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package tcert
import (
var (
// TCertEncTCertIndex is the ASN1 object identifier of the TCert index.
TCertEncTCertIndex = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
// TCertEncEnrollmentID is the ASN1 object identifier of the enrollment id.
TCertEncEnrollmentID = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8}
// TCertAttributesHeaders is the ASN1 object identifier of attributes header.
TCertAttributesHeaders = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9}
// Padding for encryption.
Padding = []byte{255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255}
// tcertSubject is the subject name placed in all generated TCerts
tcertSubject = pkix.Name{CommonName: "Fabric Transaction Certificate"}
// LoadMgr is the constructor for a TCert manager given key and certificate file names
// @parameter caKeyFile is the file name for the CA's key
// @parameter caCertFile is the file name for the CA's cert
func LoadMgr(caKeyFile, caCertFile string) (*Mgr, error) {
caKey, err := LoadKey(caKeyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
caCert, err := LoadCert(caCertFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewMgr(caKey, caCert)
// NewMgr is the constructor for a TCert manager given a key and an x509 certificate
// @parameter caKey is used for signing a certificate request
// @parameter caCert is used for extracting CA data to associate with issued certificates
func NewMgr(caKey interface{}, caCert *x509.Certificate) (*Mgr, error) {
mgr := new(Mgr)
mgr.CAKey = caKey
mgr.CACert = caCert
mgr.ValidityPeriod = time.Hour * 24 * 365 // default to 1 year
mgr.MaxAllowedBatchSize = 1000
return mgr, nil
// Mgr is the manager for the TCert library
type Mgr struct {
// CAKey is used for signing a certificate request
CAKey interface{}
// CACert is used for extracting CA data to associate with issued certificates
CACert *x509.Certificate
// ValidityPeriod is the duration that the issued certificate will be valid
// unless the user requests a shorter validity period.
// The default value is 1 year.
ValidityPeriod time.Duration
// MaxAllowedBatchSize is the maximum number of TCerts which can be requested at a time.
// The default value is 1000.
MaxAllowedBatchSize int
// GetBatch gets a batch of TCerts
// @parameter req Is the TCert batch request
// @parameter ecert Is the enrollment certificate of the caller
func (tm *Mgr) GetBatch(req *GetBatchRequest, ecert *x509.Certificate) (*GetBatchResponse, error) {
log.Debugf("GetBatch req=%+v", req)
// Set numTCertsInBatch to the number of TCerts to get.
// If 0 are requested, retrieve the maximum allowable;
// otherwise, retrieve the number requested it not too many.
var numTCertsInBatch int
if req.Count == 0 {
numTCertsInBatch = int(tm.MaxAllowedBatchSize)
} else if req.Count <= tm.MaxAllowedBatchSize {
numTCertsInBatch = int(req.Count)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("You may not request %d TCerts; the maximum is %d",
req.Count, tm.MaxAllowedBatchSize)
// Certs are valid for the min of requested and configured max
vp := tm.ValidityPeriod
if req.ValidityPeriod > 0 && req.ValidityPeriod < vp {
vp = req.ValidityPeriod
// Create a template from which to create all other TCerts.
// Since a TCert is anonymous and unlinkable, do not include
template := &x509.Certificate{
Subject: tcertSubject,
template.NotBefore = time.Now()
template.NotAfter = template.NotBefore.Add(vp)
template.IsCA = false
template.KeyUsage = x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature
template.SubjectKeyId = []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}
// Generate nonce for TCertIndex
nonce := make([]byte, 16) // 8 bytes rand, 8 bytes timestamp
pub := ecert.PublicKey.(*ecdsa.PublicKey)
mac := hmac.New(sha512.New384, []byte(createHMACKey()))
raw, _ := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(pub)
kdfKey := mac.Sum(nil)
var set []TCert
for i := 0; i < numTCertsInBatch; i++ {
tcertid, uuidError := GenerateIntUUID()
if uuidError != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failure generating UUID: %s", uuidError)
// Compute TCertIndex
tidx := []byte(strconv.Itoa(2*i + 1))
tidx = append(tidx[:], nonce[:]...)
tidx = append(tidx[:], Padding...)
mac := hmac.New(sha512.New384, kdfKey)
extKey := mac.Sum(nil)[:32]
mac = hmac.New(sha512.New384, kdfKey)
mac = hmac.New(sha512.New384, mac.Sum(nil))
one := new(big.Int).SetInt64(1)
k := new(big.Int).SetBytes(mac.Sum(nil))
k.Mod(k, new(big.Int).Sub(pub.Curve.Params().N, one))
k.Add(k, one)
tmpX, tmpY := pub.ScalarBaseMult(k.Bytes())
txX, txY := pub.Curve.Add(pub.X, pub.Y, tmpX, tmpY)
txPub := ecdsa.PublicKey{Curve: pub.Curve, X: txX, Y: txY}
// Compute encrypted TCertIndex
encryptedTidx, encryptErr := CBCPKCS7Encrypt(extKey, tidx)
if encryptErr != nil {
return nil, encryptErr
extensions, ks, extensionErr := generateExtensions(tcertid, encryptedTidx, ecert, req)
if extensionErr != nil {
return nil, extensionErr
template.PublicKey = txPub
template.Extensions = extensions
template.ExtraExtensions = extensions
template.SerialNumber = tcertid
raw, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, template, tm.CACert, &txPub, tm.CAKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed in TCert x509.CreateCertificate: %s", err)
pem := ConvertDERToPEM(raw, "CERTIFICATE")
set = append(set, TCert{pem, ks})
tcertID := GenNumber(big.NewInt(20))
tcertResponse := &GetBatchResponse{tcertID, time.Now(), kdfKey, set}
return tcertResponse, nil
* Create HMAC Key
* returns HMAC String
func createHMACKey() string {
key := make([]byte, 49)
var cooked = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(key)
return cooked
// Generate encrypted extensions to be included into the TCert (TCertIndex, EnrollmentID and attributes).
func generateExtensions(tcertid *big.Int, tidx []byte, enrollmentCert *x509.Certificate, batchRequest *GetBatchRequest) ([]pkix.Extension, map[string][]byte, error) {
// For each TCert we need to store and retrieve to the user the list of Ks used to encrypt the EnrollmentID and the attributes.
ks := make(map[string][]byte)
attrs := batchRequest.Attrs
extensions := make([]pkix.Extension, len(attrs))
preK1 := batchRequest.PreKey
mac := hmac.New(sha512.New384, []byte(preK1))
preK0 := mac.Sum(nil)
// Compute encrypted EnrollmentID
mac = hmac.New(sha512.New384, preK0)
enrollmentIDKey := mac.Sum(nil)[:32]
enrollmentID := []byte(GetEnrollmentIDFromCert(enrollmentCert))
enrollmentID = append(enrollmentID, Padding...)
encEnrollmentID, err := CBCPKCS7Encrypt(enrollmentIDKey, enrollmentID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// save k used to encrypt EnrollmentID
ks["enrollmentId"] = enrollmentIDKey
attributeIdentifierIndex := 9
count := 0
attributesHeader := make(map[string]int)
// Append attributes to the extensions slice
for i := 0; i < len(attrs); i++ {
name := attrs[i].Name
value := []byte(attrs[i].Value)
// Save the position of the attribute extension on the header.
attributesHeader[name] = count
// Encrypt attribute if enabled
if batchRequest.EncryptAttrs {
mac = hmac.New(sha512.New384, preK0)
attributeKey := mac.Sum(nil)[:32]
value = append(value, Padding...)
value, err = CBCPKCS7Encrypt(attributeKey, value)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Save the key used to encrypt the attribute
ks[name] = attributeKey
// Generate an ObjectIdentifier for the extension holding the attribute
TCertEncAttributes := asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, attributeIdentifierIndex + count}
// Add the attribute extension to the extensions array
extensions[count-1] = pkix.Extension{Id: TCertEncAttributes, Critical: false, Value: value}
// Append the TCertIndex to the extensions
extensions = append(extensions, pkix.Extension{Id: TCertEncTCertIndex, Critical: true, Value: tidx})
// Append the encrypted EnrollmentID to the extensions
extensions = append(extensions, pkix.Extension{Id: TCertEncEnrollmentID, Critical: false, Value: encEnrollmentID})
// Append the attributes header if there was attributes to include in the TCert
if len(attrs) > 0 {
extensions = append(extensions, pkix.Extension{Id: TCertAttributesHeaders, Critical: false, Value: buildAttributesHeader(attributesHeader)})
return extensions, ks, nil
func buildAttributesHeader(attributesHeader map[string]int) []byte {
var headerString string
for k, v := range attributesHeader {
headerString = headerString + k + "->" + strconv.Itoa(v) + "#"
return []byte(headerString)
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