Fetch the repository succeeded.
package main
import (
const (
type clientAttrs map[string]interface{}
func (attrs clientAttrs) HasKey(key string) bool {
_, ok := attrs[key]
return ok
type clientEntity struct {
owner *ClientBot
TypeName string
ID common.EntityID
Attrs clientAttrs
IsPlayer bool
destroyed bool
timers map[*timer.Timer]bool
pos entity.Vector3
yaw entity.Yaw
currentThing string
currentThingStartTime time.Time
currentTimeoutTimer *timer.Timer
func newClientEntity(owner *ClientBot, typeName string, entityid common.EntityID, isPlayer bool, clientData map[string]interface{},
x, y, z entity.Coord, yaw entity.Yaw) *clientEntity {
e := &clientEntity{
owner: owner,
TypeName: typeName,
ID: entityid,
Attrs: clientData,
IsPlayer: isPlayer,
timers: map[*timer.Timer]bool{},
pos: entity.Vector3{x, y, z},
yaw: yaw,
return e
func (e *clientEntity) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>", e.TypeName, e.ID)
func (e *clientEntity) Destroy() {
if e.destroyed {
e.destroyed = true
func (e *clientEntity) OnCreated() {
if !quiet {
gwlog.Debugf("%s.OnCreated, IsPlayer=%v", e, e.IsPlayer)
if !e.IsPlayer {
if e.TypeName == "Avatar" {
} else if e.TypeName == "Account" {
func (e *clientEntity) onAvatarCreated() {
gwlog.Infof("Avatar created on pos %v yaw %v", e.pos, e.yaw)
func (e *clientEntity) doSomethingLater() {
randomDelay := time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(_AVERAGE_DO_SOMETHING_INTERVAL * 2)))
e.AddCallback(randomDelay, func() {
func (e *clientEntity) AddCallback(d time.Duration, callback timer.CallbackFunc) *timer.Timer {
var t *timer.Timer
t = timer.AddCallback(d, func() {
defer e.owner.Unlock()
if !e.timers[t] {
// timer is cancelled
delete(e.timers, t)
if e.destroyed {
if e == nil {
gwlog.TraceError("entity is nil: %e", e)
e.timers[t] = true
return t
func (e *clientEntity) AddTimer(d time.Duration, callback timer.CallbackFunc) *timer.Timer {
var t *timer.Timer
t = timer.AddTimer(d, func() {
defer e.owner.Unlock()
if !e.timers[t] {
// timer is cancelled
if e.destroyed {
delete(e.timers, t)
e.timers[t] = true
return t
func (e *clientEntity) CancelTimer(t *timer.Timer) {
delete(e.timers, t)
type _Something struct {
Method string
Weight int
Timeout time.Duration
var (
_DO_THINGS = []*_Something{
{"DoEnterRandomSpace", 20, time.Minute},
//{"DoEnterRandomNilSpace", 10, time.Minute},
//{"DoSendMail", 5, time.Minute},
//{"DoGetMails", 10, time.Minute},
//{"DoSayInWorldChannel", 5, time.Minute},
//{"DoSayInProfChannel", 5, time.Minute},
{"DoTestListField", 20, time.Minute},
//{"DoTestPublish", 1, time.Minute},
func (e *clientEntity) doSomething() {
if e.currentThing != "" {
gwlog.Panicf("%s can not do something while doing %s", e, e.currentThing)
var thing *_Something
if e.currentSpaceKind() == 0 {
thing = _DO_THINGS[0]
} else {
thing = e.chooseThingByWeight()
e.currentThing = thing.Method
e.currentThingStartTime = time.Now()
e.currentTimeoutTimer = e.AddCallback(thing.Timeout, func() {
gwlog.Warnf("[%s] %s %s TIMEOUT !!!", time.Now(), e, thing)
e.currentThing = ""
e.currentThingStartTime = time.Time{}
e.currentTimeoutTimer = nil
gwlog.Debugf("[%s] %s STARTS %s", e.currentThingStartTime, e, e.currentThing)
func (e *clientEntity) notifyThingDone(thing string) {
if e.currentThing == thing {
now := time.Now()
//gwlog.Infof("[%s] %s FINISHES %s, TAKES %s", now, e, thing, now.Sub(e.currentThingStartTime))
recordThingTime(thing, now.Sub(e.currentThingStartTime))
e.currentThing = ""
e.currentThingStartTime = time.Time{}
e.currentTimeoutTimer = nil
func (e *clientEntity) chooseThingByWeight() *_Something {
totalWeight := 0
for _, t := range _DO_THINGS {
totalWeight += t.Weight
randWeight := rand.Intn(totalWeight)
for _, t := range _DO_THINGS {
if randWeight < t.Weight {
return t
randWeight -= t.Weight
gwlog.Panicf("never goes here")
return nil
func (e *clientEntity) currentSpaceKind() int {
curSpaceKind := 0
if e.owner.currentSpace != nil {
curSpaceKind = e.owner.currentSpace.Kind
return curSpaceKind
func (e *clientEntity) DoEnterRandomSpace() {
curSpaceKind := e.currentSpaceKind()
spaceKindMax := numClients / 400
if spaceKindMax < 2 {
spaceKindMax = 2 // use at least 2 space
spaceKind := 1 + rand.Intn(spaceKindMax)
for spaceKind == curSpaceKind {
if spaceKind == spaceKindMax {
spaceKind = 1
} else {
spaceKind += 1
e.CallServer("EnterSpace", spaceKind)
func (e *clientEntity) DoEnterRandomNilSpace() {
//gameIDs := goworld.ListGameIDs()
//idx := rand.Intn(len(gameIDs))
//targetGameID := gameIDs[idx]
//nilSpaceID := goworld.GetNilSpaceID(targetGameID)
func (e *clientEntity) OnEnterRandomNilSpace() {
func (e *clientEntity) DoSendMail() {
neighbors := e.Neighbors()
//gwlog.Infof("Neighbors: %v", neighbors)
receiver := e
if len(neighbors) > 0 {
receiver = neighbors[rand.Intn(len(neighbors))]
mail := map[string]interface{}{
"a": 1,
"b": "b",
"c": false,
"d": 1231.111,
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
mail[fmt.Sprintf("field%d", i+1)] = rand.Intn(100)
e.CallServer("SendMail", receiver.ID, mail)
func (e *clientEntity) DoGetMails() {
func (e *clientEntity) OnGetMails(ok bool) {
func (e *clientEntity) DoSayInWorldChannel() {
channel := "world"
e.CallServer("Say", channel, fmt.Sprintf("this is a message in %s channel", channel))
func (e *clientEntity) DoSayInProfChannel() {
channel := "prof"
e.CallServer("Say", channel, fmt.Sprintf("this is a message in %s channel", channel))
func (e *clientEntity) OnSay(senderID common.EntityID, senderName string, channel string, content string) {
if channel == "world" && senderID == e.ID {
//gwlog.Infof("%s %s @%s: %s", senderID, senderName, channel, content)
} else if channel == "prof" && senderID == e.ID {
func (e *clientEntity) DoTestListField() {
func (e *clientEntity) OnTestListField(serverList []interface{}) {
clientList := e.Attrs["testListField"].([]interface{})
gwlog.Debugf("OnTestListField: server=%v, client=%v", serverList, clientList)
if len(serverList) != len(clientList) {
gwlog.Panicf("Server list size is %d, but client list size is %d", len(serverList), len(clientList))
for i, cv := range clientList {
cv := typeconv.Int(cv)
sv := typeconv.Int(serverList[i])
if cv != sv {
gwlog.Panicf("Server item is %T %v, but client item is %T %v", sv, sv, cv, cv)
func (e *clientEntity) DoTestPublish() {
func (e *clientEntity) OnTestPublish(publisher common.EntityID, subject string, content string) {
gwlog.Debugf("OnTestPublish: publisher=%v, subject=%v, content=%v", publisher, subject, content)
if publisher == e.ID {
func (e *clientEntity) onAccountCreated() {
post.Post(func() {
username := e.owner.username()
password := e.owner.password()
e.CallServer("Login", username, password)
func (e *clientEntity) CallServer(method string, args ...interface{}) {
e.owner.CallServer(e.ID, method, args)
func (e *clientEntity) applyMapAttrChange(path []interface{}, key string, val interface{}) {
_attr, _, _ := e.findAttrByPath(path)
attr := _attr.(map[string]interface{})
//if _, ok := val.(map[interface{}]interface{}); ok {
// val = typeconv.MapStringAnything(val)
attr[key] = val
e.onAttrChange(path, key)
func (e *clientEntity) applyMapAttrDel(path []interface{}, key string) {
_attr, _, _ := e.findAttrByPath(path)
attr := _attr.(map[string]interface{})
delete(attr, key)
e.onAttrChange(path, key)
func (e *clientEntity) applyListAttrChange(path []interface{}, index int, val interface{}) {
_attr, _, _ := e.findAttrByPath(path)
attr := _attr.([]interface{})
//gwlog.Infof("%s applyListAttrChange: path=%v, index=%v, val=%v, attr=%#v", e, path, index, val, attr)
if index >= len(attr) {
gwlog.Panicf("%s: ListAttr change error: list size is %d, index = %d, path=%s, attr=%#v", e, len(attr), index, path, attr)
attr[index] = val
e.onAttrChange(path, "")
func (e *clientEntity) applyListAttrAppend(path []interface{}, val interface{}) {
_attr, parent, pkey := e.findAttrByPath(path)
attr := _attr.([]interface{})
//gwlog.Infof("%s applyListAttrAppend: path=%v, val=%v, attr=%#v", e, path, val, attr)
if parentmap, ok := parent.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
parentmap[pkey.(string)] = append(attr, val)
} else if parentlist, ok := parent.([]interface{}); ok {
parentlist[pkey.(int64)] = append(attr, val)
} else {
gwlog.Panicf("parent type is %T", parent)
e.onAttrChange(path, "")
func (e *clientEntity) applyListAttrPop(path []interface{}) {
_attr, parent, pkey := e.findAttrByPath(path)
attr := _attr.([]interface{})
//gwlog.Infof("%s applyListAttrPop: path=%v, attr=%#v", e, path, attr)
if len(attr) == 0 {
gwlog.Panicf("%s: ListAttr pop error: list is empty: path=%s, attr=%#v", e, path, attr)
if parentmap, ok := parent.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
parentmap[pkey.(string)] = attr[:len(attr)-1]
} else if parentlist, ok := parent.([]interface{}); ok {
parentlist[pkey.(int64)] = attr[:len(attr)-1]
e.onAttrChange(path, "")
func (e *clientEntity) onAttrChange(path []interface{}, key string) {
var rootkey string
if len(path) > 0 {
rootkey = path[len(path)-1].(string)
} else {
rootkey = key
callbackFuncName := "OnAttrChange_" + rootkey
callbackMethod := reflect.ValueOf(e).MethodByName(callbackFuncName)
if !callbackMethod.IsValid() {
gwlog.Debugf("Attribute change callback of %s is not defined (%s)", rootkey, callbackFuncName)
callbackMethod.Call([]reflect.Value{}) // call the attr change callback func
func (e *clientEntity) findAttrByPath(path []interface{}) (attr interface{}, parent interface{}, pkey interface{}) {
// note that path is reversed
parent, pkey = nil, nil
attr = map[string]interface{}(e.Attrs) // root attr
plen := len(path)
for i := plen - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
parent = attr
pkey = path[i]
if mapattr, ok := attr.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
key := path[i].(string)
attr = mapattr[key]
} else if listattr, ok := attr.([]interface{}); ok {
index := path[i].(int)
attr = listattr[index]
} else {
gwlog.Panicf("Attr is neither map nor list: %T", attr)
func (attrs clientAttrs) GetInt(key string) int {
return int(typeconv.Int(attrs[key]))
func (e *clientEntity) OnAttrChange_exp() {
if !quiet {
gwlog.Debugf("%s: attr exp change to %d", e, e.Attrs.GetInt("exp"))
func (e *clientEntity) OnAttrChange_testpop() {
var v int
if e.Attrs.HasKey("testpop") {
v = e.Attrs.GetInt("testpop")
} else {
v = -1
if !quiet {
gwlog.Debugf("%s: attr testpop change to %d", e, v)
func (e *clientEntity) OnAttrChange_subattr() {
var v interface{}
if e.Attrs.HasKey("subattr") {
v = e.Attrs["subattr"]
} else {
v = nil
if !quiet {
gwlog.Debugf("%s: attr subattr change to %v", e, v)
func (e *clientEntity) OnLogin(ok bool) {
gwlog.Debugf("%s OnLogin %v", e, ok)
func (e *clientEntity) OnSendMail(ok bool) {
gwlog.Debugf("%s OnSendMail %v", e, ok)
func (e *clientEntity) Neighbors() []*clientEntity {
var neighbors []*clientEntity
for _, other := range e.owner.entities {
if other.TypeName == "Avatar" {
neighbors = append(neighbors, other)
return neighbors
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