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Release Notes for JavaFX 11


The following notes describe important changes and information about this release. In some cases, the descriptions provide links to additional detailed information about an issue or a change.

As of JDK 11 the JavaFX modules are delivered separately from the JDK. These release notes cover the standalone JavaFX 11 release. JavaFX 11 requires either JDK 10 (which must be an OpenJDK build) or JDK 11. JDK 11 is recommended.

Important Changes

Running JavaFX applications

Now that the JDK no longer includes JavaFX, it is necessary to explicitly include the JavaFX modules that your application uses. Please refer to the Getting Started with JavaFX 11 page for instructions.

Add APIs to customize step repeat timing for Spinner control

The default duration that the mouse has to be pressed on a Spinner control arrow button before the value steps is modified in JavaFX 11. Two new properties, "initialDelay" and "repeatDelay", have been added to configure this behavior.

initialDelay: The duration that the mouse has to be pressed on an arrow button before the next value steps. The default is now 300 msec.

repeatDelay: The duration that the mouse has to be pressed for each successive step after the first value steps. The default is now 60 msec.

See JDK-8167096 for more information.

Standalone javafx modules no longer have permissions by default

The javafx.* modules are now loaded by the application class loader and no longer have permissions by default. Applications that want to run with a security manager enabled will need to specify a custom policy file, using "-Djava.security.policy", granting all permissions to each of the javafx.* modules. See JDK-8210617 for more information.

Switch default GTK version to 3

JavaFX will now use GTK 3 by default on Linux platforms where the gtk3 library is present. Prior to JavaFX 11, the GTK 2 library was the default. This matches the default for AWT in JDK 11. See JDK-8198654 for more information.

New Features

The following notes describe some of the enhancements in JavaFX 11. See the table at the end of the release notes for a complete list.

FX Robot API

Public FX Robot API was added to support simulating user interaction such as typing keys on the keyboard and using the mouse as well as capturing graphical information. See JDK-8090763 for more information.

Removed Features and Options

Remove support for libavcodec 53 and 55

FX Media support for libavcodec 53 and 55 was removed. These libraries are not present on supported Linux platforms by default, and are no longer needed. See JDK-8194062 for more information.

Known Issues

JavaFX crashes with OpenJDK 11 on Ubuntu 18.04 with Wayland

JavaFX crashes on Ubuntu 18.04 Linux machines when the XWayland window server is enabled. This happens whenever the FX window toolkit code uses GTK 3 on Linux, which is the default as of JavaFX 11.

The recommended workaround is to use the Xorg server instead of the Wayland server when running JavaFX applications. Note that Wayland is not supported by JDK 10 or JDK 11.

An alternative workaround is to explicitly force GTK 2 by passing the following system property on the command line:

    java -Djdk.gtk.version=2 ...

See JDK-8210411 for more information.

Swing interop requires qualified exports when run with JDK 10

To run FX / Swing interop applications using JavaFX 11 with an OpenJDK 10 release, the following four qualified exports must be added to the java command line.


See JDK-8210615 for more information.

Swing interop fails when run with a security manager with standalone SDK

FX / Swing interop applications will fail when run with a security manager enabled. An application that uses either JFXPanel or SwingNode must run without a security manager enabled. See JDK-8202451 for more information.

Swing interop fails when using a minimal jdk image created with jlink

A minimal Java image created using jlink that includes the javafx.swing module from the JavaFX 11 jmods bundle will fail to run FX / Swing interop applications. For example, an image created as follows will not work:

    jlink --output myjdk --module-path javafx-jmods-11 \
        --add-modules java.desktop,javafx.swing,javafx.controls

The javafx.swing module depends on a new jdk.unsupported.desktop module in JDK 11 that must either be explicitly added or included via the --bind-services option.

Workaround: create your image using one of the following two methods:

    jlink --output myjdk --module-path javafx-jmods-11 \
        --add-modules java.desktop,javafx.swing,javafx.controls,jdk.unsupported.desktop

    jlink --output myjdk --bind-services --module-path javafx-jmods-11 \
        --add-modules java.desktop,javafx.swing,javafx.controls

See JDK-8210759 for more information.

List of Fixed Bugs

Issue key Summary Subcomponent
JDK-8203345 Memory leak in VirtualFlow when screen reader is enabled accessibility
JDK-8204336 Platform.exit() throws ISE when a nested event loop is active application-lifecycle
JDK-8089454 [HTMLEditor] selection removes CENTER alignment controls
JDK-8154039 Memory leak when selecting a tab which is not contained in TabPane::getTabs() controls
JDK-8157690 [TabPane] Sorting tabs makes tab selection menu empty controls
JDK-8165459 HTMLEditor: clipboard toolbar buttons are disabled unexpectedly controls
JDK-8185854 NPE on non-editable ComboBox in TabPane with custom Skin controls
JDK-8187432 ListView: EditEvent on start has incorrect index controls
JDK-8192800 Table auto resize ignores column resize policy controls
JDK-8193311 [Spinner] Default button not activated on ENTER controls
JDK-8193495 TabPane does not update correctly tab positions in the header area after a quick remove and add operations controls
JDK-8194913 Focus traversal is broken if a Pane is added to a ToolBar controls
JDK-8196827 test.javafx.scene.control.ComboBoxTest - generates NullPointerException controls
JDK-8197846 ComboBox: becomes unclickable after removal and re-adding controls
JDK-8197985 Pressing Shift + DOWN in ListView causes Exception to be thrown controls
JDK-8200285 TabDragPolicy.REORDER prevents ContextMenu from showing controls
JDK-8201285 DateCell text color are not updated correctly when DateCell with disable = true is reused controls
JDK-8208610 Incorrect check for calling class in FXMLLoader::getDefaultClassLoader fxml
JDK-8129582 Controls slow considerably when displaying RTL-languages text on Linux graphics
JDK-8195801 Replace jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe with sun.misc.Unsafe in MarlinFX graphics
JDK-8195802 Eliminate use of jdk.internal.misc security utilities in javafx.graphics graphics
JDK-8195806 Eliminate dependency on sun.font.lookup in javafx.graphics graphics
JDK-8195808 Eliminate dependency on sun.print in javafx.graphics graphics
JDK-8196617 FX print tests fail with NPE in some environments graphics
JDK-8198354 [macOS] Corrupt Thai characters displayed in word wrapped label graphics
JDK-8201231 java.lang.NullPointerException at WindowStage.setPlatformEnabled graphics
JDK-8202396 memory leak in ios native imageloader graphics
JDK-8202743 Dashed Stroke randomly painted incorrectly, may freeze application graphics
JDK-8203378 JDK build fails to compile javafx.graphics module-info.java if FX was built with OpenJDK graphics
JDK-8203801 Missing Classpath exception in PrismLoaderGlue.stg file graphics
JDK-8207328 API docs for javafx.css.Stylesheet are inaccurate / wrong graphics
JDK-8209191 [macOS] Distorted complex text rendering graphics
JDK-8088722 GSTPlatform cannot play MP4 files with multiple audio tracks media
JDK-8191446 [Linux] Build and deliver the libav media stubs for openjfx build media
JDK-8193313 MediaPlayer Leaking Native Memory media
JDK-8195803 Eliminate use of sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer in javafx.media media
JDK-8198316 MediaPlayer crashes when playing m3u8 files on macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 media
JDK-8199008 [macOS, Linux] Instantiating MediaPlayer causes CPU usage to be over 100% media
JDK-8199527 Upgrade GStreamer to 1.14 media
JDK-8202393 App Transport Security blocks http media on macOS with JDK build using new compilers media
JDK-8191661 FXCanvas on Win32 HiDPI produces wrong results other
JDK-8193910 Version number in cssref.html and introduction_to_fxml.html is wrong other
JDK-8195799 Use System logger instead of platform logger in javafx modules other
JDK-8195800 Eliminate dependency on sun.reflect.misc in javafx modules other
JDK-8195974 Replace use of java.util.logging in javafx with System logger other
JDK-8196297 Remove obsolete JFR logger code other
JDK-8199357 Remove references to applets and Java Web Start from FX other
JDK-8200587 Fix mistakes in FX API docs other
JDK-8202036 Update OpenJFX license files to match OpenJDK other
JDK-8202357 Extra chars in copyright header in ModuleHelper.java other
JDK-8204653 Fix mistakes in FX API docs other
JDK-8204956 Cleanup whitespace after fix for JDK-8200285 other
JDK-8207794 FXCanvas does not update x/y of EmbeddedStageInterface when FXCanvas is reparented other
JDK-8208294 install native library fails when jrt protocol is used other
JDK-8180151 JavaFX incorrectly renders scenegraph with two 3D boxes with certain dimensions scenegraph
JDK-8192056 Memory leak when removing javafx.scene.shape.Sphere-objects from a group or container scenegraph
JDK-8205008 GeneralTransform3D transform function with single Vec3d argument wrong results scenegraph
JDK-8207377 Document the behavior of Robot::getPixelColor with HiDPI scenegraph
JDK-8201291 Clicking a JFXPanel having setFocusable(false) causes its processMouseEvent method to loop forever swing
JDK-8088769 Alphachannel for transparent colors is not shown in HtmlEditor web
JDK-8088925 Non opaque background cause NumberFormatException web
JDK-8089375 When WebWorker file is unaccessible, script should fail silently or post meaningful exception web
JDK-8147476 Rendering issues with MathML token elements web
JDK-8193368 [OS X] Remove redundant files web
JDK-8193590 Memory leak when using WebView with Tooltip web
JDK-8194265 Webengine (webkit) crash when reading files using FileReader web
JDK-8194935 Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.18.5 changes web
JDK-8195804 Remove unused qualified export of sun.net.www from java.base to javafx.web web
JDK-8196011 Intermittent crash when using WebView from JFXPanel application web
JDK-8196374 windows x86 webview-icu isAlphaNumericString crash web
JDK-8196677 Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.18.6 changes web
JDK-8196968 One time crash on exit in JNIEnv_::CallObjectMethod web
JDK-8197987 Update libxslt to version 1.1.32 web
JDK-8199474 Update to 606.1 version of WebKit web
JDK-8200418 "webPage.executeCommand(""removeFormat"", null) removes the style of the body element" web
JDK-8200629 Update SQLite to version 3.23.0 web
JDK-8202277 WebView image capture fails with standalone FX due to dependency on javafx.swing web
JDK-8203698 JavaFX WebView crashes when visiting certain web sites web
JDK-8204856 WebEngine document becomes null after PAGE_REPLACED event web
JDK-8206899 DRT crashes randomly when running 'dom/html/level2/html/AppletsCollection.html' web
JDK-8206995 Remove unused WebKit files web
JDK-8208114 Drag and drop of text contents and URL links functionalities are broken in Webview web
JDK-8208622 [WebView] IllegalStateException when invoking print API with html form controls web
JDK-8209049 Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.20.4 changes web
JDK-8163795 [Windows] Remove call to StretchBlt in native GetScreenCapture method window-toolkit
JDK-8191885 [MacOS] JavaFX main window not resizable coming back from full screen mode in MacOS window-toolkit
JDK-8196031 FX Robot mouseMove fails on Windows 10 1709 with HiDPI window-toolkit
JDK-8199614 [macos] ImageCursor.getBestSize() throws NullPointerException window-toolkit
JDK-8204635 [Linux] getMouseX, getMouseY in gtk GlassRobot.cpp ignore the HiDPI scale window-toolkit
JDK-8207372 Robot.mouseWheel not implemented correctly on Linux, Mac window-toolkit

List of Enhancements

Issue key Summary Subcomponent
JDK-8205919 Create artifacts and functionality to upload them to Maven Central build
JDK-8167096 Add APIs to customize step repeat timing for Spinner control controls
JDK-8177380 Add standard colors in ColorPicker color palette controls
JDK-8186187 Modify return type of public API StyleConverter.getEnumConverter() controls
JDK-8204621 Upgrade MarlinFX to 0.9.2 graphics
JDK-8090763 FX Robot API scenegraph
JDK-8130379 Enhance the Bounds class with getCenter method scenegraph
JDK-8195811 Support FX Swing interop using public API swing
JDK-8198654 Switch FX's default GTK version to 3 window-toolkit
