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descriptor.go 10.15 KB
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HuaiyuXu authored 2018-06-29 22:59 . *: support parallel hash agg (#6658)
// Copyright 2018 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package aggregation
import (
// AggFuncDesc describes an aggregation function signature, only used in planner.
type AggFuncDesc struct {
// Name represents the aggregation function name.
Name string
// Args represents the arguments of the aggregation function.
Args []expression.Expression
// RetTp represents the return type of the aggregation function.
RetTp *types.FieldType
// Mode represents the execution mode of the aggregation function.
Mode AggFunctionMode
// HasDistinct represents whether the aggregation function contains distinct attribute.
HasDistinct bool
// NewAggFuncDesc creates an aggregation function signature descriptor.
func NewAggFuncDesc(ctx sessionctx.Context, name string, args []expression.Expression, hasDistinct bool) *AggFuncDesc {
a := &AggFuncDesc{
Name: strings.ToLower(name),
Args: args,
HasDistinct: hasDistinct,
return a
// Equal checks whether two aggregation function signatures are equal.
func (a *AggFuncDesc) Equal(ctx sessionctx.Context, other *AggFuncDesc) bool {
if a.Name != other.Name || a.HasDistinct != other.HasDistinct || len(a.Args) != len(other.Args) {
return false
for i := range a.Args {
if !a.Args[i].Equal(ctx, other.Args[i]) {
return false
return true
// Clone copies an aggregation function signature totally.
func (a *AggFuncDesc) Clone() *AggFuncDesc {
clone := *a
newTp := *a.RetTp
clone.RetTp = &newTp
for i := range a.Args {
clone.Args[i] = a.Args[i].Clone()
return &clone
// String implements the fmt.Stringer interface.
func (a *AggFuncDesc) String() string {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString(a.Name)
for i, arg := range a.Args {
if i+1 != len(a.Args) {
buffer.WriteString(", ")
return buffer.String()
// typeInfer infers the arguments and return types of an aggregation function.
func (a *AggFuncDesc) typeInfer(ctx sessionctx.Context) {
switch a.Name {
case ast.AggFuncCount:
case ast.AggFuncSum:
case ast.AggFuncAvg:
case ast.AggFuncGroupConcat:
case ast.AggFuncMax, ast.AggFuncMin, ast.AggFuncFirstRow:
case ast.AggFuncBitAnd, ast.AggFuncBitOr, ast.AggFuncBitXor:
panic("unsupported agg function: " + a.Name)
// CalculateDefaultValue gets the default value when the aggregation function's input is null.
// The input stands for the schema of Aggregation's child. If the function can't produce a default value, the second
// return value will be false.
// According to MySQL, DefaultValue of the aggregation function can be tested as the following sql:
// mysql> CREATE TABLE `t` (
// -> `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
// -> `b` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
// -> );
// mysql>
// +------+--------+--------+----------+------------+-----------+----------------------+--------+--------+-----------------+
// | a | avg(a) | sum(a) | count(a) | bit_xor(a) | bit_or(a) | bit_and(a) | max(a) | min(a) | group_concat(a) |
// +------+--------+--------+----------+------------+-----------+----------------------+--------+--------+-----------------+
// | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 18446744073709551615 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
// +------+--------+--------+----------+------------+-----------+----------------------+--------+--------+-----------------+
// 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
func (a *AggFuncDesc) CalculateDefaultValue(ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema) (types.Datum, bool) {
switch a.Name {
case ast.AggFuncCount:
return a.calculateDefaultValue4Count(ctx, schema)
case ast.AggFuncSum, ast.AggFuncMax, ast.AggFuncMin,
ast.AggFuncFirstRow, ast.AggFuncAvg, ast.AggFuncGroupConcat:
return a.calculateDefaultValue4Sum(ctx, schema)
case ast.AggFuncBitAnd:
return a.calculateDefaultValue4BitAnd(ctx, schema)
case ast.AggFuncBitOr, ast.AggFuncBitXor:
return a.calculateDefaultValue4BitOr(ctx, schema)
panic("unsupported agg function")
// GetAggFunc gets an evaluator according to the aggregation function signature.
func (a *AggFuncDesc) GetAggFunc() Aggregation {
aggFunc := aggFunction{AggFuncDesc: a}
switch a.Name {
case ast.AggFuncSum:
return &sumFunction{aggFunction: aggFunc}
case ast.AggFuncCount:
return &countFunction{aggFunction: aggFunc}
case ast.AggFuncAvg:
return &avgFunction{aggFunction: aggFunc}
case ast.AggFuncGroupConcat:
return &concatFunction{aggFunction: aggFunc}
case ast.AggFuncMax:
return &maxMinFunction{aggFunction: aggFunc, isMax: true}
case ast.AggFuncMin:
return &maxMinFunction{aggFunction: aggFunc, isMax: false}
case ast.AggFuncFirstRow:
return &firstRowFunction{aggFunction: aggFunc}
case ast.AggFuncBitOr:
return &bitOrFunction{aggFunction: aggFunc}
case ast.AggFuncBitXor:
return &bitXorFunction{aggFunction: aggFunc}
case ast.AggFuncBitAnd:
return &bitAndFunction{aggFunction: aggFunc}
panic("unsupported agg function")
func (a *AggFuncDesc) typeInfer4Count(ctx sessionctx.Context) {
a.RetTp = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLonglong)
a.RetTp.Flen = 21
// For child returns integer or decimal type, "sum" should returns a "decimal", otherwise it returns a "double".
func (a *AggFuncDesc) typeInfer4Sum(ctx sessionctx.Context) {
switch a.Args[0].GetType().Tp {
case mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeInt24, mysql.TypeLong, mysql.TypeLonglong, mysql.TypeNewDecimal:
a.RetTp = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeNewDecimal)
a.RetTp.Flen, a.RetTp.Decimal = mysql.MaxDecimalWidth, a.Args[0].GetType().Decimal
if a.RetTp.Decimal < 0 || a.RetTp.Decimal > mysql.MaxDecimalScale {
a.RetTp.Decimal = mysql.MaxDecimalScale
// TODO: a.Args[0] = expression.WrapWithCastAsDecimal(ctx, a.Args[0])
a.RetTp = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDouble)
a.RetTp.Flen, a.RetTp.Decimal = mysql.MaxRealWidth, a.Args[0].GetType().Decimal
//TODO: a.Args[0] = expression.WrapWithCastAsReal(ctx, a.Args[0])
// For child returns integer or decimal type, "avg" should returns a "decimal", otherwise it returns a "double".
func (a *AggFuncDesc) typeInfer4Avg(ctx sessionctx.Context) {
switch a.Args[0].GetType().Tp {
case mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeInt24, mysql.TypeLong, mysql.TypeLonglong, mysql.TypeNewDecimal:
a.RetTp = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeNewDecimal)
if a.Args[0].GetType().Decimal < 0 {
a.RetTp.Decimal = mysql.MaxDecimalScale
} else {
a.RetTp.Decimal = mathutil.Min(a.Args[0].GetType().Decimal+types.DivFracIncr, mysql.MaxDecimalScale)
a.RetTp.Flen = mysql.MaxDecimalWidth
// TODO: a.Args[0] = expression.WrapWithCastAsDecimal(ctx, a.Args[0])
a.RetTp = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDouble)
a.RetTp.Flen, a.RetTp.Decimal = mysql.MaxRealWidth, a.Args[0].GetType().Decimal
// TODO: a.Args[0] = expression.WrapWithCastAsReal(ctx, a.Args[0])
func (a *AggFuncDesc) typeInfer4GroupConcat(ctx sessionctx.Context) {
a.RetTp = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeVarString)
a.RetTp.Charset = charset.CharsetUTF8
a.RetTp.Collate = charset.CollationUTF8
a.RetTp.Flen, a.RetTp.Decimal = mysql.MaxBlobWidth, 0
// TODO: a.Args[i] = expression.WrapWithCastAsString(ctx, a.Args[i])
func (a *AggFuncDesc) typeInfer4MaxMin(ctx sessionctx.Context) {
_, argIsScalaFunc := a.Args[0].(*expression.ScalarFunction)
if argIsScalaFunc && a.Args[0].GetType().Tp == mysql.TypeFloat {
// For scalar function, the result of "float32" is set to the "float64"
// field in the "Datum". If we do not wrap a cast-as-double function on a.Args[0],
// error would happen when extracting the evaluation of a.Args[0] to a ProjectionExec.
tp := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDouble)
tp.Flen, tp.Decimal = mysql.MaxRealWidth, types.UnspecifiedLength
a.Args[0] = expression.BuildCastFunction(ctx, a.Args[0], tp)
a.RetTp = a.Args[0].GetType()
func (a *AggFuncDesc) typeInfer4BitFuncs(ctx sessionctx.Context) {
a.RetTp = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLonglong)
a.RetTp.Flen = 21
a.RetTp.Flag |= mysql.UnsignedFlag | mysql.NotNullFlag
// TODO: a.Args[0] = expression.WrapWithCastAsInt(ctx, a.Args[0])
func (a *AggFuncDesc) calculateDefaultValue4Count(ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema) (types.Datum, bool) {
return types.NewDatum(0), true
func (a *AggFuncDesc) calculateDefaultValue4Sum(ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema) (types.Datum, bool) {
result := expression.EvaluateExprWithNull(ctx, schema, a.Args[0])
con, ok := result.(*expression.Constant)
if !ok || con.Value.IsNull() {
return types.Datum{}, ok
return con.Value, true
func (a *AggFuncDesc) calculateDefaultValue4BitAnd(ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema) (types.Datum, bool) {
result := expression.EvaluateExprWithNull(ctx, schema, a.Args[0])
con, ok := result.(*expression.Constant)
if !ok || con.Value.IsNull() {
return types.NewDatum(uint64(math.MaxUint64)), true
return con.Value, true
func (a *AggFuncDesc) calculateDefaultValue4BitOr(ctx sessionctx.Context, schema *expression.Schema) (types.Datum, bool) {
result := expression.EvaluateExprWithNull(ctx, schema, a.Args[0])
con, ok := result.(*expression.Constant)
if !ok || con.Value.IsNull() {
return types.NewDatum(0), true
return con.Value, true
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