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goworld.go 6.13 KB
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seis authored 2018-06-17 10:34 . migrate & restore
package goworld
import (
// Export useful types
type Vector3 = entity.Vector3
type Entity = entity.Entity
type Space = entity.Space
type EntityID = common.EntityID
// Run runs the server endless loop
// This is the main routine for the server and all entity logic,
// and this function never quit
func Run() {
// RegisterEntity registers the entity type so that entities can be created or loaded
// returns the entity type description object which can be used to define more properties
// of entity type
func RegisterEntity(typeName string, entityPtr entity.IEntity) *entity.EntityTypeDesc {
return entity.RegisterEntity(typeName, entityPtr, false)
// RegisterService registeres an service type
// After registeration, the service entity will be created automatically on some game
func RegisterService(typeName string, entityPtr entity.IEntity) {
service.RegisterService(typeName, entityPtr)
// CreateSpaceAnywhere creates a space with specified kind in any game server
func CreateSpaceAnywhere(kind int) EntityID {
if kind == 0 {
gwlog.Panicf("Can not create nil space with kind=0. Game will create 1 nil space automatically.")
return entity.CreateSpaceAnywhere(kind)
// CreateSpaceLocally creates a space with specified kind in the local game server
// returns the space EntityID
func CreateSpaceLocally(kind int) *Space {
if kind == 0 {
gwlog.Panicf("Can not create nil space with kind=0. Game will create 1 nil space automatically.")
return entity.CreateSpaceLocally(kind)
// CreateEntityLocally creates a entity on the local server
// returns EntityID
func CreateEntityLocally(typeName string) *Entity {
return entity.CreateEntityLocally(typeName, nil)
// CreateEntityAnywhere creates a entity on any server
func CreateEntityAnywhere(typeName string) EntityID {
return entity.CreateEntityAnywhere(typeName)
// LoadEntityAnywhere loads the specified entity from entity storage
func LoadEntityAnywhere(typeName string, entityID EntityID) {
entity.LoadEntityAnywhere(typeName, entityID)
// ListEntityIDs gets all saved entity ids in storage, may take long time and block the main routine
// returns result in callback
func ListEntityIDs(typeName string, callback storage.ListCallbackFunc) {
storage.ListEntityIDs(typeName, callback)
// Exists checks if entityID exists in entity storage
// returns result in callback
func Exists(typeName string, entityID EntityID, callback storage.ExistsCallbackFunc) {
storage.Exists(typeName, entityID, callback)
// GetEntity gets the entity by EntityID
func GetEntity(id EntityID) *Entity {
return entity.GetEntity(id)
// GetSpace gets the space by ID
func GetSpace(id EntityID) *Space {
return entity.GetSpace(id)
// GetGameID gets the local server ID
// server ID is a uint16 number starts from 1, which should be different for each servers
// server ID is also in the game config section name of goworld.ini
func GetGameID() uint16 {
return game.GetGameID()
// MapAttr creates a new MapAttr
func MapAttr() *entity.MapAttr {
return entity.NewMapAttr()
// ListAttr creates a new ListAttr
func ListAttr() *entity.ListAttr {
return entity.NewListAttr()
// RegisterSpace registers the space entity type.
// All spaces will be created as an instance of this type
func RegisterSpace(spacePtr entity.ISpace) {
// Entities gets all entities as an EntityMap (do not modify it!)
func Entities() entity.EntityMap {
return entity.Entities()
// Call other entities
func Call(id EntityID, method string, args ...interface{}) {
entity.Call(id, method, args)
// CallService calls a service entity
func CallService(serviceName string, method string, args ...interface{}) {
service.CallService(serviceName, method, args)
// GetServiceEntityID returns the entityid of the service
func GetServiceEntityID(serviceName string) common.EntityID {
return service.GetServiceEntityID(serviceName)
// CallNilSpaces calls methods of all nil spaces on all games
func CallNilSpaces(method string, args ...interface{}) {
entity.CallNilSpaces(method, args, game.GetGameID())
// GetNilSpaceID returns the Entity ID of nil space on the specified game
func GetNilSpaceID(gameid uint16) EntityID {
return entity.GetNilSpaceID(gameid)
// GetNilSpace returns the nil space on this game
// Nil space is a special space with Kind = 0. Nil space is the default space for all created entities.
// Each game has one nil space with fixed EntityID for each game, which can be acquired by calling `GetNilSpaceID`
// Since nil game exists on each game with fixed EntityID, an entity can migrate to target game by calling `e.EnterSpace(GetNilSpaceID(gameid), Vector3{})`
func GetNilSpace() *Space {
return entity.GetNilSpace()
// GetKVDB gets value of key from KVDB
func GetKVDB(key string, callback kvdb.KVDBGetCallback) {
kvdb.Get(key, callback)
// PutKVDB puts key-value to KVDB
func PutKVDB(key string, val string, callback kvdb.KVDBPutCallback) {
kvdb.Put(key, val, callback)
// GetOrPut gets value of key from KVDB, if val not exists or is "", put key-value to KVDB.
func GetOrPutKVDB(key string, val string, callback kvdb.KVDBGetOrPutCallback) {
kvdb.GetOrPut(key, val, callback)
// ListGameIDs returns all game IDs
func ListGameIDs() []uint16 {
return config.GetGameIDs()
// AddTimer adds a timer to be executed after specified duration
func AddCallback(d time.Duration, callback func()) {
timer.AddCallback(d, callback)
// AddTimer adds a repeat timer to be executed every specified duration
func AddTimer(d time.Duration, callback func()) {
timer.AddTimer(d, callback)
// Post posts a callback to be executed
// It is almost same as AddCallback(0, callback)
func Post(callback post.PostCallback) {
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