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file.go 5.35 KB
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package helper
import (
// 用于删除指定天数的指定目录下的日志文件
// logsDir:日志所在的目录 numDaysAgo:删除几天前的文件 hour minute:每天的几点几分执行
func DeleteOldLogFiles(logsDir string, numDaysAgo, hour, minute int) {
// 获取当前时间
now := time.Now()
// 计算今天23:20的时间点
nextRun := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), hour, minute, 0, 0, now.Location())
// 如果当前时间已经过了今天某时,则计算下一个的时间点
if now.After(nextRun) {
nextRun = nextRun.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
// 计算下次执行的等待时间
waitDuration := nextRun.Sub(now)
// 定时器,等待直到下一个执行时间点
timer := time.NewTimer(waitDuration)
// 执行删除操作
err := filepath.Walk(logsDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
// 检查文件是否是普通文件且修改时间早于N天前
if !info.IsDir() && info.ModTime().Before(now.AddDate(0, 0, -numDaysAgo)) {
// 删除文件
if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil {
return err
zlog.Info("Deleted: " + path)
return nil
if err != nil {
zlog.Err(err, "Delete failed")
// 递归调用,设置为每天执行
DeleteOldLogFiles(logsDir, numDaysAgo, hour, minute)
func fileExists(filePath string) bool {
// 使用 os.Stat 来获取文件信息
_, err := os.Stat(filePath)
if err != nil {
return false
// 判断文件是否存在
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false
return true
// 获取指定目录下所有文件名,将文件后缀去掉
func GetDirAllFilesWithoutExt(dirPath string) (err error, fileNames []string) {
err = filepath.Walk(dirPath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return nil
if !info.IsDir() {
fileName := filepath.Base(path)
nameWithoutExt := strings.TrimSuffix(fileName, filepath.Ext(fileName))
fileNames = append(fileNames, nameWithoutExt)
return nil
for _, name := range fileNames {
if len(name) != 0 {
fileNames = append(fileNames, name)
return err, fileNames
// 获取指定目录下所有文件名,带后缀
func GetDirAllFiles(dirPath string) (err error, fileNames []string) {
err = filepath.Walk(dirPath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return errors.New("无法打开指定的目录: " + dirPath)
if !info.IsDir() {
fileName := filepath.Base(path)
nameWithoutExt := strings.TrimSuffix(fileName, filepath.Ext(fileName))
fileNames = append(fileNames, nameWithoutExt)
return nil
for _, name := range fileNames {
if len(name) != 0 {
fileNames = append(fileNames, name)
return err, fileNames
// 生成随机字符串函数
func GenerateRandomString(length int) string {
const charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
seededRand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
randomString := make([]byte, length)
for i := range randomString {
randomString[i] = charset[seededRand.Intn(len(charset))]
return string(randomString)
// 根据url获取protocol host:ip:port steamPath(已做唯一值处理格式为:ip+port/md5(url))
func GetUrlPrefix(rawURL string) (protocol, host, streamPath string) {
parsedURL, err := url.Parse(rawURL)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error parsing URL:", err)
protocol = parsedURL.Scheme
host = parsedURL.Host
streamPath = filterSpecialChars(host) + "/" + generateUniqueValue(rawURL)
// 按视频流全url生成唯一的流名称,目的是避免流名称冲突
func generateUniqueValue(input string) string {
hasher := md5.New()
hash := hasher.Sum(nil)
return hex.EncodeToString(hash)
// 过滤掉字符串中的特殊字符,只保留字符
func filterSpecialChars(input string) string {
// 匹配非字母、数字、下划线的字符
reg := regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9_]`)
filtered := reg.ReplaceAllString(input, "")
return filtered
// 检查视频流的url,将复杂的字符替换掉,此处以大华为案例
func FormatStreamUrl(streamUrl string) (newStreamUrl string) {
protocol, _, _ := GetUrlPrefix(streamUrl)
switch protocol {
case "http":
// 大华摄像头
newStreamUrl1 := strings.Replace(streamUrl, "&subtype", "/subtype", 1)
// 安讯士网络摄像机--单播&resolution=1280x720&fps=25
newStreamUrl2 := strings.Replace(newStreamUrl1, "&resolution", "/resolution", 1)
newStreamUrl3 := strings.Replace(newStreamUrl2, "&fps", "/fps", 1)
// 安讯士网络摄像机--组播rtsp://root:123456@
newStreamUrl = strings.Replace(newStreamUrl3, "&streamtype", "/streamtype", 1)
case "rtsp":
newStreamUrl = strings.Replace(streamUrl, "&", "/", -1)
newStreamUrl = streamUrl
// 替换host为指定ip
func HostIpReplace(oldHost, sourceIp string) (newHost string) {
index := strings.Index(oldHost, ":")
if index == -1 {
return sourceIp
// Replace characters before the symbol with the replacement character
newHost = strings.Repeat(string(sourceIp), 1)
newHost += oldHost[index:]
