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search_aggs_bucket_significant_terms.go 12.50 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Oliver Eilhard 提交于 2018-03-24 14:17 . Clean up
// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license.
// See http://olivere.mit-license.org/license.txt for details.
package elastic
// SignificantTermsAggregation is an aggregation that returns interesting
// or unusual occurrences of terms in a set.
// See: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html
type SignificantTermsAggregation struct {
field string
subAggregations map[string]Aggregation
meta map[string]interface{}
minDocCount *int
shardMinDocCount *int
requiredSize *int
shardSize *int
filter Query
executionHint string
significanceHeuristic SignificanceHeuristic
func NewSignificantTermsAggregation() *SignificantTermsAggregation {
return &SignificantTermsAggregation{
subAggregations: make(map[string]Aggregation, 0),
func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) Field(field string) *SignificantTermsAggregation {
a.field = field
return a
func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) SubAggregation(name string, subAggregation Aggregation) *SignificantTermsAggregation {
a.subAggregations[name] = subAggregation
return a
// Meta sets the meta data to be included in the aggregation response.
func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) Meta(metaData map[string]interface{}) *SignificantTermsAggregation {
a.meta = metaData
return a
func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) MinDocCount(minDocCount int) *SignificantTermsAggregation {
a.minDocCount = &minDocCount
return a
func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) ShardMinDocCount(shardMinDocCount int) *SignificantTermsAggregation {
a.shardMinDocCount = &shardMinDocCount
return a
func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) RequiredSize(requiredSize int) *SignificantTermsAggregation {
a.requiredSize = &requiredSize
return a
func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) ShardSize(shardSize int) *SignificantTermsAggregation {
a.shardSize = &shardSize
return a
func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) BackgroundFilter(filter Query) *SignificantTermsAggregation {
a.filter = filter
return a
func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) ExecutionHint(hint string) *SignificantTermsAggregation {
a.executionHint = hint
return a
func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) SignificanceHeuristic(heuristic SignificanceHeuristic) *SignificantTermsAggregation {
a.significanceHeuristic = heuristic
return a
func (a *SignificantTermsAggregation) Source() (interface{}, error) {
// Example:
// {
// "query" : {
// "terms" : {"force" : [ "British Transport Police" ]}
// },
// "aggregations" : {
// "significantCrimeTypes" : {
// "significant_terms" : { "field" : "crime_type" }
// }
// }
// }
// This method returns only the
// { "significant_terms" : { "field" : "crime_type" }
// part.
source := make(map[string]interface{})
opts := make(map[string]interface{})
source["significant_terms"] = opts
if a.field != "" {
opts["field"] = a.field
if a.requiredSize != nil {
opts["size"] = *a.requiredSize // not a typo!
if a.shardSize != nil {
opts["shard_size"] = *a.shardSize
if a.minDocCount != nil {
opts["min_doc_count"] = *a.minDocCount
if a.shardMinDocCount != nil {
opts["shard_min_doc_count"] = *a.shardMinDocCount
if a.executionHint != "" {
opts["execution_hint"] = a.executionHint
if a.filter != nil {
src, err := a.filter.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts["background_filter"] = src
if a.significanceHeuristic != nil {
name := a.significanceHeuristic.Name()
src, err := a.significanceHeuristic.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts[name] = src
// AggregationBuilder (SubAggregations)
if len(a.subAggregations) > 0 {
aggsMap := make(map[string]interface{})
source["aggregations"] = aggsMap
for name, aggregate := range a.subAggregations {
src, err := aggregate.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
aggsMap[name] = src
// Add Meta data if available
if len(a.meta) > 0 {
source["meta"] = a.meta
return source, nil
// -- Significance heuristics --
type SignificanceHeuristic interface {
Name() string
Source() (interface{}, error)
// -- Chi Square --
// ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic implements Chi square as described
// in "Information Retrieval", Manning et al., Chapter 13.5.2.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_chi_square
// for details.
type ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic struct {
backgroundIsSuperset *bool
includeNegatives *bool
// NewChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic initializes a new ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic.
func NewChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic() *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic {
return &ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic{}
// Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.
func (sh *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic) Name() string {
return "chi_square"
// BackgroundIsSuperset indicates whether you defined a custom background
// filter that represents a difference set of documents that you want to
// compare to.
func (sh *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic) BackgroundIsSuperset(backgroundIsSuperset bool) *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic {
sh.backgroundIsSuperset = &backgroundIsSuperset
return sh
// IncludeNegatives indicates whether to filter out the terms that appear
// much less in the subset than in the background without the subset.
func (sh *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic) IncludeNegatives(includeNegatives bool) *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic {
sh.includeNegatives = &includeNegatives
return sh
// Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.
func (sh *ChiSquareSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error) {
source := make(map[string]interface{})
if sh.backgroundIsSuperset != nil {
source["background_is_superset"] = *sh.backgroundIsSuperset
if sh.includeNegatives != nil {
source["include_negatives"] = *sh.includeNegatives
return source, nil
// -- GND --
// GNDSignificanceHeuristic implements the "Google Normalized Distance"
// as described in "The Google Similarity Distance", Cilibrasi and Vitanyi,
// 2007.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_google_normalized_distance
// for details.
type GNDSignificanceHeuristic struct {
backgroundIsSuperset *bool
// NewGNDSignificanceHeuristic implements a new GNDSignificanceHeuristic.
func NewGNDSignificanceHeuristic() *GNDSignificanceHeuristic {
return &GNDSignificanceHeuristic{}
// Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.
func (sh *GNDSignificanceHeuristic) Name() string {
return "gnd"
// BackgroundIsSuperset indicates whether you defined a custom background
// filter that represents a difference set of documents that you want to
// compare to.
func (sh *GNDSignificanceHeuristic) BackgroundIsSuperset(backgroundIsSuperset bool) *GNDSignificanceHeuristic {
sh.backgroundIsSuperset = &backgroundIsSuperset
return sh
// Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.
func (sh *GNDSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error) {
source := make(map[string]interface{})
if sh.backgroundIsSuperset != nil {
source["background_is_superset"] = *sh.backgroundIsSuperset
return source, nil
// -- JLH Score --
// JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic implements the JLH score as described in
// https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_jlh_score.
type JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic struct{}
// NewJLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic initializes a new JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic.
func NewJLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic() *JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic {
return &JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic{}
// Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.
func (sh *JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic) Name() string {
return "jlh"
// Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.
func (sh *JLHScoreSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error) {
source := make(map[string]interface{})
return source, nil
// -- Mutual Information --
// MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic implements Mutual information
// as described in "Information Retrieval", Manning et al., Chapter 13.5.1.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_mutual_information
// for details.
type MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic struct {
backgroundIsSuperset *bool
includeNegatives *bool
// NewMutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic initializes a new instance of
// MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic.
func NewMutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic() *MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic {
return &MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic{}
// Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.
func (sh *MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic) Name() string {
return "mutual_information"
// BackgroundIsSuperset indicates whether you defined a custom background
// filter that represents a difference set of documents that you want to
// compare to.
func (sh *MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic) BackgroundIsSuperset(backgroundIsSuperset bool) *MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic {
sh.backgroundIsSuperset = &backgroundIsSuperset
return sh
// IncludeNegatives indicates whether to filter out the terms that appear
// much less in the subset than in the background without the subset.
func (sh *MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic) IncludeNegatives(includeNegatives bool) *MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic {
sh.includeNegatives = &includeNegatives
return sh
// Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.
func (sh *MutualInformationSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error) {
source := make(map[string]interface{})
if sh.backgroundIsSuperset != nil {
source["background_is_superset"] = *sh.backgroundIsSuperset
if sh.includeNegatives != nil {
source["include_negatives"] = *sh.includeNegatives
return source, nil
// -- Percentage Score --
// PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic implements the algorithm described
// in https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_percentage.
type PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic struct{}
// NewPercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic initializes a new instance of
// PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic.
func NewPercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic() *PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic {
return &PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic{}
// Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.
func (sh *PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic) Name() string {
return "percentage"
// Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.
func (sh *PercentageScoreSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error) {
source := make(map[string]interface{})
return source, nil
// -- Script --
// ScriptSignificanceHeuristic implements a scripted significance heuristic.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_scripted
// for details.
type ScriptSignificanceHeuristic struct {
script *Script
// NewScriptSignificanceHeuristic initializes a new instance of
// ScriptSignificanceHeuristic.
func NewScriptSignificanceHeuristic() *ScriptSignificanceHeuristic {
return &ScriptSignificanceHeuristic{}
// Name returns the name of the heuristic in the REST interface.
func (sh *ScriptSignificanceHeuristic) Name() string {
return "script_heuristic"
// Script specifies the script to use to get custom scores. The following
// parameters are available in the script: `_subset_freq`, `_superset_freq`,
// `_subset_size`, and `_superset_size`.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/search-aggregations-bucket-significantterms-aggregation.html#_scripted
// for details.
func (sh *ScriptSignificanceHeuristic) Script(script *Script) *ScriptSignificanceHeuristic {
sh.script = script
return sh
// Source returns the parameters that need to be added to the REST parameters.
func (sh *ScriptSignificanceHeuristic) Source() (interface{}, error) {
source := make(map[string]interface{})
if sh.script != nil {
src, err := sh.script.Source()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
source["script"] = src
return source, nil
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