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UsersConnectionRepository.java 9.24 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
要懂得舍得 提交于 2020-10-20 23:40 . release 1.0.0
* Copyright 2002-2018 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package top.dcenter.ums.security.core.oauth.repository;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;
import top.dcenter.ums.security.core.oauth.repository.exception.DuplicateConnectionException;
import top.dcenter.ums.security.core.oauth.repository.exception.NoSuchConnectionException;
import top.dcenter.ums.security.core.oauth.repository.exception.NotConnectedException;
import top.dcenter.ums.security.core.oauth.entity.AuthTokenPo;
import top.dcenter.ums.security.core.oauth.entity.ConnectionData;
import top.dcenter.ums.security.core.oauth.entity.ConnectionKey;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* 第三方授权登录用户信息增删改查, 绑定与解绑及查询是否绑定与解绑接口.
* A data access interface for managing a global store of users connections to service providers.
* Provides data access operations.
* @author Keith Donald
* @author YongWu zheng
* @version V2.0 Created by 2020-10-08 20:10
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "UnusedReturnValue"})
public interface UsersConnectionRepository {
* 根据 providerId 与 providerUserId 获取 ConnectionData list.
* @param providerId 第三方服务商, 如: qq, github
* @param providerUserId 第三方用户 Id
* @return connection data list
List<ConnectionData> findConnectionByProviderIdAndProviderUserId(String providerId, String providerUserId);
* Find the ids of the users who are connected to the specific provider user accounts.
* @param providerId 第三方服务商, 如: qq, github
* @param providerUserIds the set of provider user ids e.g. ("987665", "435796", "584444").
* @return the set of user ids connected to those service provider users, or empty if none.
Set<String> findUserIdsConnectedTo(String providerId, Set<String> providerUserIds);
* 获取 userId 的所有绑定信息.
* Find all connections the current user has across all providers.
* The returned map contains an entry for each provider the user is connected to.
* The key for each entry is the providerId, and the value is the list of {@link ConnectionData}s that exist between the user and that provider.
* For example, if the user is connected once to Facebook and twice to Twitter, the returned map would contain two entries with the following structure:
* <pre>
* {
* "qq" -&gt; Connection("Jack") ,
* "github" -&gt; Connection("Tomas"), Connection("Jessica")
* }
* </pre>
* The returned map is sorted by providerId and entry values are ordered by rank.
* Returns an empty map if the user has no connections.
* @param userId the userId
* @return all connections the current user has across all providers.
MultiValueMap<String, ConnectionData> findAllConnections(String userId);
* 获取 userId 和 providerId 的所以绑定信息.
* Find the connections the current user has to the provider registered by the given id e.g. 'qq'.
* The returned list is ordered by connection rank.
* Returns an empty list if the user has no connections to the provider.
* @param userId 本地账户用户 Id
* @param providerId the provider id e.g. "qq"
* @return the connections the user has to the provider, or an empty list if none
List<ConnectionData> findConnections(String userId, String providerId);
* 获取 userId 和 providerUserIds 的所以绑定信息.
* Find the connections the current user has to the given provider users.
* The providerUsers parameter accepts a map containing an entry for each provider the caller is interested in.
* The key for each entry is the providerId e.g. "qq", and the value is a list of provider user ids to fetch
* connections to e.g. ("987665", "435796", "584444").
* The returned map has the same structure and order, except the provider userId values have been replaced by Connection instances.
* If no connection exists between the current user and a given provider user, a null value is returned for that position.
* @param userId 本地账户用户 Id
* @param providerUserIds 第三方用户 Id
* @return the provider user connection map
MultiValueMap<String, ConnectionData> findConnectionsToUsers(String userId, MultiValueMap<String, String> providerUserIds);
* 获取 userId 和 providerId 的所以 rank 值最小的绑定信息.
* Get the "primary" connection the current user.
* If the user has multiple connections to the provider, this method returns the one with the top rank (or priority).
* Useful for direct use by application code to obtain a parameterized Connection instance.
* @param userId 本地账户用户 Id
* @param providerId the provider id e.g. "qq"
* @return the primary connection
* @throws NotConnectedException if the user is not connected to the provider of the API
ConnectionData getPrimaryConnection(String userId, String providerId) throws NotConnectedException;
* 绑定.
* Add a new connection to this repository for the current user.
* After the connection is added, it can be retrieved later using one of the finders defined in this interface.
* @param connection the new connection to add to this repository
* @throws DuplicateConnectionException if the user already has this connection
* @return ConnectionData 这里返回值的目的主要为了更新 spring cache
ConnectionData addConnection(ConnectionData connection);
* Update a Connection already added to this repository.
* Merges the field values of the given connection object with the values stored in the repository.
* @param connection the existing connection to update in this repository
* @return ConnectionData 这里返回值的目的主要为了更新 spring cache
ConnectionData updateConnection(ConnectionData connection);
* 解除绑定.
* Remove all Connections between the current user and the provider from this repository.
* Does nothing if no provider connections exist.
* @param userId 本地账户用户 Id
* @param providerId the provider id e.g. "qq"
void removeConnections(String userId, String providerId);
* 解除绑定.
* Remove a single Connection for the current user from this repository.
* Does nothing if no such connection exists.
* @param userId 本地账户用户 Id
* @param connectionKey the connection key
void removeConnection(String userId, ConnectionKey connectionKey);
* 根据 userId 与 providerId 获取 ConnectionData. 获取 userId 和 providerId 的所以 rank 值最小的绑定信息.
* @param userId 本地账户用户 Id
* @param providerId the provider id e.g. "qq"
* @return ConnectionData
ConnectionData findPrimaryConnection(String userId, String providerId);
* 根据 userId 和 connectionKey 获取 ConnectionData. 获取 userId 和 providerId, provideUserId 的绑定信息.
* @param userId 本地账户用户 Id
* @param connectionKey connectionKey
* @return ConnectionData
* @throws NoSuchConnectionException no such connection exception
ConnectionData getConnection(String userId, ConnectionKey connectionKey) throws NoSuchConnectionException;
* 根据 userId 获取 ConnectionData list. 获取 userId 的所有绑定信息.
* @param userId 本地账户用户 Id
* @return connection data list
List<ConnectionData> findAllListConnections(String userId);
* 根据 userId 通过指定 providerUsersCriteriaSql 与 parameters 的 sql 获取 ConnectionData list
* @param parameters sql 的 where 条件 与 对应参数
* @param providerUsersCriteriaSql providerUsersCriteriaSql
* @param userId 本地账户用户 Id
* @return connection data list
List<ConnectionData> findConnectionsToUsers(MapSqlParameterSource parameters, String providerUsersCriteriaSql, String userId);
* 根据 {@code AuthTokenPo#getId()} 更新 {@link ConnectionData}.<br>
* 注意: 使用这个接口更新会使 spring cache 缓存更新延迟, 出现缓存强一致性问题, 这接口目的用于 refreshToken 的定时任务, 更新
* 时间一般在凌晨 1-5 点.
* @param token {@link AuthTokenPo}
* @return 返回更新过的 {@link ConnectionData}, 还可以顺便更新 spring cache
ConnectionData updateConnectionByTokenId(AuthTokenPo token);
* 根据 tokenId 查找 {@link ConnectionData}<br>
* 注意: 这里不做 spring cache 缓存处理, 这个接口主要用于 refreshToken 的定时任务, 只调用一次, 缓存无意义
* @param tokenId {@code AuthTokenPo#getId()}
* @return ConnectionData
ConnectionData findConnectionByTokenId(Long tokenId);
