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Entity.go 36.18 KB
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seis authored 2018-02-11 00:55 . fix migrating with multiple dispatchers
package entity
import (
var (
saveInterval time.Duration
// Yaw is the type of entity yaw
type Yaw float32
type entityTimerInfo struct {
FireTime time.Time
RepeatInterval time.Duration
Method string
Args []interface{}
Repeat bool
rawTimer *timer.Timer
// Entity is the basic execution unit in GoWorld server. Entities can be used to
// represent players, NPCs, monsters. Entities can migrate among spaces.
type Entity struct {
ID common.EntityID
TypeName string
I IEntity
V reflect.Value
destroyed bool
typeDesc *EntityTypeDesc
Space *Space
Position Vector3
Neighbors EntitySet
aoi aoi.AOI
yaw Yaw
rawTimers map[*timer.Timer]struct{}
timers map[EntityTimerID]*entityTimerInfo
lastTimerId EntityTimerID
client *GameClient
declaredServices common.StringSet
syncingFromClient bool
Attrs *MapAttr
enteringSpaceRequest struct {
SpaceID common.EntityID
EnterPos Vector3
RequestTime int64
filterProps map[string]string
syncInfoFlag syncInfoFlag
type syncInfoFlag int
const (
sifSyncOwnClient syncInfoFlag = 1 << iota
// IEntity declares functions that is defined in Entity
// These functions are mostly component functions
type IEntity interface {
// Entity Lifetime
OnInit() // Called when initializing entity struct, override to initialize entity custom fields
OnCreated() // Called when entity is just created
OnDestroy() // Called when entity is destroying (just before destroy)
// Migration
OnMigrateOut() // Called just before entity is migrating out
OnMigrateIn() // Called just after entity is migrating in
// Freeze && Restore
OnFreeze() // Called when entity is freezing
OnRestored() // Called when entity is restored
// Space Operations
OnEnterSpace() // Called when entity leaves space
OnLeaveSpace(space *Space) // Called when entity enters space
// Client Notifications
OnClientConnected() // Called when client is connected to entity (become player)
OnClientDisconnected() // Called when client disconnected
DefineAttrs(desc *EntityTypeDesc)
func (e *Entity) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>", e.TypeName, e.ID)
// Destroy destroys the entity
func (e *Entity) Destroy() {
if e.destroyed {
gwlog.Debugf("%s.Destroy ...", e)
func (e *Entity) destroyEntity(isMigrate bool) {
if !isMigrate {
} else {
e.rawTimers = nil // prohibit further use
if !isMigrate {
e.SetClient(nil) // always set client to nil before destroy
} else {
if e.client != nil {
e.client = nil
e.destroyed = true
// IsDestroyed returns if the entity is destroyed
func (e *Entity) IsDestroyed() bool {
return e.destroyed
// Save the entity
func (e *Entity) Save() {
if !e.IsPersistent() {
if consts.DEBUG_SAVE_LOAD {
gwlog.Debugf("SAVING %s ...", e)
data := e.getPersistentData()
storage.Save(e.TypeName, e.ID, data, nil)
// IsSpaceEntity returns if the entity is actually a space
func (e *Entity) IsSpaceEntity() bool {
return e.TypeName == _SPACE_ENTITY_TYPE
// ToSpace converts entity to space (only works for space entity)
func (e *Entity) ToSpace() *Space {
if !e.IsSpaceEntity() {
gwlog.Panicf("%s is not a space", e)
return (*Space)(unsafe.Pointer(e))
func (e *Entity) init(typeName string, entityid common.EntityID, entityInstance reflect.Value) {
e.ID = entityid
e.V = entityInstance
e.I = entityInstance.Interface().(IEntity)
e.TypeName = typeName
e.typeDesc = registeredEntityTypes[typeName]
//if !e.typeDesc.definedAttrs {
// // first time entity of this type is created, define attrs now
// e.callCompositiveMethod("DefineAttrs", e.typeDesc)
e.rawTimers = map[*timer.Timer]struct{}{}
e.timers = map[EntityTimerID]*entityTimerInfo{}
e.declaredServices = common.StringSet{}
e.filterProps = map[string]string{}
attrs := NewMapAttr()
attrs.owner = e
e.Attrs = attrs
e.Neighbors = EntitySet{}
aoi.InitAOI(&e.aoi, _DEFAULT_AOI_DISTANCE, e, e)
func (e *Entity) initComponents() {
entityVal := reflect.Indirect(e.V)
for fi := 0; fi < entityVal.NumField(); fi++ {
field := entityVal.Field(fi)
//fieldStruct := entityVal.Type().Field(fi)
if isComponentType(field.Type()) {
//gwlog.Infof("%s: Field %s %d %T is a component, initializing ...", e, fieldStruct.Name, fi, field.Interface())
comp := field.FieldByName("Component").Addr().Interface().(*Component)
func (e *Entity) initComponent(comp *Component) {
comp.Entity = e
func (e *Entity) callCompositiveMethod(methodName string, args ...interface{}) {
entityPtr := e.V
entityVal := reflect.Indirect(entityPtr)
var methodIn []reflect.Value
if len(args) > 0 {
methodIn = make([]reflect.Value, len(args), len(args))
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
methodIn[i] = reflect.ValueOf(args[i])
method := entityPtr.MethodByName(methodName)
if method.IsValid() {
gwutils.RunPanicless(func() {
compIndices, ok := e.typeDesc.compositiveMethodComponentIndices[methodName]
if !ok {
// collect compositiveMethodComponentIndices for the first time
entityType := entityVal.Type()
for fi := 0; fi < entityType.NumField(); fi++ {
field := entityType.Field(fi)
if isComponentType(field.Type) {
//gwlog.Infof("Field %v is a component", field.Name)
_, ok := reflect.PtrTo(field.Type).MethodByName(methodName)
if ok {
compIndices = append(compIndices, fi)
e.typeDesc.compositiveMethodComponentIndices[methodName] = compIndices
for _, ci := range compIndices {
field := entityVal.Field(ci)
//gwlog.Infof("Calling method %s on field %d=>%s", methodName, ci, field)
gwutils.RunPanicless(func() {
func (e *Entity) setupSaveTimer() {
e.addRawTimer(saveInterval, e.Save)
// SetSaveInterval sets the save interval for entity system
func SetSaveInterval(duration time.Duration) {
saveInterval = duration
gwlog.Infof("Save interval set to %s", saveInterval)
// Space Operations related to aoi
func (e *Entity) OnEnterAOI(otherAoi *aoi.AOI) {
func (e *Entity) OnLeaveAOI(otherAoi *aoi.AOI) {
// Interests and Uninterest among entities
func (e *Entity) interest(other *Entity) {
e.client.sendCreateEntity(other, false)
func (e *Entity) uninterest(other *Entity) {
// IsNeighbor checks if other entity is a neighbor
func (e *Entity) IsNeighbor(other *Entity) bool {
return e.Neighbors.Contains(other)
// DistanceTo calculates the distance between two entities
func (e *Entity) DistanceTo(other *Entity) Coord {
return e.Position.DistanceTo(other.Position)
// Timer & Callback Management
// EntityTimerID is the type of entity timer ID
type EntityTimerID int
// IsValid returns if the EntityTimerID is still valid (not fired and not cancelled)
func (tid EntityTimerID) IsValid() bool {
return tid > 0
// AddCallback adds a one-time callback for the entity
// The callback will be cancelled if entity is destroyed
func (e *Entity) AddCallback(d time.Duration, method string, args ...interface{}) EntityTimerID {
tid := e.genTimerId()
now := time.Now()
info := &entityTimerInfo{
FireTime: now.Add(d),
Method: method,
Args: args,
Repeat: false,
e.timers[tid] = info
info.rawTimer = e.addRawCallback(d, func() {
e.triggerTimer(tid, false)
gwlog.Debugf("%s.AddCallback %s: %d", e, method, tid)
return tid
// AddTimer adds a repeat timer for the entity
// The callback will be cancelled if entity is destroyed
func (e *Entity) AddTimer(d time.Duration, method string, args ...interface{}) EntityTimerID {
if d < time.Millisecond*10 { // minimal interval for repeat timer
d = time.Millisecond * 10
tid := e.genTimerId()
now := time.Now()
info := &entityTimerInfo{
FireTime: now.Add(d),
RepeatInterval: d,
Method: method,
Args: args,
Repeat: true,
e.timers[tid] = info
info.rawTimer = e.addRawTimer(d, func() {
e.triggerTimer(tid, true)
gwlog.Debugf("%s.AddTimer %s: %d", e, method, tid)
return tid
// CancelTimer cancels the Callback / Timer
func (e *Entity) CancelTimer(tid EntityTimerID) {
timerInfo := e.timers[tid]
if timerInfo == nil {
return // timer already fired or cancelled
delete(e.timers, tid)
func (e *Entity) triggerTimer(tid EntityTimerID, isRepeat bool) {
timerInfo := e.timers[tid] // should never be nil
if !timerInfo.Repeat {
delete(e.timers, tid)
} else {
if !isRepeat {
timerInfo.rawTimer = e.addRawTimer(timerInfo.RepeatInterval, func() {
e.triggerTimer(tid, true)
now := time.Now()
timerInfo.FireTime = now.Add(timerInfo.RepeatInterval)
e.onCallFromLocal(timerInfo.Method, timerInfo.Args)
func (e *Entity) genTimerId() EntityTimerID {
e.lastTimerId += 1
tid := e.lastTimerId
return tid
var timersPacker = netutil.MessagePackMsgPacker{}
func (e *Entity) dumpTimers() []byte {
if len(e.timers) == 0 {
return nil
timers := make([]*entityTimerInfo, 0, len(e.timers))
for _, t := range e.timers {
timers = append(timers, t)
e.timers = nil // no more AddCallback or AddTimer
data, err := timersPacker.PackMsg(timers, nil)
if err != nil {
gwlog.TraceError("%s dump timers failed: %s", e, err)
//gwlog.Infof("%s dump %d timers: %v", e, len(timers), data)
return data
func (e *Entity) restoreTimers(data []byte) error {
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
var timers []*entityTimerInfo
if err := timersPacker.UnpackMsg(data, &timers); err != nil {
return err
gwlog.Debugf("%s: %d timers restored: %v", e, len(timers), timers)
now := time.Now()
for _, timer := range timers {
//if timer.rawTimer != nil {
// gwlog.Panicf("raw timer should be nil")
tid := e.genTimerId()
e.timers[tid] = timer
timer.rawTimer = e.addRawCallback(timer.FireTime.Sub(now), func() {
e.triggerTimer(tid, false)
return nil
func (e *Entity) addRawCallback(d time.Duration, cb timer.CallbackFunc) *timer.Timer {
var t *timer.Timer
t = timer.AddCallback(d, func() {
delete(e.rawTimers, t)
e.rawTimers[t] = struct{}{}
return t
func (e *Entity) addRawTimer(d time.Duration, cb timer.CallbackFunc) *timer.Timer {
t := timer.AddTimer(d, cb)
e.rawTimers[t] = struct{}{}
return t
func (e *Entity) cancelRawTimer(t *timer.Timer) {
delete(e.rawTimers, t)
func (e *Entity) clearRawTimers() {
for t := range e.rawTimers {
e.rawTimers = map[*timer.Timer]struct{}{}
// Post a function which will be executed immediately but not in the current stack frames
func (e *Entity) Post(cb func()) {
// Call other entities
func (e *Entity) Call(id common.EntityID, method string, args ...interface{}) {
callEntity(id, method, args)
// CallService calls a service provider
func (e *Entity) CallService(serviceName string, method string, args ...interface{}) {
serviceEid := entityManager.chooseServiceProvider(serviceName)
callEntity(serviceEid, method, args)
func (e *Entity) syncPositionYawFromClient(x, y, z Coord, yaw Yaw) {
//gwlog.Infof("%s.syncPositionYawFromClient: %v,%v,%v, yaw %v, syncing %v", e, x, y, z, yaw, e.syncingFromClient)
if e.syncingFromClient {
e.setPositionYaw(Vector3{x, y, z}, yaw, true)
// SetClientSyncing set if entity infos (position, yaw) is syncing with client
func (e *Entity) SetClientSyncing(syncing bool) {
e.syncingFromClient = syncing
func (e *Entity) onCallFromLocal(methodName string, args []interface{}) {
defer func() {
err := recover() // recover from any error during RPC call
if err != nil {
gwlog.TraceError("%s.%s paniced: %s", e, methodName, err)
rpcDesc := e.typeDesc.rpcDescs[methodName]
if rpcDesc == nil {
// rpc not found
gwlog.Panicf("%s.onCallFromLocal: Method %s is not a valid RPC, args=%v", e, methodName, args)
// rpc call from server
if rpcDesc.Flags&rfServer == 0 {
// can not call from server
gwlog.Panicf("%s.onCallFromLocal: Method %s can not be called from Server: flags=%v", e, methodName, rpcDesc.Flags)
if rpcDesc.NumArgs < len(args) {
gwlog.Panicf("%s.onCallFromLocal: Method %s receives %d arguments, but given %d", e, methodName, rpcDesc.NumArgs, len(args))
methodType := rpcDesc.MethodType
in := make([]reflect.Value, rpcDesc.NumArgs+1)
in[0] = e.V // first argument is the bind instance (self)
for i, arg := range args {
argType := methodType.In(i + 1)
in[i+1] = typeconv.Convert(arg, argType)
for i := len(args); i < rpcDesc.NumArgs; i++ { // use zero value for missing arguments
argType := methodType.In(i + 1)
in[i+1] = reflect.Zero(argType)
func (e *Entity) onCallFromRemote(methodName string, args [][]byte, clientid common.ClientID) {
defer func() {
err := recover() // recover from any error during RPC call
if err != nil {
gwlog.TraceError("%s.%s paniced: %s", e, methodName, err)
rpcDesc := e.typeDesc.rpcDescs[methodName]
if rpcDesc == nil {
// rpc not found
gwlog.Errorf("%s.onCallFromRemote: Method %s is not a valid RPC, args=%v", e, methodName, args)
methodType := rpcDesc.MethodType
if clientid == "" {
// rpc call from server
if rpcDesc.Flags&rfServer == 0 {
// can not call from server
gwlog.Panicf("%s.onCallFromRemote: Method %s can not be called from Server: flags=%v", e, methodName, rpcDesc.Flags)
} else {
isFromOwnClient := clientid == e.getClientID()
if rpcDesc.Flags&rfOwnClient == 0 && isFromOwnClient {
gwlog.Panicf("%s.onCallFromRemote: Method %s can not be called from OwnClient: flags=%v", e, methodName, rpcDesc.Flags)
} else if rpcDesc.Flags&rfOtherClient == 0 && !isFromOwnClient {
gwlog.Panicf("%s.onCallFromRemote: Method %s can not be called from OtherClient: flags=%v, OwnClient=%s, OtherClient=%s", e, methodName, rpcDesc.Flags, e.getClientID(), clientid)
if rpcDesc.NumArgs < len(args) {
gwlog.Errorf("%s.onCallFromRemote: Method %s receives %d arguments, but given %d", e, methodName, rpcDesc.NumArgs, len(args))
in := make([]reflect.Value, rpcDesc.NumArgs+1)
in[0] = e.V // first argument is the bind instance (self)
for i, arg := range args {
argType := methodType.In(i + 1)
argValPtr := reflect.New(argType)
err := netutil.MSG_PACKER.UnpackMsg(arg, argValPtr.Interface())
if err != nil {
gwlog.Panicf("Convert argument %d failed: type=%s", i+1, argType.Name())
in[i+1] = reflect.Indirect(argValPtr)
for i := len(args); i < rpcDesc.NumArgs; i++ { // use zero value for missing arguments
argType := methodType.In(i + 1)
in[i+1] = reflect.Zero(argType)
// DeclareService declares global service for service entity
func (e *Entity) DeclareService(serviceName string) {
dispatchercluster.SendDeclareService(e.ID, serviceName)
// OnInit is called when entity is initializing
// Can override this function in custom entity type
func (e *Entity) OnInit() {
//gwlog.Warnf("%s.OnInit not implemented", e)
// OnCreated is called when entity is created
// Can override this function in custom entity type
func (e *Entity) OnCreated() {
//gwlog.Debugf("%s.OnCreated", e)
// OnFreeze is called when entity is freezed
// Can override this function in custom entity type
func (e *Entity) OnFreeze() {
// OnRestored is called when entity is restored
// Can override this function in custom entity type
func (e *Entity) OnRestored() {
// OnEnterSpace is called when entity enters space
// Can override this function in custom entity type
func (e *Entity) OnEnterSpace() {
if consts.DEBUG_SPACES {
gwlog.Debugf("%s.OnEnterSpace >>> %s", e, e.Space)
// OnLeaveSpace is called when entity leaves space
// Can override this function in custom entity type
func (e *Entity) OnLeaveSpace(space *Space) {
if consts.DEBUG_SPACES {
gwlog.Debugf("%s.OnLeaveSpace <<< %s", e, space)
// OnDestroy is called when entity is destroying
// Can override this function in custom entity type
func (e *Entity) OnDestroy() {
// Default handlers for persistence
// IsPersistent returns if the entity is persistent
// Default implementation check entity for persistent attributes
func (e *Entity) IsPersistent() bool {
return e.typeDesc.isPersistent
// getPersistentData gets the persistent data
// Returns persistent attributes by default
func (e *Entity) getPersistentData() map[string]interface{} {
return e.Attrs.ToMapWithFilter(e.typeDesc.persistentAttrs.Contains)
// loadPersistentData loads persistent data
// Load persistent data to attributes
func (e *Entity) loadPersistentData(data map[string]interface{}) {
func (e *Entity) getClientData() map[string]interface{} {
return e.Attrs.ToMapWithFilter(e.typeDesc.clientAttrs.Contains)
func (e *Entity) getAllClientData() map[string]interface{} {
return e.Attrs.ToMapWithFilter(e.typeDesc.allClientAttrs.Contains)
// GetMigrateData gets the migration data
func (e *Entity) GetMigrateData() map[string]interface{} {
return e.Attrs.ToMap() // all attrs are migrated, without filter
// LoadMigrateData loads migrate data
func (e *Entity) LoadMigrateData(data map[string]interface{}) {
type clientData struct {
ClientID common.ClientID
GateID uint16
type enteringSpaceRequestData struct {
SpaceID common.EntityID
EnterPos Vector3
type entityFreezeData struct {
Type string
TimerData []byte
Pos Vector3
Attrs map[string]interface{}
Yaw Yaw
SpaceID common.EntityID
Client *clientData
ESR *enteringSpaceRequestData
// GetFreezeData gets freezed data
func (e *Entity) GetFreezeData() *entityFreezeData {
data := &entityFreezeData{
Type: e.TypeName,
TimerData: e.dumpTimers(),
Attrs: e.Attrs.ToMap(),
Pos: e.Position,
Yaw: e.yaw,
SpaceID: e.Space.ID,
if e.client != nil {
data.Client = &clientData{
ClientID: e.client.clientid,
GateID: e.client.gateid,
if !e.enteringSpaceRequest.SpaceID.IsNil() {
data.ESR = &enteringSpaceRequestData{e.enteringSpaceRequest.SpaceID, e.enteringSpaceRequest.EnterPos}
return data
// Client related utilities
// GetClient returns the client of entity
func (e *Entity) GetClient() *GameClient {
return e.client
func (e *Entity) getClientID() common.ClientID {
if e.client != nil {
return e.client.clientid
return ""
// SetClient sets the client of entity
func (e *Entity) SetClient(client *GameClient) {
oldClient := e.client
if oldClient == client {
e.client = client
if oldClient != nil {
// send destroy entity to client
dispatchercluster.SendClearClientFilterProp(oldClient.gateid, oldClient.clientid)
for neighbor := range e.Neighbors {
if client != nil {
// send create entity to new client
entityManager.onEntityGetClient(e.ID, client.clientid)
client.sendCreateEntity(e, true)
for neighbor := range e.Neighbors {
client.sendCreateEntity(neighbor, false)
// set all filter properties to client
for key, val := range e.filterProps {
dispatchercluster.SendSetClientFilterProp(client.gateid, client.clientid, key, val)
if oldClient == nil && client != nil {
// got net client
} else if oldClient != nil && client == nil {
// CallClient calls the client entity
func (e *Entity) CallClient(method string, args ...interface{}) {
e.client.call(e.ID, method, args)
// CallAllClients calls the entity method on all clients
func (e *Entity) CallAllClients(method string, args ...interface{}) {
e.client.call(e.ID, method, args)
for neighbor := range e.Neighbors {
neighbor.client.call(e.ID, method, args)
// GiveClientTo gives client to other entity
func (e *Entity) GiveClientTo(other *Entity) {
if e.client == nil {
gwlog.Warnf("%s.GiveClientTo(%s): client is nil", e, other)
if consts.DEBUG_CLIENTS {
gwlog.Debugf("%s.GiveClientTo(%s): client=%s", e, other, e.client)
client := e.client
// ForAllClients visits all clients (own client and clients of neighbors)
func (e *Entity) ForAllClients(f func(client *GameClient)) {
if e.client != nil {
for neighbor := range e.Neighbors {
if neighbor.client != nil {
func (e *Entity) notifyClientDisconnected() {
// called when client disconnected
if e.client == nil {
e.client = nil
// OnClientConnected is called when client is connected
// Can override this function in custom entity type
func (e *Entity) OnClientConnected() {
if consts.DEBUG_CLIENTS {
gwlog.Debugf("%s.OnClientConnected: %s, %d Neighbors", e, e.client, len(e.Neighbors))
// OnClientDisconnected is called when client is disconnected
// Can override this function in custom entity type
func (e *Entity) OnClientDisconnected() {
if consts.DEBUG_CLIENTS {
gwlog.Debugf("%s.OnClientDisconnected: %s", e, e.client)
func (e *Entity) getAttrFlag(attrName string) (flag attrFlag) {
if e.typeDesc.allClientAttrs.Contains(attrName) {
flag = afAllClient
} else if e.typeDesc.clientAttrs.Contains(attrName) {
flag = afClient
func (e *Entity) sendMapAttrChangeToClients(ma *MapAttr, key string, val interface{}) {
var flag attrFlag
if ma == e.Attrs {
// this is the root attr
flag = e.getAttrFlag(key)
} else {
flag = ma.flag
if flag&afAllClient != 0 {
path := ma.getPathFromOwner()
e.client.sendNotifyMapAttrChange(e.ID, path, key, val)
for neighbor := range e.Neighbors {
neighbor.client.sendNotifyMapAttrChange(e.ID, path, key, val)
} else if flag&afClient != 0 {
path := ma.getPathFromOwner()
e.client.sendNotifyMapAttrChange(e.ID, path, key, val)
func (e *Entity) sendMapAttrDelToClients(ma *MapAttr, key string) {
var flag attrFlag
if ma == e.Attrs {
// this is the root attr
flag = e.getAttrFlag(key)
} else {
flag = ma.flag
if flag&afAllClient != 0 {
path := ma.getPathFromOwner()
e.client.sendNotifyMapAttrDel(e.ID, path, key)
for neighbor := range e.Neighbors {
neighbor.client.sendNotifyMapAttrDel(e.ID, path, key)
} else if flag&afClient != 0 {
path := ma.getPathFromOwner()
e.client.sendNotifyMapAttrDel(e.ID, path, key)
func (e *Entity) sendListAttrChangeToClients(la *ListAttr, index int, val interface{}) {
flag := la.flag
if flag&afAllClient != 0 {
path := la.getPathFromOwner()
e.client.sendNotifyListAttrChange(e.ID, path, uint32(index), val)
for neighbor := range e.Neighbors {
neighbor.client.sendNotifyListAttrChange(e.ID, path, uint32(index), val)
} else if flag&afClient != 0 {
path := la.getPathFromOwner()
e.client.sendNotifyListAttrChange(e.ID, path, uint32(index), val)
func (e *Entity) sendListAttrPopToClients(la *ListAttr) {
flag := la.flag
if flag&afAllClient != 0 {
path := la.getPathFromOwner()
e.client.sendNotifyListAttrPop(e.ID, path)
for neighbor := range e.Neighbors {
neighbor.client.sendNotifyListAttrPop(e.ID, path)
} else if flag&afClient != 0 {
path := la.getPathFromOwner()
e.client.sendNotifyListAttrPop(e.ID, path)
func (e *Entity) sendListAttrAppendToClients(la *ListAttr, val interface{}) {
flag := la.flag
if flag&afAllClient != 0 {
path := la.getPathFromOwner()
e.client.sendNotifyListAttrAppend(e.ID, path, val)
for neighbor := range e.Neighbors {
neighbor.client.sendNotifyListAttrAppend(e.ID, path, val)
} else if flag&afClient != 0 {
path := la.getPathFromOwner()
e.client.sendNotifyListAttrAppend(e.ID, path, val)
// Define Attributes Properties
// Fast access to attrs
// GetInt gets an outtermost attribute as int
func (e *Entity) GetInt(key string) int64 {
return e.Attrs.GetInt(key)
// GetStr gets an outtermost attribute as string
func (e *Entity) GetStr(key string) string {
return e.Attrs.GetStr(key)
// GetFloat gets an outtermost attribute as float64
func (e *Entity) GetFloat(key string) float64 {
return e.Attrs.GetFloat(key)
// GetMapAttr gets an outtermost attribute as MapAttr
func (e *Entity) GetMapAttr(key string) *MapAttr {
return e.Attrs.GetMapAttr(key)
// GetListAttr gets an outtermost attribute as ListAttr
func (e *Entity) GetListAttr(key string) *ListAttr {
return e.Attrs.GetListAttr(key)
// Enter Space
// EnterSpace let the entity enters space
func (e *Entity) EnterSpace(spaceid common.EntityID, pos Vector3) {
if e.isEnteringSpace() {
gwlog.Errorf("%s is entering space %s, can not enter space %s", e, e.enteringSpaceRequest.SpaceID, spaceid)
localSpace := spaceManager.getSpace(spaceid)
if localSpace != nil { // target space is local, just enter
e.enterLocalSpace(localSpace, pos)
} else { // else request migrating to other space
e.requestMigrateTo(spaceid, pos)
} else {
e.requestMigrateTo(spaceid, pos)
func (e *Entity) enterLocalSpace(space *Space, pos Vector3) {
if space == e.Space {
// space not changed
gwlog.TraceError("%s.enterLocalSpace: already in space %s", e, space)
e.enteringSpaceRequest.SpaceID = space.ID
e.enteringSpaceRequest.EnterPos = pos
e.enteringSpaceRequest.RequestTime = time.Now().UnixNano()
e.Post(func() {
if space.IsDestroyed() {
gwlog.Warnf("%s: space %s is destroyed, enter space cancelled", e, space.ID)
//gwlog.Infof("%s.enterLocalSpace ==> %s", e, space)
space.enter(e, pos, false)
func (e *Entity) isEnteringSpace() bool {
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
return now < (e.enteringSpaceRequest.RequestTime + int64(consts.ENTER_SPACE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT))
// Migrate to the server of space
func (e *Entity) requestMigrateTo(spaceid common.EntityID, pos Vector3) {
e.enteringSpaceRequest.SpaceID = spaceid
e.enteringSpaceRequest.EnterPos = pos
e.enteringSpaceRequest.RequestTime = time.Now().UnixNano()
dispatchercluster.SelectByEntityID(spaceid).SendQuerySpaceGameIDForMigrate(spaceid, e.ID)
func (e *Entity) cancelEnterSpace() {
// TODO: cancel migrating block in dispatcher
e.enteringSpaceRequest.SpaceID = ""
e.enteringSpaceRequest.EnterPos = Vector3{}
e.enteringSpaceRequest.RequestTime = 0
// OnQuerySpaceGameIDForMigrateAck is called by engine when query entity gameid ACK is received
func OnQuerySpaceGameIDForMigrateAck(entityid common.EntityID, spaceid common.EntityID, spaceGameID uint16) {
//gwlog.Infof("OnQuerySpaceGameIDForMigrateAck: entityid=%s, spaceid=%s, spaceGameID=%v", entityid, spaceid, spaceGameID)
entity := entityManager.get(entityid)
if entity == nil {
gwlog.Errorf("entity.OnQuerySpaceGameIDForMigrateAck: migrate failed since entity is destroyed: entityid=%s, spaceid=%s", entityid, spaceid)
if !entity.isEnteringSpace() {
// replay from dispatcher is too late ?
gwlog.Errorf("entity.OnQuerySpaceGameIDForMigrateAck: migrate failed since entity is not migrating: entity=%s, spaceid=%s", entity, spaceid)
if entity.enteringSpaceRequest.SpaceID != spaceid {
// not entering this space ?
gwlog.Errorf("entity.OnQuerySpaceGameIDForMigrateAck: migrate failed since entity is enter other space: entity=%s, spaceid=%s, other space=%s", entity, spaceid, entity.enteringSpaceRequest.SpaceID)
if spaceGameID == 0 {
// target space not found, migrate not started
gwlog.Errorf("entity.OnQuerySpaceGameIDForMigrateAck: migrate failed since target space is not found: entity=%s, spaceid=%s", entity, spaceid)
dispatchercluster.SendMigrateRequest(entityid, spaceid, spaceGameID)
// OnMigrateRequestAck is called by engine when mgirate request Ack is received
func OnMigrateRequestAck(entityid common.EntityID, spaceid common.EntityID, spaceGameID uint16) {
//gwlog.Infof("OnMigrateRequestAck: entityid=%s, spaceid=%s, spaceGameID=%v", entityid, spaceid, spaceGameID)
entity := entityManager.get(entityid)
if entity == nil {
gwlog.Errorf("Migrate failed since entity is destroyed: spaceid=%s, entityid=%s", spaceid, entityid)
if !entity.isEnteringSpace() {
// replay from dispatcher is too late ?
gwlog.Errorf("entity.OnQuerySpaceGameIDForMigrateAck: migrate failed since entity is not migrating: entity=%s, spaceid=%s", entity, spaceid)
if entity.enteringSpaceRequest.SpaceID != spaceid {
// not entering this space ?
gwlog.Errorf("entity.OnQuerySpaceGameIDForMigrateAck: migrate failed since entity is enter other space: entity=%s, spaceid=%s, other space=%s", entity, spaceid, entity.enteringSpaceRequest.SpaceID)
if spaceGameID == 0 {
// target space not found, migrate not started
gwlog.Errorf("entity.OnQuerySpaceGameIDForMigrateAck: migrate failed since target space is not found: entity=%s, spaceid=%s", entity, spaceid)
entity.realMigrateTo(spaceid, entity.enteringSpaceRequest.EnterPos, spaceGameID)
func (e *Entity) realMigrateTo(spaceid common.EntityID, pos Vector3, spaceGameID uint16) {
var clientid common.ClientID
var clientsrv uint16
if e.client != nil {
clientid = e.client.clientid
clientsrv = e.client.gateid
e.destroyEntity(true) // disable the entity
timerData := e.dumpTimers()
migrateData := e.GetMigrateData()
dispatchercluster.SendRealMigrate(e.ID, spaceGameID, spaceid,
float32(pos.X), float32(pos.Y), float32(pos.Z), e.TypeName, migrateData, timerData, clientid, clientsrv)
// OnRealMigrate is used by entity migration
func OnRealMigrate(entityid common.EntityID, spaceid common.EntityID, x, y, z float32, typeName string,
migrateData map[string]interface{}, timerData []byte,
clientid common.ClientID, clientsrv uint16) {
if entityManager.get(entityid) != nil {
gwlog.Panicf("entity %s already exists", entityid)
// try to find the target space, but might be nil
space := spaceManager.getSpace(spaceid)
var client *GameClient
if !clientid.IsNil() {
client = MakeGameClient(clientid, clientsrv)
pos := Vector3{Coord(x), Coord(y), Coord(z)}
createEntity(typeName, space, pos, entityid, migrateData, timerData, client, ccMigrate)
// OnMigrateOut is called when entity is migrating out
// Can override this function in custom entity type
func (e *Entity) OnMigrateOut() {
if consts.DEBUG_MIGRATE {
gwlog.Debugf("%s.OnMigrateOut, space=%s, client=%s", e, e.Space, e.client)
// OnMigrateIn is called when entity is migrating in
// Can override this function in custom entity type
func (e *Entity) OnMigrateIn() {
if consts.DEBUG_MIGRATE {
gwlog.Debugf("%s.OnMigrateIn, space=%s, client=%s", e, e.Space, e.client)
// SetFilterProp sets a filter property key-value
func (e *Entity) SetFilterProp(key string, val string) {
gwlog.Debugf("%s.SetFilterProp: %s = %s, client=%s", e, key, val, e.client)
curval, ok := e.filterProps[key]
if ok && curval == val {
return // not changed
e.filterProps[key] = val
// send filter property to client
if e.client != nil {
dispatchercluster.SendSetClientFilterProp(e.client.gateid, e.client.clientid, key, val)
// CallFitleredClients calls the filtered clients with prop key == value
// The message is broadcast to filtered clientproxies directly without going through entities
func (e *Entity) CallFitleredClients(key string, val string, method string, args ...interface{}) {
dispatchercluster.SendCallFilterClientProxies(key, val, method, args)
// IsUseAOI returns if entity type is using aoi
// Entities like Account, Service entities should not be using aoi
func (e *Entity) IsUseAOI() bool {
return e.typeDesc.useAOI
// GetPosition returns the entity position
func (e *Entity) GetPosition() Vector3 {
return e.Position
// SetPosition sets the entity position
func (e *Entity) SetPosition(pos Vector3) {
e.setPositionYaw(pos, e.yaw, false)
func (e *Entity) setPositionYaw(pos Vector3, yaw Yaw, fromClient bool) {
space := e.Space
if space == nil {
gwlog.Warnf("%s.SetPosition(%s): space is nil", e, pos)
space.move(e, pos)
e.yaw = yaw
// mark the entity as needing sync
// Real sync packets will be sent before flushing dispatcher client
e.syncInfoFlag |= sifSyncNeighborClients
if !fromClient {
e.syncInfoFlag |= sifSyncOwnClient
// CollectEntitySyncInfos is called by game service to collect and broadcast entity sync infos to all clients
func CollectEntitySyncInfos() {
cfg := config.Get()
gateCount := len(cfg.Gates)
entitySyncInfosToGate := make([]*netutil.Packet, gateCount)
for gateid := 1; gateid <= gateCount; gateid++ {
packet := netutil.NewPacket()
entitySyncInfosToGate[gateid-1] = packet
for eid, e := range entityManager.entities {
syncInfoFlag := e.syncInfoFlag
if syncInfoFlag == 0 {
e.syncInfoFlag = 0
syncInfo := e.getSyncInfo()
if syncInfoFlag&sifSyncOwnClient != 0 && e.client != nil {
gateid := e.client.gateid
packet := entitySyncInfosToGate[gateid-1]
if syncInfoFlag&sifSyncNeighborClients != 0 {
for neighbor := range e.Neighbors {
client := neighbor.client
if client != nil {
gateid := client.gateid
packet := entitySyncInfosToGate[gateid-1]
// send to dispatcher, one gate by one gate
for gateid_1, packet := range entitySyncInfosToGate {
//gwlog.Infof("SYNC %d PAYLOAD %d", gateid, packet.GetPayloadLen())
if packet.GetPayloadLen() > 4 {
gateid := uint16(gateid_1 + 1)
func (e *Entity) getSyncInfo() proto.EntitySyncInfo {
return proto.EntitySyncInfo{
// GetYaw gets entity yaw
func (e *Entity) GetYaw() Yaw {
return e.yaw
// SetYaw sets entity yaw
func (e *Entity) SetYaw(yaw Yaw) {
e.yaw = yaw
e.syncInfoFlag |= (sifSyncNeighborClients | sifSyncOwnClient)
//e.ForAllClients(func(client *GameClient) {
// client.updateYawOnClient(e.ID, e.yaw)
// FaceTo let entity face to another entity by setting yaw accordingly
func (e *Entity) FaceTo(other *Entity) {
// FaceTo let entity face to a specified position, setting yaw accordingly
func (e *Entity) FaceToPos(pos Vector3) {
dir := pos.Sub(e.Position)
dir.Y = 0
// Some Other Useful Utilities
// PanicOnError panics if err != nil
func (e *Entity) PanicOnError(err error) {
if err != nil {
马建仓 AI 助手
