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Writing Critical Book Reviews In 6 Simple Steps

2021-10-26 00:47

Critical reviews. Not easy. The critical part causes us a lot of trouble here, you see.

Reviewing a text critically means that you can’t just provide a summary of the events. Oh, no! You need to become the best essay writer

you can be and think critically. Evaluate, analyze. Not just summarize.

But at the same time, your review will include a summary. In a critical book review, the summary is only the beginning. It’s the first part of the equation. The second part, of course, is the analysis.

But how to get started on such a review?

I am gonna tell you how. Just follow these steps.


Essay Writing Guides, the Best Tips to Submit Good Written Homework 



As I mentioned, the first part is the summary so you will make a basic summary of the book. You will outline the plot and make mention of the important characters or themes if it is necessary.

Always remember to keep this part as short as possible and only summarize the most important points and can get an essay writer service


Too much detail is not needed.


Author’s Thesis

Yes. Even a book has a thesis. What I mean is that the book must have a main point. Something that binds it all together.

Well, while you read the book, you need to figure out what it is.

Sometimes, the author will have it written as it is while other times you will have to do a bit of thinking to figure it out.


Author’s Purpose

Every author has a purpose for writing something.

Some authors want to tell the story of their life. Some want to teach others about their struggles. Some want to enlighten us. Some want to explain their own actions. Some want to explain a theory.

Whatever the case may be, there is always a purpose that you need to state.



Of course, in the book, the author will have made several points. You need to discuss if any of those points are effective at all.

Talk about the overall effectiveness of the arguments presented by the author. Are they logical? Emotional?

Is the author even a credible source of information? Have they given the evidence?



By the end of the book, the author must have come up with quite a few conclusions.

Tell the readers about them. Has the author CLEARLY stated their conclusions?

In fact, how did the author come to those conclusions anyway? Were those conclusions developed throughout the book or were they just thrown at you?



Authors tend to make assumptions while writing. It's just what happens when you write.

For example, maybe the author expected you to know something that you didn’t know about? That could be an assumption.

So, was the author right in their assumptions, or should they not have made any assumptions?

How does this make the book better or worse?


Bonus Step: Philosophy

Ok, strictly speaking, you do not need to talk about the author’s philosophy. BUT… but the thing is that you can speak about it if you have enough word count and can also get the best essay writing service


Not every text will have a philosophy but if you think that you can detect some in the book that you have read then mention it.

It should add a nice twist to the tale.


Great, isn’t it?

Now you understand how to be critical.

This is, of course, a super important talent to have. Or you can find the best essay writing service that you can find and place an order. They will write you your review and you will know how to write one yourself.

It’s a win-win situation.

You just need to find a website that suits your needs. And one that is legit, of course.


Other Useful Resources :


Argumentative Essay Outline


How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay


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