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赵建辉 / rttys

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
broker.go 7.22 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
赵建辉 提交于 2022-09-25 16:25 . chore: improve variable name
package main
import (
jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
type session struct {
dev client.Client
user client.Client
confirmed uint32
type broker struct {
cfg *config.Config
devices map[string]client.Client
loginAck chan *loginAckMsg
logout chan string
register chan client.Client
unregister chan client.Client
sessions map[string]*session
termMessage chan *termMessage
fileMessage chan *fileMessage
userMessage chan *usrMessage
cmdResp chan []byte
cmdReq chan *commandReq
httpResp chan *httpResp
httpReq chan *httpReq
fileProxy sync.Map
devCertPool *x509.CertPool
func newBroker(cfg *config.Config) *broker {
return &broker{
cfg: cfg,
loginAck: make(chan *loginAckMsg, 1000),
logout: make(chan string, 1000),
register: make(chan client.Client, 1000),
unregister: make(chan client.Client, 1000),
devices: make(map[string]client.Client),
sessions: make(map[string]*session),
termMessage: make(chan *termMessage, 1000),
fileMessage: make(chan *fileMessage, 1000),
userMessage: make(chan *usrMessage, 1000),
cmdResp: make(chan []byte, 1000),
cmdReq: make(chan *commandReq, 1000),
httpResp: make(chan *httpResp, 1000),
httpReq: make(chan *httpReq, 1000),
func (br *broker) run() {
for {
select {
case c := <-br.register:
devid := c.DeviceID()
if c.IsDevice() {
dev := c.(*device)
err := byte(0)
msg := "OK"
if _, ok := br.devices[devid]; ok {
log.Error().Msg("Device ID conflicting: " + devid)
msg = "ID conflicting"
err = 1
} else if br.cfg.Token != "" && dev.token != br.cfg.Token {
log.Error().Msg("Invalid token from terminal device")
msg = "Invalid token"
err = 1
} else if dev.proto < rttyProtoRequired {
if dev.proto < rttyProtoRequired {
log.Error().Msgf("%s: unsupported protocol version: %d, need %d", dev.id, dev.proto, rttyProtoRequired)
msg = "unsupported protocol"
err = 1
} else {
dev.registered = true
br.devices[devid] = c
log.Info().Msgf("Device '%s' registered, proto %d", devid, dev.proto)
c.WriteMsg(msgTypeRegister, append([]byte{err}, msg...))
if err > 0 {
// ensure the last packet was sent
time.AfterFunc(time.Millisecond*100, func() {
} else {
if dev, ok := br.devices[devid]; ok {
sid := utils.GenUniqueID("sid")
s := &session{
dev: dev,
user: c,
time.AfterFunc(time.Second*3, func() {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&s.confirmed) == 0 {
br.sessions[sid] = s
dev.WriteMsg(msgTypeLogin, []byte(sid))
log.Info().Msg("New session: " + sid)
} else {
userLoginAck(loginErrorOffline, c)
log.Error().Msgf("Not found the device '%s'", devid)
case c := <-br.unregister:
devid := c.DeviceID()
if c.IsDevice() {
if !c.(*device).registered {
delete(br.devices, devid)
for sid, s := range br.sessions {
if s.dev == c {
delete(br.sessions, sid)
log.Info().Msg("Delete session: " + sid)
log.Info().Msgf("Device '%s' unregistered", devid)
} else {
sid := c.(*user).sid
if _, ok := br.sessions[sid]; ok {
delete(br.sessions, sid)
if dev, ok := br.devices[devid]; ok {
dev.WriteMsg(msgTypeLogout, []byte(sid))
log.Info().Msg("Delete session: " + sid)
case msg := <-br.loginAck:
if s, ok := br.sessions[msg.sid]; ok {
if msg.isBusy {
userLoginAck(loginErrorBusy, s.user)
log.Error().Msg("login fail, device busy")
} else {
atomic.StoreUint32(&s.confirmed, 1)
u := s.user.(*user)
u.sid = msg.sid
userLoginAck(loginErrorNone, s.user)
// device active logout
// typically, executing the exit command at the terminal will case this
case sid := <-br.logout:
if s, ok := br.sessions[sid]; ok {
delete(br.sessions, sid)
log.Info().Msg("Delete session: " + sid)
case msg := <-br.termMessage:
if s, ok := br.sessions[msg.sid]; ok {
s.user.WriteMsg(websocket.BinaryMessage, msg.data)
case msg := <-br.fileMessage:
sid := msg.sid
if s, ok := br.sessions[sid]; ok {
typ := msg.data[0]
data := msg.data[1:]
switch typ {
case msgTypeFileSend:
pipereader, pipewriter := io.Pipe()
br.fileProxy.Store(sid, &fileProxy{pipereader, pipewriter})
s.user.WriteMsg(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"type":"sendfile", "name": "%s"}`, string(data))))
case msgTypeFileRecv:
s.user.WriteMsg(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(`{"type":"recvfile"}`))
case msgTypeFileData:
if fp, ok := br.fileProxy.Load(sid); ok {
fp := fp.(*fileProxy)
if len(data) == 0 {
} else {
fp.Write(s.dev, sid, data)
case msgTypeFileAck:
s.user.WriteMsg(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(`{"type":"fileAck"}`))
case msgTypeFileAbort:
if fp, ok := br.fileProxy.Load(sid); ok {
fp := fp.(*fileProxy)
case msg := <-br.userMessage:
if s, ok := br.sessions[msg.sid]; ok {
if dev, ok := br.devices[s.dev.DeviceID()]; ok {
data := msg.data
if msg.typ == websocket.BinaryMessage {
typ := msgTypeTermData
if data[0] == 1 {
typ = msgTypeFile
dev.WriteMsg(typ, append([]byte(msg.sid), data[1:]...))
} else {
typ := jsoniter.Get(data, "type").ToString()
switch typ {
case "winsize":
b := [32 + 4]byte{}
copy(b[:], msg.sid)
cols := jsoniter.Get(data, "cols").ToUint()
rows := jsoniter.Get(data, "rows").ToUint()
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[32:], uint16(cols))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[34:], uint16(rows))
dev.WriteMsg(msgTypeWinsize, b[:])
case "ack":
b := [32 + 2]byte{}
copy(b[:], msg.sid)
ack := jsoniter.Get(data, "ack").ToUint()
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[32:], uint16(ack))
dev.WriteMsg(msgTypeAck, b[:])
case "fileInfo":
size := jsoniter.Get(data, "size").ToUint32()
name := jsoniter.Get(data, "name").ToString()
b := make([]byte, 32+1+4+len(name))
copy(b[:], msg.sid)
b[32] = msgTypeFileInfo
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[33:], size)
copy(b[37:], name)
dev.WriteMsg(msgTypeFile, b[:])
case "fileCanceled":
b := [33]byte{}
copy(b[:], msg.sid)
b[32] = msgTypeFileAbort
dev.WriteMsg(msgTypeFile, b[:])
} else {
log.Error().Msg("Not found sid: " + msg.sid)
case req := <-br.cmdReq:
if dev, ok := br.devices[req.devid]; ok {
dev.WriteMsg(msgTypeCmd, req.data)
case data := <-br.cmdResp:
case req := <-br.httpReq:
if dev, ok := br.devices[req.devid]; ok {
dev.WriteMsg(msgTypeHttp, req.data)
case resp := <-br.httpResp:
