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王潇凡 / railway-dot-exe

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Utilities.cpp 19.30 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Albert Ball 提交于 2020-09-04 15:53 . Update for v2.5.0
// Utilities.cpp
BEWARE OF COMMENTS in .cpp files: they were accurate when written but have
sometimes been overtaken by changes and not updated
Comments in .h files are believed to be accurate and up to date
This is a source code file for "railway.exe", a railway operation
simulator, written originally in Borland C++ Builder 4 Professional with
later updates in Embarcadero C++Builder 10.2.
Copyright (C) 2010 Albert Ball [original development]
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <Classes.hpp>
#include <Controls.hpp>
#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
#include <Forms.hpp>
#include <Buttons.hpp>
#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
#include <Menus.hpp>
#include <Dialogs.hpp>
#include <Graphics.hpp>
#include <ComCtrls.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "Utilities.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma package(smart_init)
TUtilities *Utilities;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtilities::CallLogPop(int Caller)
// use this in case we have too many pops, in which case CallLog seems to be destroyed &
// can't record the error
throw Exception("CallLog pop call when empty! Caller = " + AnsiString(Caller));
// AnsiString TestString = CallLog.back();//test
// Display->FileDiagnostics(TestString);//test
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
AnsiString TUtilities::DateTimeStamp()
return TDateTime::CurrentDateTime().FormatString("dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
AnsiString TUtilities::TimeStamp()
return TDateTime::CurrentTime().FormatString("hh:nn:ss");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// moved to TTrainController so can record the tt clock value
void TUtilities::LogEvent(AnsiString Str)
//restrict to last 1000 entries
if(EventLog.size() > 1000) EventLog.pop_front();
// test
for(unsigned int x = 0;x<CallLog.size();x++)
AnsiString TestString = CallLog.at(x);//test
EventLog.push_back("**" + TestString);
// Display->FileDiagnostics(TestString);//test
// }
// test
// }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtilities::FileDiagnostics(AnsiString Input) // test function
std::ofstream TestFile("TestFile.csv", std::ios_base::app);
TestFile << Input.c_str() << '\n';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtilities::SaveFileBool(std::ofstream &OutFile, bool SaveBool)
OutFile << 1 << '\n';
OutFile << 0 << '\n';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtilities::SaveFileInt(std::ofstream &OutFile, int SaveInt)
OutFile << SaveInt << '\n';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtilities::SaveFileDouble(std::ofstream &OutFile, double SaveDouble)
// if save directly as a double it is truncated to 6 digits, so convert to a
// string & save that
SaveFileString(OutFile, AnsiString(SaveDouble));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TUtilities::SaveFileString(std::ofstream &OutFile, AnsiString SaveString)
// If don't send a non- '\n' delimiter (using '\0' for convenience, tested in LoadFileString) then when string is null
// two '\n' characters are placed together. Then, during reloading, the second one is read because a readable character
// is expected, and on finishing the '\n' that would otherwise be the next character in the file isn't there. Using '\0'
// allows the '\n' to remain in place. Also see LoadFileString.
OutFile << SaveString.c_str() << '\0' << '\n';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TUtilities::LoadFileBool(std::ifstream &InFile)
// no need to worry about leading '\n' characters as the skipws (skip white space) flag is
// set automatically
int TempVal;
InFile >> TempVal;
if(TempVal == 0)
return false;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int TUtilities::LoadFileInt(std::ifstream &InFile)
// no need to worry about leading '\n' characters as the skipws (skip white space) flag is
// set automatically
int TempInt;
InFile >> TempInt;
return TempInt;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
double TUtilities::LoadFileDouble(std::ifstream &InFile) // modified at v2.4.0 to change the decimal point character if necessary
AnsiString TempString = LoadFileString(InFile);
if(SetLocaleResultOK) // if false the locale conversion failed so don't change anything, then will work as earlier versions
for(int x = 1; x <= TempString.Length(); x++)
if((TempString[x] < '0') && (TempString[x] != '-')) // must be the decimal point character, dot or comma
TempString[x] = DecimalPoint; // so load the value according to the locale
return TempString.ToDouble();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
AnsiString TUtilities::LoadFileString(std::ifstream &InFile)
{ // see SaveFileString for use of the '\0' & '\n' characters
char TempChar;
AnsiString TempString = "";
InFile.get(TempChar); // get rid of the previous 'n' character, if not '\n' then use as part of string
if(TempChar == '\n')
while(TempChar != '\0') // '\0' is the string delimiter
TempString = TempString + TempChar;
return TempString;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TUtilities::CheckFileBool(std::ifstream &InFile)
// no need to worry about leading '\n' characters as the skipws (skip white space) flag is
// set automatically
AnsiString BoolString;
if(!CheckAndReadFileString(InFile, BoolString))
return false;
return false;
if(BoolString == "")
return false;
if((BoolString.Length() > 1) || (BoolString == ""))
return false;
if((BoolString != "0") && (BoolString != "1"))
return false;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TUtilities::CheckFileInt(std::ifstream &InFile, int Lowest, int Highest)
// no need to worry about leading '\n' characters as the skipws (skip white space) flag is
// set automatically
AnsiString IntString;
if(!CheckAndReadFileString(InFile, IntString))
return false;
return false;
if(IntString == "")
return false;
for(int x = 1; x <= IntString.Length(); x++)
bool CharacterOK = false;
if((x == 1) && (IntString[x] == '-'))
CharacterOK = true;
else if((IntString[x] >= '0') && (IntString[x] <= '9'))
CharacterOK = true;
return false;
int TempInt = IntString.ToInt();
if((TempInt < Lowest) || (TempInt > Highest))
return false;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TUtilities::CheckAndReadFileInt(std::ifstream &InFile, int Lowest, int Highest, int &OutInt)
// no need to worry about leading '\n' characters as the skipws (skip white space) flag is
// set automatically
AnsiString IntString;
if(!CheckAndReadFileString(InFile, IntString))
return false;
return false;
if(IntString == "")
return false;
for(int x = 1; x <= IntString.Length(); x++)
bool CharacterOK = false;
if((x == 1) && (IntString[x] == '-'))
CharacterOK = true;
else if((IntString[x] >= '0') && (IntString[x] <= '9'))
CharacterOK = true;
return false;
int TempInt = IntString.ToInt();
if((TempInt < Lowest) || (TempInt > Highest))
return false;
OutInt = TempInt;
return true;
catch(const EConvertError &e)
return false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TUtilities::CheckFileDouble(std::ifstream &InFile)
AnsiString DoubleString;
if(!CheckAndReadFileString(InFile, DoubleString))
return false;
return false;
if(DoubleString == "")
return false;
if(SetLocaleResultOK) // if false the locale conversion failed so don't change anything, then will work as earlier versions
for(int x = 1; x <= DoubleString.Length(); x++) // added at v2.4.0 to allow decimal point to be changed to local type
if((DoubleString[x] < '0') && (DoubleString[x] != '-')) // special character must be the decimal point character, dot or comma
DoubleString[x] = DecimalPoint; // so load the value according to the locale
DoubleString.ToDouble(); // throws EConvertError if fails
return true;
catch(const EConvertError &e)
return false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TUtilities::CheckStringDouble(AnsiString &DoubleString)
if(DoubleString == "")
return false;
if(SetLocaleResultOK) // if false the locale conversion failed so don't change anything, then will work as earlier versions
for(int x = 1; x <= DoubleString.Length(); x++) // added at v2.4.0 to allow decimal point to be changed to local type
if((DoubleString[x] < '0') && (DoubleString[x] != '-')) // special character must be the decimal point character, dot or comma
DoubleString[x] = DecimalPoint; // so load the value according to the locale
DoubleString.ToDouble(); // throws EConvertError if fails
return true;
catch(const EConvertError &e)
return false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TUtilities::CheckFileString(std::ifstream &InFile)
// Reads the next item and checks it as a string value up to either the '\0' delimiter
// if there is one, in which case the '\0' is extracted but nothing more, or up to the next '\n',
// in which case the '\n' is extracted. There may or may not be a '\n' at the start, and if there
// is it is ignored (only one is ignored, a second one is treated as a delimiter).
char TempChar;
InFile.get(TempChar); // may or may not be '\n'
return false;
if(TempChar == '\n')
InFile.get(TempChar); // get the next one if first was '\n'
return false;
while((TempChar != '\0') && (TempChar != '\n'))
if((TempChar < 32) && (TempChar >= 0))
return false;
return false;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TUtilities::CheckFileStringZeroDelimiter(std::ifstream &InFile)
// Reads the next item and checks it as a legitimate string value up to the '\0' delimiter or end of file
// if there is one, in which case the '\0' is extracted but nothing more. There may or may not be a '\n' at the start, and if there
// is it is ignored (only one is ignored, a second one is treated as a delimiter).
char TempChar;
InFile.get(TempChar); // may or may not be '\n'
return false;
if(TempChar == '\n')
InFile.get(TempChar); // get the next one if first was '\n'
return false;
while(TempChar != '\0')
if((TempChar < 32) && (TempChar >= 0))
return false;
return true; // end of file
return false;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TUtilities::CheckAndCompareFileString(std::ifstream &InFile, AnsiString InString)
// Reads the next item and checks it as a string value up to either the '\0' delimiter
// if there is one, in which case the '\0' is extracted but nothing more, or up to the next '\n',
// in which case the '\n' is extracted. There may or may not be a '\n' at the start, and if there
// is it is ignored (only one is ignored, a second one is treated as a delimiter).
// The item is then compared with InString and fails if different.
char TempChar;
char *Buffer = new char[10000];
int Count = 0;
InFile.get(TempChar); // may or may not be '\n'
delete Buffer;
return false;
if(TempChar == '\n')
InFile.get(TempChar); // get the next one if first was '\n'
delete Buffer;
return false;
while((TempChar != '\0') && (TempChar != '\n'))
if((TempChar < 32) && (TempChar >= 0))
delete Buffer;
return false;
Buffer[Count] = TempChar;
delete Buffer;
return false;
Buffer[Count] = '\0';
Buffer[Count] = '\n';
if(AnsiString(Buffer) != InString)
delete Buffer;
return false;
delete Buffer;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TUtilities::CheckAndReadFileString(std::ifstream &InFile, AnsiString &OutString)
// Reads the next item and checks it as a string value up to either the '\0' delimiter
// if there is one, in which case the '\0' is extracted but nothing more, or up to the next '\n',
// in which case the '\n' is extracted. There may or may not be a '\n' at the start, and if there
// is it is ignored (only one is ignored, a second one is treated as a delimiter).
// The item is then returned in OutString.
char TempChar;
char *Buffer = new char[10000];
int Count = 0;
InFile.get(TempChar); // may or may not be '\n'
delete Buffer;
return false;
if(TempChar == '\n')
InFile.get(TempChar); // get the next one if first was '\n'
delete Buffer;
return false;
while((TempChar != '\0') && (TempChar != '\n'))
if((TempChar < 32) && (TempChar >= 0))
delete Buffer;
return false;
Buffer[Count] = TempChar;
delete Buffer;
return false;
Buffer[Count] = '\0';
Buffer[Count] = '\n';
OutString = AnsiString(Buffer);
delete Buffer;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
AnsiString TUtilities::Format96HHMMSS(TDateTime DateTime)
// Formats a TDateTime into an AnsiString of the form hh:mm:ss where hh runs from 00 to 95 & resets when it reaches 96
AnsiString MinSecString = DateTime.FormatString(":nn:ss");
int Hours = (int)(((double)(DateTime + 0.000006)) * 24); // for v0.6 round up by ~0.5 sec to prevent undershooting
while(Hours >= 96)
Hours -= 96;
AnsiString HourString = AnsiString(Hours);
while(HourString.Length() < 2)
HourString = "0" + HourString;
return (HourString + MinSecString);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
AnsiString TUtilities::Format96HHMM(TDateTime DateTime)
// Formats a TDateTime into an AnsiString of the form hh:mm where hh runs from 00 to 95 & resets when it reaches 96
AnsiString MinString = DateTime.FormatString(":nn");
int Hours = (int)(((double)(DateTime + 0.0003)) * 24); // for v0.6 round up by ~0.5min to prevent undershooting the hour in formatted tts
while(Hours >= 96)
Hours -= 96;
AnsiString HourString = AnsiString(Hours);
while(HourString.Length() < 2)
HourString = "0" + HourString;
return (HourString + MinString);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
AnsiString TUtilities::IncrementAnsiTimeOneMinute(AnsiString TimeVal)
AnsiString MinString = TimeVal.SubString(4,2);
AnsiString HourString = TimeVal.SubString(1,2);
int Mins = MinString.ToInt();
int Hours = HourString.ToInt();
if(Mins > 59)
Mins = 0;
Hours++; //don't need to worry about exceeding 96 hours as TT validity checker looks after that
MinString = AnsiString(Mins);
if(MinString.Length() < 2)
MinString = "0" + MinString;
HourString = AnsiString(Hours);
if(HourString.Length() < 2)
HourString = "0" + HourString;
return HourString + ":" + MinString;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
