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BaseCountDownTimer.java 11.46 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package com.actor.myandroidframework.utils;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
* description: 倒计时 <br />
* 参考{@link android.os.CountDownTimer}, 扩展了一些功能:
* <table border="2px" bordercolor="red" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="5px">
* <tr>
* <th>№</th>
* <th>Method方法</th>
* <th>Doc说明</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1</td>
* <td>{@link #start()}</td>
* <td>开始/重新开始倒计时.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>2</td>
* <td>{@link #cancel()}</td>
* <td>取消计时/取消本次计时.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>---</td>
* <td>------下方是扩展方法------</td>
* <td>------------------</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>3</td>
* <td>{@link #setMillisInFuture(long)}</td>
* <td>重设倒计时总时长</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>4</td>
* <td>{@link #setCountdownInterval(long)}</td>
* <td>重设计时间隔</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>5</td>
* <td>{@link #getCountdownInterval()}</td>
* <td>获取计时间隔</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>6</td>
* <td>{@link #getMillisInFuture()}</td>
* <td>获取倒计时总时长</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>7</td>
* <td>{@link #getTimingDuration()}</td>
* <td>获取实际计时时间</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>8</td>
* <td>{@link #pause()}</td>
* <td>暂停倒计时, 调用{@link #resume()}继续计时</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>9</td>
* <td>{@link #resume()}</td>
* <td>继续倒计时, 需要先{@link #pause()}暂停后, 调用本方法才有效</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>10</td>
* <td>{@link #getState()}</td>
* <td>获取计时状态</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* 使用示例: <br />
* private BaseCountDownTimer countDownTimer = new BaseCountDownTimer(5 * 1000L, 500L) { <br />
* &emsp;//重写2个方法 <br />
* }); <br />
* countDownTimer.start(); //开始倒计时 <br />
* <br />
* //可重设倒计时总时长 & 计时间隔 <br />
* countDownTimer.setMillisInFuture(10 * 1000L).setCountdownInterval(300L).start(); <br />
* <br />
* //在Activity的onDestroy(), Fragment的onDestroyView() 的时候要调用! <br />
* countDownTimer.cancel(); <br />
* @author : ldf
* @update : 2023/9/10
public abstract class BaseCountDownTimer /*extends CountDownTimer*/ {
* Millis since epoch when alarm should stop. 设置倒计时总时长
protected long mMillisInFuture;
* The interval in millis that the user receives callbacks 设置倒计时间隔
protected long mCountdownInterval;
* 停止时间 = 开始计时'开机时间 + 倒计时总时长 - 实际计时时长
protected long mStopTimeInFuture;
* boolean representing if the timer was cancelled
// protected boolean mCancelled = false;
public enum Status {
IDLE, //空闲
START, //已开始
PAUSE, //已暂停
RESUME, //已重新开始 (暂停后)
FINISH, //已计时完成
CANCEL //已取消
protected Status state = Status.IDLE;
* 实际计时时长 = 开始计时'开机时间 + 倒计时总时长 - 停止时间
protected long mTimingDuration;
* @param millisInFuture 倒计时总时长, 单位ms (如果≤0, 会直接调用onFinish())
* @param countDownInterval 倒计时间隔, 单位ms(如果你计时间隔1秒, 这个值要小于1秒, 否则几百毫秒的时候直接调用onFinish())
public BaseCountDownTimer(@IntRange(from = 1L) long millisInFuture, @IntRange(from = 1L) long countDownInterval) {
* 重新设置倒计时总时长
* @param millisInFuture 倒计时总时长, 单位ms (如果≤0, 会直接调用onFinish())
public BaseCountDownTimer setMillisInFuture(@IntRange(from = 1L) long millisInFuture) {
if (millisInFuture < 1) millisInFuture = 1;
mMillisInFuture = millisInFuture;
return this;
* 重新设置倒计时间隔
* @param countDownInterval 倒计时间隔, 单位ms(如果你计时间隔1秒, 这个值要小于1秒, 否则几百毫秒的时候直接调用onFinish())
public BaseCountDownTimer setCountdownInterval(@IntRange(from = 1L) long countDownInterval) {
if (countDownInterval < 1) countDownInterval = 1;
mCountdownInterval = countDownInterval;
return this;
* Cancel the countdown. 取消计时/取消本次计时. <br />
* 在Activity的onDestroy(), Fragment的onDestroyView() 的时候也要调用!
public synchronized void cancel() {
if (state == Status.START || state == Status.RESUME) {
mTimingDuration = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + mMillisInFuture - mStopTimeInFuture;
mStopTimeInFuture = 0;
state = Status.CANCEL;
* Start the countdown. 开始/重新开始倒计时.
public synchronized /*BaseCountDownTimer*/void start() {
// mCancelled = false;
//倒计时总时长 > 0 && 计时间隔 > 0
if (mMillisInFuture > 0 && mCountdownInterval > 0) {
mTimingDuration = 0; //实际计时时长
mStopTimeInFuture = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + mMillisInFuture - mTimingDuration;
state = Status.START;
return /*this*/;
* 倒计时
* @param millisUntilFinished 离计时结束还有多少时间. The amount of time until finished.
protected abstract void onTick(long millisUntilFinished);
* 计时结束. Callback fired when the time is up.
protected abstract void onFinish();
protected static final int MSG = 1;
// handles counting down
protected Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()/*, @Nullable Callback callback*/) {
public void handleMessage(@NonNull Message msg) {
synchronized (BaseCountDownTimer.this) {
// if (mCancelled) {
if (state == Status.PAUSE || state == Status.FINISH || state == Status.CANCEL) {
final long millisLeft = mStopTimeInFuture - SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
if (millisLeft <= 0) {
state = Status.FINISH;
} else {
long lastTickStart = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
// take into account user's onTick taking time to execute
long lastTickDuration = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastTickStart;
long delay;
if (millisLeft < mCountdownInterval) {
// just delay until done
delay = millisLeft - lastTickDuration;
// special case: user's onTick took more than interval to
// complete, trigger onFinish without delay
if (delay < 0) delay = 0;
} else {
delay = mCountdownInterval - lastTickDuration;
// special case: user's onTick took more than interval to
// complete, skip to next interval
while (delay < 0) delay += mCountdownInterval;
sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG), delay);
* 暂停计时 (非停止计时)
public void pause() {
//if 已开始 or 重新开始
if (state == Status.START || state == Status.RESUME) {
mTimingDuration = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + mMillisInFuture - mStopTimeInFuture;
state = Status.PAUSE;
* 暂停后, 继续计时
public void resume() {
if (state == Status.PAUSE) {
if (mMillisInFuture > mTimingDuration) {
//停止时间 = 系统开机时间 + 上次计时'剩余时间
mStopTimeInFuture = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + mMillisInFuture - mTimingDuration;
state = Status.RESUME;
} else {
state = Status.FINISH;
* @return 获取你设置的倒计时总时长, 单位ms
public long getMillisInFuture() {
return mMillisInFuture;
* @return 获取你设置的倒计时间隔, 单位ms
public long getCountdownInterval() {
return mCountdownInterval;
* 获取实际计时时间, 单位ms
* @return 0 ~ mMillisInFuture
public long getTimingDuration() {
if (state == Status.IDLE) {
return 0;
} else if (state == Status.FINISH) {
return mMillisInFuture;
} else if (state == Status.PAUSE || state == Status.CANCEL) {
//if调用了pause(), cancel()
return mTimingDuration;
return SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + mMillisInFuture - mStopTimeInFuture;
* 获取倒计时状态
public Status getState() {
return state;
