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BaseUI.go 8.15 KB
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package controls
import (
fm "gitee.com/aochulai/GoMiniblink/forms"
br "gitee.com/aochulai/GoMiniblink/forms/bridge"
type BaseUI struct {
EvLoad map[string]func(s GUI)
OnLoad func()
EvDestroy map[string]func(s GUI)
OnDestroy func()
EvKeyDown map[string]func(s GUI, e *fm.KeyEvArgs)
OnKeyDown func(e *fm.KeyEvArgs)
EvKeyUp map[string]func(s GUI, e *fm.KeyEvArgs)
OnKeyUp func(e *fm.KeyEvArgs)
EvKeyPress map[string]func(s GUI, e *fm.KeyPressEvArgs)
OnKeyPress func(e *fm.KeyPressEvArgs)
EvShow map[string]func(s GUI)
OnShow func()
EvResize map[string]func(s GUI, e fm.Rect)
OnResize func(e fm.Rect)
EvMove map[string]func(s GUI, e fm.Point)
OnMove func(e fm.Point)
EvMouseMove map[string]func(s GUI, e *fm.MouseEvArgs)
OnMouseMove func(e *fm.MouseEvArgs)
EvMouseDown map[string]func(s GUI, e *fm.MouseEvArgs)
OnMouseDown func(e *fm.MouseEvArgs)
EvMouseUp map[string]func(s GUI, e *fm.MouseEvArgs)
OnMouseUp func(e *fm.MouseEvArgs)
EvMouseWheel map[string]func(s GUI, e *fm.MouseEvArgs)
OnMouseWheel func(e *fm.MouseEvArgs)
EvMouseClick map[string]func(s GUI, e *fm.MouseEvArgs)
OnMouseClick func(e *fm.MouseEvArgs)
EvPaint map[string]func(s GUI, e fm.PaintEvArgs)
OnPaint func(e fm.PaintEvArgs)
EvFocus map[string]func(s GUI)
OnFocus func()
EvLostFocus map[string]func(s GUI)
OnLostFocus func()
OnSetCursor func() bool
OnImeStartComposition func() bool
instance GUI
impl br.Window
skipLoad bool
parent GUI
owner GUI
func (_this *BaseUI) Init(instance GUI, impl br.Window) *BaseUI {
_this.instance = instance
_this.impl = impl
_this.EvLoad = make(map[string]func(GUI))
_this.OnLoad = _this.defOnLoad
_this.EvDestroy = make(map[string]func(GUI))
_this.OnDestroy = _this.defOnDestroy
_this.EvKeyPress = make(map[string]func(GUI, *fm.KeyPressEvArgs))
_this.OnKeyPress = _this.defOnKeyPress
_this.EvKeyDown = make(map[string]func(GUI, *fm.KeyEvArgs))
_this.OnKeyDown = _this.defOnKeyDown
_this.EvKeyUp = make(map[string]func(GUI, *fm.KeyEvArgs))
_this.OnKeyUp = _this.defOnKeyUp
_this.EvPaint = make(map[string]func(GUI, fm.PaintEvArgs))
_this.OnPaint = _this.defOnPaint
_this.EvShow = make(map[string]func(GUI))
_this.OnShow = _this.defOnShow
_this.EvResize = make(map[string]func(GUI, fm.Rect))
_this.OnResize = _this.defOnResize
_this.EvMove = make(map[string]func(GUI, fm.Point))
_this.OnMove = _this.defOnMove
_this.EvMouseMove = make(map[string]func(GUI, *fm.MouseEvArgs))
_this.OnMouseMove = _this.defOnMouseMove
_this.EvMouseDown = make(map[string]func(GUI, *fm.MouseEvArgs))
_this.OnMouseDown = _this.defOnMouseDown
_this.EvMouseUp = make(map[string]func(GUI, *fm.MouseEvArgs))
_this.OnMouseUp = _this.defOnMouseUp
_this.EvMouseWheel = make(map[string]func(GUI, *fm.MouseEvArgs))
_this.OnMouseWheel = _this.defOnMouseWheel
_this.EvMouseClick = make(map[string]func(GUI, *fm.MouseEvArgs))
_this.OnMouseClick = _this.defOnMouseClick
_this.EvFocus = make(map[string]func(GUI))
_this.OnFocus = _this.defOnFocus
_this.EvLostFocus = make(map[string]func(GUI))
_this.OnLostFocus = _this.defOnLostFocus
var bakDestroy br.WindowDestroyProc
bakDestroy = _this.impl.SetOnDestroy(func() {
if bakDestroy != nil {
if _this.OnDestroy != nil {
var bakImeStart br.WindowImeStartCompositionProc
bakImeStart = _this.impl.SetOnImeStartComposition(func() bool {
b := false
if bakImeStart != nil {
b = bakImeStart()
if !b && _this.OnImeStartComposition != nil && _this.OnImeStartComposition() {
b = true
return b
var bakLostFocus br.WindowLostFocusProc
bakLostFocus = _this.impl.SetOnLostFocus(func() bool {
b := false
if bakLostFocus != nil {
b = bakLostFocus()
if !b && _this.OnLostFocus != nil {
return b
var bakFocus br.WindowFocusProc
bakFocus = _this.impl.SetOnFocus(func() bool {
b := false
if bakFocus != nil {
b = bakFocus()
if !b && _this.OnFocus != nil {
return b
var bakOnCursor br.WindowSetCursorProc
bakOnCursor = _this.impl.SetOnCursor(func() bool {
b := false
if bakOnCursor != nil {
b = bakOnCursor()
if !b && _this.OnSetCursor != nil && _this.OnSetCursor() {
b = true
return b
var bakKeyPress br.WindowKeyPressProc
bakKeyPress = _this.impl.SetOnKeyPress(func(e *fm.KeyPressEvArgs) {
println("press=", e.KeyChar)
if bakKeyPress != nil {
if !e.IsHandle && _this.OnKeyPress != nil {
var bakKeyUp br.WindowKeyUpProc
bakKeyUp = _this.impl.SetOnKeyUp(func(e *fm.KeyEvArgs) {
if bakKeyUp != nil {
if !e.IsHandle && _this.OnKeyUp != nil {
var bakKeyDown br.WindowKeyDownProc
bakKeyDown = _this.impl.SetOnKeyDown(func(e *fm.KeyEvArgs) {
if bakKeyDown != nil {
if !e.IsHandle && _this.OnKeyDown != nil {
var bakPaint br.WindowPaintProc
bakPaint = _this.impl.SetOnPaint(func(e fm.PaintEvArgs) bool {
b := false
if bakPaint != nil {
b = bakPaint(e)
if !b && _this.OnPaint != nil {
return b
var bakMouseClick br.WindowMouseClickProc
bakMouseClick = _this.impl.SetOnMouseClick(func(e *fm.MouseEvArgs) {
if bakMouseClick != nil {
if !e.IsHandle && _this.OnMouseClick != nil {
var bakMouseWheel br.WindowMouseWheelProc
bakMouseWheel = _this.impl.SetOnMouseWheel(func(e *fm.MouseEvArgs) {
if bakMouseWheel != nil {
if !e.IsHandle && _this.OnMouseWheel != nil {
var bakMouseUp br.WindowMouseUpProc
bakMouseUp = _this.impl.SetOnMouseUp(func(e *fm.MouseEvArgs) {
if bakMouseUp != nil {
if !e.IsHandle && _this.OnMouseUp != nil {
var bakMouseDown br.WindowMouseDownProc
bakMouseDown = _this.impl.SetOnMouseDown(func(e *fm.MouseEvArgs) {
if bakMouseDown != nil {
if !e.IsHandle && _this.OnMouseDown != nil {
var bakMouseMove br.WindowMouseMoveProc
bakMouseMove = _this.impl.SetOnMouseMove(func(e *fm.MouseEvArgs) {
if bakMouseMove != nil {
if !e.IsHandle && _this.OnMouseMove != nil {
var bakResize br.WindowResizeProc
bakResize = _this.impl.SetOnResize(func(e fm.Rect) {
if bakResize != nil {
if _this.OnResize != nil {
var bakMove br.WindowMoveProc
bakMove = _this.impl.SetOnMove(func(e fm.Point) bool {
b := false
if bakMove != nil {
b = bakMove(e)
if !b && _this.OnMove != nil {
return b
var bakShow br.WindowShowProc
bakShow = _this.impl.SetOnShow(func() {
if _this.skipLoad == false {
_this.skipLoad = true
if _this.OnLoad != nil {
if bakShow != nil {
if _this.OnShow != nil {
return _this
func (_this *BaseUI) Enable(enable bool) {
func (_this *BaseUI) IsEnable() bool {
return _this.impl.IsEnable()
func (_this *BaseUI) CreateGraphics() fm.Graphics {
return _this.impl.CreateGraphics()
func (_this *BaseUI) SetCursor(cursor fm.CursorType) {
func (_this *BaseUI) GetCursor() fm.CursorType {
return _this.impl.GetCursor()
func (_this *BaseUI) GetHandle() uintptr {
return _this.impl.GetHandle()
func (_this *BaseUI) SetLocation(x, y int) {
_this.impl.SetLocation(x, y)
func (_this *BaseUI) GetBound() fm.Bound {
return _this.impl.GetBound()
func (_this *BaseUI) SetSize(width, height int) {
_this.impl.SetSize(width, height)
func (_this *BaseUI) SetBgColor(color int32) {
func (_this *BaseUI) Invoke(fn func()) {
func (_this *BaseUI) InvokeEx(fn func(state interface{}), state interface{}) {
_this.impl.InvokeEx(fn, state)
func (_this *BaseUI) Show() {
func (_this *BaseUI) Hide() {
func (_this *BaseUI) GetParent() GUI {
return _this.parent
func (_this *BaseUI) GetOwner() GUI {
return _this.owner
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