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Oliver Eilhard 提交于 2016-04-22 08:50 . Fix SortInfo
// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license.
// See http://olivere.mit-license.org/license.txt for details.
package elastic
// -- Sorter --
// Sorter is an interface for sorting strategies, e.g. ScoreSort or FieldSort.
// See http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-sort.html.
type Sorter interface {
Source() interface{}
// -- SortInfo --
// SortInfo contains information about sorting a field.
type SortInfo struct {
Field string
Ascending bool
Missing interface{}
IgnoreUnmapped *bool
SortMode string
NestedFilter Filter
NestedPath string
func (info SortInfo) Source() interface{} {
prop := make(map[string]interface{})
if info.Ascending {
prop["order"] = "asc"
} else {
prop["order"] = "desc"
if info.Missing != nil {
prop["missing"] = info.Missing
if info.IgnoreUnmapped != nil {
prop["ignore_unmapped"] = *info.IgnoreUnmapped
if info.SortMode != "" {
prop["mode"] = info.SortMode
if info.NestedFilter != nil {
prop["nested_filter"] = info.NestedFilter.Source()
if info.NestedPath != "" {
prop["nested_path"] = info.NestedPath
source := make(map[string]interface{})
source[info.Field] = prop
return source
// -- ScoreSort --
// ScoreSort sorts by relevancy score.
type ScoreSort struct {
ascending bool
// NewScoreSort creates a new ScoreSort.
func NewScoreSort() ScoreSort {
return ScoreSort{ascending: false} // Descending by default!
// Order defines whether sorting ascending (default) or descending.
func (s ScoreSort) Order(ascending bool) ScoreSort {
s.ascending = ascending
return s
// Asc sets ascending sort order.
func (s ScoreSort) Asc() ScoreSort {
s.ascending = true
return s
// Desc sets descending sort order.
func (s ScoreSort) Desc() ScoreSort {
s.ascending = false
return s
// Source returns the JSON-serializable data.
func (s ScoreSort) Source() interface{} {
source := make(map[string]interface{})
x := make(map[string]interface{})
source["_score"] = x
if s.ascending {
x["reverse"] = true
return source
// -- FieldSort --
// FieldSort sorts by a given field.
type FieldSort struct {
fieldName string
ascending bool
missing interface{}
ignoreUnmapped *bool
unmappedType *string
sortMode *string
nestedFilter Filter
nestedPath *string
// NewFieldSort creates a new FieldSort.
func NewFieldSort(fieldName string) FieldSort {
return FieldSort{
fieldName: fieldName,
ascending: true,
// FieldName specifies the name of the field to be used for sorting.
func (s FieldSort) FieldName(fieldName string) FieldSort {
s.fieldName = fieldName
return s
// Order defines whether sorting ascending (default) or descending.
func (s FieldSort) Order(ascending bool) FieldSort {
s.ascending = ascending
return s
// Asc sets ascending sort order.
func (s FieldSort) Asc() FieldSort {
s.ascending = true
return s
// Desc sets descending sort order.
func (s FieldSort) Desc() FieldSort {
s.ascending = false
return s
// Missing sets the value to be used when a field is missing in a document.
// You can also use "_last" or "_first" to sort missing last or first
// respectively.
func (s FieldSort) Missing(missing interface{}) FieldSort {
s.missing = missing
return s
// IgnoreUnmapped specifies what happens if the field does not exist in
// the index. Set it to true to ignore, or set it to false to not ignore (default).
func (s FieldSort) IgnoreUnmapped(ignoreUnmapped bool) FieldSort {
s.ignoreUnmapped = &ignoreUnmapped
return s
// UnmappedType sets the type to use when the current field is not mapped
// in an index.
func (s FieldSort) UnmappedType(typ string) FieldSort {
s.unmappedType = &typ
return s
// SortMode specifies what values to pick in case a document contains
// multiple values for the targeted sort field. Possible values are:
// min, max, sum, and avg.
func (s FieldSort) SortMode(sortMode string) FieldSort {
s.sortMode = &sortMode
return s
// NestedFilter sets a filter that nested objects should match with
// in order to be taken into account for sorting.
func (s FieldSort) NestedFilter(nestedFilter Filter) FieldSort {
s.nestedFilter = nestedFilter
return s
// NestedPath is used if sorting occurs on a field that is inside a
// nested object.
func (s FieldSort) NestedPath(nestedPath string) FieldSort {
s.nestedPath = &nestedPath
return s
// Source returns the JSON-serializable data.
func (s FieldSort) Source() interface{} {
source := make(map[string]interface{})
x := make(map[string]interface{})
source[s.fieldName] = x
if s.ascending {
x["order"] = "asc"
} else {
x["order"] = "desc"
if s.missing != nil {
x["missing"] = s.missing
if s.ignoreUnmapped != nil {
x["ignore_unmapped"] = *s.ignoreUnmapped
if s.unmappedType != nil {
x["unmapped_type"] = *s.unmappedType
if s.sortMode != nil {
x["mode"] = *s.sortMode
if s.nestedFilter != nil {
x["nested_filter"] = s.nestedFilter.Source()
if s.nestedPath != nil {
x["nested_path"] = *s.nestedPath
return source
// -- GeoDistanceSort --
// GeoDistanceSort allows for sorting by geographic distance.
// See http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-sort.html#_geo_distance_sorting.
type GeoDistanceSort struct {
fieldName string
points []*GeoPoint
geohashes []string
geoDistance *string
unit string
ascending bool
sortMode *string
nestedFilter Filter
nestedPath *string
// NewGeoDistanceSort creates a new sorter for geo distances.
func NewGeoDistanceSort(fieldName string) GeoDistanceSort {
return GeoDistanceSort{
fieldName: fieldName,
points: make([]*GeoPoint, 0),
geohashes: make([]string, 0),
ascending: true,
// FieldName specifies the name of the (geo) field to use for sorting.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) FieldName(fieldName string) GeoDistanceSort {
s.fieldName = fieldName
return s
// Order defines whether sorting ascending (default) or descending.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) Order(ascending bool) GeoDistanceSort {
s.ascending = ascending
return s
// Asc sets ascending sort order.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) Asc() GeoDistanceSort {
s.ascending = true
return s
// Desc sets descending sort order.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) Desc() GeoDistanceSort {
s.ascending = false
return s
// Point specifies a point to create the range distance facets from.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) Point(lat, lon float64) GeoDistanceSort {
s.points = append(s.points, GeoPointFromLatLon(lat, lon))
return s
// Points specifies the geo point(s) to create the range distance facets from.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) Points(points ...*GeoPoint) GeoDistanceSort {
s.points = append(s.points, points...)
return s
// GeoHashes specifies the geo point to create the range distance facets from.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) GeoHashes(geohashes ...string) GeoDistanceSort {
s.geohashes = append(s.geohashes, geohashes...)
return s
// GeoDistance represents how to compute the distance.
// It can be sloppy_arc (default), arc, or plane.
// See http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-sort.html#_geo_distance_sorting.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) GeoDistance(geoDistance string) GeoDistanceSort {
s.geoDistance = &geoDistance
return s
// Unit specifies the distance unit to use. It defaults to km.
// See http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/common-options.html#distance-units
// for details.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) Unit(unit string) GeoDistanceSort {
s.unit = unit
return s
// SortMode specifies what values to pick in case a document contains
// multiple values for the targeted sort field. Possible values are:
// min, max, sum, and avg.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) SortMode(sortMode string) GeoDistanceSort {
s.sortMode = &sortMode
return s
// NestedFilter sets a filter that nested objects should match with
// in order to be taken into account for sorting.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) NestedFilter(nestedFilter Filter) GeoDistanceSort {
s.nestedFilter = nestedFilter
return s
// NestedPath is used if sorting occurs on a field that is inside a
// nested object.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) NestedPath(nestedPath string) GeoDistanceSort {
s.nestedPath = &nestedPath
return s
// Source returns the JSON-serializable data.
func (s GeoDistanceSort) Source() interface{} {
source := make(map[string]interface{})
x := make(map[string]interface{})
source["_geo_distance"] = x
// Points
ptarr := make([]interface{}, 0)
for _, pt := range s.points {
ptarr = append(ptarr, pt.Source())
for _, geohash := range s.geohashes {
ptarr = append(ptarr, geohash)
x[s.fieldName] = ptarr
if s.unit != "" {
x["unit"] = s.unit
if s.geoDistance != nil {
x["distance_type"] = *s.geoDistance
if !s.ascending {
x["reverse"] = true
if s.sortMode != nil {
x["mode"] = *s.sortMode
if s.nestedFilter != nil {
x["nested_filter"] = s.nestedFilter.Source()
if s.nestedPath != nil {
x["nested_path"] = *s.nestedPath
return source
// -- ScriptSort --
// ScriptSort sorts by a custom script. See
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-scripting.html#modules-scripting
// for details about scripting.
type ScriptSort struct {
lang string
script string
typ string
params map[string]interface{}
ascending bool
sortMode *string
nestedFilter Filter
nestedPath *string
// NewScriptSort creates a new ScriptSort.
func NewScriptSort(script, typ string) ScriptSort {
return ScriptSort{
script: script,
typ: typ,
ascending: true,
params: make(map[string]interface{}),
// Lang specifies the script language to use. It can be one of:
// groovy (the default for ES >= 1.4), mvel (default for ES < 1.4),
// js, python, expression, or native. See
// http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-scripting.html#modules-scripting
// for details.
func (s ScriptSort) Lang(lang string) ScriptSort {
s.lang = lang
return s
// Type sets the script type, which can be either string or number.
func (s ScriptSort) Type(typ string) ScriptSort {
s.typ = typ
return s
// Param adds a parameter to the script.
func (s ScriptSort) Param(name string, value interface{}) ScriptSort {
s.params[name] = value
return s
// Params sets the parameters of the script.
func (s ScriptSort) Params(params map[string]interface{}) ScriptSort {
s.params = params
return s
// Order defines whether sorting ascending (default) or descending.
func (s ScriptSort) Order(ascending bool) ScriptSort {
s.ascending = ascending
return s
// Asc sets ascending sort order.
func (s ScriptSort) Asc() ScriptSort {
s.ascending = true
return s
// Desc sets descending sort order.
func (s ScriptSort) Desc() ScriptSort {
s.ascending = false
return s
// SortMode specifies what values to pick in case a document contains
// multiple values for the targeted sort field. Possible values are:
// min or max.
func (s ScriptSort) SortMode(sortMode string) ScriptSort {
s.sortMode = &sortMode
return s
// NestedFilter sets a filter that nested objects should match with
// in order to be taken into account for sorting.
func (s ScriptSort) NestedFilter(nestedFilter Filter) ScriptSort {
s.nestedFilter = nestedFilter
return s
// NestedPath is used if sorting occurs on a field that is inside a
// nested object.
func (s ScriptSort) NestedPath(nestedPath string) ScriptSort {
s.nestedPath = &nestedPath
return s
// Source returns the JSON-serializable data.
func (s ScriptSort) Source() interface{} {
source := make(map[string]interface{})
x := make(map[string]interface{})
source["_script"] = x
x["script"] = s.script
x["type"] = s.typ
if !s.ascending {
x["reverse"] = true
if s.lang != "" {
x["lang"] = s.lang
if len(s.params) > 0 {
x["params"] = s.params
if s.sortMode != nil {
x["mode"] = *s.sortMode
if s.nestedFilter != nil {
x["nested_filter"] = s.nestedFilter.Source()
if s.nestedPath != nil {
x["nested_path"] = *s.nestedPath
return source
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