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HawkYarn / Typora-Cracker

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
typora.py 4.72 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
苏寅 提交于 2021-12-05 01:50 . 备份
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
@Author: Mas0n
@File: typora.py
@Time: 2021-11-29 21:24
@Desc: It's all about getting better.
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad
from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from jsbeautifier import beautify
from jsmin import jsmin
from os import listdir, urandom, makedirs
from os.path import isfile, isdir, join as pjoin, split as psplit
from loguru import logger as log
from masar import extract_asar, pack_asar
import argparse
key = [0x4B029A9482B3E14E, 0xF157FEB4B4522F80, 0xE25692105308F4BE, 0x6DD58DDDA3EC0DC2]
aesKey = b""
for akey in key:
aesKey += int.to_bytes(akey, byteorder="little", length=8)
def _mkdir(_path):
except FileExistsError:
log.warning(f"May FolderExists: {_path}")
def decScript(b64: bytes, prettify: bool):
lCode = b64decode(b64)
# iv: the first 16 bytes of the file
aesIv = lCode[0:16]
# cipher text
cipherText = lCode[16:]
# AES 256 CBC
ins = AES.new(key=aesKey, iv=aesIv, mode=AES.MODE_CBC)
code = unpad(ins.decrypt(cipherText), 16, 'pkcs7')
if prettify:
code = beautify(code.decode()).encode()
return code
def extractWdec(asarPath, path, prettify):
:param asarPath: asar out dir
:param path: out dir
:return: None
# try to create empty dir to save extract files
path = pjoin(path, "tmp_app")
log.info(f"extract asar file: {asarPath}")
# extract app.asar to {path}/*
extract_asar(asarPath, path)
log.success(f"extract ended.")
log.info(f"read Directory: {path}")
# construct the save directory {pathRoot}/dec_app
outPath = pjoin(psplit(path)[0], "dec_app")
# try to create empty dir to save decryption files
log.info(f"set Directory: {outPath}")
# enumerate extract files
fileArr = listdir(path)
for name in fileArr:
# read files content
fpath = pjoin(path, name)
scode = open(fpath, "rb").read()
log.info(f"open file: {name}")
# if file suffix is *.js then decryption file
if isfile(fpath) and name.endswith(".js"):
scode = decScript(scode, prettify)
log.debug(f"skip file: {name}")
# save content {outPath}/{name}
open(pjoin(outPath, name), "wb").write(scode)
log.success(f"decrypt and save file: {name}")
def encScript(_code: bytes, compress):
if compress:
_code = jsmin(_code.decode(), quote_chars="'\"`").encode()
aesIv = urandom(16)
cipherText = aesIv + _code
ins = AES.new(key=aesKey, iv=aesIv, mode=AES.MODE_CBC)
enc = ins.encrypt(pad(cipherText, 16, 'pkcs7'))
lCode = b64encode(enc)
return lCode
def packWenc(path, outPath, compress):
:param path: out dir
:param outPath: pack path app.asar
:param compress: Bool
:return: None
if not isdir(outPath):
log.error("plz input Directory for app.asar")
raise NotADirectoryError
encFilePath = pjoin(psplit(outPath)[0], "enc_app")
outFilePath = pjoin(outPath, "app.asar")
log.info(f"set outFilePath: {outFilePath}")
fileArr = listdir(path)
for name in fileArr:
fpath = pjoin(path, name)
if isdir(fpath):
log.error("TODO: found folder")
raise IsADirectoryError
scode = open(fpath, "rb").read()
log.info(f"open file: {name}")
if isfile(fpath) and name.endswith(".js"):
scode = encScript(scode, compress)
open(pjoin(encFilePath, name), "wb").write(scode)
log.success(f"encrypt and save file: {name}")
log.info("ready to pack")
pack_asar(encFilePath, outFilePath)
log.success("pack done")
def main():
argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="[extract and decryption / pack and encryption] app.asar file from [Typora].",
epilog="If you have any questions, please contact [ MasonShi@88.com ]")
argParser.add_argument("asarPath", type=str, help="app.asar file path/dir [input/ouput]")
argParser.add_argument("dirPath", type=str, help="as tmp and out directory.")
argParser.add_argument('-u', dest='mode', action='store_const',
const=packWenc, default=extractWdec,
help='pack & encryption (default: extract & decryption)')
argParser.add_argument('-f', dest='format', action='store_const',
const=True, default=False,
help='enabled prettify/compress (default: disabled)')
args = argParser.parse_args()
args.mode(args.asarPath, args.dirPath, args.format)
if __name__ == '__main__':
