Fetch the repository succeeded.
// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mocktikv
import (
type mvccValueType int
const btreeDegree = 32
const (
typePut mvccValueType = iota
type mvccValue struct {
valueType mvccValueType
startTS uint64
commitTS uint64
value []byte
type mvccLock struct {
startTS uint64
primary []byte
value []byte
op kvrpcpb.Op
ttl uint64
type mvccEntry struct {
key MvccKey
values []mvccValue
lock *mvccLock
// MarshalBinary implements encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface.
func (l *mvccLock) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
var (
mh marshalHelper
buf bytes.Buffer
mh.WriteNumber(&buf, l.startTS)
mh.WriteSlice(&buf, l.primary)
mh.WriteSlice(&buf, l.value)
mh.WriteNumber(&buf, l.op)
mh.WriteNumber(&buf, l.ttl)
return buf.Bytes(), errors.Trace(mh.err)
// UnmarshalBinary implements encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface.
func (l *mvccLock) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
var mh marshalHelper
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
mh.ReadNumber(buf, &l.startTS)
mh.ReadSlice(buf, &l.primary)
mh.ReadSlice(buf, &l.value)
mh.ReadNumber(buf, &l.op)
mh.ReadNumber(buf, &l.ttl)
return errors.Trace(mh.err)
// MarshalBinary implements encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface.
func (v mvccValue) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
var (
mh marshalHelper
buf bytes.Buffer
mh.WriteNumber(&buf, int64(v.valueType))
mh.WriteNumber(&buf, v.startTS)
mh.WriteNumber(&buf, v.commitTS)
mh.WriteSlice(&buf, v.value)
return buf.Bytes(), errors.Trace(mh.err)
// UnmarshalBinary implements encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface.
func (v *mvccValue) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
var mh marshalHelper
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
var vt int64
mh.ReadNumber(buf, &vt)
v.valueType = mvccValueType(vt)
mh.ReadNumber(buf, &v.startTS)
mh.ReadNumber(buf, &v.commitTS)
mh.ReadSlice(buf, &v.value)
return errors.Trace(mh.err)
type marshalHelper struct {
err error
func (mh *marshalHelper) WriteSlice(buf io.Writer, slice []byte) {
if mh.err != nil {
var tmp [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
off := binary.PutUvarint(tmp[:], uint64(len(slice)))
if err := writeFull(buf, tmp[:off]); err != nil {
mh.err = errors.Trace(err)
if err := writeFull(buf, slice); err != nil {
mh.err = errors.Trace(err)
func (mh *marshalHelper) WriteNumber(buf io.Writer, n interface{}) {
if mh.err != nil {
err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, n)
if err != nil {
mh.err = errors.Trace(err)
func writeFull(w io.Writer, slice []byte) error {
written := 0
for written < len(slice) {
n, err := w.Write(slice[written:])
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
written += n
return nil
func (mh *marshalHelper) ReadNumber(r io.Reader, n interface{}) {
if mh.err != nil {
err := binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, n)
if err != nil {
mh.err = errors.Trace(err)
func (mh *marshalHelper) ReadSlice(r *bytes.Buffer, slice *[]byte) {
if mh.err != nil {
sz, err := binary.ReadUvarint(r)
if err != nil {
mh.err = errors.Trace(err)
const c10M = 10 * 1024 * 1024
if sz > c10M {
mh.err = errors.New("too large slice, maybe something wrong")
data := make([]byte, sz)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, data); err != nil {
mh.err = errors.Trace(err)
*slice = data
func newEntry(key MvccKey) *mvccEntry {
return &mvccEntry{
key: key,
// lockErr returns ErrLocked.
// Note that parameter key is raw key, while key in ErrLocked is mvcc key.
func (l *mvccLock) lockErr(key []byte) error {
return &ErrLocked{
Key: mvccEncode(key, lockVer),
Primary: l.primary,
StartTS: l.startTS,
TTL: l.ttl,
func (e *mvccEntry) Clone() *mvccEntry {
var entry mvccEntry
entry.key = append([]byte(nil), e.key...)
for _, v := range e.values {
entry.values = append(entry.values, mvccValue{
valueType: v.valueType,
startTS: v.startTS,
commitTS: v.commitTS,
value: append([]byte(nil), v.value...),
if e.lock != nil {
entry.lock = &mvccLock{
startTS: e.lock.startTS,
primary: append([]byte(nil), e.lock.primary...),
value: append([]byte(nil), e.lock.value...),
op: e.lock.op,
ttl: e.lock.ttl,
return &entry
func (e *mvccEntry) Less(than btree.Item) bool {
return bytes.Compare(e.key, than.(*mvccEntry).key) < 0
func (e *mvccEntry) lockErr() error {
return &ErrLocked{
Key: e.key,
Primary: e.lock.primary,
StartTS: e.lock.startTS,
TTL: e.lock.ttl,
func (e *mvccEntry) Get(ts uint64, isoLevel kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel) ([]byte, error) {
if isoLevel == kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel_SI {
if e.lock != nil && e.lock.startTS <= ts {
return nil, e.lockErr()
for _, v := range e.values {
if v.commitTS <= ts && v.valueType != typeRollback {
return v.value, nil
return nil, nil
func (e *mvccEntry) Prewrite(mutation *kvrpcpb.Mutation, startTS uint64, primary []byte, ttl uint64) error {
if len(e.values) > 0 {
if e.values[0].commitTS >= startTS {
return ErrRetryable("write conflict")
if e.lock != nil {
if e.lock.startTS != startTS {
return e.lockErr()
return nil
e.lock = &mvccLock{
startTS: startTS,
primary: primary,
value: mutation.Value,
op: mutation.GetOp(),
ttl: ttl,
return nil
func (e *mvccEntry) getTxnCommitInfo(startTS uint64) *mvccValue {
for _, v := range e.values {
if v.startTS == startTS {
return &v
return nil
func (e *mvccEntry) Commit(startTS, commitTS uint64) error {
if e.lock == nil || e.lock.startTS != startTS {
if c := e.getTxnCommitInfo(startTS); c != nil && c.valueType != typeRollback {
return nil
return ErrRetryable("txn not found")
if e.lock.op != kvrpcpb.Op_Lock {
var valueType mvccValueType
if e.lock.op == kvrpcpb.Op_Put {
valueType = typePut
} else {
valueType = typeDelete
valueType: valueType,
startTS: startTS,
commitTS: commitTS,
value: e.lock.value,
e.lock = nil
return nil
func (e *mvccEntry) Rollback(startTS uint64) error {
// If current transaction's lock exist.
if e.lock != nil && e.lock.startTS == startTS {
e.lock = nil
valueType: typeRollback,
startTS: startTS,
commitTS: startTS,
return nil
// If current transaction's lock not exist.
// If commit info of current transaction exist.
if c := e.getTxnCommitInfo(startTS); c != nil {
// If current transaction is already committed.
if c.valueType != typeRollback {
return ErrAlreadyCommitted(c.commitTS)
// If current transaction is already rollback.
return nil
// If current transaction is not prewritted before.
valueType: typeRollback,
startTS: startTS,
commitTS: startTS,
return nil
func (e *mvccEntry) addValue(v mvccValue) {
i := sort.Search(len(e.values), func(i int) bool { return e.values[i].commitTS <= v.commitTS })
if i >= len(e.values) {
e.values = append(e.values, v)
} else {
e.values = append(e.values[:i+1], e.values[i:]...)
e.values[i] = v
func (e *mvccEntry) containsStartTS(startTS uint64) bool {
if e.lock != nil && e.lock.startTS == startTS {
return true
for _, item := range e.values {
if item.startTS == startTS {
return true
if item.commitTS < startTS {
return false
return false
func (e *mvccEntry) dumpMvccInfo() *kvrpcpb.MvccInfo {
info := &kvrpcpb.MvccInfo{}
if e.lock != nil {
info.Lock = &kvrpcpb.LockInfo{
Key: e.key,
PrimaryLock: e.lock.primary,
LockVersion: e.lock.startTS,
LockTtl: e.lock.ttl,
info.Writes = make([]*kvrpcpb.WriteInfo, len(e.values))
info.Values = make([]*kvrpcpb.ValueInfo, len(e.values))
for id, item := range e.values {
var tp kvrpcpb.Op
switch item.valueType {
case typePut:
tp = kvrpcpb.Op_Put
case typeDelete:
tp = kvrpcpb.Op_Del
case typeRollback:
tp = kvrpcpb.Op_Rollback
info.Writes[id] = &kvrpcpb.WriteInfo{
StartTs: item.startTS,
Type: tp,
CommitTs: item.commitTS,
info.Values[id] = &kvrpcpb.ValueInfo{
Value: item.value,
Ts: item.startTS,
return info
type rawEntry struct {
key []byte
value []byte
func newRawEntry(key []byte) *rawEntry {
return &rawEntry{
key: key,
func (e *rawEntry) Less(than btree.Item) bool {
return bytes.Compare(e.key, than.(*rawEntry).key) < 0
// MVCCStore is a mvcc key-value storage.
type MVCCStore interface {
Get(key []byte, startTS uint64, isoLevel kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel) ([]byte, error)
Scan(startKey, endKey []byte, limit int, startTS uint64, isoLevel kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel) []Pair
ReverseScan(startKey, endKey []byte, limit int, startTS uint64, isoLevel kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel) []Pair
BatchGet(ks [][]byte, startTS uint64, isoLevel kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel) []Pair
Prewrite(mutations []*kvrpcpb.Mutation, primary []byte, startTS uint64, ttl uint64) []error
Commit(keys [][]byte, startTS, commitTS uint64) error
Rollback(keys [][]byte, startTS uint64) error
Cleanup(key []byte, startTS uint64) error
ScanLock(startKey, endKey []byte, maxTS uint64) ([]*kvrpcpb.LockInfo, error)
ResolveLock(startKey, endKey []byte, startTS, commitTS uint64) error
BatchResolveLock(startKey, endKey []byte, txnInfos map[uint64]uint64) error
// RawKV is a key-value storage. MVCCStore can be implemented upon it with timestamp encoded into key.
type RawKV interface {
RawGet(key []byte) []byte
RawScan(startKey, endKey []byte, limit int) []Pair
RawPut(key, value []byte)
RawDelete(key []byte)
// MVCCDebugger is for debugging.
type MVCCDebugger interface {
MvccGetByStartTS(startKey, endKey []byte, starTS uint64) (*kvrpcpb.MvccInfo, []byte)
MvccGetByKey(key []byte) *kvrpcpb.MvccInfo
// MvccStore is an in-memory, multi-versioned, transaction-supported kv storage.
type MvccStore struct {
tree *btree.BTree
rawkv *btree.BTree
// NewMvccStore creates a MvccStore.
func NewMvccStore() *MvccStore {
return &MvccStore{
tree: btree.New(btreeDegree),
rawkv: btree.New(btreeDegree),
// Get reads a key by ts.
func (s *MvccStore) Get(key []byte, startTS uint64, isoLevel kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel) ([]byte, error) {
defer s.RUnlock()
return s.get(NewMvccKey(key), startTS, isoLevel)
func (s *MvccStore) get(key MvccKey, startTS uint64, isoLevel kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel) ([]byte, error) {
entry := s.tree.Get(newEntry(key))
if entry == nil {
return nil, nil
return entry.(*mvccEntry).Get(startTS, isoLevel)
// Pair is a KV pair read from MvccStore or an error if any occurs.
type Pair struct {
Key []byte
Value []byte
Err error
// BatchGet gets values with keys and ts.
func (s *MvccStore) BatchGet(ks [][]byte, startTS uint64, isoLevel kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel) []Pair {
defer s.RUnlock()
var pairs []Pair
for _, k := range ks {
val, err := s.get(NewMvccKey(k), startTS, isoLevel)
if val == nil && err == nil {
pairs = append(pairs, Pair{
Key: k,
Value: val,
Err: err,
return pairs
func regionContains(startKey []byte, endKey []byte, key []byte) bool {
return bytes.Compare(startKey, key) <= 0 &&
(bytes.Compare(key, endKey) < 0 || len(endKey) == 0)
// Scan reads up to a limited number of Pairs that greater than or equal to startKey and less than endKey.
func (s *MvccStore) Scan(startKey, endKey []byte, limit int, startTS uint64, isoLevel kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel) []Pair {
defer s.RUnlock()
startKey = NewMvccKey(startKey)
endKey = NewMvccKey(endKey)
var pairs []Pair
iterator := func(item btree.Item) bool {
if len(pairs) >= limit {
return false
k := item.(*mvccEntry).key
if !regionContains(startKey, endKey, k) {
return false
val, err := s.get(k, startTS, isoLevel)
if val != nil || err != nil {
pairs = append(pairs, Pair{
Key: k.Raw(),
Value: val,
Err: err,
return true
s.tree.AscendGreaterOrEqual(newEntry(startKey), iterator)
return pairs
// ReverseScan reads up to a limited number of Pairs that greater than or equal to startKey and less than endKey
// in descending order.
func (s *MvccStore) ReverseScan(startKey, endKey []byte, limit int, startTS uint64, isoLevel kvrpcpb.IsolationLevel) []Pair {
defer s.RUnlock()
startKey = NewMvccKey(startKey)
endKey = NewMvccKey(endKey)
var pairs []Pair
iterator := func(item btree.Item) bool {
if len(pairs) >= limit {
return false
k := item.(*mvccEntry).key
if bytes.Equal(k, endKey) {
return true
if bytes.Compare(k, startKey) < 0 {
return false
val, err := s.get(k, startTS, isoLevel)
if val != nil || err != nil {
pairs = append(pairs, Pair{
Key: k.Raw(),
Value: val,
Err: err,
return true
s.tree.DescendLessOrEqual(newEntry(endKey), iterator)
return pairs
func (s *MvccStore) getOrNewEntry(key []byte) *mvccEntry {
if item := s.tree.Get(newEntry(key)); item != nil {
return item.(*mvccEntry).Clone()
return newEntry(key)
// submit writes entries into the rbtree.
func (s *MvccStore) submit(ents ...*mvccEntry) {
for _, ent := range ents {
// Prewrite acquires a lock on a key. (1st phase of 2PC).
func (s *MvccStore) Prewrite(mutations []*kvrpcpb.Mutation, primary []byte, startTS uint64, ttl uint64) []error {
defer s.Unlock()
errs := make([]error, 0, len(mutations))
for _, m := range mutations {
entry := s.getOrNewEntry(NewMvccKey(m.Key))
err := entry.Prewrite(m, startTS, primary, ttl)
errs = append(errs, err)
return errs
// Commit commits the lock on a key. (2nd phase of 2PC).
func (s *MvccStore) Commit(keys [][]byte, startTS, commitTS uint64) error {
defer s.Unlock()
var ents []*mvccEntry
for _, k := range keys {
entry := s.getOrNewEntry(NewMvccKey(k))
err := entry.Commit(startTS, commitTS)
if err != nil {
return err
ents = append(ents, entry)
return nil
// Cleanup cleanups a lock, often used when resolving a expired lock.
func (s *MvccStore) Cleanup(key []byte, startTS uint64) error {
defer s.Unlock()
entry := s.getOrNewEntry(NewMvccKey(key))
err := entry.Rollback(startTS)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Rollback cleanups multiple locks, often used when rolling back a conflict txn.
func (s *MvccStore) Rollback(keys [][]byte, startTS uint64) error {
defer s.Unlock()
var ents []*mvccEntry
for _, k := range keys {
entry := s.getOrNewEntry(NewMvccKey(k))
err := entry.Rollback(startTS)
if err != nil {
return err
ents = append(ents, entry)
return nil
// ScanLock scans all orphan locks in a Region.
func (s *MvccStore) ScanLock(startKey, endKey []byte, maxTS uint64) ([]*kvrpcpb.LockInfo, error) {
defer s.RUnlock()
var locks []*kvrpcpb.LockInfo
iterator := func(item btree.Item) bool {
ent := item.(*mvccEntry)
if !regionContains(startKey, endKey, ent.key) {
return false
if ent.lock != nil && ent.lock.startTS <= maxTS {
locks = append(locks, &kvrpcpb.LockInfo{
PrimaryLock: ent.lock.primary,
LockVersion: ent.lock.startTS,
Key: ent.key.Raw(),
return true
s.tree.AscendGreaterOrEqual(newEntry(startKey), iterator)
return locks, nil
// ResolveLock resolves all orphan locks belong to a transaction.
func (s *MvccStore) ResolveLock(startKey, endKey []byte, startTS, commitTS uint64) error {
defer s.Unlock()
var ents []*mvccEntry
var err error
iterator := func(item btree.Item) bool {
ent := item.(*mvccEntry)
if !regionContains(startKey, endKey, ent.key) {
return false
if ent.lock != nil && ent.lock.startTS == startTS {
if commitTS > 0 {
err = ent.Commit(startTS, commitTS)
} else {
err = ent.Rollback(startTS)
if err != nil {
return false
ents = append(ents, ent)
return true
s.tree.AscendGreaterOrEqual(newEntry(startKey), iterator)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// BatchResolveLock resolves all orphan locks belong to a transaction.
func (s *MvccStore) BatchResolveLock(startKey, endKey []byte, txnInfos map[uint64]uint64) error {
defer s.Unlock()
var ents []*mvccEntry
var err error
iterator := func(item btree.Item) bool {
ent := item.(*mvccEntry)
if !regionContains(startKey, endKey, ent.key) {
return false
if ent.lock != nil {
if commitTS, ok := txnInfos[ent.lock.startTS]; ok {
if commitTS > 0 {
err = ent.Commit(ent.lock.startTS, commitTS)
} else {
err = ent.Rollback(ent.lock.startTS)
if err != nil {
return false
ents = append(ents, ent)
return true
s.tree.AscendGreaterOrEqual(newEntry(startKey), iterator)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// RawGet queries value with the key.
func (s *MvccStore) RawGet(key []byte) []byte {
defer s.RUnlock()
entry := s.rawkv.Get(newRawEntry(key))
if entry == nil {
return nil
return entry.(*rawEntry).value
// RawPut stores a key-value pair.
func (s *MvccStore) RawPut(key, value []byte) {
defer s.Unlock()
if value == nil {
value = []byte{}
entry := s.rawkv.Get(newRawEntry(key))
if entry != nil {
entry.(*rawEntry).value = value
} else {
key: key,
value: value,
// RawDelete deletes a key-value pair.
func (s *MvccStore) RawDelete(key []byte) {
defer s.Unlock()
// RawScan reads up to a limited number of rawkv Pairs.
func (s *MvccStore) RawScan(startKey, endKey []byte, limit int) []Pair {
defer s.RUnlock()
var pairs []Pair
iterator := func(item btree.Item) bool {
if len(pairs) >= limit {
return false
k := item.(*rawEntry).key
if !regionContains(startKey, endKey, k) {
return false
pairs = append(pairs, Pair{
Key: k,
Value: item.(*rawEntry).value,
return true
s.rawkv.AscendGreaterOrEqual(newRawEntry(startKey), iterator)
return pairs
// MvccGetByStartTS gets mvcc info for the primary key with startTS
func (s *MvccStore) MvccGetByStartTS(startKey, endKey []byte, starTS uint64) (*kvrpcpb.MvccInfo, []byte) {
defer s.RUnlock()
var info *kvrpcpb.MvccInfo
var key []byte
iterator := func(item btree.Item) bool {
k := item.(*mvccEntry)
if !regionContains(startKey, endKey, k.key) {
return false
if k.containsStartTS(starTS) {
info = k.dumpMvccInfo()
key = k.key
return false
return true
s.tree.AscendGreaterOrEqual(newEntry(startKey), iterator)
return info, key
// MvccGetByKey gets mvcc info for the key
func (s *MvccStore) MvccGetByKey(key []byte) *kvrpcpb.MvccInfo {
defer s.RUnlock()
resp := s.tree.Get(newEntry(NewMvccKey(key)))
if resp == nil {
return nil
entry := resp.(*mvccEntry)
return entry.dumpMvccInfo()
// MvccKey is the encoded key type.
// On TiKV, keys are encoded before they are saved into storage engine.
type MvccKey []byte
// NewMvccKey encodes a key into MvccKey.
func NewMvccKey(key []byte) MvccKey {
if len(key) == 0 {
return nil
return codec.EncodeBytes(nil, key)
// Raw decodes a MvccKey to original key.
func (key MvccKey) Raw() []byte {
if len(key) == 0 {
return nil
_, k, err := codec.DecodeBytes(key)
if err != nil {
return k
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