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Zgmgmm / Sarasa-Gothic

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
verdafile.js 14.73 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
"use strict";
const build = require("verda").create();
const { task, file, oracle, phony } = build.ruleTypes;
const { de, fu } = build.rules;
const { run, rm, cd } = build.actions;
const { FileList } = build.predefinedFuncs;
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const path = require("path");
const os = require("os");
module.exports = build;
// Directories
const PREFIX = `sarasa`;
const BUILD = `build`;
const OUT = `out`;
// Command line
const NODEJS = `node`;
const SEVEN_ZIP = `7z`;
const OTFCCDUMP = `otfccdump`;
const OTFCCBUILD = `otfccbuild`;
const OTF2TTF = `otf2ttf`;
const NPX_SUFFIX = os.platform() === "win32" ? ".cmd" : "";
const TTCIZE = "node_modules/.bin/otfcc-ttcize" + NPX_SUFFIX;
const Chlorophytum = [NODEJS, `./node_modules/@chlorophytum/cli/bin/_startup`];
// Entrypoint
const Start = phony("all", async t => {
await t.need(Ttf);
await t.need(Ttc);
const Ttc = phony(`ttc`, async t => {
const version = await t.need(Version);
await t.need(TTCArchive(version));
const Ttf = phony(`ttf`, async t => {
const version = await t.need(Version);
await t.need(TTFArchive(version));
const Dependencies = task(`dependencies`, async t => {
await t.need(fu`package.json`);
const Version = oracle("version", async t => {
return (await fs.readJson(path.resolve(__dirname, "package.json"))).version;
const TTCArchive = file.make(
version => `${OUT}/sarasa-gothic-ttc-${version}.7z`,
async (t, target) => {
await t.need(TtcFontFiles);
await rm(target.full);
await SevenZipCompress(`${OUT}/ttc`, target, `*.ttc`);
const TTFArchive = file.make(
version => `${OUT}/sarasa-gothic-ttf-${version}.7z`,
async (t, target) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, de`${OUT}/ttf`);
await t.need(TtfFontFiles);
// StyleOrder is interlaced with "upright" and "italic"
// Compressing in this order reduces archive size
await rm(target.full);
for (let j = 0; j < config.styleOrder.length; j += 2) {
const styleUpright = config.styleOrder[j];
const styleItalic = config.styleOrder[j + 1];
await SevenZipCompress(
styleUpright ? `*-${styleUpright}.ttf` : null,
styleItalic ? `*-${styleItalic}.ttf` : null
function SevenZipCompress(dir, target, ...inputs) {
return cd(dir).run(
[SEVEN_ZIP, `a`],
[`-t7z`, `-mmt=on`, `-m0=LZMA:a=0:d=256m:fb=256`],
[`../${target.name}.7z`, ...inputs]
// TTF Building
const ShsOtd = file.make(
(region, style) => `${BUILD}/shs/${region}-${style}.otd`,
async (t, output, region, style) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config);
const shsSourceMap = config.shsSourceMap;
const [, $1] = await t.need(
const temp = `${output.dir}/${output.name}.tmp.ttf`;
await run(OTF2TTF, [`-o`, temp], $1.full);
await run(OTFCCDUMP, `-o`, output.full, temp);
const NonKanji = file.make(
(region, style) => `${BUILD}/non-kanji0/${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, { full, dir, name }, region, style) => {
await t.need(Config, Scripts);
const [$1] = await t.need(ShsOtd(region, style), de(dir));
const tmpOTD = `${dir}/${name}.otd`;
await RunFontBuildTask("make/non-kanji/build.js", {
main: $1.full,
o: tmpOTD
await OtfccBuildAsIs(tmpOTD, full);
const WS0 = file.make(
(family, region, style) => `${BUILD}/ws0/${family}-${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, { full, dir, name }, family, region, style) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, Scripts);
const [, $1] = await t.need(de(dir), NonKanji(region, style));
const tmpOTD = `${dir}/${name}.otd`;
await RunFontBuildTask("make/punct/ws.js", {
main: $1.full,
o: tmpOTD,
mono: config.families[family].isMono || false,
type: config.families[family].isType || false,
pwid: config.families[family].isPWID || false,
term: config.families[family].isTerm || false
await OtfccBuildAsIs(tmpOTD, full);
const AS0 = file.make(
(family, region, style) => `${BUILD}/as0/${family}-${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, { full, dir, name }, family, region, style) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, Scripts);
const [, $1] = await t.need(de(dir), NonKanji(region, style));
const tmpOTD = `${dir}/${name}.otd`;
await RunFontBuildTask("make/punct/as.js", {
main: $1.full,
o: tmpOTD,
mono: config.families[family].isMono || false,
type: config.families[family].isType || false,
pwid: config.families[family].isPWID || false,
term: config.families[family].isTerm || false
await OtfccBuildAsIs(tmpOTD, full);
task("as-mono-sc-regular", async $ => {
await $.need(AS0("mono", "sc", "regular"));
const Pass1 = file.make(
(family, region, style) => `${BUILD}/pass1/${family}-${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, { full, dir, name }, family, region, style) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, Scripts);
const latinFamily = config.families[family].latinGroup;
const [, $1, $2, $3] = await t.need(
AS0(family, region, deItalizedNameOf(config, style)),
WS0(family, region, deItalizedNameOf(config, style))
await RunFontBuildTask("make/pass1/build.js", {
main: $1.full,
asian: $2.full,
ws: $3.full,
o: full + ".tmp.ttf",
family: family,
subfamily: config.subfamilies[region].name,
style: style,
italize: deItalizedNameOf(config, name) === name ? false : true
await SanitizeTTF(full, full + ".tmp.ttf");
const Kanji0 = file.make(
(region, style) => `${BUILD}/kanji0/${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, { full, dir, name }, region, style) => {
await t.need(Config, Scripts);
const [$1] = await t.need(ShsOtd(region, style), de(dir));
const tmpOTD = `${dir}/${name}.otd`;
await RunFontBuildTask("make/kanji/build.js", {
main: $1.full,
o: tmpOTD
await OtfccBuildAsIs(tmpOTD, full);
const Hangul0 = file.make(
(region, style) => `${BUILD}/hangul0/${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, { full, dir, name }, region, style) => {
await t.need(Config, Scripts);
const [$1] = await t.need(ShsOtd(region, style), de(dir));
const tmpOTD = `${dir}/${name}.otd`;
await RunFontBuildTask("make/hangul/build.js", {
main: $1.full,
o: tmpOTD
await OtfccBuildAsIs(tmpOTD, full);
const Prod = file.make(
(family, region, style) => `${OUT}/ttf/${PREFIX}-${family}-${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, { full, dir, name }, family, region, style) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, Scripts, Version);
const weight = deItalizedNameOf(config, style);
const [, $1, $2, $3] = await t.need(
HfoPass1(weight, family, region, style),
HfoKanji(weight, region, weight),
HfoHangul(weight, region, weight)
const tmpOTD = `${dir}/${name}.otd`;
await RunFontBuildTask("make/pass2/build.js", {
main: $1.full,
kanji: $2.full,
hangul: $3.full,
o: tmpOTD,
italize: weight === style ? false : true
await OtfccBuildOptimize(tmpOTD, full);
const HintDirPrefix = `${BUILD}/hf`;
const HintDirOutPrefix = `${BUILD}/hfo`;
const JHint = oracle("hinting-jobs", async () => os.cpus().length);
const KanjiInOTD = file.make(
(weight, region, style) => `${HintDirPrefix}-${weight}/kanji-${region}-${style}.otd`,
async (t, { dir, name }, weight, region, style) => {
const [k0ttf] = await t.need(Kanji0(region, style), de(dir));
await run(OTFCCDUMP, k0ttf.full, "-o", `${dir}/${name}.otd`);
const HangulInOTD = file.make(
(weight, region, style) => `${HintDirPrefix}-${weight}/hangul-${region}-${style}.otd`,
async (t, { dir, name }, weight, region, style) => {
const [k0ttf] = await t.need(Hangul0(region, style), de(dir));
await run(OTFCCDUMP, k0ttf.full, "-o", `${dir}/${name}.otd`);
const Pass1OTD = file.make(
(weight, family, region, style) =>
async (t, { dir, name }, weight, family, region, style) => {
const [k0ttf] = await t.need(Pass1(family, region, style), de(dir));
await run(OTFCCDUMP, k0ttf.full, "-o", `${dir}/${name}.otd`);
const GroupHint = task.make(
weight => `group-hint::${weight}`,
async (t, weight) => {
const [config, jHint, hintParam] = await t.need(
const [kanjiDeps, pass1Deps] = OtdDeps(config, weight);
const [kanjiOtds, pass1Otds] = await t.need(kanjiDeps, pass1Deps);
await run(
[`-c`, hintParam.full],
[`-h`, `${HintDirPrefix}-${weight}/cache.gz`],
[`--jobs`, jHint],
[...HintParams([...kanjiOtds, ...pass1Otds])]
const HintAll = task(`hint-all`, async t => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config);
for (const style in config.styles) {
if (config.styles[style].uprightStyleMap) continue;
await t.need(GroupHint(style));
const GroupInstr = task.make(
weight => `group-instr::${weight}`,
async (t, weight) => {
const [config, hintParam] = await t.need(Config, fu`hinting-params/${weight}.json`);
const [kanjiDeps, pass1Deps] = OtdDeps(config, weight);
const [kanjiOtds, pass1Otds] = await t.need(kanjiDeps, pass1Deps);
await t.need(HintAll);
await run(
[`-c`, hintParam.full],
[...InstrParams([...kanjiOtds, ...pass1Otds])]
const HfoKanji = file.make(
(weight, region, style) => `${HintDirOutPrefix}-${weight}/kanji-${region}-${style}.ttf`,
const HfoHangul = file.make(
(weight, region, style) => `${HintDirOutPrefix}-${weight}/hangul-${region}-${style}.ttf`,
const HfoPass1 = file.make(
(weight, family, region, style) =>
async function OutTtfMain(t, { full, dir, name }, weight) {
const [hintParam] = await t.need(
await run(
[`-c`, hintParam.full],
await OtfccBuildAsIs(`${HintDirOutPrefix}-${weight}/${name}.otd`, full);
// Support functions
function OtdDeps(config, weight) {
const kanjiDeps = [];
for (let sf of config.subfamilyOrder) {
kanjiDeps.push(KanjiInOTD(weight, sf, weight));
kanjiDeps.push(HangulInOTD(weight, sf, weight));
const pass1Deps = [];
for (let f of config.familyOrder) {
for (let sf of config.subfamilyOrder) {
for (const style in config.styles) {
if (deItalizedNameOf(config, style) !== weight) continue;
pass1Deps.push(Pass1OTD(weight, f, sf, style));
return [kanjiDeps, pass1Deps];
function* HintParams(otds) {
for (const otd of otds) {
yield otd.full;
yield `${otd.dir}/${otd.name}.hint.gz`;
function* InstrParams(otds) {
for (const otd of otds) {
yield otd.full;
yield `${otd.dir}/${otd.name}.hint.gz`;
yield `${otd.dir}/${otd.name}.instr.gz`;
// TTC building
const TTCFile = file.make(
style => `${OUT}/ttc/${PREFIX}-${style}.ttc`,
async (t, { full, dir }, style) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, de`${OUT}/ttc`);
let requirements = [],
n = 0;
for (let family of config.familyOrder) {
for (let region of config.subfamilyOrder) {
from: Prod(family, region, style),
otd: `${OUT}/ttc/${PREFIX}-${style}-parts.${n}.otd`,
ttf: `${OUT}/ttc/${PREFIX}-${style}-parts.${n}.ttf`
const [$$] = await t.need(requirements.map(t => t.from));
await run(
["-x", "--common-width", 1000, "--common-height", 1000],
["-o", full],
[...$$.map(t => t.full)]
const TtcFontFiles = task("ttcFontFiles", async t => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, de`${OUT}/ttc`);
await t.need(config.styleOrder.map(st => TTCFile(st)));
const TtfFontFiles = task("ttfFontFiles", async t => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, de`${OUT}/ttf`);
let reqs = [];
for (let f of config.familyOrder)
for (let sf of config.subfamilyOrder)
for (let st of config.styleOrder) {
reqs.push(Prod(f, sf, st));
await t.need(...reqs);
// Build Scripts & Config
const ScriptsStructure = oracle("scripts-dir-structure", target =>
FileList({ under: `make`, pattern: `**/*.js` })(target)
const Scripts = task("scripts", async t => {
await t.need(Dependencies);
const [scriptList] = await t.need(ScriptsStructure);
await t.need(scriptList.map(fu));
const Config = oracle("config", async () => {
return await fs.readJSON(__dirname + "/config.json");
// CLI wrappers
async function OtfccBuildOptimize(from, to) {
await run(OTFCCBUILD, from, [`-o`, to], [`-O3`, `-s`, `--keep-average-char-width`, `-q`]);
await rm(from);
async function OtfccBuildAsIs(from, to) {
await run(OTFCCBUILD, from, [`-o`, to], [`-k`, `-s`, `--keep-average-char-width`, `-q`]);
await rm(from);
async function RunFontBuildTask(recipe, args) {
return await run(NODEJS, "run", "--recipe", recipe, ...objToArgs(args));
function objToArgs(o) {
let a = [];
for (let k in o) {
if (o[k] === false) continue;
if (k.length === 1) {
a.push("-" + k);
} else {
a.push("--" + k);
if (o[k] !== true) {
a.push("" + o[k]);
return a;
async function SanitizeTTF(target, ttf) {
const tmpTTX = `${ttf}.ttx`;
const tmpTTF2 = `${ttf}.2.ttf`;
await run("ttx", "-q", "-o", tmpTTX, ttf);
await run("ttx", "-q", "-o", tmpTTF2, tmpTTX);
await run("ttfautohint", tmpTTF2, target);
await rm(ttf);
await rm(tmpTTX);
await rm(tmpTTF2);
function deItalizedNameOf(config, set) {
return (set + "")
.map(w => (config.styles[w] ? config.styles[w].uprightStyleMap || w : w))
