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join_result_generators.go 21.81 KB
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// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package executor
import (
var (
_ joinResultGenerator = &semiJoinResultGenerator{}
_ joinResultGenerator = &antiSemiJoinResultGenerator{}
_ joinResultGenerator = &leftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator{}
_ joinResultGenerator = &antiLeftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator{}
_ joinResultGenerator = &leftOuterJoinResultGenerator{}
_ joinResultGenerator = &rightOuterJoinResultGenerator{}
_ joinResultGenerator = &innerJoinResultGenerator{}
// joinResultGenerator is used to generate join results according the join type, see every implementor for detailed information.
type joinResultGenerator interface {
// emit tries to join an outer row with a batch of inner rows.
// When len(inners) == 0, it means that the outer row can not be joined with any inner row:
// 1. SemiJoin: unmatched outer row is ignored.
// 2. AntiSemiJoin: unmatched outer row is appended to the result buffer.
// 3. LeftOuterSemiJoin: unmatched outer row is appended with 0 and appended to the result buffer.
// 4. AntiLeftOuterSemiJoin: unmatched outer row is appended with 1 and appended to the result buffer.
// 5. LeftOuterJoin: unmatched outer row is joined with a row of NULLs and appended to the result buffer.
// 6. RightOuterJoin: unmatched outer row is joined with a row of NULLs and appended to the result buffer.
// 7. InnerJoin: unmatched outer row is ignored.
// When len(inner) != 0 but all the joined rows are filtered, this means that the outer row is unmatched and the above action is tacked as well.
// Otherwise, the outer row is matched and some joined rows is appended to the result buffer.
emit(outer Row, inners []Row, resultBuffer []Row) ([]Row, error)
// emitToChunk takes the same operation as emit, but the joined rows is appended to `chk` instead of a result buffer.
// The size of `chk` is MaxChunkSize at most.
emitToChunk(outer chunk.Row, inners chunk.Iterator, chk *chunk.Chunk) error
func newJoinResultGenerator(ctx sessionctx.Context, joinType plan.JoinType,
outerIsRight bool, defaultInner Row, filter []expression.Expression,
lhsColTypes, rhsColTypes []*types.FieldType) joinResultGenerator {
base := baseJoinResultGenerator{
ctx: ctx,
filter: filter,
defaultInner: defaultInner,
outerIsRight: outerIsRight,
maxChunkSize: ctx.GetSessionVars().MaxChunkSize,
colTypes := make([]*types.FieldType, 0, len(lhsColTypes)+len(rhsColTypes))
colTypes = append(colTypes, lhsColTypes...)
colTypes = append(colTypes, rhsColTypes...)
base.chk = chunk.NewChunk(colTypes)
base.selected = make([]bool, 0, chunk.InitialCapacity)
if joinType == plan.LeftOuterJoin || joinType == plan.RightOuterJoin {
innerColTypes := lhsColTypes
if !outerIsRight {
innerColTypes = rhsColTypes
switch joinType {
case plan.SemiJoin:
return &semiJoinResultGenerator{base}
case plan.AntiSemiJoin:
return &antiSemiJoinResultGenerator{base}
case plan.LeftOuterSemiJoin:
return &leftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator{base}
case plan.AntiLeftOuterSemiJoin:
return &antiLeftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator{base}
case plan.LeftOuterJoin:
return &leftOuterJoinResultGenerator{base}
case plan.RightOuterJoin:
return &rightOuterJoinResultGenerator{base}
case plan.InnerJoin:
return &innerJoinResultGenerator{base}
panic("unsupported join type in func newJoinResultGenerator()")
// baseJoinResultGenerator is not thread-safe,
// so we should build individual generator for every join goroutine.
type baseJoinResultGenerator struct {
ctx sessionctx.Context
filter []expression.Expression
defaultChunkInner chunk.Row
outerIsRight bool
chk *chunk.Chunk
selected []bool
defaultInner Row
maxChunkSize int
func (outputer *baseJoinResultGenerator) initDefaultChunkInner(innerTypes []*types.FieldType) {
mutableRow := chunk.MutRowFromTypes(innerTypes)
outputer.defaultChunkInner = mutableRow.ToRow()
// makeJoinRowToBuffer concatenates "lhs" and "rhs" to "buffer" and return that buffer.
// With the help of this function, we can make all of the joined rows to a consecutive
// memory buffer and explore the best cache performance.
func (outputer *baseJoinResultGenerator) makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer []types.Datum, lhs, rhs Row) []types.Datum {
buffer = append(buffer, lhs...)
buffer = append(buffer, rhs...)
return buffer
func (outputer *baseJoinResultGenerator) makeJoinRowToChunk(chk *chunk.Chunk, lhs, rhs chunk.Row) {
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, lhs)
chk.AppendPartialRow(lhs.Len(), rhs)
// growResultBufferIfNecessary grows resultBuffer if necessary.
func (outputer *baseJoinResultGenerator) growResultBufferIfNecessary(resultBuffer []Row, numToAppend int) []Row {
length := len(resultBuffer)
if cap(resultBuffer)-length >= numToAppend {
return resultBuffer
newResultBuffer := make([]Row, length, length+numToAppend)
copy(newResultBuffer, resultBuffer)
return newResultBuffer
// filterResult filters resultBuffer according to filter.
func (outputer *baseJoinResultGenerator) filterResult(resultBuffer []Row, originLen int) ([]Row, bool, error) {
if outputer.filter == nil {
return resultBuffer, len(resultBuffer) > originLen, nil
curLen := originLen
for _, joinedRow := range resultBuffer[originLen:] {
matched, err := expression.EvalBool(outputer.ctx, outputer.filter, joinedRow)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, errors.Trace(err)
if matched {
resultBuffer[curLen] = joinedRow
return resultBuffer[:curLen], curLen > originLen, nil
func (outputer *baseJoinResultGenerator) filterChunk(input, output *chunk.Chunk) (matched bool, err error) {
outputer.selected, err = expression.VectorizedFilter(outputer.ctx, outputer.filter, chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(input), outputer.selected)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Trace(err)
for i := 0; i < len(outputer.selected); i++ {
if !outputer.selected[i] {
matched = true
return matched, nil
type semiJoinResultGenerator struct {
// emit implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *semiJoinResultGenerator) emit(outer Row, inners []Row, resultBuffer []Row) ([]Row, error) {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if len(inners) == 0 {
return resultBuffer, nil
// outer row can be joined with an inner row.
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
return append(resultBuffer, outer), nil
buffer := make(Row, 0, len(inners[0])+len(outer))
for _, inner := range inners {
if outputer.outerIsRight {
buffer = outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[:0], inner, outer)
} else {
buffer = outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[:0], outer, inner)
matched, err := expression.EvalBool(outputer.ctx, outputer.filter, buffer)
if err != nil {
return resultBuffer, errors.Trace(err)
if matched {
// outer row can be joined with an inner row.
return append(resultBuffer, outer), nil
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
return resultBuffer, nil
// emitToChunk implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *semiJoinResultGenerator) emitToChunk(outer chunk.Row, inners chunk.Iterator, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
if inners == nil || inners.Len() == 0 {
return nil
defer inners.ReachEnd()
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outer)
return nil
for inner := inners.Current(); inner != inners.End(); inner = inners.Next() {
if outputer.outerIsRight {
outputer.makeJoinRowToChunk(outputer.chk, inner, outer)
} else {
outputer.makeJoinRowToChunk(outputer.chk, outer, inner)
selected, err := expression.EvalBool(outputer.ctx, outputer.filter, outputer.chk.GetRow(0))
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if selected {
return nil
return nil
type antiSemiJoinResultGenerator struct {
// emit implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *antiSemiJoinResultGenerator) emit(outer Row, inners []Row, resultBuffer []Row) (_ []Row, err error) {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if len(inners) == 0 {
return append(resultBuffer, outer), nil
// outer row can be joined with an inner row.
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
return resultBuffer, nil
buffer := make(Row, 0, len(outer)+len(inners[0]))
for _, inner := range inners {
if outputer.outerIsRight {
buffer = outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[:0], inner, outer)
} else {
buffer = outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[:0], outer, inner)
matched, err1 := expression.EvalBool(outputer.ctx, outputer.filter, buffer)
if err1 != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err1)
if matched {
// outer row can be joined with an inner row.
return resultBuffer, nil
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
return append(resultBuffer, outer), nil
// emitToChunk implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *antiSemiJoinResultGenerator) emitToChunk(outer chunk.Row, inners chunk.Iterator, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
if inners == nil || inners.Len() == 0 {
return nil
defer inners.ReachEnd()
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
return nil
for inner := inners.Current(); inner != inners.End(); inner = inners.Next() {
if outputer.outerIsRight {
outputer.makeJoinRowToChunk(outputer.chk, inner, outer)
} else {
outputer.makeJoinRowToChunk(outputer.chk, outer, inner)
matched, err := expression.EvalBool(outputer.ctx, outputer.filter, outputer.chk.GetRow(0))
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if matched {
return nil
return nil
type leftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator struct {
// emit implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *leftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator) emit(outer Row, inners []Row, resultBuffer []Row) ([]Row, error) {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if len(inners) == 0 {
return outputer.emitUnMatchedOuter(outer, resultBuffer), nil
buffer := make(Row, 0, len(outer)+len(inners[0]))
// outer row can be joined with an inner row.
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
joinedRow := outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[:0], outer, Row{types.NewIntDatum(1)})
return append(resultBuffer, joinedRow), nil
for _, inner := range inners {
buffer = outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[:0], outer, inner)
matched, err := expression.EvalBool(outputer.ctx, outputer.filter, buffer)
if err != nil {
return resultBuffer, errors.Trace(err)
if matched {
// outer row can be joined with an inner row.
buffer = append(buffer[:len(outer)], types.NewDatum(true))
return append(resultBuffer, buffer), nil
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
return outputer.emitUnMatchedOuter(outer, resultBuffer), nil
// emitToChunk implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *leftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator) emitToChunk(outer chunk.Row, inners chunk.Iterator, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
if inners == nil || inners.Len() == 0 {
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outer)
chk.AppendInt64(outer.Len(), 0)
return nil
defer inners.ReachEnd()
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outer)
chk.AppendInt64(outer.Len(), 1)
return nil
for inner := inners.Current(); inner != inners.End(); inner = inners.Next() {
outputer.makeJoinRowToChunk(outputer.chk, outer, inner)
matched, err := expression.EvalBool(outputer.ctx, outputer.filter, outputer.chk.GetRow(0))
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if matched {
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outer)
chk.AppendInt64(outer.Len(), 1)
return nil
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outer)
chk.AppendInt64(outer.Len(), 0)
return nil
// emitUnMatchedOuter implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *leftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator) emitUnMatchedOuter(outer Row, resultBuffer []Row) []Row {
buffer := make(Row, 0, len(outer)+1)
joinedRow := outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer, outer, Row{types.NewIntDatum(0)})
return append(resultBuffer, joinedRow)
type antiLeftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator struct {
// emit implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *antiLeftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator) emit(outer Row, inners []Row, resultBuffer []Row) ([]Row, error) {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if len(inners) == 0 {
return outputer.emitUnMatchedOuter(outer, resultBuffer), nil
buffer := make(Row, 0, len(outer)+len(inners[0]))
// outer row can be joined with an inner row.
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
joinedRow := outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[:0], outer, Row{types.NewIntDatum(0)})
return append(resultBuffer, joinedRow), nil
for _, inner := range inners {
buffer = outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[:0], outer, inner)
matched, err := expression.EvalBool(outputer.ctx, outputer.filter, buffer)
if err != nil {
return resultBuffer, errors.Trace(err)
if matched {
// outer row can be joined with an inner row.
buffer = append(buffer[:len(outer)], types.NewDatum(false))
return append(resultBuffer, buffer), nil
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
return outputer.emitUnMatchedOuter(outer, resultBuffer), nil
// emitToChunk implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *antiLeftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator) emitToChunk(outer chunk.Row, inners chunk.Iterator, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if inners == nil || inners.Len() == 0 {
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outer)
chk.AppendInt64(outer.Len(), 1)
return nil
defer inners.ReachEnd()
// outer row can be joined with an inner row.
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outer)
chk.AppendInt64(outer.Len(), 0)
return nil
for inner := inners.Current(); inner != inners.End(); inner = inners.Next() {
outputer.makeJoinRowToChunk(outputer.chk, outer, inner)
matched, err := expression.EvalBool(outputer.ctx, outputer.filter, outputer.chk.GetRow(0))
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// outer row can be joined with an inner row.
if matched {
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outer)
chk.AppendInt64(outer.Len(), 0)
return nil
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outer)
chk.AppendInt64(outer.Len(), 1)
return nil
// emitUnMatchedOuter implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *antiLeftOuterSemiJoinResultGenerator) emitUnMatchedOuter(outer Row, resultBuffer []Row) []Row {
buffer := make(Row, 0, len(outer)+1)
joinedRow := outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer, outer, Row{types.NewIntDatum(1)})
return append(resultBuffer, joinedRow)
type leftOuterJoinResultGenerator struct {
// emit implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *leftOuterJoinResultGenerator) emit(outer Row, inners []Row, resultBuffer []Row) ([]Row, error) {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if len(inners) == 0 {
return append(resultBuffer, makeJoinRow(outer, outputer.defaultInner)), nil
resultBuffer = outputer.growResultBufferIfNecessary(resultBuffer, len(inners))
originLen := len(resultBuffer)
buffer := make([]types.Datum, 0, len(inners)*(len(outer)+len(inners[0])))
for _, inner := range inners {
buffer = outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[len(buffer):], outer, inner)
resultBuffer = append(resultBuffer, buffer)
var matched bool
var err error
resultBuffer, matched, err = outputer.filterResult(resultBuffer, originLen)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if !matched {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
return append(resultBuffer, makeJoinRow(outer, outputer.defaultInner)), nil
return resultBuffer, nil
// emitToChunk implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *leftOuterJoinResultGenerator) emitToChunk(outer chunk.Row, inners chunk.Iterator, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if inners == nil || inners.Len() == 0 {
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outer)
chk.AppendPartialRow(outer.Len(), outputer.defaultChunkInner)
return nil
chkForJoin := outputer.chk
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
chkForJoin = chk
numToAppend := outputer.maxChunkSize - chk.NumRows()
for ; inners.Current() != inners.End() && numToAppend > 0; numToAppend-- {
outputer.makeJoinRowToChunk(chkForJoin, outer, inners.Current())
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
return nil
// reach here, chkForJoin is outputer.chk
matched, err := outputer.filterChunk(chkForJoin, chk)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if !matched {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outer)
chk.AppendPartialRow(outer.Len(), outputer.defaultChunkInner)
return nil
type rightOuterJoinResultGenerator struct {
// emit implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *rightOuterJoinResultGenerator) emit(outer Row, inners []Row, resultBuffer []Row) ([]Row, error) {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if len(inners) == 0 {
return append(resultBuffer, makeJoinRow(outputer.defaultInner, outer)), nil
resultBuffer = outputer.growResultBufferIfNecessary(resultBuffer, len(inners))
originLen := len(resultBuffer)
buffer := make([]types.Datum, 0, len(inners)*(len(outer)+len(inners[0])))
for _, inner := range inners {
buffer = outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[len(buffer):], inner, outer)
resultBuffer = append(resultBuffer, buffer)
var matched bool
var err error
resultBuffer, matched, err = outputer.filterResult(resultBuffer, originLen)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if !matched {
return append(resultBuffer, makeJoinRow(outputer.defaultInner, outer)), nil
return resultBuffer, nil
// emitToChunk implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *rightOuterJoinResultGenerator) emitToChunk(outer chunk.Row, inners chunk.Iterator, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if inners == nil || inners.Len() == 0 {
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outputer.defaultChunkInner)
chk.AppendPartialRow(outputer.defaultChunkInner.Len(), outer)
return nil
chkForJoin := outputer.chk
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
chkForJoin = chk
numToAppend := outputer.maxChunkSize - chk.NumRows()
for ; inners.Current() != inners.End() && numToAppend > 0; numToAppend-- {
outputer.makeJoinRowToChunk(chkForJoin, inners.Current(), outer)
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
return nil
// reach here, chkForJoin is outputer.chk
matched, err := outputer.filterChunk(chkForJoin, chk)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if !matched {
chk.AppendPartialRow(0, outputer.defaultChunkInner)
chk.AppendPartialRow(outputer.defaultChunkInner.Len(), outer)
return nil
type innerJoinResultGenerator struct {
// emit implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *innerJoinResultGenerator) emit(outer Row, inners []Row, resultBuffer []Row) ([]Row, error) {
// outer row can not be joined with any inner row.
if len(inners) == 0 {
return resultBuffer, nil
resultBuffer = outputer.growResultBufferIfNecessary(resultBuffer, len(inners))
originLen := len(resultBuffer)
buffer := make([]types.Datum, 0, (len(outer)+len(inners[0]))*len(inners))
if outputer.outerIsRight {
for _, inner := range inners {
buffer = outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[len(buffer):], inner, outer)
resultBuffer = append(resultBuffer, buffer)
} else {
for _, inner := range inners {
buffer = outputer.makeJoinRowToBuffer(buffer[len(buffer):], outer, inner)
resultBuffer = append(resultBuffer, buffer)
var err error
resultBuffer, _, err = outputer.filterResult(resultBuffer, originLen)
return resultBuffer, errors.Trace(err)
// emitToChunk implements joinResultGenerator interface.
func (outputer *innerJoinResultGenerator) emitToChunk(outer chunk.Row, inners chunk.Iterator, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
if inners == nil || inners.Len() == 0 {
return nil
chkForJoin := outputer.chk
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
chkForJoin = chk
inner, numToAppend := inners.Current(), outputer.maxChunkSize-chk.NumRows()
for ; inner != inners.End() && numToAppend > 0; inner, numToAppend = inners.Next(), numToAppend-1 {
if outputer.outerIsRight {
outputer.makeJoinRowToChunk(chkForJoin, inner, outer)
} else {
outputer.makeJoinRowToChunk(chkForJoin, outer, inner)
if len(outputer.filter) == 0 {
return nil
// reach here, chkForJoin is outputer.chk
_, err := outputer.filterChunk(chkForJoin, chk)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// makeJoinRow simply creates a new row that appends row b to row a.
func makeJoinRow(a Row, b Row) Row {
ret := make([]types.Datum, 0, len(a)+len(b))
ret = append(ret, a...)
ret = append(ret, b...)
return ret
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