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A React-Compatible fork of Hyperapp, inspired by Elmish, Elm, Redux, etc. Working with any vdom library!


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yarn add hydux # or npm i hydux

Quick Example

Let's say we got a counter, like this.

// Counter.js
export default {
  init: () => ({ count: 1 }),
  actions: {
    down: () => state => ({ count: state.count - 1 }),
    up: () => state => ({ count: state.count + 1 })
  view: (state: State, actions: Actions) =>
      <button onclick={actions.down}></button>
      <button onclick={actions.up}>+</button>

Then we can compose it in Elm way, you can easily reuse your components.

import _app from 'hydux'
import withPersist from 'hydux/lib/enhancers/persist'
import withultradom, { h, React } from 'hydux/lib/enhancers/ultradom-render'
import Counter from './counter'

// let app = withPersist<State, Actions>({
//   key: 'my-counter-app/v1'
// })(_app)

// use built-in 1kb ultradom to render the view.
let app = withultradom()(_app)

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
  // built-in dev tools, without pain.
  const devTools = require('hydux/lib/enhancers/devtools').default
  const logger = require('hydux/lib/enhancers/logger').default
  const hmr = require('hydux/lib/enhancers/hmr').default
  app = logger()(app)
  app = devTools()(app)
  app = hmr()(app)

const actions = {
  counter1: Counter.actions,
  counter2: Counter.actions,

const state = {
  counter1: Counter.init(),
  counter2: Counter.init(),

const view = (state: State, actions: Actions) =>
      {Counter.view(state.counter1, actions.counter1)}
      {Counter.view(state.counter2, actions.counter2)}

export default app({
  init: () => state,

Actions with Cmd

This library also implemented a Elm-like side effects manager, you can simple return a tuple (two elements array) in your action, and put the Cmd as the second element. e.g.

import app, { Cmd } from 'hydux'

function upLater(n) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(n + 10), 1000))
  init: () => ({ count: 1}),
  actions: {
    down: () => state => ({ count: state.count - 1 }),
    up: () => state => ({ count: state.count + 1 }),
    upN: n => state => ({ count: state.count + n }),
    upLater: n => state => actions/* actions of same level */ => [
      state, // don't change the state, won't trigger view update
        upLater /* a function with single parameter and return a promise */,
        n /* the parameter of the funciton */,
        actions.upN /* success handler, optional */,
        console.error /* error handler, optional */ )
  view: () => {/*...*/} ,

Parent-Child Components Communication

In Elm, we can intercept child component's message in parent component, because child's update function is called in parent's update function. But how can we do this in hydux?

import * as assert from 'assert'
import app, { Cmd, wrapAction, noop } from '../index'
import Counter from './counter'

const initState = {
  counter1: Counter.init(),
  counter2: Counter.init(),
const actions = {
  counter2: counter.actions,
  counter1: {
    upN: (n: number) => wrapAction(counter.actions.upN, (action, parentState: State, parentActions: Actions) => {
      const [state, cmd] = action(n + 1)
      assert.equal(state.count, parentState.counter1.count + n + 1, 'call child action work')
      return [state, Cmd.batch(cmd, Cmd.ofFn(() => parentActions.counter2.up()))]
type State = typeof initState
type Actions = typeof actions
let ctx = app<typeof initState, typeof actions>({
  init: () => initState,
  view: noop,
  onRender: noop


app(props: AppProps<State, Actions>)

Run your app.

AppProps<State, Actions>

init: () => State | [ State, CmdType ]

An function to get the initial state of your app, you can return a tuple including side effects like an action.


The actions of your app, you can only using actions to update your state.

Actions result should be the state or the same level state if this is a nested action. You can also return undefined/Promise to support async task, but this is highly not recommanded, you should using Cmd to manager your side effects.

Actions can be nested, here are some legally action signatures:

init: () => ({ count: 1 })
actions: {
  // (msg: Msg) => (state: State), update the state by msg
  reset: n => ({ count: 1 })
  // (msg: Msg) => (state: State) => (state: State)
  // update the state by msg and current state
  add: n => state => ({ count: state.count + n }),
  // (msg: Msg) => (state: State) => (actions: Actions) => void
  // update the state by state and other same level actions
  add12: () => (state, actions) => actions.add(12),
  // (msg: Msg) => (state: State) => (actions: Actions) => [state, CmdType<State, Actions>]
  // update the state by side effects
  remoteAdd: () => (state, actions) =>
    [ state,
        () => fetch('http://your.server/some/path'),
      ) ],
subscribe: ?((state: State) => CmdType<State, Actions>)

subscribe is a function return a CmdType, you can subscribe side effects like web socket messages, location changes in here.

onRender: ?((view: any) => void)

Custom renderer, optional. Used by vdom adaptors like hydux-react or hydux/lib/enhancers/ultradom-render.js.

onUpdate: ?((data) => void)

Update listener, optional, used by something like hydux/lib/enhancers/logger.js, hydux/lib/enhancers/devtools.js


Elm-like side effects manager.


Empty side effects.

Cmd.ofPromise<A, T>(task: (arg: A) => Promise, (arg: A), succeedHandler: (result: T) => void, failedHandler: (err: Error) => void): CmdType<State, Actions>

Cmd from a function that return a promise.

Cmd.ofFn<A, T>(task: (arg:A) => T, (arg: A), succeedHandler: (result: T) => void, failedHandler: (err: Error) => void): CmdType<State, Actions>

Cmd from a function that could throw an error.

Cmd.ofSub(sub: (actions: Actions) => void): CmdType<State, Actions>

Cmd from a sub.

Cmd.batch(...args: CmdType<State,Actions>[] | CmdType<State,Actions>[][]): CmdType<State,Actions>

Cmd from a cmd array.


Counter App

git clone https://github.com/hydux/hydux.git
cd examples/counter
yarn # or npm i
npm start

Now open http://localhost:8080 and hack!


After trying Fable + Elmish for several month, I need to write a small web App in my company, for many reasons I cannot choose some fancy stuff like Fable + Elmish, simply speaking, I need to use the mainstream JS stack but don't want to bear Redux's cumbersome, complex toolchain, etc anymore.

After some digging around, hyperapp looks really good to me, but I quickly find out it doesn't work with React, and many libraries don't work with the newest API. So I create this to support different vdom libraries, like React(official support), ultradom(built-in), Preact, inferno or what ever you want, just need to write a simple enhancer!

Also, to avoid breaking change, we have built-in support for HMR, logger, persist, Redux Devtools, you know you want it!



MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 hydux Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


An Elm-like redux alternative inspired by Hyperapp, Elmish, Elm, Redux, etc. Working with any vdom library! 展开 收起
TypeScript 等 2 种语言






