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dataretriever.go 10.13 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package privdata
import (
gossip2 "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/gossip"
// StorageDataRetriever defines an API to retrieve private date from the storage
type StorageDataRetriever interface {
// CollectionRWSet retrieves for give digest relevant private data if
// available otherwise returns nil, bool which is true if data fetched from ledger and false if was fetched from transient store, and an error
CollectionRWSet(dig []*gossip2.PvtDataDigest, blockNum uint64) (Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig, bool, error)
//go:generate mockery -dir . -name DataStore -case underscore -output mocks/
//go:generate mockery -dir ../../core/transientstore/ -name RWSetScanner -case underscore -output mocks/
//go:generate mockery -dir ../../core/ledger/ -name ConfigHistoryRetriever -case underscore -output mocks/
// DataStore defines set of APIs need to get private data
// from underlined data store
type DataStore interface {
// GetTxPvtRWSetByTxid returns an iterator due to the fact that the txid may have multiple private
// RWSets persisted from different endorsers (via Gossip)
GetTxPvtRWSetByTxid(txid string, filter ledger.PvtNsCollFilter) (transientstore.RWSetScanner, error)
// GetPvtDataByNum returns a slice of the private data from the ledger
// for given block and based on the filter which indicates a map of
// collections and namespaces of private data to retrieve
GetPvtDataByNum(blockNum uint64, filter ledger.PvtNsCollFilter) ([]*ledger.TxPvtData, error)
// GetConfigHistoryRetriever returns the ConfigHistoryRetriever
GetConfigHistoryRetriever() (ledger.ConfigHistoryRetriever, error)
// Get recent block sequence number
LedgerHeight() (uint64, error)
type dataRetriever struct {
store DataStore
// NewDataRetriever constructing function for implementation of the
// StorageDataRetriever interface
func NewDataRetriever(store DataStore) StorageDataRetriever {
return &dataRetriever{store: store}
// CollectionRWSet retrieves for give digest relevant private data if
// available otherwise returns nil, bool which is true if data fetched from ledger and false if was fetched from transient store, and an error
func (dr *dataRetriever) CollectionRWSet(digests []*gossip2.PvtDataDigest, blockNum uint64) (Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig, bool, error) {
height, err := dr.store.LedgerHeight()
if err != nil {
// if there is an error getting info from the ledger, we need to try to read from transient store
return nil, false, errors.Wrap(err, "wasn't able to read ledger height")
// The condition may be true for either commit or reconciliation case when another peer sends a request to retrieve private data.
// For the commit case, get the private data from the transient store because the block has not been committed.
// For the reconciliation case, this peer is further behind the ledger height than the peer that requested for the private data.
// In this case, the ledger does not have the requested private data. Also, the data cannot be queried in the transient store,
// as the txID in the digest will be missing.
if height <= blockNum { // Check whenever current ledger height is equal or below block sequence num.
logger.Debug("Current ledger height ", height, "is below requested block sequence number",
blockNum, "retrieving private data from transient store")
results := make(Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig)
for _, dig := range digests {
// skip retrieving from transient store if txid is not available
if dig.TxId == "" {
logger.Infof("Skip querying transient store for chaincode %s, collection name %s, block number %d, sequence in block %d, "+
"as the txid is missing, perhaps because it is a reconciliation request",
dig.Namespace, dig.Collection, blockNum, dig.SeqInBlock)
filter := map[string]ledger.PvtCollFilter{
dig.Namespace: map[string]bool{
dig.Collection: true,
pvtRWSet, err := dr.fromTransientStore(dig, filter)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("couldn't read from transient store private read-write set, "+
"digest %+v, because of %s", dig, err)
Namespace: dig.Namespace,
Collection: dig.Collection,
TxId: dig.TxId,
BlockSeq: dig.BlockSeq,
SeqInBlock: dig.SeqInBlock,
}] = pvtRWSet
return results, false, nil
// Since ledger height is above block sequence number private data is might be available in the ledger
results, err := dr.fromLedger(digests, blockNum)
return results, true, err
func (dr *dataRetriever) fromLedger(digests []*gossip2.PvtDataDigest, blockNum uint64) (Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig, error) {
filter := make(map[string]ledger.PvtCollFilter)
for _, dig := range digests {
if _, ok := filter[dig.Namespace]; !ok {
filter[dig.Namespace] = make(ledger.PvtCollFilter)
filter[dig.Namespace][dig.Collection] = true
pvtData, err := dr.store.GetPvtDataByNum(blockNum, filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("wasn't able to obtain private data, block sequence number %d, due to %s", blockNum, err)
results := make(Dig2PvtRWSetWithConfig)
for _, dig := range digests {
dig := dig
pvtRWSetWithConfig := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{}
for _, data := range pvtData {
if data.WriteSet == nil {
logger.Warning("Received nil write set for collection tx in block", data.SeqInBlock, "block number", blockNum)
// private data doesn't hold rwsets for namespace and collection or
// belongs to different transaction
if !data.Has(dig.Namespace, dig.Collection) || data.SeqInBlock != dig.SeqInBlock {
pvtRWSet := dr.extractPvtRWsets(data.WriteSet.NsPvtRwset, dig.Namespace, dig.Collection)
pvtRWSetWithConfig.RWSet = append(pvtRWSetWithConfig.RWSet, pvtRWSet...)
confHistoryRetriever, err := dr.store.GetConfigHistoryRetriever()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("cannot obtain configuration history retriever, for collection <%s>"+
" txID <%s> block sequence number <%d> due to <%s>", dig.Collection, dig.TxId, dig.BlockSeq, err)
configInfo, err := confHistoryRetriever.MostRecentCollectionConfigBelow(dig.BlockSeq, dig.Namespace)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("cannot find recent collection config update below block sequence = %d,"+
" collection name = <%s> for chaincode <%s>", dig.BlockSeq, dig.Collection, dig.Namespace)
if configInfo == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("no collection config update below block sequence = <%d>"+
" collection name = <%s> for chaincode <%s> is available ", dig.BlockSeq, dig.Collection, dig.Namespace)
configs := extractCollectionConfig(configInfo.CollectionConfig, dig.Collection)
if configs == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("no collection config was found for collection <%s>"+
" namespace <%s> txID <%s>", dig.Collection, dig.Namespace, dig.TxId)
pvtRWSetWithConfig.CollectionConfig = configs
Namespace: dig.Namespace,
Collection: dig.Collection,
TxId: dig.TxId,
BlockSeq: dig.BlockSeq,
SeqInBlock: dig.SeqInBlock,
}] = pvtRWSetWithConfig
return results, nil
func (dr *dataRetriever) fromTransientStore(dig *gossip2.PvtDataDigest, filter map[string]ledger.PvtCollFilter) (*util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig, error) {
results := &util.PrivateRWSetWithConfig{}
it, err := dr.store.GetTxPvtRWSetByTxid(dig.TxId, filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("was not able to retrieve private data from transient store, namespace <%s>"+
", collection name %s, txID <%s>, due to <%s>", dig.Namespace, dig.Collection, dig.TxId, err)
defer it.Close()
maxEndorsedAt := uint64(0)
for {
res, err := it.NextWithConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("error getting next element out of private data iterator, namespace <%s>"+
", collection name <%s>, txID <%s>, due to <%s>", dig.Namespace, dig.Collection, dig.TxId, err)
if res == nil {
return results, nil
rws := res.PvtSimulationResultsWithConfig
if rws == nil {
logger.Debug("Skipping nil PvtSimulationResultsWithConfig received at block height", res.ReceivedAtBlockHeight)
txPvtRWSet := rws.PvtRwset
if txPvtRWSet == nil {
logger.Debug("Skipping empty PvtRwset of PvtSimulationResultsWithConfig received at block height", res.ReceivedAtBlockHeight)
colConfigs, found := rws.CollectionConfigs[dig.Namespace]
if !found {
logger.Error("No collection config was found for chaincode", dig.Namespace, "collection name",
dig.Collection, "txID", dig.TxId)
configs := extractCollectionConfig(colConfigs, dig.Collection)
if configs == nil {
logger.Error("No collection config was found for collection", dig.Collection,
"namespace", dig.Namespace, "txID", dig.TxId)
pvtRWSet := dr.extractPvtRWsets(txPvtRWSet.NsPvtRwset, dig.Namespace, dig.Collection)
if rws.EndorsedAt >= maxEndorsedAt {
maxEndorsedAt = rws.EndorsedAt
results.CollectionConfig = configs
results.RWSet = append(results.RWSet, pvtRWSet...)
func (dr *dataRetriever) extractPvtRWsets(pvtRWSets []*rwset.NsPvtReadWriteSet, namespace string, collectionName string) []util.PrivateRWSet {
pRWsets := []util.PrivateRWSet{}
// Iterate over all namespaces
for _, nsws := range pvtRWSets {
// and in each namespace - iterate over all collections
if nsws.Namespace != namespace {
logger.Debug("Received private data namespace ", nsws.Namespace, " instead of ", namespace, " skipping...")
for _, col := range nsws.CollectionPvtRwset {
// This isn't the collection we're looking for
if col.CollectionName != collectionName {
logger.Debug("Received private data collection ", col.CollectionName, " instead of ", collectionName, " skipping...")
// Add the collection pRWset to the accumulated set
pRWsets = append(pRWsets, col.Rwset)
return pRWsets
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