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statedb.go 12.27 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
赵春 提交于 2022-02-22 14:31 . 基础版本作成
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package statedb
import (
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/results_iterator.go -fake-name ResultsIterator . ResultsIterator
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/versioned_db.go -fake-name VersionedDB . VersionedDB
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/namespace_provider.go -fake-name NamespaceProvider . NamespaceProvider
// VersionedDBProvider provides an instance of an versioned DB
type VersionedDBProvider interface {
// GetDBHandle returns a handle to a VersionedDB
GetDBHandle(id string, namespaceProvider NamespaceProvider) (VersionedDB, error)
// Close closes all the VersionedDB instances and releases any resources held by VersionedDBProvider
// VersionedDB lists methods that a db is supposed to implement
type VersionedDB interface {
// GetState gets the value for given namespace and key. For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
GetState(namespace string, key string) (*VersionedValue, error)
// GetVersion gets the version for given namespace and key. For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
GetVersion(namespace string, key string) (*version.Height, error)
// GetStateMultipleKeys gets the values for multiple keys in a single call
GetStateMultipleKeys(namespace string, keys []string) ([]*VersionedValue, error)
// GetStateRangeScanIterator returns an iterator that contains all the key-values between given key ranges.
// startKey is inclusive
// endKey is exclusive
// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *VersionedKV
GetStateRangeScanIterator(namespace string, startKey string, endKey string) (ResultsIterator, error)
// GetStateRangeScanIteratorWithPagination returns an iterator that contains all the key-values between given key ranges.
// startKey is inclusive
// endKey is exclusive
// pageSize parameter limits the number of returned results
// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *VersionedKV
GetStateRangeScanIteratorWithPagination(namespace string, startKey string, endKey string, pageSize int32) (QueryResultsIterator, error)
// ExecuteQuery executes the given query and returns an iterator that contains results of type *VersionedKV.
ExecuteQuery(namespace, query string) (ResultsIterator, error)
// ExecuteQueryWithPagination executes the given query and
// returns an iterator that contains results of type *VersionedKV.
// The bookmark and page size parameters are associated with the pagination query.
ExecuteQueryWithPagination(namespace, query, bookmark string, pageSize int32) (QueryResultsIterator, error)
// ApplyUpdates applies the batch to the underlying db.
// height is the height of the highest transaction in the Batch that
// a state db implementation is expected to ues as a save point
ApplyUpdates(batch *UpdateBatch, height *version.Height) error
// GetLatestSavePoint returns the height of the highest transaction upto which
// the state db is consistent
GetLatestSavePoint() (*version.Height, error)
// ValidateKeyValue tests whether the key and value is supported by the db implementation.
// For instance, leveldb supports any bytes for the key while the couchdb supports only valid utf-8 string
// TODO make the function ValidateKeyValue return a specific error say ErrInvalidKeyValue
// However, as of now, the both implementations of this function (leveldb and couchdb) are deterministic in returing an error
// i.e., an error is returned only if the key-value are found to be invalid for the underlying db
ValidateKeyValue(key string, value []byte) error
// BytesKeySupported returns true if the implementation (underlying db) supports the any bytes to be used as key.
// For instance, leveldb supports any bytes for the key while the couchdb supports only valid utf-8 string
BytesKeySupported() bool
// GetFullScanIterator returns a FullScanIterator that can be used to iterate over entire data in the statedb.
// `skipNamespace` parameter can be used to control if the consumer wants the FullScanIterator
// to skip one or more namespaces from the returned results. The second parameter returns the format information
// about the value bytes returned by the Next function in the returned FullScanIterator.
// The intended use of this iterator is to generate the snapshot files for the statedb.
GetFullScanIterator(skipNamespace func(string) bool) (FullScanIterator, byte, error)
// Open opens the db
Open() error
// Close closes the db
// NamespaceProvider provides a mean for statedb to get all the possible namespaces for a channel.
// The intended use is for statecouchdb to retroactively build channel metadata when it is missing,
// e.g., when opening a statecouchdb from v2.0/2.1 version.
type NamespaceProvider interface {
// PossibleNamespaces returns all possible namespaces for the statedb. Note that it is a superset
// of the actual namespaces. Therefore, the caller should compare with the existing databases to
// filter out the namespaces that have no matched databases.
PossibleNamespaces(vdb VersionedDB) ([]string, error)
//BulkOptimizable interface provides additional functions for
//databases capable of batch operations
type BulkOptimizable interface {
LoadCommittedVersions(keys []*CompositeKey) error
GetCachedVersion(namespace, key string) (*version.Height, bool)
//IndexCapable interface provides additional functions for
//databases capable of index operations
type IndexCapable interface {
GetDBType() string
ProcessIndexesForChaincodeDeploy(namespace string, indexFilesData map[string][]byte) error
// FullScanIterator provides a mean to iterate over entire statedb. The intended use of this iterator
// is to generate the snapshot files for the statedb
type FullScanIterator interface {
// Next returns the key-values in the lexical order of <Namespace, key>
// A particular statedb implementation is free to chose any deterministic bytes representation for the <version, value, metadata>
Next() (*CompositeKey, []byte, error)
// Close releases any resources held with the implementation
// CompositeKey encloses Namespace and Key components
type CompositeKey struct {
Namespace string
Key string
// VersionedValue encloses value and corresponding version
type VersionedValue struct {
Value []byte
Metadata []byte
Version *version.Height
// IsDelete returns true if this update indicates delete of a key
func (vv *VersionedValue) IsDelete() bool {
return vv.Value == nil
// VersionedKV encloses key and corresponding VersionedValue
type VersionedKV struct {
// ResultsIterator iterates over query results
type ResultsIterator interface {
Next() (QueryResult, error)
// QueryResultsIterator adds GetBookmarkAndClose method
type QueryResultsIterator interface {
GetBookmarkAndClose() string
// QueryResult - a general interface for supporting different types of query results. Actual types differ for different queries
type QueryResult interface{}
type nsUpdates struct {
M map[string]*VersionedValue
func newNsUpdates() *nsUpdates {
return &nsUpdates{make(map[string]*VersionedValue)}
// UpdateBatch encloses the details of multiple `updates`
type UpdateBatch struct {
ContainsPostOrderWrites bool
Updates map[string]*nsUpdates
// NewUpdateBatch constructs an instance of a Batch
func NewUpdateBatch() *UpdateBatch {
return &UpdateBatch{false, make(map[string]*nsUpdates)}
// Get returns the VersionedValue for the given namespace and key
func (batch *UpdateBatch) Get(ns string, key string) *VersionedValue {
nsUpdates, ok := batch.Updates[ns]
if !ok {
return nil
vv, ok := nsUpdates.M[key]
if !ok {
return nil
return vv
// Put adds a key with value only. The metadata is assumed to be nil
func (batch *UpdateBatch) Put(ns string, key string, value []byte, version *version.Height) {
batch.PutValAndMetadata(ns, key, value, nil, version)
// PutValAndMetadata adds a key with value and metadata
// TODO introducing a new function to limit the refactoring. Later in a separate CR, the 'Put' function above should be removed
func (batch *UpdateBatch) PutValAndMetadata(ns string, key string, value []byte, metadata []byte, version *version.Height) {
if value == nil {
panic("Nil value not allowed. Instead call 'Delete' function")
batch.Update(ns, key, &VersionedValue{value, metadata, version})
// Delete deletes a Key and associated value
func (batch *UpdateBatch) Delete(ns string, key string, version *version.Height) {
batch.Update(ns, key, &VersionedValue{nil, nil, version})
// Exists checks whether the given key exists in the batch
func (batch *UpdateBatch) Exists(ns string, key string) bool {
nsUpdates, ok := batch.Updates[ns]
if !ok {
return false
_, ok = nsUpdates.M[key]
return ok
// GetUpdatedNamespaces returns the names of the namespaces that are updated
func (batch *UpdateBatch) GetUpdatedNamespaces() []string {
namespaces := make([]string, len(batch.Updates))
i := 0
for ns := range batch.Updates {
namespaces[i] = ns
return namespaces
// Update updates the batch with a latest entry for a namespace and a key
func (batch *UpdateBatch) Update(ns string, key string, vv *VersionedValue) {
batch.getOrCreateNsUpdates(ns).M[key] = vv
// GetUpdates returns all the updates for a namespace
func (batch *UpdateBatch) GetUpdates(ns string) map[string]*VersionedValue {
nsUpdates, ok := batch.Updates[ns]
if !ok {
return nil
return nsUpdates.M
// GetRangeScanIterator returns an iterator that iterates over keys of a specific namespace in sorted order
// In other word this gives the same functionality over the contents in the `UpdateBatch` as
// `VersionedDB.GetStateRangeScanIterator()` method gives over the contents in the statedb
// This function can be used for querying the contents in the updateBatch before they are committed to the statedb.
// For instance, a validator implementation can used this to verify the validity of a range query of a transaction
// where the UpdateBatch represents the union of the modifications performed by the preceding valid transactions in the same block
// (Assuming Group commit approach where we commit all the updates caused by a block together).
func (batch *UpdateBatch) GetRangeScanIterator(ns string, startKey string, endKey string) QueryResultsIterator {
return newNsIterator(ns, startKey, endKey, batch)
// Merge merges another updates batch with this updates batch
func (batch *UpdateBatch) Merge(toMerge *UpdateBatch) {
batch.ContainsPostOrderWrites = batch.ContainsPostOrderWrites || toMerge.ContainsPostOrderWrites
for ns, nsUpdates := range toMerge.Updates {
for key, vv := range nsUpdates.M {
batch.Update(ns, key, vv)
func (batch *UpdateBatch) getOrCreateNsUpdates(ns string) *nsUpdates {
nsUpdates := batch.Updates[ns]
if nsUpdates == nil {
nsUpdates = newNsUpdates()
batch.Updates[ns] = nsUpdates
return nsUpdates
type nsIterator struct {
ns string
nsUpdates *nsUpdates
sortedKeys []string
nextIndex int
lastIndex int
func newNsIterator(ns string, startKey string, endKey string, batch *UpdateBatch) *nsIterator {
nsUpdates, ok := batch.Updates[ns]
if !ok {
return &nsIterator{}
sortedKeys := util.GetSortedKeys(nsUpdates.M)
var nextIndex int
var lastIndex int
if startKey == "" {
nextIndex = 0
} else {
nextIndex = sort.SearchStrings(sortedKeys, startKey)
if endKey == "" {
lastIndex = len(sortedKeys)
} else {
lastIndex = sort.SearchStrings(sortedKeys, endKey)
return &nsIterator{ns, nsUpdates, sortedKeys, nextIndex, lastIndex}
// Next gives next key and versioned value. It returns a nil when exhausted
func (itr *nsIterator) Next() (QueryResult, error) {
if itr.nextIndex >= itr.lastIndex {
return nil, nil
key := itr.sortedKeys[itr.nextIndex]
vv := itr.nsUpdates.M[key]
return &VersionedKV{CompositeKey{itr.ns, key}, VersionedValue{vv.Value, vv.Metadata, vv.Version}}, nil
// Close implements the method from QueryResult interface
func (itr *nsIterator) Close() {
// do nothing
// GetBookmarkAndClose implements the method from QueryResult interface
func (itr *nsIterator) GetBookmarkAndClose() string {
// do nothing
return ""
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