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dataframe_xstring.go 4.35 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package pandas
import (
// String implements the Stringer interface for DataFrame
func (self DataFrame) String() (str string) {
return self.print(true, false, true, true, 10, 70, "DataFrame")
func (self DataFrame) print(
shortRows, shortCols, showDims, showTypes bool,
maxRows int,
maxCharsTotal int,
class string) (str string) {
addRightPadding := func(s string, nchar int) string {
if utf8.RuneCountInString(s) < nchar {
return s + strings.Repeat(" ", nchar-utf8.RuneCountInString(s))
return s
addLeftPadding := func(s string, nchar int) string {
if utf8.RuneCountInString(s) < nchar {
return strings.Repeat(" ", nchar-utf8.RuneCountInString(s)) + s
return s
if self.Err != nil {
str = fmt.Sprintf("%s error: %v", class, self.Err)
nMinRows := int(maxRows / 2)
nTotal := 0
nrows, ncols := self.Dims()
if nrows == 0 || ncols == 0 {
str = fmt.Sprintf("Empty %s", class)
var records [][]string
shortening := false
if shortRows && nrows > maxRows {
shortening = true
dfHead := self.Subset(0, nMinRows)
records = dfHead.Records()
nTotal += dfHead.Nrow()
if shortening {
dots := make([]string, ncols)
for i := 0; i < ncols; i++ {
dots[i] = "..."
records = append(records, dots)
nTotal += 1
dfTail := self.Subset(nrows-nMinRows, nrows)
tails := dfTail.Records()
nTotal += dfTail.Nrow()
records = append(records, tails[1:]...)
} else {
records = self.Records()
nTotal += self.Nrow()
if showDims {
str += fmt.Sprintf("[%dx%d] %s\n\n", nrows, ncols, class)
// Add the row numbers
rowNumbersOffset := 0
for i := 0; i < nTotal+1; /*self.nrows+1*/ i++ {
add := ""
if i == 0 {
// 跳过
} else if i == nMinRows+1 && shortening {
// 跳过
rowNumbersOffset -= 1
} else if i < nMinRows+1 {
add = strconv.Itoa(i-1+rowNumbersOffset) + ":"
} else {
add = strconv.Itoa(nrows-maxRows+i-1+rowNumbersOffset) + ":"
records[i] = append([]string{add}, records[i]...)
//if shortening {
// dots := make([]string, ncols+1)
// for i := 1; i < ncols+1; i++ {
// dots[i] = "..."
// }
// records = append(records, dots)
types := self.Types()
typesrow := make([]string, ncols)
for i := 0; i < ncols; i++ {
typesrow[i] = fmt.Sprintf("<%v>", types[i])
typesrow = append([]string{""}, typesrow...)
if showTypes {
records = append(records, typesrow)
maxChars := make([]int, self.ncols+1)
for i := 0; i < len(records); i++ {
for j := 0; j < self.ncols+1; j++ {
// Escape special characters
records[i][j] = strconv.Quote(records[i][j])
records[i][j] = records[i][j][1 : len(records[i][j])-1]
// Detect maximum number of characters per column
if len(records[i][j]) > maxChars[j] {
maxChars[j] = utf8.RuneCountInString(records[i][j])
maxCols := len(records[0])
var notShowing []string
if shortCols {
maxCharsCum := 0
for colnum, m := range maxChars {
maxCharsCum += m
if maxCharsCum > maxCharsTotal {
maxCols = colnum
notShowingNames := records[0][maxCols:]
notShowingTypes := typesrow[maxCols:]
notShowing = make([]string, len(notShowingNames))
for i := 0; i < len(notShowingNames); i++ {
notShowing[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", notShowingNames[i], notShowingTypes[i])
for i := 0; i < len(records); i++ {
// Add right padding to all elements
records[i][0] = addLeftPadding(records[i][0], maxChars[0]+1)
for j := 1; j < self.ncols; j++ {
records[i][j] = addRightPadding(records[i][j], maxChars[j])
records[i] = records[i][0:maxCols]
if shortCols && len(notShowing) != 0 {
records[i] = append(records[i], "...")
// Create the final string
str += strings.Join(records[i], " ")
str += "\n"
// 没有显示字段处理逻辑
if shortCols && len(notShowing) != 0 {
var notShown string
var notShownArr [][]string
cum := 0
i := 0
for n, ns := range notShowing {
cum += len(ns)
if cum > maxCharsTotal {
notShownArr = append(notShownArr, notShowing[i:n])
cum = 0
i = n
if i < len(notShowing) {
notShownArr = append(notShownArr, notShowing[i:])
for k, ns := range notShownArr {
notShown += strings.Join(ns, ", ")
if k != len(notShownArr)-1 {
notShown += ","
notShown += "\n"
str += fmt.Sprintf("\nNot Showing: %s", notShown)
return str
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