// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package variable
import (
const (
codeCantGetValidID terror.ErrCode = 1
codeCantSetToNull terror.ErrCode = 2
codeSnapshotTooOld terror.ErrCode = 3
// Error instances.
var (
errCantGetValidID = terror.ClassVariable.New(codeCantGetValidID, "cannot get valid auto-increment id in retry")
ErrCantSetToNull = terror.ClassVariable.New(codeCantSetToNull, "cannot set variable to null")
ErrSnapshotTooOld = terror.ClassVariable.New(codeSnapshotTooOld, "snapshot is older than GC safe point %s")
// RetryInfo saves retry information.
type RetryInfo struct {
Retrying bool
DroppedPreparedStmtIDs []uint32
currRetryOff int
autoIncrementIDs []int64
// Clean does some clean work.
func (r *RetryInfo) Clean() {
r.currRetryOff = 0
if len(r.autoIncrementIDs) > 0 {
r.autoIncrementIDs = r.autoIncrementIDs[:0]
if len(r.DroppedPreparedStmtIDs) > 0 {
r.DroppedPreparedStmtIDs = r.DroppedPreparedStmtIDs[:0]
// AddAutoIncrementID adds id to AutoIncrementIDs.
func (r *RetryInfo) AddAutoIncrementID(id int64) {
r.autoIncrementIDs = append(r.autoIncrementIDs, id)
// ResetOffset resets the current retry offset.
func (r *RetryInfo) ResetOffset() {
r.currRetryOff = 0
// GetCurrAutoIncrementID gets current AutoIncrementID.
func (r *RetryInfo) GetCurrAutoIncrementID() (int64, error) {
if r.currRetryOff >= len(r.autoIncrementIDs) {
return 0, errCantGetValidID
id := r.autoIncrementIDs[r.currRetryOff]
return id, nil
// TransactionContext is used to store variables that has transaction scope.
type TransactionContext struct {
ForUpdate bool
DirtyDB interface{}
Binlog interface{}
InfoSchema interface{}
Histroy interface{}
SchemaVersion int64
StartTS uint64
Shard *int64
TableDeltaMap map[int64]TableDelta
// UpdateDeltaForTable updates the delta info for some table.
func (tc *TransactionContext) UpdateDeltaForTable(tableID int64, delta int64, count int64) {
if tc.TableDeltaMap == nil {
tc.TableDeltaMap = make(map[int64]TableDelta)
item := tc.TableDeltaMap[tableID]
item.Delta += delta
item.Count += count
tc.TableDeltaMap[tableID] = item
// ClearDelta clears the delta map.
func (tc *TransactionContext) ClearDelta() {
tc.TableDeltaMap = nil
// SessionVars is to handle user-defined or global variables in the current session.
type SessionVars struct {
// UsersLock is a lock for user defined variables.
UsersLock sync.RWMutex
// Users are user defined variables.
Users map[string]string
// Systems are system variables.
Systems map[string]string
// PreparedStmts stores prepared statement.
PreparedStmts map[uint32]interface{}
PreparedStmtNameToID map[string]uint32
// preparedStmtID is id of prepared statement.
preparedStmtID uint32
// retry information
RetryInfo *RetryInfo
// Should be reset on transaction finished.
TxnCtx *TransactionContext
// Following variables are special for current session.
Status uint16
PrevLastInsertID uint64 // PrevLastInsertID is the last insert ID of previous statement.
LastInsertID uint64 // LastInsertID is the auto-generated ID in the current statement.
InsertID uint64 // InsertID is the given insert ID of an auto_increment column.
// ClientCapability is client's capability.
ClientCapability uint32
// TLSConnectionState is the TLS connection state (nil if not using TLS).
TLSConnectionState *tls.ConnectionState
// ConnectionID is the connection id of the current session.
ConnectionID uint64
// User is the user identity with which the session login.
User *auth.UserIdentity
// CurrentDB is the default database of this session.
CurrentDB string
// StrictSQLMode indicates if the session is in strict mode.
StrictSQLMode bool
// CommonGlobalLoaded indicates if common global variable has been loaded for this session.
CommonGlobalLoaded bool
// InRestrictedSQL indicates if the session is handling restricted SQL execution.
InRestrictedSQL bool
// SnapshotTS is used for reading history data. For simplicity, SnapshotTS only supports distsql request.
SnapshotTS uint64
// SnapshotInfoschema is used with SnapshotTS, when the schema version at snapshotTS less than current schema
// version, we load an old version schema for query.
SnapshotInfoschema interface{}
// BinlogClient is used to write binlog.
BinlogClient interface{}
// GlobalVarsAccessor is used to set and get global variables.
GlobalVarsAccessor GlobalVarAccessor
// LastFoundRows is the number of found rows of last query statement
LastFoundRows uint64
// StmtCtx holds variables for current executing statement.
StmtCtx *StatementContext
// AllowAggPushDown can be set to false to forbid aggregation push down.
AllowAggPushDown bool
// AllowInSubqueryUnFolding can be set to true to fold in subquery
AllowInSubqueryUnFolding bool
// CurrInsertValues is used to record current ValuesExpr's values.
// See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html#function_values
CurrInsertValues interface{}
// Per-connection time zones. Each client that connects has its own time zone setting, given by the session time_zone variable.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/time-zone-support.html
TimeZone *time.Location
SQLMode mysql.SQLMode
/* TiDB system variables */
// SkipConstraintCheck is true when importing data.
SkipConstraintCheck bool
// SkipUTF8Check check on input value.
SkipUTF8Check bool
// BuildStatsConcurrencyVar is used to control statistics building concurrency.
BuildStatsConcurrencyVar int
// IndexJoinBatchSize is the batch size of a index lookup join.
IndexJoinBatchSize int
// IndexLookupSize is the number of handles for an index lookup task in index double read executor.
IndexLookupSize int
// IndexLookupConcurrency is the number of concurrent index lookup worker.
IndexLookupConcurrency int
// DistSQLScanConcurrency is the number of concurrent dist SQL scan worker.
DistSQLScanConcurrency int
// IndexSerialScanConcurrency is the number of concurrent index serial scan worker.
IndexSerialScanConcurrency int
// BatchInsert indicates if we should split insert data into multiple batches.
BatchInsert bool
// BatchDelete indicates if we should split delete data into multiple batches.
BatchDelete bool
// DMLBatchSize indicates the size of batches for DML.
// It will be used when BatchInsert or BatchDelete is on.
DMLBatchSize int
// MaxRowCountForINLJ defines max row count that the outer table of index nested loop join could be without force hint.
MaxRowCountForINLJ int
// NewSessionVars creates a session vars object.
func NewSessionVars() *SessionVars {
return &SessionVars{
Users: make(map[string]string),
Systems: make(map[string]string),
PreparedStmts: make(map[uint32]interface{}),
PreparedStmtNameToID: make(map[string]uint32),
TxnCtx: &TransactionContext{},
RetryInfo: &RetryInfo{},
StrictSQLMode: true,
Status: mysql.ServerStatusAutocommit,
StmtCtx: new(StatementContext),
AllowAggPushDown: false,
BuildStatsConcurrencyVar: DefBuildStatsConcurrency,
IndexJoinBatchSize: DefIndexJoinBatchSize,
IndexLookupSize: DefIndexLookupSize,
IndexLookupConcurrency: DefIndexLookupConcurrency,
IndexSerialScanConcurrency: DefIndexSerialScanConcurrency,
DistSQLScanConcurrency: DefDistSQLScanConcurrency,
MaxRowCountForINLJ: DefMaxRowCountForINLJ,
DMLBatchSize: DefDMLBatchSize,
// GetCharsetInfo gets charset and collation for current context.
// What character set should the server translate a statement to after receiving it?
// For this, the server uses the character_set_connection and collation_connection system variables.
// It converts statements sent by the client from character_set_client to character_set_connection
// (except for string literals that have an introducer such as _latin1 or _utf8).
// collation_connection is important for comparisons of literal strings.
// For comparisons of strings with column values, collation_connection does not matter because columns
// have their own collation, which has a higher collation precedence.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-connection.html
func (s *SessionVars) GetCharsetInfo() (charset, collation string) {
charset = s.Systems[CharacterSetConnection]
collation = s.Systems[CollationConnection]
// SetLastInsertID saves the last insert id to the session context.
// TODO: we may store the result for last_insert_id sys var later.
func (s *SessionVars) SetLastInsertID(insertID uint64) {
s.LastInsertID = insertID
// SetStatusFlag sets the session server status variable.
// If on is ture sets the flag in session status,
// otherwise removes the flag.
func (s *SessionVars) SetStatusFlag(flag uint16, on bool) {
if on {
s.Status |= flag
s.Status &= (^flag)
// GetStatusFlag gets the session server status variable, returns true if it is on.
func (s *SessionVars) GetStatusFlag(flag uint16) bool {
return s.Status&flag > 0
// InTxn returns if the session is in transaction.
func (s *SessionVars) InTxn() bool {
return s.GetStatusFlag(mysql.ServerStatusInTrans)
// IsAutocommit returns if the session is set to autocommit.
func (s *SessionVars) IsAutocommit() bool {
return s.GetStatusFlag(mysql.ServerStatusAutocommit)
// GetNextPreparedStmtID generates and returns the next session scope prepared statement id.
func (s *SessionVars) GetNextPreparedStmtID() uint32 {
return s.preparedStmtID
// GetTimeZone returns the value of time_zone session variable.
func (s *SessionVars) GetTimeZone() *time.Location {
loc := s.TimeZone
if loc == nil {
loc = time.Local
return loc
// special session variables.
const (
SQLModeVar = "sql_mode"
AutocommitVar = "autocommit"
CharacterSetResults = "character_set_results"
MaxAllowedPacket = "max_allowed_packet"
TimeZone = "time_zone"
TxnIsolation = "tx_isolation"
// TableDelta stands for the changed count for one table.
type TableDelta struct {
Delta int64
Count int64
// StatementContext contains variables for a statement.
// It should be reset before executing a statement.
type StatementContext struct {
// Set the following variables before execution
InInsertStmt bool
InUpdateOrDeleteStmt bool
InSelectStmt bool
IgnoreTruncate bool
IgnoreZeroInDate bool
DividedByZeroAsWarning bool
TruncateAsWarning bool
OverflowAsWarning bool
InShowWarning bool
// mu struct holds variables that change during execution.
mu struct {
affectedRows uint64
foundRows uint64
warnings []error
// Copied from SessionVars.TimeZone.
TimeZone *time.Location
Priority mysql.PriorityEnum
NotFillCache bool
// AddAffectedRows adds affected rows.
func (sc *StatementContext) AddAffectedRows(rows uint64) {
sc.mu.affectedRows += rows
// AffectedRows gets affected rows.
func (sc *StatementContext) AffectedRows() uint64 {
rows := sc.mu.affectedRows
return rows
// FoundRows gets found rows.
func (sc *StatementContext) FoundRows() uint64 {
rows := sc.mu.foundRows
return rows
// AddFoundRows adds found rows.
func (sc *StatementContext) AddFoundRows(rows uint64) {
sc.mu.foundRows += rows
// GetWarnings gets warnings.
func (sc *StatementContext) GetWarnings() []error {
warns := make([]error, len(sc.mu.warnings))
copy(warns, sc.mu.warnings)
return warns
// WarningCount gets warning count.
func (sc *StatementContext) WarningCount() uint16 {
if sc.InShowWarning {
return 0
wc := uint16(len(sc.mu.warnings))
return wc
// SetWarnings sets warnings.
func (sc *StatementContext) SetWarnings(warns []error) {
sc.mu.warnings = warns
// AppendWarning appends a warning.
func (sc *StatementContext) AppendWarning(warn error) {
if len(sc.mu.warnings) < math.MaxUint16 {
sc.mu.warnings = append(sc.mu.warnings, warn)
// HandleTruncate ignores or returns the error based on the StatementContext state.
func (sc *StatementContext) HandleTruncate(err error) error {
// TODO: At present we have not checked whether the error can be ignored or treated as warning.
// We will do that later, and then append WarnDataTruncated instead of the error itself.
if err == nil {
return nil
if sc.IgnoreTruncate {
return nil
if sc.TruncateAsWarning {
return nil
return err
// HandleOverflow treats ErrOverflow as warnings or returns the error based on the StmtCtx.OverflowAsWarning state.
func (sc *StatementContext) HandleOverflow(err error, warnErr error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
if sc.OverflowAsWarning {
return nil
return err
// ResetForRetry resets the changed states during execution.
func (sc *StatementContext) ResetForRetry() {
sc.mu.affectedRows = 0
sc.mu.foundRows = 0
sc.mu.warnings = nil
// MostRestrictStateContext gets a most restrict StatementContext.
func MostRestrictStateContext() *StatementContext {
return &StatementContext{
IgnoreTruncate: false,
OverflowAsWarning: false,
TruncateAsWarning: false,
TimeZone: time.UTC,
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