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account.go 7.63 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
admpub 提交于 2019-06-15 12:56 . 支持进程值守邮件通知
Nging is a toolbox for webmasters
Copyright (C) 2018-present Wenhui Shen <swh@admpub.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package ftp
import (
func AccountIndex(ctx echo.Context) error {
groupId := ctx.Formx(`groupId`).Uint()
m := model.NewFtpUser(ctx)
cond := db.Cond{}
if groupId > 0 {
cond[`group_id`] = groupId
_, err := handler.PagingWithLister(ctx, handler.NewLister(m, nil, func(r db.Result) db.Result {
return r.OrderBy(`-id`)
}, cond))
ret := handler.Err(ctx, err)
users := m.Objects()
gIds := []uint{}
userAndGroup := make([]*model.FtpUserAndGroup, len(users))
for k, u := range users {
userAndGroup[k] = &model.FtpUserAndGroup{
FtpUser: u,
if u.GroupId < 1 {
if !com.InUintSlice(u.GroupId, gIds) {
gIds = append(gIds, u.GroupId)
mg := model.NewFtpUserGroup(ctx)
var groupList []*dbschema.FtpUserGroup
if len(gIds) > 0 {
_, err = mg.List(&groupList, nil, 1, 1000, db.Cond{`id IN`: gIds})
if err != nil {
if ret == nil {
ret = err
} else {
for k, v := range userAndGroup {
for _, g := range groupList {
if g.Id == v.GroupId {
userAndGroup[k].Group = g
ctx.Set(`listData`, userAndGroup)
mg.ListByOffset(&groupList, nil, 0, -1)
ctx.Set(`groupList`, groupList)
ctx.Set(`groupId`, groupId)
return ctx.Render(`ftp/account`, ret)
func AccountAdd(ctx echo.Context) error {
var err error
m := model.NewFtpUser(ctx)
if ctx.IsPost() {
username := ctx.Form(`username`)
if ctx.Form(`confirmPassword`) != ctx.Form(`password`) {
err = ctx.E(`两次输入的密码之间不匹配,请输入一样的密码,以确认自己没有输入错误`)
} else if len(ctx.Form(`password`)) < 6 {
err = ctx.E(`密码不能少于6个字符`)
} else if len(username) == 0 {
err = ctx.E(`账户名不能为空`)
} else if y, e := m.Exists(username); e != nil {
err = e
} else if y {
err = ctx.E(`账户名已经存在`)
} else {
err = ctx.MustBind(m.FtpUser)
if err == nil {
m.Password = com.MakePassword(m.Password, model.DefaultSalt)
_, err = m.Add()
if err == nil {
handler.SendOk(ctx, ctx.T(`操作成功`))
return ctx.Redirect(handler.URLFor(`/ftp/account`))
} else {
id := ctx.Formx(`copyId`).Uint()
if id > 0 {
err = m.Get(nil, `id`, id)
if err == nil {
echo.StructToForm(ctx, m.FtpUser, ``, func(topName, fieldName string) string {
if topName == `` && fieldName == `Password` {
return ``
return echo.LowerCaseFirstLetter(topName, fieldName)
ctx.Request().Form().Set(`id`, `0`)
mg := model.NewFtpUserGroup(ctx)
_, groupList, e := mg.ListByActive(1, 1000)
if err == nil {
err = e
ctx.Set(`groupList`, groupList)
return ctx.Render(`ftp/account_edit`, err)
func AccountEdit(ctx echo.Context) error {
var err error
id := ctx.Formx(`id`).Uint()
m := model.NewFtpUser(ctx)
err = m.Get(nil, db.Cond{`id`: id})
if ctx.IsPost() {
password := ctx.Form(`password`)
length := len(password)
if ctx.Form(`confirmPassword`) != password {
err = ctx.E(`两次输入的密码之间不匹配,请输入一样的密码,以确认自己没有输入错误`)
} else if length > 0 && length < 6 {
err = ctx.E(`密码不能少于6个字符`)
} else {
err = ctx.MustBind(m.FtpUser, func(k string, v []string) (string, []string) {
switch strings.ToLower(k) {
case `password`:
if len(v) < 1 || v[0] == `` {
return ``, v
v[0] = com.MakePassword(v[0], model.DefaultSalt)
case `created`, `username`: //禁止修改创建时间和用户名
return ``, v
return k, v
if err == nil {
m.Id = id
err = m.Edit(nil, db.Cond{`id`: id})
if err == nil {
handler.SendOk(ctx, ctx.T(`操作成功`))
return ctx.Redirect(handler.URLFor(`/ftp/account`))
} else if err == nil {
echo.StructToForm(ctx, m.FtpUser, ``, func(topName, fieldName string) string {
if topName == `` && fieldName == `Password` {
return ``
return echo.LowerCaseFirstLetter(topName, fieldName)
mg := model.NewFtpUserGroup(ctx)
_, groupList, e := mg.ListByActive(1, 1000)
if err == nil {
err = e
ctx.Set(`groupList`, groupList)
ctx.Set(`activeURL`, `/ftp/account`)
return ctx.Render(`ftp/account_edit`, err)
func AccountDelete(ctx echo.Context) error {
id := ctx.Formx(`id`).Uint()
m := model.NewFtpUser(ctx)
err := m.Delete(nil, db.Cond{`id`: id})
if err == nil {
handler.SendOk(ctx, ctx.T(`操作成功`))
} else {
handler.SendFail(ctx, err.Error())
return ctx.Redirect(handler.URLFor(`/ftp/account`))
func GroupIndex(ctx echo.Context) error {
m := model.NewFtpUserGroup(ctx)
_, err := handler.PagingWithLister(ctx, m)
ret := handler.Err(ctx, err)
ctx.Set(`listData`, m.Objects())
return ctx.Render(`ftp/group`, ret)
func GroupAdd(ctx echo.Context) error {
var err error
m := model.NewFtpUserGroup(ctx)
if ctx.IsPost() {
name := ctx.Form(`name`)
if len(name) == 0 {
err = ctx.E(`用户组名称不能为空`)
} else if y, e := m.Exists(name); e != nil {
err = e
} else if y {
err = ctx.E(`用户组名称已经存在`)
} else {
err = ctx.MustBind(m.FtpUserGroup)
if err == nil {
_, err = m.Add()
if err == nil {
handler.SendOk(ctx, ctx.T(`操作成功`))
return ctx.Redirect(handler.URLFor(`/ftp/group`))
} else {
id := ctx.Formx(`copyId`).Uint()
if id > 0 {
err = m.Get(nil, `id`, id)
if err == nil {
echo.StructToForm(ctx, m.FtpUserGroup, ``, echo.LowerCaseFirstLetter)
ctx.Request().Form().Set(`id`, `0`)
return ctx.Render(`ftp/group_edit`, err)
func GroupEdit(ctx echo.Context) error {
var err error
id := ctx.Formx(`id`).Uint()
m := model.NewFtpUserGroup(ctx)
err = m.Get(nil, db.Cond{`id`: id})
if ctx.IsPost() {
name := ctx.Form(`name`)
if len(name) < 1 {
err = ctx.E(`用户组名称不能为空`)
} else if y, e := m.ExistsOther(name, id); e != nil {
err = e
} else if y {
err = ctx.E(`用户组名称已经存在`)
} else {
err = ctx.MustBind(m.FtpUserGroup, echo.ExcludeFieldName(`created`))
if err == nil {
m.Id = id
err = m.Edit(nil, db.Cond{`id`: id})
if err == nil {
handler.SendOk(ctx, ctx.T(`操作成功`))
return ctx.Redirect(handler.URLFor(`/ftp/group`))
} else if err == nil {
echo.StructToForm(ctx, m.FtpUserGroup, ``, echo.LowerCaseFirstLetter)
ctx.Set(`activeURL`, `/ftp/group`)
return ctx.Render(`ftp/group_edit`, err)
func GroupDelete(ctx echo.Context) error {
id := ctx.Formx(`id`).Uint()
m := model.NewFtpUserGroup(ctx)
err := m.Delete(nil, db.Cond{`id`: id})
if err == nil {
handler.SendOk(ctx, ctx.T(`操作成功`))
} else {
handler.SendFail(ctx, err.Error())
return ctx.Redirect(handler.URLFor(`/ftp/group`))
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