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// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package executor
import (
plannercore "github.com/pingcap/tidb/planner/core"
var (
_ Executor = &DeallocateExec{}
_ Executor = &ExecuteExec{}
_ Executor = &PrepareExec{}
type paramMarkerSorter struct {
markers []*ast.ParamMarkerExpr
func (p *paramMarkerSorter) Len() int {
return len(p.markers)
func (p *paramMarkerSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p.markers[i].Offset < p.markers[j].Offset
func (p *paramMarkerSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
p.markers[i], p.markers[j] = p.markers[j], p.markers[i]
type paramMarkerExtractor struct {
markers []*ast.ParamMarkerExpr
func (e *paramMarkerExtractor) Enter(in ast.Node) (ast.Node, bool) {
return in, false
func (e *paramMarkerExtractor) Leave(in ast.Node) (ast.Node, bool) {
if x, ok := in.(*ast.ParamMarkerExpr); ok {
e.markers = append(e.markers, x)
return in, true
// PrepareExec represents a PREPARE executor.
type PrepareExec struct {
is infoschema.InfoSchema
name string
sqlText string
ID uint32
ParamCount int
Fields []*ast.ResultField
// NewPrepareExec creates a new PrepareExec.
func NewPrepareExec(ctx sessionctx.Context, is infoschema.InfoSchema, sqlTxt string) *PrepareExec {
base := newBaseExecutor(ctx, nil, "PrepareStmt")
base.initCap = chunk.ZeroCapacity
return &PrepareExec{
baseExecutor: base,
is: is,
sqlText: sqlTxt,
// Next implements the Executor Next interface.
func (e *PrepareExec) Next(ctx context.Context, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
vars := e.ctx.GetSessionVars()
if e.ID != 0 {
// Must be the case when we retry a prepare.
// Make sure it is idempotent.
_, ok := vars.PreparedStmts[e.ID]
if ok {
return nil
charset, collation := vars.GetCharsetInfo()
var (
stmts []ast.StmtNode
err error
if sqlParser, ok := e.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLParser); ok {
stmts, err = sqlParser.ParseSQL(e.sqlText, charset, collation)
} else {
stmts, err = parser.New().Parse(e.sqlText, charset, collation)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if len(stmts) != 1 {
return ErrPrepareMulti
stmt := stmts[0]
if _, ok := stmt.(ast.DDLNode); ok {
return ErrPrepareDDL
var extractor paramMarkerExtractor
// Prepare parameters should NOT over 2 bytes(MaxUint16)
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-stmt-prepare-response.html#packet-COM_STMT_PREPARE_OK.
if len(extractor.markers) > math.MaxUint16 {
return ErrPsManyParam
err = plannercore.Preprocess(e.ctx, stmt, e.is, true)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// The parameter markers are appended in visiting order, which may not
// be the same as the position order in the query string. We need to
// sort it by position.
sorter := &paramMarkerSorter{markers: extractor.markers}
e.ParamCount = len(sorter.markers)
for i := 0; i < e.ParamCount; i++ {
sorter.markers[i].Order = i
prepared := &ast.Prepared{
Stmt: stmt,
Params: sorter.markers,
SchemaVersion: e.is.SchemaMetaVersion(),
prepared.UseCache = plannercore.PreparedPlanCacheEnabled() && (vars.LightningMode || plannercore.Cacheable(stmt))
// We try to build the real statement of preparedStmt.
for i := range prepared.Params {
var p plannercore.Plan
p, err = plannercore.BuildLogicalPlan(e.ctx, stmt, e.is)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if _, ok := stmt.(*ast.SelectStmt); ok {
e.Fields = schema2ResultFields(p.Schema(), vars.CurrentDB)
if e.ID == 0 {
e.ID = vars.GetNextPreparedStmtID()
if e.name != "" {
vars.PreparedStmtNameToID[e.name] = e.ID
vars.PreparedStmts[e.ID] = prepared
return nil
// ExecuteExec represents an EXECUTE executor.
// It cannot be executed by itself, all it needs to do is to build
// another Executor from a prepared statement.
type ExecuteExec struct {
is infoschema.InfoSchema
name string
usingVars []expression.Expression
id uint32
stmtExec Executor
stmt ast.StmtNode
plan plannercore.Plan
// Next implements the Executor Next interface.
func (e *ExecuteExec) Next(ctx context.Context, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
return nil
// Build builds a prepared statement into an executor.
// After Build, e.StmtExec will be used to do the real execution.
func (e *ExecuteExec) Build() error {
var err error
if IsPointGetWithPKOrUniqueKeyByAutoCommit(e.ctx, e.plan) {
err = e.ctx.InitTxnWithStartTS(math.MaxUint64)
} else {
err = e.ctx.ActivePendingTxn()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
b := newExecutorBuilder(e.ctx, e.is)
stmtExec := b.build(e.plan)
if b.err != nil {
return errors.Trace(b.err)
e.stmtExec = stmtExec
CountStmtNode(e.stmt, e.ctx.GetSessionVars().InRestrictedSQL)
logExpensiveQuery(e.stmt, e.plan)
return nil
// DeallocateExec represent a DEALLOCATE executor.
type DeallocateExec struct {
Name string
// Next implements the Executor Next interface.
func (e *DeallocateExec) Next(ctx context.Context, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
vars := e.ctx.GetSessionVars()
id, ok := vars.PreparedStmtNameToID[e.Name]
if !ok {
return errors.Trace(plannercore.ErrStmtNotFound)
delete(vars.PreparedStmtNameToID, e.Name)
delete(vars.PreparedStmts, id)
return nil
// CompileExecutePreparedStmt compiles a session Execute command to a stmt.Statement.
func CompileExecutePreparedStmt(ctx sessionctx.Context, ID uint32, args ...interface{}) (ast.Statement, error) {
execStmt := &ast.ExecuteStmt{ExecID: ID}
if err := ResetContextOfStmt(ctx, execStmt); err != nil {
return nil, err
execStmt.UsingVars = make([]ast.ExprNode, len(args))
for i, val := range args {
execStmt.UsingVars[i] = ast.NewValueExpr(val)
is := GetInfoSchema(ctx)
execPlan, err := plannercore.Optimize(ctx, execStmt, is)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
stmt := &ExecStmt{
InfoSchema: GetInfoSchema(ctx),
Plan: execPlan,
StmtNode: execStmt,
Ctx: ctx,
if prepared, ok := ctx.GetSessionVars().PreparedStmts[ID]; ok {
stmt.Text = prepared.Stmt.Text()
return stmt, nil
func getPreparedStmt(stmt *ast.ExecuteStmt, vars *variable.SessionVars) (ast.StmtNode, error) {
execID := stmt.ExecID
ok := false
if stmt.Name != "" {
if execID, ok = vars.PreparedStmtNameToID[stmt.Name]; !ok {
return nil, plannercore.ErrStmtNotFound
if prepared, ok := vars.PreparedStmts[execID]; ok {
return prepared.Stmt, nil
return nil, plannercore.ErrStmtNotFound
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