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aliyun-sls / grpc-swift

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Package@swift-5.5.swift 11.09 KB
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// swift-tools-version:5.5
* Copyright 2022, gRPC Authors All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import PackageDescription
// swiftformat puts the next import before the tools version.
// swiftformat:disable:next sortedImports
import class Foundation.ProcessInfo
let grpcPackageName = "grpc-swift"
let grpcProductName = "GRPC"
let cgrpcZlibProductName = "CGRPCZlib"
let grpcTargetName = grpcProductName
let cgrpcZlibTargetName = cgrpcZlibProductName
let includeNIOSSL = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["GRPC_NO_NIO_SSL"] == nil
// MARK: - Package Dependencies
let packageDependencies: [Package.Dependency] = [
url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-nio.git",
from: "2.42.0"
url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-nio-http2.git",
from: "1.22.0"
url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-nio-transport-services.git",
from: "1.15.0"
url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-nio-extras.git",
from: "1.4.0"
name: "SwiftProtobuf",
url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf.git",
from: "1.20.2"
url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-log.git",
from: "1.4.0"
url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser.git",
from: "1.0.0"
url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-nio-ssl.git",
from: "2.23.0"
if: includeNIOSSL
// MARK: - Target Dependencies
extension Target.Dependency {
// Target dependencies; external
static let grpc: Self = .target(name: grpcTargetName)
static let cgrpcZlib: Self = .target(name: cgrpcZlibTargetName)
static let protocGenGRPCSwift: Self = .target(name: "protoc-gen-grpc-swift")
// Target dependencies; internal
static let grpcSampleData: Self = .target(name: "GRPCSampleData")
static let echoModel: Self = .target(name: "EchoModel")
static let echoImplementation: Self = .target(name: "EchoImplementation")
static let helloWorldModel: Self = .target(name: "HelloWorldModel")
static let routeGuideModel: Self = .target(name: "RouteGuideModel")
static let interopTestModels: Self = .target(name: "GRPCInteroperabilityTestModels")
static let interopTestImplementation: Self =
.target(name: "GRPCInteroperabilityTestsImplementation")
// Product dependencies
static let argumentParser: Self = .product(
name: "ArgumentParser",
package: "swift-argument-parser"
static let nio: Self = .product(name: "NIO", package: "swift-nio")
static let nioConcurrencyHelpers: Self = .product(
name: "NIOConcurrencyHelpers",
package: "swift-nio"
static let nioCore: Self = .product(name: "NIOCore", package: "swift-nio")
static let nioEmbedded: Self = .product(name: "NIOEmbedded", package: "swift-nio")
static let nioExtras: Self = .product(name: "NIOExtras", package: "swift-nio-extras")
static let nioFoundationCompat: Self = .product(name: "NIOFoundationCompat", package: "swift-nio")
static let nioHTTP1: Self = .product(name: "NIOHTTP1", package: "swift-nio")
static let nioHTTP2: Self = .product(name: "NIOHTTP2", package: "swift-nio-http2")
static let nioPosix: Self = .product(name: "NIOPosix", package: "swift-nio")
static let nioSSL: Self = .product(name: "NIOSSL", package: "swift-nio-ssl")
static let nioTLS: Self = .product(name: "NIOTLS", package: "swift-nio")
static let nioTransportServices: Self = .product(
name: "NIOTransportServices",
package: "swift-nio-transport-services"
static let logging: Self = .product(name: "Logging", package: "swift-log")
static let protobuf: Self = .product(name: "SwiftProtobuf", package: "SwiftProtobuf")
static let protobufPluginLibrary: Self = .product(
name: "SwiftProtobufPluginLibrary",
package: "SwiftProtobuf"
// MARK: - Targets
extension Target {
static let grpc: Target = .target(
name: grpcTargetName,
dependencies: [
.nioSSL, if: includeNIOSSL
path: "Sources/GRPC"
static let cgrpcZlib: Target = .target(
name: cgrpcZlibTargetName,
path: "Sources/CGRPCZlib",
linkerSettings: [
static let protocGenGRPCSwift: Target = .executableTarget(
name: "protoc-gen-grpc-swift",
dependencies: [
exclude: [
static let grpcTests: Target = .testTarget(
name: "GRPCTests",
dependencies: [
.nioSSL, if: includeNIOSSL
exclude: [
static let interopTestModels: Target = .target(
name: "GRPCInteroperabilityTestModels",
dependencies: [
exclude: [
static let interopTestImplementation: Target = .target(
name: "GRPCInteroperabilityTestsImplementation",
dependencies: [
.nioSSL, if: includeNIOSSL
static let interopTests: Target = .executableTarget(
name: "GRPCInteroperabilityTests",
dependencies: [
static let backoffInteropTest: Target = .executableTarget(
name: "GRPCConnectionBackoffInteropTest",
dependencies: [
exclude: [
static let perfTests: Target = .executableTarget(
name: "GRPCPerformanceTests",
dependencies: [
static let grpcSampleData: Target = .target(
name: "GRPCSampleData",
dependencies: includeNIOSSL ? [.nioSSL] : [],
exclude: [
static let echoModel: Target = .target(
name: "EchoModel",
dependencies: [
path: "Sources/Examples/Echo/Model",
exclude: [
static let echoImplementation: Target = .target(
name: "EchoImplementation",
dependencies: [
path: "Sources/Examples/Echo/Implementation"
static let echo: Target = .executableTarget(
name: "Echo",
dependencies: [
.nioSSL, if: includeNIOSSL
path: "Sources/Examples/Echo/Runtime"
static let helloWorldModel: Target = .target(
name: "HelloWorldModel",
dependencies: [
path: "Sources/Examples/HelloWorld/Model",
exclude: [
static let helloWorldClient: Target = .executableTarget(
name: "HelloWorldClient",
dependencies: [
path: "Sources/Examples/HelloWorld/Client"
static let helloWorldServer: Target = .executableTarget(
name: "HelloWorldServer",
dependencies: [
path: "Sources/Examples/HelloWorld/Server"
static let routeGuideModel: Target = .target(
name: "RouteGuideModel",
dependencies: [
path: "Sources/Examples/RouteGuide/Model",
exclude: [
static let routeGuideClient: Target = .executableTarget(
name: "RouteGuideClient",
dependencies: [
path: "Sources/Examples/RouteGuide/Client"
static let routeGuideServer: Target = .executableTarget(
name: "RouteGuideServer",
dependencies: [
path: "Sources/Examples/RouteGuide/Server"
static let packetCapture: Target = .executableTarget(
name: "PacketCapture",
dependencies: [
path: "Sources/Examples/PacketCapture",
exclude: [
// MARK: - Products
extension Product {
static let grpc: Product = .library(
name: grpcProductName,
targets: [grpcTargetName]
static let cgrpcZlib: Product = .library(
name: cgrpcZlibProductName,
targets: [cgrpcZlibTargetName]
static let protocGenGRPCSwift: Product = .executable(
name: "protoc-gen-grpc-swift",
targets: ["protoc-gen-grpc-swift"]
// MARK: - Package
let package = Package(
name: grpcPackageName,
products: [
dependencies: packageDependencies,
targets: [
// Products
// Tests etc.
// Examples
extension Array {
func appending(_ element: Element, if condition: Bool) -> [Element] {
if condition {
return self + [element]
} else {
return self
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