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ShirDon-廖显东 / goWaveForm

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waveform.go 9.00 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
mewmew 提交于 2016-07-07 12:17 . Make use of latest Azul3D audio API.
// Package waveform is capable of generating waveform images from audio streams. MIT Licensed.
package waveform
import (
// Import WAV and FLAC decoders
_ "azul3d.org/engine/audio/flac"
_ "azul3d.org/engine/audio/wav"
const (
// imgYDefault is the default height of the generated waveform image
imgYDefault = 128
// scaleDefault is the default scaling factor used when scaling computed
// value and waveform height by the output image's height
scaleDefault = 3.00
// Error values from azul3d/engine/audio are wrapped, so that callers do not
// have to import an additional package to check for common errors.
var (
// ErrFormat is returned when the input audio format is not a registered format
// with the audio package.
ErrFormat = audio.ErrFormat
// ErrInvalidData is returned when the input audio format is recognized, but
// the stream is invalid or corrupt in some way.
ErrInvalidData = audio.ErrInvalidData
// ErrUnexpectedEOS is returned when end-of-stream is encountered in the middle
// of a fixed-size block or data structure.
ErrUnexpectedEOS = audio.ErrUnexpectedEOS
// Waveform is a struct which can be manipulated and used to generate
// audio waveform images from an input audio stream.
type Waveform struct {
r io.Reader
resolution uint
sampleFn SampleReduceFunc
bgColorFn ColorFunc
fgColorFn ColorFunc
scaleX uint
scaleY uint
sharpness uint
scaleClipping bool
// Generate immediately opens and reads an input audio stream, computes
// the values required for waveform generation, and returns a waveform image
// which is customized by zero or more, variadic, OptionsFunc parameters.
// Generate is equivalent to calling New, followed by the Compute and Draw
// methods of a Waveform struct. In general, Generate should only be used
// for one-time waveform image generation.
func Generate(r io.Reader, options ...OptionsFunc) (image.Image, error) {
w, err := New(r, options...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
values, err := w.Compute()
return w.Draw(values), err
// New generates a new Waveform struct, applying any input OptionsFunc
// on return.
func New(r io.Reader, options ...OptionsFunc) (*Waveform, error) {
// Generate Waveform struct with sane defaults
w := &Waveform{
// Read from input stream
r: r,
// Read audio and compute values once per second of audio
resolution: 1,
// Use RMSF64Samples as a SampleReduceFunc
sampleFn: RMSF64Samples,
// Generate solid, black background color with solid, white
// foreground color waveform using ColorFunc
bgColorFn: SolidColor(color.White),
fgColorFn: SolidColor(color.Black),
// No scaling
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
// Normal sharpness
sharpness: 1,
// Do not scale clipping values
scaleClipping: false,
// Apply any input OptionsFunc on return
return w, w.SetOptions(options...)
// Compute creates a slice of float64 values, computed using an input function.
// Compute is typically used once on an audio stream, to read and calculate the values
// used for subsequent waveform generations. Its return value can be used with Draw to
// generate and customize multiple waveform images from a single stream.
func (w *Waveform) Compute() ([]float64, error) {
return w.readAndComputeSamples()
// Draw creates a new image.Image from a slice of float64 values.
// Draw is typically used after a waveform has been computed one time, and a slice
// of computed values was returned from the first computation. Subsequent calls to
// Draw may be used to customize a waveform using the same input values.
func (w *Waveform) Draw(values []float64) image.Image {
return w.generateImage(values)
// readAndComputeSamples opens the input audio stream, computes samples according
// to an input function, and returns a slice of computed values and any errors
// which occurred during the computation.
func (w *Waveform) readAndComputeSamples() ([]float64, error) {
// Validate struct members
// These checks are also done when applying options, but verifying them here
// will prevent a runtime panic if called on an empty Waveform instance.
if w.sampleFn == nil {
return nil, errSampleFunctionNil
if w.resolution == 0 {
return nil, errResolutionZero
// Open audio decoder on input stream
decoder, _, err := audio.NewDecoder(w.r)
if err != nil {
// Unknown format
if err == audio.ErrFormat {
return nil, ErrFormat
// Invalid data
if err == audio.ErrInvalidData {
return nil, ErrInvalidData
// Unexpected end-of-stream
if err == audio.ErrUnexpectedEOS {
return nil, ErrUnexpectedEOS
// All other errors
return nil, err
// computed is a slice of computed values by a SampleReduceFunc, from each
// slice of audio samples
var computed []float64
// Track the current computed value
var value float64
// samples is a slice of float64 audio samples, used to store decoded values
config := decoder.Config()
samples := make(audio.Float64, uint(config.SampleRate*config.Channels)/w.resolution)
for {
// Decode at specified resolution from options
// On any error other than end-of-stream, return
_, err := decoder.Read(samples)
if err != nil && err != audio.EOS {
return nil, err
// Apply SampleReduceFunc over float64 audio samples
value = w.sampleFn(samples)
// Store computed value
computed = append(computed, value)
// On end of stream, stop reading values
if err == audio.EOS {
// Return slice of computed values
return computed, nil
// generateImage takes a slice of computed values and generates
// a waveform image from the input.
func (w *Waveform) generateImage(computed []float64) image.Image {
// Store integer scale values
intScaleX := int(w.scaleX)
intScaleY := int(w.scaleY)
// Calculate maximum n, x, y, where:
// - n: number of computed values
// - x: number of pixels on X-axis
// - y: number of pixels on Y-axis
maxN := len(computed)
maxX := maxN * intScaleX
maxY := imgYDefault * intScaleY
// Create output, rectangular image
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, maxX, maxY))
bounds := img.Bounds()
// Calculate halfway point of Y-axis for image
imgHalfY := bounds.Max.Y / 2
// Calculate a peak value used for smoothing scaled X-axis images
peak := int(math.Ceil(float64(w.scaleX)) / 2)
// Calculate scaling factor, based upon maximum value computed by a SampleReduceFunc.
// If option ScaleClipping is true, when maximum value is above certain thresholds
// the scaling factor is reduced to show an accurate waveform with less clipping.
imgScale := scaleDefault
if w.scaleClipping {
// Find maximum value from input slice
var maxValue float64
for _, c := range computed {
if c > maxValue {
maxValue = c
// For each 0.05 maximum increment at 0.30 and above, reduce the scaling
// factor by 0.25. This is a rough estimate and may be tweaked in the future.
for i := 0.30; i < maxValue; i += 0.05 {
imgScale -= 0.25
// Values to be used for repeated computations
var scaleComputed, halfScaleComputed, adjust int
intBoundY := int(bounds.Max.Y)
f64BoundY := float64(bounds.Max.Y)
intSharpness := int(w.sharpness)
// Begin iterating all computed values
x := 0
for n := range computed {
// Scale computed value to an integer, using the height of the image and a constant
// scaling factor
scaleComputed = int(math.Floor(computed[n] * f64BoundY * imgScale))
// Calculate the halfway point for the scaled computed value
halfScaleComputed = scaleComputed / 2
// Draw background color down the entire Y-axis
for y := 0; y < intBoundY; y++ {
// If X-axis is being scaled, draw background over several X coordinates
for i := 0; i < intScaleX; i++ {
img.Set(x+i, y, w.bgColorFn(n, x+i, y, maxN, maxX, maxY))
// Iterate image coordinates on the Y-axis, generating a symmetrical waveform
// image above and below the center of the image
for y := imgHalfY - halfScaleComputed; y < scaleComputed+(imgHalfY-halfScaleComputed); y++ {
// If X-axis is being scaled, draw computed value over several X coordinates
for i := 0; i < intScaleX; i++ {
// When scaled, adjust computed value to be lower on either side of the peak,
// so that the image appears more smooth and less "blocky"
if i < peak {
// Adjust downward
adjust = (i - peak) * intSharpness
} else if i == peak {
// No adjustment at peak
adjust = 0
} else {
// Adjust downward
adjust = (peak - i) * intSharpness
// On top half of the image, invert adjustment to create symmetry between
// top and bottom halves
if y < imgHalfY {
adjust = -1 * adjust
// Retrieve and apply color function at specified computed value
// count, and X and Y coordinates.
// The output color is selected using the function, and is applied to
// the resulting image.
img.Set(x+i, y+adjust, w.fgColorFn(n, x+i, y+adjust, maxN, maxX, maxY))
// Increase X by scaling factor, to continue drawing at next loop
x += intScaleX
// Return generated image
return img
