @param flag Device activation status.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 9
int32_t SetDeviceActive(ActiveDeviceType deviceType, bool flag) const;
* @brief get device active.
* @param deviceType device type.
* @return Returns <b>true</b> if the rendering is successfully started; returns <b>false</b> otherwise.
* @since 9
bool IsDeviceActive(ActiveDeviceType deviceType) const;
* @brief get active output device.
* @return Returns device type.
* @since 9
DeviceType GetActiveOutputDevice();
* @brief get active input device.
* @return Returns device type.
* @since 9
DeviceType GetActiveInputDevice();
* @brief Is stream active.
* @param volumeType audio volume type.
* @return Returns <b>true</b> if the rendering is successfully started; returns <b>false</b> otherwise.
* @since 9
bool IsStreamActive(AudioVolumeType volumeType) const;
* @brief Set ringer mode.
* @param ringMode audio ringer mode.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t SetRingerMode(AudioRingerMode ringMode);
* @brief Get ringer mode.
* @return Returns audio ringer mode.
* @since 8
AudioRingerMode GetRingerMode();
* @brief Set audio scene.
* @param scene audio scene.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t SetAudioScene(const AudioScene &scene);
* @brief Get audio scene.
* @return Returns audio scene.
* @since 8
AudioScene GetAudioScene() const;
* @brief Registers the deviceChange callback listener.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t SetDeviceChangeCallback(const DeviceFlag flag, const std::shared_ptr<AudioManagerDeviceChangeCallback>
* @brief Unregisters the deviceChange callback listener
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t UnsetDeviceChangeCallback(DeviceFlag flag = DeviceFlag::ALL_DEVICES_FLAG);
* @brief Registers the ringerMode callback listener.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t SetRingerModeCallback(const int32_t clientId,
const std::shared_ptr<AudioRingerModeCallback> &callback);
* @brief Unregisters the VolumeKeyEvent callback listener
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t UnsetRingerModeCallback(const int32_t clientId) const;
* @brief registers the volumeKeyEvent callback listener
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t RegisterVolumeKeyEventCallback(const int32_t clientPid,
const std::shared_ptr<VolumeKeyEventCallback> &callback, API_VERSION api_v = API_9);
* @brief Unregisters the volumeKeyEvent callback listener
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t UnregisterVolumeKeyEventCallback(const int32_t clientPid);
* @brief Set mono audio state
* @param monoState mono state
* @since 8
void SetAudioMonoState(bool monoState);
* @brief Set audio balance value
* @param balanceValue balance value
* @since 8
void SetAudioBalanceValue(float balanceValue);
* @brief Set system sound uri
* @param key the key of uri
* @param uri the value of uri
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 10
int32_t SetSystemSoundUri(const std::string &key, const std::string &uri);
* @brief Get system sound uri
* @param key the key of uri
* @return Returns the value of uri for the key
* @since 10
std::string GetSystemSoundUri(const std::string &key);
// Below APIs are added to handle compilation error in call manager
// Once call manager adapt to new interrupt APIs, this will be removed
* @brief registers the audioManager callback listener
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t SetAudioManagerCallback(const AudioVolumeType streamType,
const std::shared_ptr<AudioManagerCallback> &callback);
* @brief Unregisters the audioManager callback listener
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t UnsetAudioManagerCallback(const AudioVolumeType streamType) const;
* @brief Activate audio Interrupt
* @param audioInterrupt audioInterrupt
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t ActivateAudioInterrupt(const AudioInterrupt &audioInterrupt);
* @brief Deactivactivate audio Interrupt
* @param audioInterrupt audioInterrupt
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t DeactivateAudioInterrupt(const AudioInterrupt &audioInterrupt) const;
* @brief registers the Interrupt callback listener
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t SetAudioManagerInterruptCallback(const std::shared_ptr<AudioManagerCallback> &callback);
* @brief Unregisters the Interrupt callback listener
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t UnsetAudioManagerInterruptCallback();
* @brief Request audio focus
* @param audioInterrupt audioInterrupt
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t RequestAudioFocus(const AudioInterrupt &audioInterrupt);
* @brief Abandon audio focus
* @param audioInterrupt audioInterrupt
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t AbandonAudioFocus(const AudioInterrupt &audioInterrupt);
* @brief Reconfigure audio channel
* @param count count
* @param deviceType device type
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t ReconfigureAudioChannel(const uint32_t &count, DeviceType deviceType);
* @brief Request independent interrupt
* @param focusType focus type
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
bool RequestIndependentInterrupt(FocusType focusType);
* @brief Abandon independent interrupt
* @param focusType focus type
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
bool AbandonIndependentInterrupt(FocusType focusType);
* @brief Get audio latency from Xml
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t GetAudioLatencyFromXml() const;
* @brief Get audio sink from Xml
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
uint32_t GetSinkLatencyFromXml() const;
* @brief Update stream state
* @param clientUid client Uid
* @param streamSetState streamSetState
* @param streamUsage streamUsage
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t UpdateStreamState(const int32_t clientUid, StreamSetState streamSetState,
StreamUsage streamUsage);
* @brief Get Pin Value From Type
* @param deviceType deviceType
* @param deviceRole deviceRole
* @return Returns Enumerate AudioPin
* @since 8
AudioPin GetPinValueFromType(DeviceType deviceType, DeviceRole deviceRole) const;
* @brief Get type Value From Pin
* @param pin AudioPin
* @return Returns Enumerate DeviceType
* @since 8
DeviceType GetTypeValueFromPin(AudioPin pin) const;
* @brief Get volume groups
* @param networkId networkId
* @param info VolumeGroupInfo
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 8
int32_t GetVolumeGroups(std::string networkId, std::vector<sptr<VolumeGroupInfo>> &info);
* @brief Get volume groups manager
* @param networkId networkId
* @return Returns AudioGroupManager
* @since 8
std::shared_ptr<AudioGroupManager> GetGroupManager(int32_t groupId);
* @brief Get active output deviceDescriptors
* @return Returns AudioDeviceDescriptor
* @since 8
std::vector<sptr<AudioDeviceDescriptor>> GetActiveOutputDeviceDescriptors();
* @brief Get preferred input device deviceDescriptors
* @return Returns AudioDeviceDescriptor
* @since 10
int32_t GetPreferredInputDeviceDescriptors();
* @brief Get audio focus info
* @return Returns success or not
* @since 10
int32_t GetAudioFocusInfoList(std::list<std::pair<AudioInterrupt, AudioFocuState>> &focusInfoList);
* @brief Register callback to listen audio focus info change event
* @return Returns success or not
* @since 10
int32_t RegisterFocusInfoChangeCallback(const std::shared_ptr<AudioFocusInfoChangeCallback> &callback);
* @brief Unregister callback to listen audio focus info change event
* @return Returns success or not
* @since 10
int32_t UnregisterFocusInfoChangeCallback(
const std::shared_ptr<AudioFocusInfoChangeCallback> &callback = nullptr);
* @brief Ask audio native process to request thread priority for client
* @param tid Target thread id
* @since 10
void RequestThreadPriority(uint32_t tid);
int32_t SetAudioCapturerSourceCallback(const std::shared_ptr<AudioCapturerSourceCallback> &callback);
int32_t SetWakeUpSourceCloseCallback(const std::shared_ptr<WakeUpSourceCloseCallback> &callback);
int32_t OffloadDrain();
int32_t GetCapturePresentationPosition(const std::string& deviceClass, uint64_t& frames, int64_t& timeSec,
int64_t& timeNanoSec);
int32_t GetRenderPresentationPosition(const std::string& deviceClass, uint64_t& frames, int64_t& timeSec,
int64_t& timeNanoSec);
int32_t OffloadGetPresentationPosition(uint64_t& frames, int64_t& timeSec, int64_t& timeNanoSec);
int32_t OffloadSetBufferSize(uint32_t sizeMs);
int32_t OffloadSetVolume(float volume);
* @brief Set whether or not absolute volume is supported for the specified Bluetooth device
* @return Returns success or not
* @since 11
int32_t SetDeviceAbsVolumeSupported(const std::string &macAddress, const bool support);
* @brief Set the absolute volume value for the specified Bluetooth device
* @return Returns success or not
* @since 11
int32_t SetA2dpDeviceVolume(const std::string &macAddress, const int32_t volume, const bool updateUi);
* @brief Registers the availbale deviceChange callback listener.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 11
int32_t SetAvailableDeviceChangeCallback(const AudioDeviceUsage usage,
const std::shared_ptr<AudioManagerAvailableDeviceChangeCallback>& callback);
* @brief UnRegisters the availbale deviceChange callback listener.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 11
int32_t UnsetAvailableDeviceChangeCallback(AudioDeviceUsage usage);
* @brief Switch the output device accoring different cast type.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if device is successfully switched; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 11
int32_t ConfigDistributedRoutingRole(AudioDeviceDescriptor *desciptor, CastType type);
* @brief Registers the descriptor Change callback listener.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 11
int32_t SetDistributedRoutingRoleCallback(const std::shared_ptr<AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallback> &callback);
* @brief UnRegisters the descriptor Change callback callback listener.
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if callback registration is successful; returns an error code
* defined in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 11
int32_t UnsetDistributedRoutingRoleCallback(const std::shared_ptr<AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallback> &callback);
* @brief Set device address.
* @param deviceType device type.
* @param flag Device activation status.
* @param address Device address
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 11
int32_t SetCallDeviceActive(ActiveDeviceType deviceType, bool flag, std::string address) const;
* @brief get the effect algorithmic latency value for a specified audio stream.
* @param sessionId the session ID value for the stream
* @return Returns the effect algorithmic latency in ms.
* @since 12
uint32_t GetEffectLatency(const std::string &sessionId);
* @brief set useraction command
* @param actionCommand action command
* @param paramInfo information
* @return Returns {@link SUCCESS} if the setting is successful; returns an error code defined
* in {@link audio_errors.h} otherwise.
* @since 12
int32_t DisableSafeMediaVolume();
static void AudioServerDied(pid_t pid);
std::string GetSelfBundleName(int32_t uid);
class WakeUpCallbackImpl : public WakeUpSourceCallback {
WakeUpCallbackImpl(AudioSystemManager *audioSystemManager)
void OnCapturerState(bool isActive) override
auto callback = audioSystemManager_ -> audioCapturerSourceCallback_;
if (callback != nullptr) {
callback -> OnCapturerState(isActive);
void OnWakeupClose() override
auto callback = audioSystemManager_ -> audioWakeUpSourceCloseCallback_;
if (callback != nullptr) {
callback -> OnWakeupClose();
AudioSystemManager *audioSystemManager_;
static constexpr int32_t MAX_VOLUME_LEVEL = 15;
static constexpr int32_t MIN_VOLUME_LEVEL = 0;
static constexpr int32_t CONST_FACTOR = 100;
static const std::map<std::pair<ContentType, StreamUsage>, AudioStreamType> streamTypeMap_;
virtual ~AudioSystemManager();
static std::map<std::pair<ContentType, StreamUsage>, AudioStreamType> CreateStreamMap();
uint32_t GetCallingPid();
std::string GetSelfBundleName();
int32_t RegisterWakeupSourceCallback();
int32_t cbClientId_ = -1;
int32_t volumeChangeClientPid_ = -1;
AudioRingerMode ringModeBackup_ = RINGER_MODE_NORMAL;
std::shared_ptr<AudioManagerDeviceChangeCallback> deviceChangeCallback_ = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<AudioInterruptCallback> audioInterruptCallback_ = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<AudioRingerModeCallback> ringerModeCallback_ = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<AudioFocusInfoChangeCallback> audioFocusInfoCallback_ = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<AudioDistributedRoutingRoleCallback> audioDistributedRoutingRoleCallback_ = nullptr;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AudioGroupManager>> groupManagerMap_;
std::mutex ringerModeCallbackMutex_;
std::shared_ptr<AudioCapturerSourceCallback> audioCapturerSourceCallback_ = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<WakeUpSourceCloseCallback> audioWakeUpSourceCloseCallback_ = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<WakeUpCallbackImpl> remoteWakeUpCallback_;
} // namespace AudioStandard
} // namespace OHOS
