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dataset.py 7.77 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
mao.fanbin 提交于 2020-08-26 23:11 . Inital
import csv
import math
import os
import random
import torchaudio
#import librosa
import numpy as np
#import soundfile as sf
import torch
#from python_speech_features import mfcc, logfbank, delta
#from scipy.signal.windows import hamming
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
#from torchvision.transforms import transforms
from tqdm import tqdm
#from scipy import signal
import torch.nn.functional as Func
from numpy import random
def load_audio(filename, start = 0, stop = None, resample = True):
Load wav file
filename : 音频路径
start : 开始帧(integer or None)
stop : 结束帧(integer or None)
y : 双通道 (L x 2)
#y = None
#y, _ = sf.read(filename, start = start, stop = stop, dtype = 'float32', always_2d = True)
#y = y[:, : 2]
wav, sr = torchaudio.load_wav(filename)
wav_torch = wav / (wav.max() + 1e-8)
if start != None:
wav_torch = wav_torch[:, start: stop]
return wav_torch, sr
def stft_feature(
waveform, sample_rate=44100, frame_length=2048, frame_step=512,
spec_exponent=1., F=1024, T=512, separate=False):
Computes stft feature from wav
waveform : 双通道 (L x 2)
frame_length : 帧长
frame_step : 帧移
spec_exponent : 频谱指数(1为幅值谱 2为能量谱)
F : 输出时频矩阵的频域点数
T : 输出时频矩阵的时域点数
输出频谱(F x T x 2).
stft = torch.stft(
waveform, frame_length, hop_length=frame_step, window=torch.hann_window(frame_length))
# only keep freqs smaller than self.F
stft = stft[:, :F, : , :]
real = stft[:, :, :, 0]
im = stft[:, :, :, 1]
mag = torch.sqrt(real ** 2 + im ** 2)
return stft, mag
def pad_and_partition(tensor, T):
pads zero and partition tensor into segments of length T
tensor(Tensor): BxCxFxL
tensor of size (B*[L/T] x C x F x T)
old_size = tensor.size(3)
new_size = math.ceil(old_size/T) * T
tensor = Func.pad(tensor, [0, new_size - old_size])
[b, c, t, f] = tensor.shape
split = new_size // T
return torch.cat(torch.split(tensor, T, dim=3), dim=0)
class TrainDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, params):
self.datasets = []
self.count = 0
self.MARGIN = params['margin']
self.chunk_duration = params['chunk_duration']
self.n_chunks_per_song = params['n_chunks_per_song']
self.frame_length = params['frame_length']
self.frame_step = params['frame_step']
self.T = params['T']
self.F = params['F']
with open(params['train_manifest'], 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for mix_path, vocal_path, instrumental_path, duration, samplerate in reader:
duration = float(duration)
for k in range(self.n_chunks_per_song):
if self.n_chunks_per_song > 1:
start_time = k * (duration - self.chunk_duration - 2 * self.MARGIN) / (self.n_chunks_per_song - 1) + self.MARGIN
if start_time > 0.0:
self.datasets.append((mix_path, vocal_path, instrumental_path, duration, samplerate, start_time))
self.count += 1
elif self.n_chunks_per_song == 1:
start_time = duration / 2 - self.chunk_duration / 2
if start_time > 0.0:
self.datasets.append((mix_path, vocal_path, instrumental_path, duration, samplerate, start_time))
self.count += 1
def __len__(self):
return self.count
def __getitem__(self, chunk_id):
chunk_id %= self.count
pair = self.datasets[chunk_id]
mix_chunk = pair[0]
vocal_chunk = pair[1]
instru_chunk = pair[2]
samplerate = float(pair[4])
start_time = float(pair[5])
### resample ###
if int(samplerate) != 44100:
resample = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(int(samplerate), 44100)
mix_audio = resample(mix_audio)
vocal_audio = resample(vocal_audio)
instru_audio = resample(instru_audio)
samplerate = 44100
mix_audio, mix_sr = load_audio(mix_chunk, start=int(start_time * samplerate), stop=int((start_time + self.chunk_duration) * samplerate))
vocal_audio, vocal_sr = load_audio(vocal_chunk, start=int(start_time * samplerate), stop=int((start_time + self.chunk_duration) * samplerate))
instru_audio, instru_sr = load_audio(instru_chunk, start=int(start_time * samplerate), stop=int((start_time + self.chunk_duration) * samplerate))
### 2 channels ###
if mix_audio.shape[0] == 1:
mix_audio = torch.cat((mix_audio, mix_audio), dim=0)
vocal_audio = torch.cat((vocal_audio, vocal_audio), dim=0)
instru_audio = torch.cat((instru_audio, instru_audio), dim=0)
elif mix_audio.shape[0] > 2:
mix_audio = mix_audio[:2, :]
vocal_audio = vocal_audio[:2, :]
instru_audio = instru_audio[:2, :]
### stft ###
mix_stft, mix_stft_mag = stft_feature(mix_audio, sample_rate=samplerate, frame_length=self.frame_length, frame_step=self.frame_step, spec_exponent=1., F=self.F, T=self.T)
vocal_stft, vocal_stft_mag = stft_feature(vocal_audio, sample_rate=samplerate, frame_length=self.frame_length, frame_step=self.frame_step, spec_exponent=1., F=self.F, T=self.T)
instru_stft, instru_stft_mag = stft_feature(instru_audio, sample_rate=samplerate, frame_length=self.frame_length, frame_step=self.frame_step, spec_exponent=1., F=self.F, T=self.T)
### random_time_crop ###
num_frame = mix_stft_mag.shape[2]
start = random.randint(low=1, high=(num_frame - self.T))
end = start + self.T
mix_stft_mag = mix_stft_mag[:, :, start: end]
vocal_stft_mag = vocal_stft_mag[:, :, start: end]
instru_stft_mag = instru_stft_mag[:, :, start: end]
return mix_stft_mag, vocal_stft_mag, instru_stft_mag
class SeparateDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, params):
self.datasets = []
self.count = 0
self.chunk_duration = params['chunk_duration']
self.n_chunks_per_song = params['n_chunks_per_song']
self.frame_length = params['frame_length']
self.frame_step = params['frame_step']
self.T = params['T']
self.F = params['F']
with open(params['separate_manifest'], 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for path, duration, samplerate in reader:
self.datasets.append((path, duration, samplerate))
self.count += 1
def __len__(self):
return self.count
def __getitem__(self, audio_id):
audio_id %= self.count
audio = self.datasets[audio_id]
path = audio[0]
duration = float(audio[1])
samplerate = float(audio[2])
wav_name = path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
source_audio, _ = load_audio(path)
stft, stft_mag = stft_feature(source_audio, sample_rate=samplerate, frame_length=self.frame_length, frame_step=self.frame_step, spec_exponent=1., F=self.F, T=self.T) # 2 * F * L
stft_mag = stft_mag.unsqueeze(-1).permute([3, 0, 1, 2])
L = stft.size(2)
stft_mag = pad_and_partition(stft_mag, self.T) # [(L + T) / T] * 2 * F * T
return stft, stft_mag.transpose(2, 3), L, wav_name, samplerate
马建仓 AI 助手
