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naming_http_proxy.go 7.96 KB
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李.斯科特 提交于 2023-03-15 14:27 . abc
* Copyright 1999-2020 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package naming_http
import (
// NamingHttpProxy ...
type NamingHttpProxy struct {
clientConfig constant.ClientConfig
nacosServer *nacos_server.NacosServer
beatReactor BeatReactor
serviceInfoHolder *naming_cache.ServiceInfoHolder
// NewNamingHttpProxy create naming http proxy
func NewNamingHttpProxy(ctx context.Context, clientCfg constant.ClientConfig, nacosServer *nacos_server.NacosServer,
serviceInfoHolder *naming_cache.ServiceInfoHolder) (*NamingHttpProxy, error) {
srvProxy := NamingHttpProxy{
clientConfig: clientCfg,
nacosServer: nacosServer,
serviceInfoHolder: serviceInfoHolder,
srvProxy.beatReactor = NewBeatReactor(ctx, clientCfg, nacosServer)
NewPushReceiver(ctx, serviceInfoHolder).startServer()
return &srvProxy, nil
// RegisterInstance ...
func (proxy *NamingHttpProxy) RegisterInstance(serviceName string, groupName string, instance model.Instance) (bool, error) {
logger.Infof("register instance namespaceId:<%s>,serviceName:<%s> with instance:<%s>",
proxy.clientConfig.NamespaceId, serviceName, util.ToJsonString(instance))
serviceName = util.GetGroupName(serviceName, groupName)
params := map[string]string{}
params["namespaceId"] = proxy.clientConfig.NamespaceId
params["serviceName"] = serviceName
params["groupName"] = groupName
params["app"] = proxy.clientConfig.AppName
params["clusterName"] = instance.ClusterName
params["ip"] = instance.Ip
params["port"] = strconv.Itoa(int(instance.Port))
params["weight"] = strconv.FormatFloat(instance.Weight, 'f', -1, 64)
params["enable"] = strconv.FormatBool(instance.Enable)
params["healthy"] = strconv.FormatBool(instance.Healthy)
params["metadata"] = util.ToJsonString(instance.Metadata)
params["ephemeral"] = strconv.FormatBool(instance.Ephemeral)
_, err := proxy.nacosServer.ReqApi(constant.SERVICE_PATH, params, http.MethodPost, proxy.clientConfig)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if instance.Ephemeral {
beatInfo := &model.BeatInfo{
Ip: instance.Ip,
Port: instance.Port,
Metadata: instance.Metadata,
ServiceName: util.GetGroupName(serviceName, groupName),
Cluster: instance.ClusterName,
Weight: instance.Weight,
Period: util.GetDurationWithDefault(instance.Metadata, constant.HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL, time.Second*5),
State: model.StateRunning,
proxy.beatReactor.AddBeatInfo(util.GetGroupName(serviceName, groupName), beatInfo)
return true, nil
func (proxy *NamingHttpProxy) BatchRegisterInstance(serviceName string, groupName string, instances []model.Instance) (bool, error) {
panic("implement me")
// DeregisterInstance ...
func (proxy *NamingHttpProxy) DeregisterInstance(serviceName string, groupName string, instance model.Instance) (bool, error) {
serviceName = util.GetGroupName(serviceName, groupName)
logger.Infof("deregister instance namespaceId:<%s>,serviceName:<%s> with instance:<%s:%d@%s>",
proxy.clientConfig.NamespaceId, serviceName, instance.Ip, instance.Port, instance.ClusterName)
proxy.beatReactor.RemoveBeatInfo(serviceName, instance.Ip, instance.Port)
params := map[string]string{}
params["namespaceId"] = proxy.clientConfig.NamespaceId
params["serviceName"] = serviceName
params["clusterName"] = instance.ClusterName
params["ip"] = instance.Ip
params["port"] = strconv.Itoa(int(instance.Port))
params["ephemeral"] = strconv.FormatBool(instance.Ephemeral)
_, err := proxy.nacosServer.ReqApi(constant.SERVICE_PATH, params, http.MethodDelete, proxy.clientConfig)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
// GetServiceList ...
func (proxy *NamingHttpProxy) GetServiceList(pageNo uint32, pageSize uint32, groupName, namespaceId string, selector *model.ExpressionSelector) (model.ServiceList, error) {
params := map[string]string{}
params["namespaceId"] = namespaceId
params["groupName"] = groupName
params["pageNo"] = strconv.Itoa(int(pageNo))
params["pageSize"] = strconv.Itoa(int(pageSize))
if selector != nil {
switch selector.Type {
case "label":
params["selector"] = util.ToJsonString(selector)
serviceList := model.ServiceList{}
api := constant.SERVICE_BASE_PATH + "/service/list"
result, err := proxy.nacosServer.ReqApi(api, params, http.MethodGet, proxy.clientConfig)
if err != nil {
return serviceList, err
if result == "" {
return serviceList, errors.New("request server return empty")
count, err := jsonparser.GetInt([]byte(result), "count")
if err != nil {
return serviceList, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("namespaceId:<%s> get service list pageNo:<%d> pageSize:<%d> selector:<%s> from <%s> get 'count' from <%s> error:<%+v>", namespaceId, pageNo, pageSize, util.ToJsonString(selector), groupName, result, err))
var doms []string
_, err = jsonparser.ArrayEach([]byte(result), func(value []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int, err error) {
doms = append(doms, string(value))
}, "doms")
if err != nil {
return serviceList, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("namespaceId:<%s> get service list pageNo:<%d> pageSize:<%d> selector:<%s> from <%s> get 'doms' from <%s> error:<%+v> ", namespaceId, pageNo, pageSize, util.ToJsonString(selector), groupName, result, err))
serviceList.Count = count
serviceList.Doms = doms
return serviceList, nil
// ServerHealthy ...
func (proxy *NamingHttpProxy) ServerHealthy() bool {
api := constant.SERVICE_BASE_PATH + "/operator/metrics"
result, err := proxy.nacosServer.ReqApi(api, map[string]string{}, http.MethodGet, proxy.clientConfig)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("namespaceId:[%s] sending server healthy failed!,result:%s error:%+v", proxy.clientConfig.NamespaceId, result, err)
return false
if result != "" {
status, err := jsonparser.GetString([]byte(result), "status")
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("namespaceId:[%s] sending server healthy failed!,result:%s error:%+v", proxy.clientConfig.NamespaceId, result, err)
} else {
return status == "UP"
return false
// QueryInstancesOfService ...
func (proxy *NamingHttpProxy) QueryInstancesOfService(serviceName, groupName, clusters string, udpPort int, healthyOnly bool) (*model.Service, error) {
param := make(map[string]string)
param["namespaceId"] = proxy.clientConfig.NamespaceId
param["serviceName"] = util.GetGroupName(serviceName, groupName)
param["app"] = proxy.clientConfig.AppName
param["clusters"] = clusters
param["udpPort"] = strconv.Itoa(udpPort)
param["healthyOnly"] = strconv.FormatBool(healthyOnly)
param["clientIP"] = util.LocalIP()
api := constant.SERVICE_PATH + "/list"
result, err := proxy.nacosServer.ReqApi(api, param, http.MethodGet, proxy.clientConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return util.JsonToService(result), nil
// Subscribe ...
func (proxy *NamingHttpProxy) Subscribe(serviceName, groupName, clusters string) (model.Service, error) {
return model.Service{}, nil
// Unsubscribe ...
func (proxy *NamingHttpProxy) Unsubscribe(serviceName, groupName, clusters string) error {
return nil
func (proxy *NamingHttpProxy) CloseClient() {
