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metrics.go 3.82 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package monitoring
import (
// makeExpvar wraps a callback for registering a metrics with expvar.Publish.
type makeExpvar func() string
// Int is a 64 bit integer variable satisfying the Var interface.
type Int struct{ i int64 }
// NewInt creates and registers a new integer variable.
// Note: If the registry is configured to publish variables to expvar, the
// variable will be available via expvars package as well, but can not be removed
// anymore.
func NewInt(r *Registry, name string, opts ...Option) *Int {
if r == nil {
r = Default
v := &Int{}
addVar(r, name, opts, v, makeExpvar(func() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(v.Get(), 10)
return v
func (v *Int) Get() int64 { return atomic.LoadInt64(&v.i) }
func (v *Int) Set(value int64) { atomic.StoreInt64(&v.i, value) }
func (v *Int) Add(delta int64) { atomic.AddInt64(&v.i, delta) }
func (v *Int) Inc() { atomic.AddInt64(&v.i, 1) }
func (v *Int) Dec() { atomic.AddInt64(&v.i, -1) }
func (v *Int) Visit(_ Mode, vs Visitor) { vs.OnInt(v.Get()) }
// Float is a 64 bit float variable satisfying the Var interface.
type Float struct{ f uint64 }
// NewFloat creates and registers a new float variable.
// Note: If the registry is configured to publish variables to expvar, the
// variable will be available via expvars package as well, but can not be removed
// anymore.
func NewFloat(r *Registry, name string, opts ...Option) *Float {
if r == nil {
r = Default
v := &Float{}
addVar(r, name, opts, v, makeExpvar(func() string {
return strconv.FormatFloat(v.Get(), 'g', -1, 64)
return v
func (v *Float) Get() float64 { return math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&v.f)) }
func (v *Float) Set(value float64) { atomic.StoreUint64(&v.f, math.Float64bits(value)) }
func (v *Float) Sub(delta float64) { v.Add(-delta) }
func (v *Float) Visit(_ Mode, vs Visitor) { vs.OnFloat(v.Get()) }
func (v *Float) Add(delta float64) {
for {
cur := atomic.LoadUint64(&v.f)
next := math.Float64bits(math.Float64frombits(cur) + delta)
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&v.f, cur, next) {
// String is a string variable satisfying the Var interface.
type String struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
s string
// NewString creates and registers a new string variable.
// Note: If the registry is configured to publish variables to expvar, the
// variable will be available via expvars package as well, but can not be removed
// anymore.
func NewString(r *Registry, name string, opts ...Option) *String {
if r == nil {
r = Default
v := &String{}
addVar(r, name, opts, v, makeExpvar(func() string {
b, _ := json.Marshal(v.Get())
return string(b)
return v
func (v *String) Visit(_ Mode, vs Visitor) {
func (v *String) Get() string {
defer v.mu.RUnlock()
return v.s
func (v *String) Set(s string) {
defer v.mu.Unlock()
v.s = s
func (v *String) Clear() {
func (v *String) Fail(err error) {
type FuncVar func(Mode, Visitor)
func (f FuncVar) Visit(m Mode, vs Visitor) { f(m, vs) }
type Func struct {
f FuncVar
func NewFunc(r *Registry, name string, f func(Mode, Visitor), opts ...Option) *Func {
if r == nil {
r = Default
v := &Func{f}
addVar(r, name, opts, v, nil)
return v
func (f *Func) Visit(m Mode, vs Visitor) { f.f(m, vs) }
func (m makeExpvar) String() string { return m() }
func addVar(r *Registry, name string, opts []Option, v Var, ev expvar.Var) {
O := varOpts(r.opts, opts)
r.doAdd(name, v, O)
if O.publishExpvar && ev != nil {
expvar.Publish(fullName(r, name), ev)
func fullName(r *Registry, name string) string {
if r.name == "" {
return name
return r.name + "." + name
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