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node_wrangler.py 225.71 KB
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
bl_info = {
"name": "Node Wrangler",
"author": "Bartek Skorupa, Greg Zaal, Sebastian Koenig, Christian Brinkmann, Florian Meyer",
"version": (3, 38),
"blender": (2, 93, 0),
"location": "Node Editor Toolbar or Shift-W",
"description": "Various tools to enhance and speed up node-based workflow",
"warning": "",
"doc_url": "{BLENDER_MANUAL_URL}/addons/node/node_wrangler.html",
"category": "Node",
import bpy, blf, bgl
import gpu
from bpy.types import Operator, Panel, Menu
from bpy.props import (
from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper, ExportHelper
from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader
from mathutils import Vector
from nodeitems_utils import node_categories_iter
from math import cos, sin, pi, hypot
from os import path
from glob import glob
from copy import copy
from itertools import chain
import re
from collections import namedtuple
# rl_outputs:
# list of outputs of Input Render Layer
# with attributes determining if pass is used,
# and MultiLayer EXR outputs names and corresponding render engines
# rl_outputs entry = (render_pass, rl_output_name, exr_output_name, in_eevee, in_cycles)
RL_entry = namedtuple('RL_Entry', ['render_pass', 'output_name', 'exr_output_name', 'in_eevee', 'in_cycles'])
rl_outputs = (
RL_entry('use_pass_ambient_occlusion', 'AO', 'AO', True, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_combined', 'Image', 'Combined', True, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_diffuse_color', 'Diffuse Color', 'DiffCol', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_diffuse_direct', 'Diffuse Direct', 'DiffDir', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_diffuse_indirect', 'Diffuse Indirect', 'DiffInd', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_emit', 'Emit', 'Emit', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_environment', 'Environment', 'Env', False, False),
RL_entry('use_pass_glossy_color', 'Glossy Color', 'GlossCol', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_glossy_direct', 'Glossy Direct', 'GlossDir', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_glossy_indirect', 'Glossy Indirect', 'GlossInd', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_indirect', 'Indirect', 'Indirect', False, False),
RL_entry('use_pass_material_index', 'IndexMA', 'IndexMA', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_mist', 'Mist', 'Mist', True, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_normal', 'Normal', 'Normal', True, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_object_index', 'IndexOB', 'IndexOB', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_shadow', 'Shadow', 'Shadow', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_subsurface_color', 'Subsurface Color', 'SubsurfaceCol', True, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_subsurface_direct', 'Subsurface Direct', 'SubsurfaceDir', True, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_subsurface_indirect', 'Subsurface Indirect', 'SubsurfaceInd', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_transmission_color', 'Transmission Color', 'TransCol', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_transmission_direct', 'Transmission Direct', 'TransDir', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_transmission_indirect', 'Transmission Indirect', 'TransInd', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_uv', 'UV', 'UV', True, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_vector', 'Speed', 'Vector', False, True),
RL_entry('use_pass_z', 'Z', 'Depth', True, True),
# shader nodes
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
shaders_input_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeAmbientOcclusion', 'AMBIENT_OCCLUSION', 'Ambient Occlusion'),
('ShaderNodeAttribute', 'ATTRIBUTE', 'Attribute'),
('ShaderNodeBevel', 'BEVEL', 'Bevel'),
('ShaderNodeCameraData', 'CAMERA', 'Camera Data'),
('ShaderNodeFresnel', 'FRESNEL', 'Fresnel'),
('ShaderNodeNewGeometry', 'NEW_GEOMETRY', 'Geometry'),
('ShaderNodeHairInfo', 'HAIR_INFO', 'Hair Info'),
('ShaderNodeLayerWeight', 'LAYER_WEIGHT', 'Layer Weight'),
('ShaderNodeLightPath', 'LIGHT_PATH', 'Light Path'),
('ShaderNodeObjectInfo', 'OBJECT_INFO', 'Object Info'),
('ShaderNodeParticleInfo', 'PARTICLE_INFO', 'Particle Info'),
('ShaderNodeRGB', 'RGB', 'RGB'),
('ShaderNodeTangent', 'TANGENT', 'Tangent'),
('ShaderNodeTexCoord', 'TEX_COORD', 'Texture Coordinate'),
('ShaderNodeUVMap', 'UVMAP', 'UV Map'),
('ShaderNodeValue', 'VALUE', 'Value'),
('ShaderNodeVertexColor', 'VERTEX_COLOR', 'Vertex Color'),
('ShaderNodeVolumeInfo', 'VOLUME_INFO', 'Volume Info'),
('ShaderNodeWireframe', 'WIREFRAME', 'Wireframe'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
shaders_output_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeOutputAOV', 'OUTPUT_AOV', 'AOV Output'),
('ShaderNodeOutputLight', 'OUTPUT_LIGHT', 'Light Output'),
('ShaderNodeOutputMaterial', 'OUTPUT_MATERIAL', 'Material Output'),
('ShaderNodeOutputWorld', 'OUTPUT_WORLD', 'World Output'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
shaders_shader_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeAddShader', 'ADD_SHADER', 'Add Shader'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfAnisotropic', 'BSDF_ANISOTROPIC', 'Anisotropic BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse', 'BSDF_DIFFUSE', 'Diffuse BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeEmission', 'EMISSION', 'Emission'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfGlass', 'BSDF_GLASS', 'Glass BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfGlossy', 'BSDF_GLOSSY', 'Glossy BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfHair', 'BSDF_HAIR', 'Hair BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeHoldout', 'HOLDOUT', 'Holdout'),
('ShaderNodeMixShader', 'MIX_SHADER', 'Mix Shader'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled', 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED', 'Principled BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfHairPrincipled', 'BSDF_HAIR_PRINCIPLED', 'Principled Hair BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeVolumePrincipled', 'PRINCIPLED_VOLUME', 'Principled Volume'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfRefraction', 'BSDF_REFRACTION', 'Refraction BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeSubsurfaceScattering', 'SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING', 'Subsurface Scattering'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfToon', 'BSDF_TOON', 'Toon BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfTranslucent', 'BSDF_TRANSLUCENT', 'Translucent BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfTransparent', 'BSDF_TRANSPARENT', 'Transparent BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeBsdfVelvet', 'BSDF_VELVET', 'Velvet BSDF'),
('ShaderNodeBackground', 'BACKGROUND', 'Background'),
('ShaderNodeVolumeAbsorption', 'VOLUME_ABSORPTION', 'Volume Absorption'),
('ShaderNodeVolumeScatter', 'VOLUME_SCATTER', 'Volume Scatter'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
shaders_texture_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeTexBrick', 'TEX_BRICK', 'Brick Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexChecker', 'TEX_CHECKER', 'Checker Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexEnvironment', 'TEX_ENVIRONMENT', 'Environment Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexGradient', 'TEX_GRADIENT', 'Gradient Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexIES', 'TEX_IES', 'IES Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexImage', 'TEX_IMAGE', 'Image Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexMagic', 'TEX_MAGIC', 'Magic Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexMusgrave', 'TEX_MUSGRAVE', 'Musgrave Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexNoise', 'TEX_NOISE', 'Noise Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexPointDensity', 'TEX_POINTDENSITY', 'Point Density'),
('ShaderNodeTexSky', 'TEX_SKY', 'Sky Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexVoronoi', 'TEX_VORONOI', 'Voronoi Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexWave', 'TEX_WAVE', 'Wave Texture'),
('ShaderNodeTexWhiteNoise', 'TEX_WHITE_NOISE', 'White Noise'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
shaders_color_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeBrightContrast', 'BRIGHTCONTRAST', 'Bright Contrast'),
('ShaderNodeGamma', 'GAMMA', 'Gamma'),
('ShaderNodeHueSaturation', 'HUE_SAT', 'Hue/Saturation'),
('ShaderNodeInvert', 'INVERT', 'Invert'),
('ShaderNodeLightFalloff', 'LIGHT_FALLOFF', 'Light Falloff'),
('ShaderNodeMixRGB', 'MIX_RGB', 'MixRGB'),
('ShaderNodeRGBCurve', 'CURVE_RGB', 'RGB Curves'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
shaders_vector_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeBump', 'BUMP', 'Bump'),
('ShaderNodeDisplacement', 'DISPLACEMENT', 'Displacement'),
('ShaderNodeMapping', 'MAPPING', 'Mapping'),
('ShaderNodeNormal', 'NORMAL', 'Normal'),
('ShaderNodeNormalMap', 'NORMAL_MAP', 'Normal Map'),
('ShaderNodeVectorCurve', 'CURVE_VEC', 'Vector Curves'),
('ShaderNodeVectorDisplacement', 'VECTOR_DISPLACEMENT', 'Vector Displacement'),
('ShaderNodeVectorTransform', 'VECT_TRANSFORM', 'Vector Transform'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
shaders_converter_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeBlackbody', 'BLACKBODY', 'Blackbody'),
('ShaderNodeClamp', 'CLAMP', 'Clamp'),
('ShaderNodeValToRGB', 'VALTORGB', 'ColorRamp'),
('ShaderNodeCombineHSV', 'COMBHSV', 'Combine HSV'),
('ShaderNodeCombineRGB', 'COMBRGB', 'Combine RGB'),
('ShaderNodeCombineXYZ', 'COMBXYZ', 'Combine XYZ'),
('ShaderNodeMapRange', 'MAP_RANGE', 'Map Range'),
('ShaderNodeMath', 'MATH', 'Math'),
('ShaderNodeRGBToBW', 'RGBTOBW', 'RGB to BW'),
('ShaderNodeSeparateRGB', 'SEPRGB', 'Separate RGB'),
('ShaderNodeSeparateXYZ', 'SEPXYZ', 'Separate XYZ'),
('ShaderNodeSeparateHSV', 'SEPHSV', 'Separate HSV'),
('ShaderNodeVectorMath', 'VECT_MATH', 'Vector Math'),
('ShaderNodeWavelength', 'WAVELENGTH', 'Wavelength'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
shaders_layout_nodes_props = (
('NodeFrame', 'FRAME', 'Frame'),
('NodeReroute', 'REROUTE', 'Reroute'),
# compositing nodes
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
compo_input_nodes_props = (
('CompositorNodeBokehImage', 'BOKEHIMAGE', 'Bokeh Image'),
('CompositorNodeImage', 'IMAGE', 'Image'),
('CompositorNodeMask', 'MASK', 'Mask'),
('CompositorNodeMovieClip', 'MOVIECLIP', 'Movie Clip'),
('CompositorNodeRLayers', 'R_LAYERS', 'Render Layers'),
('CompositorNodeRGB', 'RGB', 'RGB'),
('CompositorNodeTexture', 'TEXTURE', 'Texture'),
('CompositorNodeTime', 'TIME', 'Time'),
('CompositorNodeTrackPos', 'TRACKPOS', 'Track Position'),
('CompositorNodeValue', 'VALUE', 'Value'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
compo_output_nodes_props = (
('CompositorNodeComposite', 'COMPOSITE', 'Composite'),
('CompositorNodeOutputFile', 'OUTPUT_FILE', 'File Output'),
('CompositorNodeLevels', 'LEVELS', 'Levels'),
('CompositorNodeSplitViewer', 'SPLITVIEWER', 'Split Viewer'),
('CompositorNodeViewer', 'VIEWER', 'Viewer'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
compo_color_nodes_props = (
('CompositorNodeAlphaOver', 'ALPHAOVER', 'Alpha Over'),
('CompositorNodeBrightContrast', 'BRIGHTCONTRAST', 'Bright/Contrast'),
('CompositorNodeColorBalance', 'COLORBALANCE', 'Color Balance'),
('CompositorNodeColorCorrection', 'COLORCORRECTION', 'Color Correction'),
('CompositorNodeGamma', 'GAMMA', 'Gamma'),
('CompositorNodeHueCorrect', 'HUECORRECT', 'Hue Correct'),
('CompositorNodeHueSat', 'HUE_SAT', 'Hue Saturation Value'),
('CompositorNodeInvert', 'INVERT', 'Invert'),
('CompositorNodeMixRGB', 'MIX_RGB', 'Mix'),
('CompositorNodeCurveRGB', 'CURVE_RGB', 'RGB Curves'),
('CompositorNodeTonemap', 'TONEMAP', 'Tonemap'),
('CompositorNodeZcombine', 'ZCOMBINE', 'Z Combine'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
compo_converter_nodes_props = (
('CompositorNodePremulKey', 'PREMULKEY', 'Alpha Convert'),
('CompositorNodeValToRGB', 'VALTORGB', 'ColorRamp'),
('CompositorNodeCombHSVA', 'COMBHSVA', 'Combine HSVA'),
('CompositorNodeCombRGBA', 'COMBRGBA', 'Combine RGBA'),
('CompositorNodeCombYCCA', 'COMBYCCA', 'Combine YCbCrA'),
('CompositorNodeCombYUVA', 'COMBYUVA', 'Combine YUVA'),
('CompositorNodeIDMask', 'ID_MASK', 'ID Mask'),
('CompositorNodeMath', 'MATH', 'Math'),
('CompositorNodeRGBToBW', 'RGBTOBW', 'RGB to BW'),
('CompositorNodeSepRGBA', 'SEPRGBA', 'Separate RGBA'),
('CompositorNodeSepHSVA', 'SEPHSVA', 'Separate HSVA'),
('CompositorNodeSepYUVA', 'SEPYUVA', 'Separate YUVA'),
('CompositorNodeSepYCCA', 'SEPYCCA', 'Separate YCbCrA'),
('CompositorNodeSetAlpha', 'SETALPHA', 'Set Alpha'),
('CompositorNodeSwitchView', 'VIEWSWITCH', 'View Switch'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
compo_filter_nodes_props = (
('CompositorNodeBilateralblur', 'BILATERALBLUR', 'Bilateral Blur'),
('CompositorNodeBlur', 'BLUR', 'Blur'),
('CompositorNodeBokehBlur', 'BOKEHBLUR', 'Bokeh Blur'),
('CompositorNodeDefocus', 'DEFOCUS', 'Defocus'),
('CompositorNodeDenoise', 'DENOISE', 'Denoise'),
('CompositorNodeDespeckle', 'DESPECKLE', 'Despeckle'),
('CompositorNodeDilateErode', 'DILATEERODE', 'Dilate/Erode'),
('CompositorNodeDBlur', 'DBLUR', 'Directional Blur'),
('CompositorNodeFilter', 'FILTER', 'Filter'),
('CompositorNodeGlare', 'GLARE', 'Glare'),
('CompositorNodeInpaint', 'INPAINT', 'Inpaint'),
('CompositorNodePixelate', 'PIXELATE', 'Pixelate'),
('CompositorNodeSunBeams', 'SUNBEAMS', 'Sun Beams'),
('CompositorNodeVecBlur', 'VECBLUR', 'Vector Blur'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
compo_vector_nodes_props = (
('CompositorNodeMapRange', 'MAP_RANGE', 'Map Range'),
('CompositorNodeMapValue', 'MAP_VALUE', 'Map Value'),
('CompositorNodeNormal', 'NORMAL', 'Normal'),
('CompositorNodeNormalize', 'NORMALIZE', 'Normalize'),
('CompositorNodeCurveVec', 'CURVE_VEC', 'Vector Curves'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
compo_matte_nodes_props = (
('CompositorNodeBoxMask', 'BOXMASK', 'Box Mask'),
('CompositorNodeChannelMatte', 'CHANNEL_MATTE', 'Channel Key'),
('CompositorNodeChromaMatte', 'CHROMA_MATTE', 'Chroma Key'),
('CompositorNodeColorMatte', 'COLOR_MATTE', 'Color Key'),
('CompositorNodeColorSpill', 'COLOR_SPILL', 'Color Spill'),
('CompositorNodeCryptomatte', 'CRYPTOMATTE', 'Cryptomatte'),
('CompositorNodeDiffMatte', 'DIFF_MATTE', 'Difference Key'),
('CompositorNodeDistanceMatte', 'DISTANCE_MATTE', 'Distance Key'),
('CompositorNodeDoubleEdgeMask', 'DOUBLEEDGEMASK', 'Double Edge Mask'),
('CompositorNodeEllipseMask', 'ELLIPSEMASK', 'Ellipse Mask'),
('CompositorNodeKeying', 'KEYING', 'Keying'),
('CompositorNodeKeyingScreen', 'KEYINGSCREEN', 'Keying Screen'),
('CompositorNodeLumaMatte', 'LUMA_MATTE', 'Luminance Key'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
compo_distort_nodes_props = (
('CompositorNodeCornerPin', 'CORNERPIN', 'Corner Pin'),
('CompositorNodeCrop', 'CROP', 'Crop'),
('CompositorNodeDisplace', 'DISPLACE', 'Displace'),
('CompositorNodeFlip', 'FLIP', 'Flip'),
('CompositorNodeLensdist', 'LENSDIST', 'Lens Distortion'),
('CompositorNodeMapUV', 'MAP_UV', 'Map UV'),
('CompositorNodeMovieDistortion', 'MOVIEDISTORTION', 'Movie Distortion'),
('CompositorNodePlaneTrackDeform', 'PLANETRACKDEFORM', 'Plane Track Deform'),
('CompositorNodeRotate', 'ROTATE', 'Rotate'),
('CompositorNodeScale', 'SCALE', 'Scale'),
('CompositorNodeStabilize', 'STABILIZE2D', 'Stabilize 2D'),
('CompositorNodeTransform', 'TRANSFORM', 'Transform'),
('CompositorNodeTranslate', 'TRANSLATE', 'Translate'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
# Keeping things in alphabetical order so we don't need to sort later.
compo_layout_nodes_props = (
('NodeFrame', 'FRAME', 'Frame'),
('NodeReroute', 'REROUTE', 'Reroute'),
('CompositorNodeSwitch', 'SWITCH', 'Switch'),
# Blender Render material nodes
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
blender_mat_input_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeMaterial', 'MATERIAL', 'Material'),
('ShaderNodeCameraData', 'CAMERA', 'Camera Data'),
('ShaderNodeLightData', 'LIGHT', 'Light Data'),
('ShaderNodeValue', 'VALUE', 'Value'),
('ShaderNodeRGB', 'RGB', 'RGB'),
('ShaderNodeTexture', 'TEXTURE', 'Texture'),
('ShaderNodeGeometry', 'GEOMETRY', 'Geometry'),
('ShaderNodeExtendedMaterial', 'MATERIAL_EXT', 'Extended Material'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
blender_mat_output_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeOutput', 'OUTPUT', 'Output'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
blender_mat_color_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeMixRGB', 'MIX_RGB', 'MixRGB'),
('ShaderNodeRGBCurve', 'CURVE_RGB', 'RGB Curves'),
('ShaderNodeInvert', 'INVERT', 'Invert'),
('ShaderNodeHueSaturation', 'HUE_SAT', 'Hue/Saturation'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
blender_mat_vector_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeNormal', 'NORMAL', 'Normal'),
('ShaderNodeMapping', 'MAPPING', 'Mapping'),
('ShaderNodeVectorCurve', 'CURVE_VEC', 'Vector Curves'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
blender_mat_converter_nodes_props = (
('ShaderNodeValToRGB', 'VALTORGB', 'ColorRamp'),
('ShaderNodeRGBToBW', 'RGBTOBW', 'RGB to BW'),
('ShaderNodeMath', 'MATH', 'Math'),
('ShaderNodeVectorMath', 'VECT_MATH', 'Vector Math'),
('ShaderNodeSqueeze', 'SQUEEZE', 'Squeeze Value'),
('ShaderNodeSeparateRGB', 'SEPRGB', 'Separate RGB'),
('ShaderNodeCombineRGB', 'COMBRGB', 'Combine RGB'),
('ShaderNodeSeparateHSV', 'SEPHSV', 'Separate HSV'),
('ShaderNodeCombineHSV', 'COMBHSV', 'Combine HSV'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
blender_mat_layout_nodes_props = (
('NodeReroute', 'REROUTE', 'Reroute'),
# Texture Nodes
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
texture_input_nodes_props = (
('TextureNodeCurveTime', 'CURVE_TIME', 'Curve Time'),
('TextureNodeCoordinates', 'COORD', 'Coordinates'),
('TextureNodeTexture', 'TEXTURE', 'Texture'),
('TextureNodeImage', 'IMAGE', 'Image'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
texture_output_nodes_props = (
('TextureNodeOutput', 'OUTPUT', 'Output'),
('TextureNodeViewer', 'VIEWER', 'Viewer'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
texture_color_nodes_props = (
('TextureNodeMixRGB', 'MIX_RGB', 'Mix RGB'),
('TextureNodeCurveRGB', 'CURVE_RGB', 'RGB Curves'),
('TextureNodeInvert', 'INVERT', 'Invert'),
('TextureNodeHueSaturation', 'HUE_SAT', 'Hue/Saturation'),
('TextureNodeCompose', 'COMPOSE', 'Combine RGBA'),
('TextureNodeDecompose', 'DECOMPOSE', 'Separate RGBA'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
texture_pattern_nodes_props = (
('TextureNodeChecker', 'CHECKER', 'Checker'),
('TextureNodeBricks', 'BRICKS', 'Bricks'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
texture_textures_nodes_props = (
('TextureNodeTexNoise', 'TEX_NOISE', 'Noise'),
('TextureNodeTexDistNoise', 'TEX_DISTNOISE', 'Distorted Noise'),
('TextureNodeTexClouds', 'TEX_CLOUDS', 'Clouds'),
('TextureNodeTexBlend', 'TEX_BLEND', 'Blend'),
('TextureNodeTexVoronoi', 'TEX_VORONOI', 'Voronoi'),
('TextureNodeTexMagic', 'TEX_MAGIC', 'Magic'),
('TextureNodeTexMarble', 'TEX_MARBLE', 'Marble'),
('TextureNodeTexWood', 'TEX_WOOD', 'Wood'),
('TextureNodeTexMusgrave', 'TEX_MUSGRAVE', 'Musgrave'),
('TextureNodeTexStucci', 'TEX_STUCCI', 'Stucci'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
texture_converter_nodes_props = (
('TextureNodeMath', 'MATH', 'Math'),
('TextureNodeValToRGB', 'VALTORGB', 'ColorRamp'),
('TextureNodeRGBToBW', 'RGBTOBW', 'RGB to BW'),
('TextureNodeValToNor', 'VALTONOR', 'Value to Normal'),
('TextureNodeDistance', 'DISTANCE', 'Distance'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
texture_distort_nodes_props = (
('TextureNodeScale', 'SCALE', 'Scale'),
('TextureNodeTranslate', 'TRANSLATE', 'Translate'),
('TextureNodeRotate', 'ROTATE', 'Rotate'),
('TextureNodeAt', 'AT', 'At'),
# (rna_type.identifier, type, rna_type.name)
# Keeping mixed case to avoid having to translate entries when adding new nodes in operators.
texture_layout_nodes_props = (
('NodeReroute', 'REROUTE', 'Reroute'),
# list of blend types of "Mix" nodes in a form that can be used as 'items' for EnumProperty.
# used list, not tuple for easy merging with other lists.
blend_types = [
('MIX', 'Mix', 'Mix Mode'),
('ADD', 'Add', 'Add Mode'),
('MULTIPLY', 'Multiply', 'Multiply Mode'),
('SUBTRACT', 'Subtract', 'Subtract Mode'),
('SCREEN', 'Screen', 'Screen Mode'),
('DIVIDE', 'Divide', 'Divide Mode'),
('DIFFERENCE', 'Difference', 'Difference Mode'),
('DARKEN', 'Darken', 'Darken Mode'),
('LIGHTEN', 'Lighten', 'Lighten Mode'),
('OVERLAY', 'Overlay', 'Overlay Mode'),
('DODGE', 'Dodge', 'Dodge Mode'),
('BURN', 'Burn', 'Burn Mode'),
('HUE', 'Hue', 'Hue Mode'),
('SATURATION', 'Saturation', 'Saturation Mode'),
('VALUE', 'Value', 'Value Mode'),
('COLOR', 'Color', 'Color Mode'),
('SOFT_LIGHT', 'Soft Light', 'Soft Light Mode'),
('LINEAR_LIGHT', 'Linear Light', 'Linear Light Mode'),
# list of operations of "Math" nodes in a form that can be used as 'items' for EnumProperty.
# used list, not tuple for easy merging with other lists.
operations = [
('ADD', 'Add', 'Add Mode'),
('SUBTRACT', 'Subtract', 'Subtract Mode'),
('MULTIPLY', 'Multiply', 'Multiply Mode'),
('DIVIDE', 'Divide', 'Divide Mode'),
('MULTIPLY_ADD', 'Multiply Add', 'Multiply Add Mode'),
('SINE', 'Sine', 'Sine Mode'),
('COSINE', 'Cosine', 'Cosine Mode'),
('TANGENT', 'Tangent', 'Tangent Mode'),
('ARCSINE', 'Arcsine', 'Arcsine Mode'),
('ARCCOSINE', 'Arccosine', 'Arccosine Mode'),
('ARCTANGENT', 'Arctangent', 'Arctangent Mode'),
('ARCTAN2', 'Arctan2', 'Arctan2 Mode'),
('SINH', 'Hyperbolic Sine', 'Hyperbolic Sine Mode'),
('COSH', 'Hyperbolic Cosine', 'Hyperbolic Cosine Mode'),
('TANH', 'Hyperbolic Tangent', 'Hyperbolic Tangent Mode'),
('POWER', 'Power', 'Power Mode'),
('LOGARITHM', 'Logarithm', 'Logarithm Mode'),
('SQRT', 'Square Root', 'Square Root Mode'),
('INVERSE_SQRT', 'Inverse Square Root', 'Inverse Square Root Mode'),
('EXPONENT', 'Exponent', 'Exponent Mode'),
('MINIMUM', 'Minimum', 'Minimum Mode'),
('MAXIMUM', 'Maximum', 'Maximum Mode'),
('LESS_THAN', 'Less Than', 'Less Than Mode'),
('GREATER_THAN', 'Greater Than', 'Greater Than Mode'),
('SIGN', 'Sign', 'Sign Mode'),
('COMPARE', 'Compare', 'Compare Mode'),
('SMOOTH_MIN', 'Smooth Minimum', 'Smooth Minimum Mode'),
('SMOOTH_MAX', 'Smooth Maximum', 'Smooth Maximum Mode'),
('FRACT', 'Fraction', 'Fraction Mode'),
('MODULO', 'Modulo', 'Modulo Mode'),
('SNAP', 'Snap', 'Snap Mode'),
('WRAP', 'Wrap', 'Wrap Mode'),
('PINGPONG', 'Pingpong', 'Pingpong Mode'),
('ABSOLUTE', 'Absolute', 'Absolute Mode'),
('ROUND', 'Round', 'Round Mode'),
('FLOOR', 'Floor', 'Floor Mode'),
('CEIL', 'Ceil', 'Ceil Mode'),
('TRUNCATE', 'Truncate', 'Truncate Mode'),
('RADIANS', 'To Radians', 'To Radians Mode'),
('DEGREES', 'To Degrees', 'To Degrees Mode'),
# Operations used by the geometry boolean node and join geometry node
geo_combine_operations = [
('JOIN', 'Join Geometry', 'Join Geometry Mode'),
('INTERSECT', 'Intersect', 'Intersect Mode'),
('UNION', 'Union', 'Union Mode'),
('DIFFERENCE', 'Difference', 'Difference Mode'),
# in NWBatchChangeNodes additional types/operations. Can be used as 'items' for EnumProperty.
# used list, not tuple for easy merging with other lists.
navs = [
('CURRENT', 'Current', 'Leave at current state'),
('NEXT', 'Next', 'Next blend type/operation'),
('PREV', 'Prev', 'Previous blend type/operation'),
draw_color_sets = {
"red_white": (
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7),
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7),
(0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
"green": (
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.38, 0.77, 0.38, 1.0),
(0.38, 0.77, 0.38, 1.0)
"yellow": (
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.77, 0.77, 0.16, 1.0),
(0.77, 0.77, 0.16, 1.0)
"purple": (
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.38, 0.38, 0.77, 1.0),
(0.38, 0.38, 0.77, 1.0)
"grey": (
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.63, 0.63, 0.63, 1.0),
(0.63, 0.63, 0.63, 1.0)
"black": (
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7),
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7),
(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
viewer_socket_name = "tmp_viewer"
def get_nodes_from_category(category_name, context):
for category in node_categories_iter(context):
if category.name == category_name:
return sorted(category.items(context), key=lambda node: node.label)
def is_visible_socket(socket):
return not socket.hide and socket.enabled and socket.type != 'CUSTOM'
def nice_hotkey_name(punc):
# convert the ugly string name into the actual character
pairs = (
('WHEELUPMOUSE', "Wheel Up"),
('WHEELDOWNMOUSE', "Wheel Down"),
('WHEELINMOUSE', "Wheel In"),
('WHEELOUTMOUSE', "Wheel Out"),
('ZERO', "0"),
('ONE', "1"),
('TWO', "2"),
('THREE', "3"),
('FOUR', "4"),
('FIVE', "5"),
('SIX', "6"),
('SEVEN', "7"),
('EIGHT', "8"),
('NINE', "9"),
('OSKEY', "Super"),
('RET', "Enter"),
('LINE_FEED', "Enter"),
('SEMI_COLON', ";"),
('PERIOD', "."),
('COMMA', ","),
('QUOTE', '"'),
('MINUS', "-"),
('SLASH', "/"),
('BACK_SLASH', "\\"),
('EQUAL', "="),
('NUMPAD_1', "Numpad 1"),
('NUMPAD_2', "Numpad 2"),
('NUMPAD_3', "Numpad 3"),
('NUMPAD_4', "Numpad 4"),
('NUMPAD_5', "Numpad 5"),
('NUMPAD_6', "Numpad 6"),
('NUMPAD_7', "Numpad 7"),
('NUMPAD_8', "Numpad 8"),
('NUMPAD_9', "Numpad 9"),
('NUMPAD_0', "Numpad 0"),
('NUMPAD_PERIOD', "Numpad ."),
('NUMPAD_SLASH', "Numpad /"),
('NUMPAD_ASTERIX', "Numpad *"),
('NUMPAD_MINUS', "Numpad -"),
('NUMPAD_ENTER', "Numpad Enter"),
('NUMPAD_PLUS', "Numpad +"),
nice_punc = False
for (ugly, nice) in pairs:
if punc == ugly:
nice_punc = nice
if not nice_punc:
nice_punc = punc.replace("_", " ").title()
return nice_punc
def force_update(context):
def dpifac():
prefs = bpy.context.preferences.system
return prefs.dpi * prefs.pixel_size / 72
def node_mid_pt(node, axis):
if axis == 'x':
d = node.location.x + (node.dimensions.x / 2)
elif axis == 'y':
d = node.location.y - (node.dimensions.y / 2)
d = 0
return d
def autolink(node1, node2, links):
link_made = False
available_inputs = [inp for inp in node2.inputs if inp.enabled]
available_outputs = [outp for outp in node1.outputs if outp.enabled]
for outp in available_outputs:
for inp in available_inputs:
if not inp.is_linked and inp.name == outp.name:
link_made = True
links.new(outp, inp)
return True
for outp in available_outputs:
for inp in available_inputs:
if not inp.is_linked and inp.type == outp.type:
link_made = True
links.new(outp, inp)
return True
# force some connection even if the type doesn't match
if available_outputs:
for inp in available_inputs:
if not inp.is_linked:
link_made = True
links.new(available_outputs[0], inp)
return True
# even if no sockets are open, force one of matching type
for outp in available_outputs:
for inp in available_inputs:
if inp.type == outp.type:
link_made = True
links.new(outp, inp)
return True
# do something!
for outp in available_outputs:
for inp in available_inputs:
link_made = True
links.new(outp, inp)
return True
print("Could not make a link from " + node1.name + " to " + node2.name)
return link_made
def node_at_pos(nodes, context, event):
nodes_near_mouse = []
nodes_under_mouse = []
target_node = None
store_mouse_cursor(context, event)
x, y = context.space_data.cursor_location
x = x
y = y
# Make a list of each corner (and middle of border) for each node.
# Will be sorted to find nearest point and thus nearest node
node_points_with_dist = []
for node in nodes:
skipnode = False
if node.type != 'FRAME': # no point trying to link to a frame node
locx = node.location.x
locy = node.location.y
dimx = node.dimensions.x/dpifac()
dimy = node.dimensions.y/dpifac()
if node.parent:
locx += node.parent.location.x
locy += node.parent.location.y
if node.parent.parent:
locx += node.parent.parent.location.x
locy += node.parent.parent.location.y
if node.parent.parent.parent:
locx += node.parent.parent.parent.location.x
locy += node.parent.parent.parent.location.y
if node.parent.parent.parent.parent:
# Support three levels or parenting
# There's got to be a better way to do this...
skipnode = True
if not skipnode:
node_points_with_dist.append([node, hypot(x - locx, y - locy)]) # Top Left
node_points_with_dist.append([node, hypot(x - (locx + dimx), y - locy)]) # Top Right
node_points_with_dist.append([node, hypot(x - locx, y - (locy - dimy))]) # Bottom Left
node_points_with_dist.append([node, hypot(x - (locx + dimx), y - (locy - dimy))]) # Bottom Right
node_points_with_dist.append([node, hypot(x - (locx + (dimx / 2)), y - locy)]) # Mid Top
node_points_with_dist.append([node, hypot(x - (locx + (dimx / 2)), y - (locy - dimy))]) # Mid Bottom
node_points_with_dist.append([node, hypot(x - locx, y - (locy - (dimy / 2)))]) # Mid Left
node_points_with_dist.append([node, hypot(x - (locx + dimx), y - (locy - (dimy / 2)))]) # Mid Right
nearest_node = sorted(node_points_with_dist, key=lambda k: k[1])[0][0]
for node in nodes:
if node.type != 'FRAME' and skipnode == False:
locx = node.location.x
locy = node.location.y
dimx = node.dimensions.x/dpifac()
dimy = node.dimensions.y/dpifac()
if node.parent:
locx += node.parent.location.x
locy += node.parent.location.y
if (locx <= x <= locx + dimx) and \
(locy - dimy <= y <= locy):
if len(nodes_under_mouse) == 1:
if nodes_under_mouse[0] != nearest_node:
target_node = nodes_under_mouse[0] # use the node under the mouse if there is one and only one
target_node = nearest_node # else use the nearest node
target_node = nearest_node
return target_node
def store_mouse_cursor(context, event):
space = context.space_data
v2d = context.region.view2d
tree = space.edit_tree
# convert mouse position to the View2D for later node placement
if context.region.type == 'WINDOW':
space.cursor_location_from_region(event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)
space.cursor_location = tree.view_center
def draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, size, colour=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7)):
shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('2D_SMOOTH_COLOR')
vertices = ((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
vertex_colors = ((colour[0]+(1.0-colour[0])/4,
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'LINE_STRIP', {"pos": vertices, "color": vertex_colors})
bgl.glLineWidth(size * dpifac())
def draw_circle_2d_filled(shader, mx, my, radius, colour=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7)):
radius = radius * dpifac()
sides = 12
vertices = [(radius * cos(i * 2 * pi / sides) + mx,
radius * sin(i * 2 * pi / sides) + my)
for i in range(sides + 1)]
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRI_FAN', {"pos": vertices})
shader.uniform_float("color", colour)
def draw_rounded_node_border(shader, node, radius=8, colour=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7)):
area_width = bpy.context.area.width - (16*dpifac()) - 1
bottom_bar = (16*dpifac()) + 1
sides = 16
radius = radius*dpifac()
nlocx = (node.location.x+1)*dpifac()
nlocy = (node.location.y+1)*dpifac()
ndimx = node.dimensions.x
ndimy = node.dimensions.y
# This is a stupid way to do this... TODO use while loop
if node.parent:
nlocx += node.parent.location.x
nlocy += node.parent.location.y
if node.parent.parent:
nlocx += node.parent.parent.location.x
nlocy += node.parent.parent.location.y
if node.parent.parent.parent:
nlocx += node.parent.parent.parent.location.x
nlocy += node.parent.parent.parent.location.y
if node.hide:
nlocx += -1
nlocy += 5
if node.type == 'REROUTE':
#nlocx += 1
nlocy -= 1
ndimx = 0
ndimy = 0
radius += 6
# Top left corner
mx, my = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx, nlocy, clip=False)
vertices = [(mx,my)]
for i in range(sides+1):
if (4<=i<=8):
if my > bottom_bar and mx < area_width:
cosine = radius * cos(i * 2 * pi / sides) + mx
sine = radius * sin(i * 2 * pi / sides) + my
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRI_FAN', {"pos": vertices})
shader.uniform_float("color", colour)
# Top right corner
mx, my = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx + ndimx, nlocy, clip=False)
vertices = [(mx,my)]
for i in range(sides+1):
if (0<=i<=4):
if my > bottom_bar and mx < area_width:
cosine = radius * cos(i * 2 * pi / sides) + mx
sine = radius * sin(i * 2 * pi / sides) + my
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRI_FAN', {"pos": vertices})
shader.uniform_float("color", colour)
# Bottom left corner
mx, my = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx, nlocy - ndimy, clip=False)
vertices = [(mx,my)]
for i in range(sides+1):
if (8<=i<=12):
if my > bottom_bar and mx < area_width:
cosine = radius * cos(i * 2 * pi / sides) + mx
sine = radius * sin(i * 2 * pi / sides) + my
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRI_FAN', {"pos": vertices})
shader.uniform_float("color", colour)
# Bottom right corner
mx, my = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx + ndimx, nlocy - ndimy, clip=False)
vertices = [(mx,my)]
for i in range(sides+1):
if (12<=i<=16):
if my > bottom_bar and mx < area_width:
cosine = radius * cos(i * 2 * pi / sides) + mx
sine = radius * sin(i * 2 * pi / sides) + my
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRI_FAN', {"pos": vertices})
shader.uniform_float("color", colour)
# prepare drawing all edges in one batch
vertices = []
indices = []
id_last = 0
# Left edge
m1x, m1y = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx, nlocy, clip=False)
m2x, m2y = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx, nlocy - ndimy, clip=False)
if m1x < area_width and m2x < area_width:
vertices.extend([(m2x-radius,m2y), (m2x,m2y),
(m1x,m1y), (m1x-radius,m1y)])
indices.extend([(id_last, id_last+1, id_last+3),
(id_last+3, id_last+1, id_last+2)])
id_last += 4
# Top edge
m1x, m1y = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx, nlocy, clip=False)
m2x, m2y = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx + ndimx, nlocy, clip=False)
m1x = min(m1x, area_width)
m2x = min(m2x, area_width)
if m1y > bottom_bar and m2y > bottom_bar:
vertices.extend([(m1x,m1y), (m2x,m1y),
(m2x,m1y+radius), (m1x,m1y+radius)])
indices.extend([(id_last, id_last+1, id_last+3),
(id_last+3, id_last+1, id_last+2)])
id_last += 4
# Right edge
m1x, m1y = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx + ndimx, nlocy, clip=False)
m2x, m2y = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx + ndimx, nlocy - ndimy, clip=False)
m1y = max(m1y, bottom_bar)
m2y = max(m2y, bottom_bar)
if m1x < area_width and m2x < area_width:
vertices.extend([(m1x,m2y), (m1x+radius,m2y),
(m1x+radius,m1y), (m1x,m1y)])
indices.extend([(id_last, id_last+1, id_last+3),
(id_last+3, id_last+1, id_last+2)])
id_last += 4
# Bottom edge
m1x, m1y = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx, nlocy-ndimy, clip=False)
m2x, m2y = bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(nlocx + ndimx, nlocy-ndimy, clip=False)
m1x = min(m1x, area_width)
m2x = min(m2x, area_width)
if m1y > bottom_bar and m2y > bottom_bar:
vertices.extend([(m1x,m2y), (m2x,m2y),
(m2x,m1y-radius), (m1x,m1y-radius)])
indices.extend([(id_last, id_last+1, id_last+3),
(id_last+3, id_last+1, id_last+2)])
# now draw all edges in one batch
if len(vertices) != 0:
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRIS', {"pos": vertices}, indices=indices)
shader.uniform_float("color", colour)
def draw_callback_nodeoutline(self, context, mode):
if self.mouse_path:
bgl.glHint(bgl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, bgl.GL_NICEST)
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('2D_UNIFORM_COLOR')
if mode == "LINK":
col_outer = (1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4)
col_inner = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
col_circle_inner = (0.3, 0.05, 0.05, 1.0)
elif mode == "LINKMENU":
col_outer = (0.4, 0.6, 1.0, 0.4)
col_inner = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
col_circle_inner = (0.08, 0.15, .3, 1.0)
elif mode == "MIX":
col_outer = (0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 0.4)
col_inner = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
col_circle_inner = (0.05, 0.3, 0.05, 1.0)
m1x = self.mouse_path[0][0]
m1y = self.mouse_path[0][1]
m2x = self.mouse_path[-1][0]
m2y = self.mouse_path[-1][1]
n1 = nodes[context.scene.NWLazySource]
n2 = nodes[context.scene.NWLazyTarget]
if n1 == n2:
col_outer = (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
col_inner = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
col_circle_inner = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
draw_rounded_node_border(shader, n1, radius=6, colour=col_outer) # outline
draw_rounded_node_border(shader, n1, radius=5, colour=col_inner) # inner
draw_rounded_node_border(shader, n2, radius=6, colour=col_outer) # outline
draw_rounded_node_border(shader, n2, radius=5, colour=col_inner) # inner
draw_line(m1x, m1y, m2x, m2y, 5, col_outer) # line outline
draw_line(m1x, m1y, m2x, m2y, 2, col_inner) # line inner
# circle outline
draw_circle_2d_filled(shader, m1x, m1y, 7, col_outer)
draw_circle_2d_filled(shader, m2x, m2y, 7, col_outer)
# circle inner
draw_circle_2d_filled(shader, m1x, m1y, 5, col_circle_inner)
draw_circle_2d_filled(shader, m2x, m2y, 5, col_circle_inner)
def get_active_tree(context):
tree = context.space_data.node_tree
path = []
# Get nodes from currently edited tree.
# If user is editing a group, space_data.node_tree is still the base level (outside group).
# context.active_node is in the group though, so if space_data.node_tree.nodes.active is not
# the same as context.active_node, the user is in a group.
# Check recursively until we find the real active node_tree:
if tree.nodes.active:
while tree.nodes.active != context.active_node:
tree = tree.nodes.active.node_tree
return tree, path
def get_nodes_links(context):
tree, path = get_active_tree(context)
return tree.nodes, tree.links
def is_viewer_socket(socket):
# checks if a internal socket is a valid viewer socket
return socket.name == viewer_socket_name and socket.NWViewerSocket
def get_internal_socket(socket):
#get the internal socket from a socket inside or outside the group
node = socket.node
if node.type == 'GROUP_OUTPUT':
source_iterator = node.inputs
iterator = node.id_data.outputs
elif node.type == 'GROUP_INPUT':
source_iterator = node.outputs
iterator = node.id_data.inputs
elif hasattr(node, "node_tree"):
if socket.is_output:
source_iterator = node.outputs
iterator = node.node_tree.outputs
source_iterator = node.inputs
iterator = node.node_tree.inputs
return None
for i, s in enumerate(source_iterator):
if s == socket:
return iterator[i]
def is_viewer_link(link, output_node):
if "Emission Viewer" in link.to_node.name or link.to_node == output_node and link.to_socket == output_node.inputs[0]:
return True
if link.to_node.type == 'GROUP_OUTPUT':
socket = get_internal_socket(link.to_socket)
if is_viewer_socket(socket):
return True
return False
def get_group_output_node(tree):
for node in tree.nodes:
if node.type == 'GROUP_OUTPUT' and node.is_active_output == True:
return node
def get_output_location(tree):
# get right-most location
sorted_by_xloc = (sorted(tree.nodes, key=lambda x: x.location.x))
max_xloc_node = sorted_by_xloc[-1]
if max_xloc_node.name == 'Emission Viewer':
max_xloc_node = sorted_by_xloc[-2]
# get average y location
sum_yloc = 0
for node in tree.nodes:
sum_yloc += node.location.y
loc_x = max_xloc_node.location.x + max_xloc_node.dimensions.x + 80
loc_y = sum_yloc / len(tree.nodes)
return loc_x, loc_y
# Principled prefs
class NWPrincipledPreferences(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
base_color: StringProperty(
name='Base Color',
default='diffuse diff albedo base col color',
description='Naming Components for Base Color maps')
sss_color: StringProperty(
name='Subsurface Color',
default='sss subsurface',
description='Naming Components for Subsurface Color maps')
metallic: StringProperty(
default='metallic metalness metal mtl',
description='Naming Components for metallness maps')
specular: StringProperty(
default='specularity specular spec spc',
description='Naming Components for Specular maps')
normal: StringProperty(
default='normal nor nrm nrml norm',
description='Naming Components for Normal maps')
bump: StringProperty(
default='bump bmp',
description='Naming Components for bump maps')
rough: StringProperty(
default='roughness rough rgh',
description='Naming Components for roughness maps')
gloss: StringProperty(
default='gloss glossy glossiness',
description='Naming Components for glossy maps')
displacement: StringProperty(
default='displacement displace disp dsp height heightmap',
description='Naming Components for displacement maps')
# Addon prefs
class NWNodeWrangler(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
bl_idname = __name__
merge_hide: EnumProperty(
name="Hide Mix nodes",
("ALWAYS", "Always", "Always collapse the new merge nodes"),
("NON_SHADER", "Non-Shader", "Collapse in all cases except for shaders"),
("NEVER", "Never", "Never collapse the new merge nodes")
description="When merging nodes with the Ctrl+Numpad0 hotkey (and similar) specify whether to collapse them or show the full node with options expanded")
merge_position: EnumProperty(
name="Mix Node Position",
("CENTER", "Center", "Place the Mix node between the two nodes"),
("BOTTOM", "Bottom", "Place the Mix node at the same height as the lowest node")
description="When merging nodes with the Ctrl+Numpad0 hotkey (and similar) specify the position of the new nodes")
show_hotkey_list: BoolProperty(
name="Show Hotkey List",
description="Expand this box into a list of all the hotkeys for functions in this addon"
hotkey_list_filter: StringProperty(
name=" Filter by Name",
description="Show only hotkeys that have this text in their name"
show_principled_lists: BoolProperty(
name="Show Principled naming tags",
description="Expand this box into a list of all naming tags for principled texture setup"
principled_tags: bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=NWPrincipledPreferences)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
col = layout.column()
col.prop(self, "merge_position")
col.prop(self, "merge_hide")
box = layout.box()
col = box.column(align=True)
col.prop(self, "show_principled_lists", text='Edit tags for auto texture detection in Principled BSDF setup', toggle=True)
if self.show_principled_lists:
tags = self.principled_tags
col.prop(tags, "base_color")
col.prop(tags, "sss_color")
col.prop(tags, "metallic")
col.prop(tags, "specular")
col.prop(tags, "rough")
col.prop(tags, "gloss")
col.prop(tags, "normal")
col.prop(tags, "bump")
col.prop(tags, "displacement")
box = layout.box()
col = box.column(align=True)
hotkey_button_name = "Show Hotkey List"
if self.show_hotkey_list:
hotkey_button_name = "Hide Hotkey List"
col.prop(self, "show_hotkey_list", text=hotkey_button_name, toggle=True)
if self.show_hotkey_list:
col.prop(self, "hotkey_list_filter", icon="VIEWZOOM")
for hotkey in kmi_defs:
if hotkey[7]:
hotkey_name = hotkey[7]
if self.hotkey_list_filter.lower() in hotkey_name.lower():
row = col.row(align=True)
keystr = nice_hotkey_name(hotkey[1])
if hotkey[4]:
keystr = "Shift " + keystr
if hotkey[5]:
keystr = "Alt " + keystr
if hotkey[3]:
keystr = "Ctrl " + keystr
def nw_check(context):
space = context.space_data
valid_trees = ["ShaderNodeTree", "CompositorNodeTree", "TextureNodeTree", "GeometryNodeTree"]
valid = False
if space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and space.node_tree is not None and space.tree_type in valid_trees:
valid = True
return valid
class NWBase:
def poll(cls, context):
return nw_check(context)
class NWLazyMix(Operator, NWBase):
"""Add a Mix RGB/Shader node by interactively drawing lines between nodes"""
bl_idname = "node.nw_lazy_mix"
bl_label = "Mix Nodes"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def modal(self, context, event):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
cont = True
start_pos = [event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y]
node1 = None
if not context.scene.NWBusyDrawing:
node1 = node_at_pos(nodes, context, event)
if node1:
context.scene.NWBusyDrawing = node1.name
if context.scene.NWBusyDrawing != 'STOP':
node1 = nodes[context.scene.NWBusyDrawing]
context.scene.NWLazySource = node1.name
context.scene.NWLazyTarget = node_at_pos(nodes, context, event).name
if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE':
self.mouse_path.append((event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y))
elif event.type == 'RIGHTMOUSE' and event.value == 'RELEASE':
end_pos = [event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y]
bpy.types.SpaceNodeEditor.draw_handler_remove(self._handle, 'WINDOW')
node2 = None
node2 = node_at_pos(nodes, context, event)
if node2:
context.scene.NWBusyDrawing = node2.name
if node1 == node2:
cont = False
if cont:
if node1 and node2:
for node in nodes:
node.select = False
node1.select = True
node2.select = True
bpy.ops.node.nw_merge_nodes(mode="MIX", merge_type="AUTO")
context.scene.NWBusyDrawing = ""
return {'FINISHED'}
elif event.type == 'ESC':
bpy.types.SpaceNodeEditor.draw_handler_remove(self._handle, 'WINDOW')
return {'CANCELLED'}
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
if context.area.type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
# the arguments we pass the the callback
args = (self, context, 'MIX')
# Add the region OpenGL drawing callback
# draw in view space with 'POST_VIEW' and 'PRE_VIEW'
self._handle = bpy.types.SpaceNodeEditor.draw_handler_add(draw_callback_nodeoutline, args, 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL')
self.mouse_path = []
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
self.report({'WARNING'}, "View3D not found, cannot run operator")
return {'CANCELLED'}
class NWLazyConnect(Operator, NWBase):
"""Connect two nodes without clicking a specific socket (automatically determined"""
bl_idname = "node.nw_lazy_connect"
bl_label = "Lazy Connect"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
with_menu: BoolProperty()
def modal(self, context, event):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
cont = True
start_pos = [event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y]
node1 = None
if not context.scene.NWBusyDrawing:
node1 = node_at_pos(nodes, context, event)
if node1:
context.scene.NWBusyDrawing = node1.name
if context.scene.NWBusyDrawing != 'STOP':
node1 = nodes[context.scene.NWBusyDrawing]
context.scene.NWLazySource = node1.name
context.scene.NWLazyTarget = node_at_pos(nodes, context, event).name
if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE':
self.mouse_path.append((event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y))
elif event.type == 'RIGHTMOUSE' and event.value == 'RELEASE':
end_pos = [event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y]
bpy.types.SpaceNodeEditor.draw_handler_remove(self._handle, 'WINDOW')
node2 = None
node2 = node_at_pos(nodes, context, event)
if node2:
context.scene.NWBusyDrawing = node2.name
if node1 == node2:
cont = False
link_success = False
if cont:
if node1 and node2:
original_sel = []
original_unsel = []
for node in nodes:
if node.select == True:
node.select = False
node1.select = True
node2.select = True
#link_success = autolink(node1, node2, links)
if self.with_menu:
if len(node1.outputs) > 1 and node2.inputs:
bpy.ops.wm.call_menu("INVOKE_DEFAULT", name=NWConnectionListOutputs.bl_idname)
elif len(node1.outputs) == 1:
link_success = autolink(node1, node2, links)
for node in original_sel:
node.select = True
for node in original_unsel:
node.select = False
if link_success:
context.scene.NWBusyDrawing = ""
return {'FINISHED'}
elif event.type == 'ESC':
bpy.types.SpaceNodeEditor.draw_handler_remove(self._handle, 'WINDOW')
return {'CANCELLED'}
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
if context.area.type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
node = node_at_pos(nodes, context, event)
if node:
context.scene.NWBusyDrawing = node.name
# the arguments we pass the the callback
mode = "LINK"
if self.with_menu:
mode = "LINKMENU"
args = (self, context, mode)
# Add the region OpenGL drawing callback
# draw in view space with 'POST_VIEW' and 'PRE_VIEW'
self._handle = bpy.types.SpaceNodeEditor.draw_handler_add(draw_callback_nodeoutline, args, 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL')
self.mouse_path = []
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
self.report({'WARNING'}, "View3D not found, cannot run operator")
return {'CANCELLED'}
class NWDeleteUnused(Operator, NWBase):
"""Delete all nodes whose output is not used"""
bl_idname = 'node.nw_del_unused'
bl_label = 'Delete Unused Nodes'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
delete_muted: BoolProperty(name="Delete Muted", description="Delete (but reconnect, like Ctrl-X) all muted nodes", default=True)
delete_frames: BoolProperty(name="Delete Empty Frames", description="Delete all frames that have no nodes inside them", default=True)
def is_unused_node(self, node):
if node.type in end_types:
return False
for output in node.outputs:
if output.links:
return False
return True
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
if context.space_data.node_tree.nodes:
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
# Store selection
selection = []
for node in nodes:
if node.select == True:
for node in nodes:
node.select = False
deleted_nodes = []
temp_deleted_nodes = []
del_unused_iterations = len(nodes)
for it in range(0, del_unused_iterations):
temp_deleted_nodes = list(deleted_nodes) # keep record of last iteration
for node in nodes:
if self.is_unused_node(node):
node.select = True
if temp_deleted_nodes == deleted_nodes: # stop iterations when there are no more nodes to be deleted
if self.delete_frames:
repeat = True
while repeat:
frames_in_use = []
frames = []
repeat = False
for node in nodes:
if node.parent:
for node in nodes:
if node.type == 'FRAME' and node not in frames_in_use:
if node.parent:
repeat = True # repeat for nested frames
for node in frames:
if node not in frames_in_use:
node.select = True
if self.delete_muted:
for node in nodes:
if node.mute:
node.select = True
# get unique list of deleted nodes (iterations would count the same node more than once)
deleted_nodes = list(set(deleted_nodes))
for n in deleted_nodes:
self.report({'INFO'}, "Node " + n + " deleted")
num_deleted = len(deleted_nodes)
n = ' node'
if num_deleted > 1:
n += 's'
if num_deleted:
self.report({'INFO'}, "Deleted " + str(num_deleted) + n)
self.report({'INFO'}, "Nothing deleted")
# Restore selection
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
for node in nodes:
if node.name in selection:
node.select = True
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_confirm(self, event)
class NWSwapLinks(Operator, NWBase):
"""Swap the output connections of the two selected nodes, or two similar inputs of a single node"""
bl_idname = 'node.nw_swap_links'
bl_label = 'Swap Links'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
if context.selected_nodes:
valid = len(context.selected_nodes) <= 2
return valid
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
selected_nodes = context.selected_nodes
n1 = selected_nodes[0]
# Swap outputs
if len(selected_nodes) == 2:
n2 = selected_nodes[1]
if n1.outputs and n2.outputs:
n1_outputs = []
n2_outputs = []
out_index = 0
for output in n1.outputs:
if output.links:
for link in output.links:
n1_outputs.append([out_index, link.to_socket])
out_index += 1
out_index = 0
for output in n2.outputs:
if output.links:
for link in output.links:
n2_outputs.append([out_index, link.to_socket])
out_index += 1
for connection in n1_outputs:
links.new(n2.outputs[connection[0]], connection[1])
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Some connections have been lost due to differing numbers of output sockets")
for connection in n2_outputs:
links.new(n1.outputs[connection[0]], connection[1])
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Some connections have been lost due to differing numbers of output sockets")
if n1.outputs or n2.outputs:
self.report({'WARNING'}, "One of the nodes has no outputs!")
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Neither of the nodes have outputs!")
# Swap Inputs
elif len(selected_nodes) == 1:
if n1.inputs and n1.inputs[0].is_multi_input:
self.report({'WARNING'}, "Can't swap inputs of a multi input socket!")
return {'FINISHED'}
if n1.inputs:
types = []
for i1 in n1.inputs:
if i1.is_linked and not i1.is_multi_input:
similar_types = 0
for i2 in n1.inputs:
if i1.type == i2.type and i2.is_linked and not i2.is_multi_input:
similar_types += 1
types.append ([i1, similar_types, i])
i += 1
types.sort(key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
if types:
t = types[0]
if t[1] == 2:
for i2 in n1.inputs:
if t[0].type == i2.type == t[0].type and t[0] != i2 and i2.is_linked:
pair = [t[0], i2]
i1f = pair[0].links[0].from_socket
i1t = pair[0].links[0].to_socket
i2f = pair[1].links[0].from_socket
i2t = pair[1].links[0].to_socket
links.new(i1f, i2t)
links.new(i2f, i1t)
if t[1] == 1:
if len(types) == 1:
fs = t[0].links[0].from_socket
i = t[2]
if i+1 == len(n1.inputs):
i = -1
i += 1
while n1.inputs[i].is_linked:
i += 1
links.new(fs, n1.inputs[i])
elif len(types) == 2:
i1f = types[0][0].links[0].from_socket
i1t = types[0][0].links[0].to_socket
i2f = types[1][0].links[0].from_socket
i2t = types[1][0].links[0].to_socket
links.new(i1f, i2t)
links.new(i2f, i1t)
self.report({'WARNING'}, "This node has no input connections to swap!")
self.report({'WARNING'}, "This node has no inputs to swap!")
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWResetBG(Operator, NWBase):
"""Reset the zoom and position of the background image"""
bl_idname = 'node.nw_bg_reset'
bl_label = 'Reset Backdrop'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
snode = context.space_data
valid = snode.tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree'
return valid
def execute(self, context):
context.space_data.backdrop_zoom = 1
context.space_data.backdrop_offset[0] = 0
context.space_data.backdrop_offset[1] = 0
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWAddAttrNode(Operator, NWBase):
"""Add an Attribute node with this name"""
bl_idname = 'node.nw_add_attr_node'
bl_label = 'Add UV map'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
attr_name: StringProperty()
def execute(self, context):
bpy.ops.node.add_node('INVOKE_DEFAULT', use_transform=True, type="ShaderNodeAttribute")
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
nodes.active.attribute_name = self.attr_name
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWPreviewNode(Operator, NWBase):
bl_idname = "node.nw_preview_node"
bl_label = "Preview Node"
bl_description = "Connect active node to Emission Shader for shadeless previews, or to the geometry node tree's output"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
# If false, the operator is not executed if the current node group happens to be a geometry nodes group.
# This is needed because geometry nodes has its own viewer node that uses the same shortcut as in the compositor.
# Geometry Nodes support can be removed here once the viewer node is supported in the viewport.
run_in_geometry_nodes: BoolProperty(default=True)
def __init__(self):
self.shader_output_type = ""
self.shader_output_ident = ""
self.shader_viewer_ident = ""
def poll(cls, context):
if nw_check(context):
space = context.space_data
if space.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree' or space.tree_type == 'GeometryNodeTree':
if context.active_node:
if context.active_node.type != "OUTPUT_MATERIAL" or context.active_node.type != "OUTPUT_WORLD":
return True
return True
return False
def ensure_viewer_socket(self, node, socket_type, connect_socket=None):
#check if a viewer output already exists in a node group otherwise create
if hasattr(node, "node_tree"):
index = None
if len(node.node_tree.outputs):
free_socket = None
for i, socket in enumerate(node.node_tree.outputs):
if is_viewer_socket(socket) and is_visible_socket(node.outputs[i]) and socket.type == socket_type:
#if viewer output is already used but leads to the same socket we can still use it
is_used = self.is_socket_used_other_mats(socket)
if is_used:
if connect_socket == None:
groupout = get_group_output_node(node.node_tree)
groupout_input = groupout.inputs[i]
links = groupout_input.links
if connect_socket not in [link.from_socket for link in links]:
if not free_socket:
free_socket = i
if not index and free_socket:
index = free_socket
if not index:
#create viewer socket
node.node_tree.outputs.new(socket_type, viewer_socket_name)
index = len(node.node_tree.outputs) - 1
node.node_tree.outputs[index].NWViewerSocket = True
return index
def init_shader_variables(self, space, shader_type):
if shader_type == 'OBJECT':
if space.id not in [light for light in bpy.data.lights]: # cannot use bpy.data.lights directly as iterable
self.shader_output_type = "OUTPUT_MATERIAL"
self.shader_output_ident = "ShaderNodeOutputMaterial"
self.shader_viewer_ident = "ShaderNodeEmission"
self.shader_output_type = "OUTPUT_LIGHT"
self.shader_output_ident = "ShaderNodeOutputLight"
self.shader_viewer_ident = "ShaderNodeEmission"
elif shader_type == 'WORLD':
self.shader_output_type = "OUTPUT_WORLD"
self.shader_output_ident = "ShaderNodeOutputWorld"
self.shader_viewer_ident = "ShaderNodeBackground"
def get_shader_output_node(self, tree):
for node in tree.nodes:
if node.type == self.shader_output_type and node.is_active_output == True:
return node
def ensure_group_output(cls, tree):
#check if a group output node exists otherwise create
groupout = get_group_output_node(tree)
if not groupout:
groupout = tree.nodes.new('NodeGroupOutput')
loc_x, loc_y = get_output_location(tree)
groupout.location.x = loc_x
groupout.location.y = loc_y
groupout.select = False
# So that we don't keep on adding new group outputs
groupout.is_active_output = True
return groupout
def search_sockets(cls, node, sockets, index=None):
# recursively scan nodes for viewer sockets and store in list
for i, input_socket in enumerate(node.inputs):
if index and i != index:
if len(input_socket.links):
link = input_socket.links[0]
next_node = link.from_node
external_socket = link.from_socket
if hasattr(next_node, "node_tree"):
for socket_index, s in enumerate(next_node.outputs):
if s == external_socket:
socket = next_node.node_tree.outputs[socket_index]
if is_viewer_socket(socket) and socket not in sockets:
#continue search inside of node group but restrict socket to where we came from
groupout = get_group_output_node(next_node.node_tree)
cls.search_sockets(groupout, sockets, index=socket_index)
def scan_nodes(cls, tree, sockets):
# get all viewer sockets in a material tree
for node in tree.nodes:
if hasattr(node, "node_tree"):
for socket in node.node_tree.outputs:
if is_viewer_socket(socket) and (socket not in sockets):
cls.scan_nodes(node.node_tree, sockets)
def link_leads_to_used_socket(self, link):
#return True if link leads to a socket that is already used in this material
socket = get_internal_socket(link.to_socket)
return (socket and self.is_socket_used_active_mat(socket))
def is_socket_used_active_mat(self, socket):
#ensure used sockets in active material is calculated and check given socket
if not hasattr(self, "used_viewer_sockets_active_mat"):
self.used_viewer_sockets_active_mat = []
materialout = self.get_shader_output_node(bpy.context.space_data.node_tree)
if materialout:
emission = self.get_viewer_node(materialout)
self.search_sockets((emission if emission else materialout), self.used_viewer_sockets_active_mat)
return socket in self.used_viewer_sockets_active_mat
def is_socket_used_other_mats(self, socket):
#ensure used sockets in other materials are calculated and check given socket
if not hasattr(self, "used_viewer_sockets_other_mats"):
self.used_viewer_sockets_other_mats = []
for mat in bpy.data.materials:
if mat.node_tree == bpy.context.space_data.node_tree or not hasattr(mat.node_tree, "nodes"):
# get viewer node
materialout = self.get_shader_output_node(mat.node_tree)
if materialout:
emission = self.get_viewer_node(materialout)
self.search_sockets((emission if emission else materialout), self.used_viewer_sockets_other_mats)
return socket in self.used_viewer_sockets_other_mats
def get_viewer_node(materialout):
input_socket = materialout.inputs[0]
if len(input_socket.links) > 0:
node = input_socket.links[0].from_node
if node.type == 'EMISSION' and node.name == "Emission Viewer":
return node
def invoke(self, context, event):
space = context.space_data
# Ignore operator when running in wrong context.
if self.run_in_geometry_nodes != (space.tree_type == "GeometryNodeTree"):
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
shader_type = space.shader_type
self.init_shader_variables(space, shader_type)
shader_types = [x[1] for x in shaders_shader_nodes_props]
mlocx = event.mouse_region_x
mlocy = event.mouse_region_y
select_node = bpy.ops.node.select(mouse_x=mlocx, mouse_y=mlocy, extend=False)
if 'FINISHED' in select_node: # only run if mouse click is on a node
active_tree, path_to_tree = get_active_tree(context)
nodes, links = active_tree.nodes, active_tree.links
base_node_tree = space.node_tree
active = nodes.active
# For geometry node trees we just connect to the group output,
# because there is no "viewer node" yet.
if space.tree_type == "GeometryNodeTree":
valid = False
if active:
for out in active.outputs:
if is_visible_socket(out):
valid = True
# Exit early
if not valid:
return {'FINISHED'}
delete_sockets = []
# Scan through all nodes in tree including nodes inside of groups to find viewer sockets
self.scan_nodes(base_node_tree, delete_sockets)
# Find (or create if needed) the output of this node tree
geometryoutput = self.ensure_group_output(base_node_tree)
# Analyze outputs, make links
out_i = None
valid_outputs = []
for i, out in enumerate(active.outputs):
if is_visible_socket(out) and out.type == 'GEOMETRY':
if valid_outputs:
out_i = valid_outputs[0] # Start index of node's outputs
for i, valid_i in enumerate(valid_outputs):
for out_link in active.outputs[valid_i].links:
if is_viewer_link(out_link, geometryoutput):
if nodes == base_node_tree.nodes or self.link_leads_to_used_socket(out_link):
if i < len(valid_outputs) - 1:
out_i = valid_outputs[i + 1]
out_i = valid_outputs[0]
make_links = [] # store sockets for new links
delete_nodes = [] # store unused nodes to delete in the end
if active.outputs:
# If there is no 'GEOMETRY' output type - We can't preview the node
if out_i is None:
return {'FINISHED'}
socket_type = 'GEOMETRY'
# Find an input socket of the output of type geometry
geometryoutindex = None
for i,inp in enumerate(geometryoutput.inputs):
if inp.type == socket_type:
geometryoutindex = i
if geometryoutindex is None:
# Create geometry socket
geometryoutput.inputs.new(socket_type, 'Geometry')
geometryoutindex = len(geometryoutput.inputs) - 1
make_links.append((active.outputs[out_i], geometryoutput.inputs[geometryoutindex]))
output_socket = geometryoutput.inputs[geometryoutindex]
for li_from, li_to in make_links:
base_node_tree.links.new(li_from, li_to)
tree = base_node_tree
link_end = output_socket
while tree.nodes.active != active:
node = tree.nodes.active
index = self.ensure_viewer_socket(node,'NodeSocketGeometry', connect_socket=active.outputs[out_i] if node.node_tree.nodes.active == active else None)
link_start = node.outputs[index]
node_socket = node.node_tree.outputs[index]
if node_socket in delete_sockets:
tree.links.new(link_start, link_end)
# Iterate
link_end = self.ensure_group_output(node.node_tree).inputs[index]
tree = tree.nodes.active.node_tree
tree.links.new(active.outputs[out_i], link_end)
# Delete sockets
for socket in delete_sockets:
tree = socket.id_data
# Delete nodes
for tree, node in delete_nodes:
nodes.active = active
active.select = True
return {'FINISHED'}
# What follows is code for the shader editor
output_types = [x[1] for x in shaders_output_nodes_props]
valid = False
if active:
if (active.name != "Emission Viewer") and (active.type not in output_types):
for out in active.outputs:
if is_visible_socket(out):
valid = True
if valid:
# get material_output node
materialout = None # placeholder node
delete_sockets = []
#scan through all nodes in tree including nodes inside of groups to find viewer sockets
self.scan_nodes(base_node_tree, delete_sockets)
materialout = self.get_shader_output_node(base_node_tree)
if not materialout:
materialout = base_node_tree.nodes.new(self.shader_output_ident)
materialout.location = get_output_location(base_node_tree)
materialout.select = False
# Analyze outputs, add "Emission Viewer" if needed, make links
out_i = None
valid_outputs = []
for i, out in enumerate(active.outputs):
if is_visible_socket(out):
if valid_outputs:
out_i = valid_outputs[0] # Start index of node's outputs
for i, valid_i in enumerate(valid_outputs):
for out_link in active.outputs[valid_i].links:
if is_viewer_link(out_link, materialout):
if nodes == base_node_tree.nodes or self.link_leads_to_used_socket(out_link):
if i < len(valid_outputs) - 1:
out_i = valid_outputs[i + 1]
out_i = valid_outputs[0]
make_links = [] # store sockets for new links
delete_nodes = [] # store unused nodes to delete in the end
if active.outputs:
# If output type not 'SHADER' - "Emission Viewer" needed
if active.outputs[out_i].type != 'SHADER':
socket_type = 'NodeSocketColor'
# get Emission Viewer node
emission_exists = False
emission_placeholder = base_node_tree.nodes[0]
for node in base_node_tree.nodes:
if "Emission Viewer" in node.name:
emission_exists = True
emission_placeholder = node
if not emission_exists:
emission = base_node_tree.nodes.new(self.shader_viewer_ident)
emission.hide = True
emission.location = [materialout.location.x, (materialout.location.y + 40)]
emission.label = "Viewer"
emission.name = "Emission Viewer"
emission.use_custom_color = True
emission.color = (0.6, 0.5, 0.4)
emission.select = False
emission = emission_placeholder
output_socket = emission.inputs[0]
# If Viewer is connected to output by user, don't change those connections (patch by gandalf3)
if emission.outputs[0].links.__len__() > 0:
if not emission.outputs[0].links[0].to_node == materialout:
make_links.append((emission.outputs[0], materialout.inputs[0]))
make_links.append((emission.outputs[0], materialout.inputs[0]))
# Set brightness of viewer to compensate for Film and CM exposure
if context.scene.render.engine == 'CYCLES' and hasattr(context.scene, 'cycles'):
intensity = 1/context.scene.cycles.film_exposure # Film exposure is a multiplier
intensity = 1
intensity /= pow(2, (context.scene.view_settings.exposure)) # CM exposure is measured in stops/EVs (2^x)
emission.inputs[1].default_value = intensity
# Output type is 'SHADER', no Viewer needed. Delete Viewer if exists.
socket_type = 'NodeSocketShader'
materialout_index = 1 if active.outputs[out_i].name == "Volume" else 0
make_links.append((active.outputs[out_i], materialout.inputs[materialout_index]))
output_socket = materialout.inputs[materialout_index]
for node in base_node_tree.nodes:
if node.name == 'Emission Viewer':
delete_nodes.append((base_node_tree, node))
for li_from, li_to in make_links:
base_node_tree.links.new(li_from, li_to)
# Crate links through node groups until we reach the active node
tree = base_node_tree
link_end = output_socket
while tree.nodes.active != active:
node = tree.nodes.active
index = self.ensure_viewer_socket(node, socket_type, connect_socket=active.outputs[out_i] if node.node_tree.nodes.active == active else None)
link_start = node.outputs[index]
node_socket = node.node_tree.outputs[index]
if node_socket in delete_sockets:
tree.links.new(link_start, link_end)
# Iterate
link_end = self.ensure_group_output(node.node_tree).inputs[index]
tree = tree.nodes.active.node_tree
tree.links.new(active.outputs[out_i], link_end)
# Delete sockets
for socket in delete_sockets:
if not self.is_socket_used_other_mats(socket):
tree = socket.id_data
# Delete nodes
for tree, node in delete_nodes:
nodes.active = active
active.select = True
return {'FINISHED'}
return {'CANCELLED'}
class NWFrameSelected(Operator, NWBase):
bl_idname = "node.nw_frame_selected"
bl_label = "Frame Selected"
bl_description = "Add a frame node and parent the selected nodes to it"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
label_prop: StringProperty(
description='The visual name of the frame node',
default=' '
color_prop: FloatVectorProperty(
description="The color of the frame node",
default=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6),
min=0, max=1, step=1, precision=3,
subtype='COLOR_GAMMA', size=3
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
selected = []
for node in nodes:
if node.select == True:
frm = nodes.active
frm.label = self.label_prop
frm.use_custom_color = True
frm.color = self.color_prop
for node in selected:
node.parent = frm
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWReloadImages(Operator):
bl_idname = "node.nw_reload_images"
bl_label = "Reload Images"
bl_description = "Update all the image nodes to match their files on disk"
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if nw_check(context) and context.space_data.tree_type != 'GeometryNodeTree':
if context.active_node is not None:
for out in context.active_node.outputs:
if is_visible_socket(out):
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
num_reloaded = 0
for node in nodes:
if node.type in image_types:
if node.type == "TEXTURE":
if node.texture: # node has texture assigned
if node.texture.type in ['IMAGE', 'ENVIRONMENT_MAP']:
if node.texture.image: # texture has image assigned
num_reloaded += 1
if node.image:
num_reloaded += 1
if num_reloaded:
self.report({'INFO'}, "Reloaded images")
print("Reloaded " + str(num_reloaded) + " images")
return {'FINISHED'}
self.report({'WARNING'}, "No images found to reload in this node tree")
return {'CANCELLED'}
class NWSwitchNodeType(Operator, NWBase):
"""Switch type of selected nodes """
bl_idname = "node.nw_swtch_node_type"
bl_label = "Switch Node Type"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
to_type: EnumProperty(
name="Switch to type",
items=list(shaders_input_nodes_props) +
list(shaders_output_nodes_props) +
list(shaders_shader_nodes_props) +
list(shaders_texture_nodes_props) +
list(shaders_color_nodes_props) +
list(shaders_vector_nodes_props) +
list(shaders_converter_nodes_props) +
list(shaders_layout_nodes_props) +
list(compo_input_nodes_props) +
list(compo_output_nodes_props) +
list(compo_color_nodes_props) +
list(compo_converter_nodes_props) +
list(compo_filter_nodes_props) +
list(compo_vector_nodes_props) +
list(compo_matte_nodes_props) +
list(compo_distort_nodes_props) +
list(compo_layout_nodes_props) +
list(blender_mat_input_nodes_props) +
list(blender_mat_output_nodes_props) +
list(blender_mat_color_nodes_props) +
list(blender_mat_vector_nodes_props) +
list(blender_mat_converter_nodes_props) +
list(blender_mat_layout_nodes_props) +
list(texture_input_nodes_props) +
list(texture_output_nodes_props) +
list(texture_color_nodes_props) +
list(texture_pattern_nodes_props) +
list(texture_textures_nodes_props) +
list(texture_converter_nodes_props) +
list(texture_distort_nodes_props) +
geo_to_type: StringProperty(
name="Switch to type",
default = '',
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
to_type = self.to_type
if self.geo_to_type != '':
to_type = self.geo_to_type
# Those types of nodes will not swap.
src_excludes = ('NodeFrame')
# Those attributes of nodes will be copied if possible
attrs_to_pass = ('color', 'hide', 'label', 'mute', 'parent',
'show_options', 'show_preview', 'show_texture',
'use_alpha', 'use_clamp', 'use_custom_color', 'location'
selected = [n for n in nodes if n.select]
reselect = []
for node in [n for n in selected if
n.rna_type.identifier not in src_excludes and
n.rna_type.identifier != to_type]:
new_node = nodes.new(to_type)
for attr in attrs_to_pass:
if hasattr(node, attr) and hasattr(new_node, attr):
setattr(new_node, attr, getattr(node, attr))
# set image datablock of dst to image of src
if hasattr(node, 'image') and hasattr(new_node, 'image'):
if node.image:
new_node.image = node.image
# Special cases
if new_node.type == 'SWITCH':
new_node.hide = True
# Dictionaries: src_sockets and dst_sockets:
# 'INPUTS': input sockets ordered by type (entry 'MAIN' main type of inputs).
# 'OUTPUTS': output sockets ordered by type (entry 'MAIN' main type of outputs).
# in 'INPUTS' and 'OUTPUTS':
# 'SHADER', 'RGBA', 'VECTOR', 'VALUE' - sockets of those types.
# socket entry:
# (index_in_type, socket_index, socket_name, socket_default_value, socket_links)
src_sockets = {
'INPUTS': {'SHADER': [], 'RGBA': [], 'VECTOR': [], 'VALUE': [], 'MAIN': None},
'OUTPUTS': {'SHADER': [], 'RGBA': [], 'VECTOR': [], 'VALUE': [], 'MAIN': None},
dst_sockets = {
'INPUTS': {'SHADER': [], 'RGBA': [], 'VECTOR': [], 'VALUE': [], 'MAIN': None},
'OUTPUTS': {'SHADER': [], 'RGBA': [], 'VECTOR': [], 'VALUE': [], 'MAIN': None},
types_order_one = 'SHADER', 'RGBA', 'VECTOR', 'VALUE'
types_order_two = 'SHADER', 'VECTOR', 'RGBA', 'VALUE'
# check src node to set src_sockets values and dst node to set dst_sockets dict values
for sockets, nd in ((src_sockets, node), (dst_sockets, new_node)):
# Check node's inputs and outputs and fill proper entries in "sockets" dict
for in_out, in_out_name in ((nd.inputs, 'INPUTS'), (nd.outputs, 'OUTPUTS')):
# enumerate in inputs, then in outputs
# find name, default value and links of socket
for i, socket in enumerate(in_out):
the_name = socket.name
dval = None
# Not every socket, especially in outputs has "default_value"
if hasattr(socket, 'default_value'):
dval = socket.default_value
socket_links = []
for lnk in socket.links:
# check type of socket to fill proper keys.
for the_type in types_order_one:
if socket.type == the_type:
# create values for sockets['INPUTS'][the_type] and sockets['OUTPUTS'][the_type]
# entry structure: (index_in_type, socket_index, socket_name, socket_default_value, socket_links)
sockets[in_out_name][the_type].append((len(sockets[in_out_name][the_type]), i, the_name, dval, socket_links))
# Check which of the types in inputs/outputs is considered to be "main".
# Set values of sockets['INPUTS']['MAIN'] and sockets['OUTPUTS']['MAIN']
for type_check in types_order_one:
if sockets[in_out_name][type_check]:
sockets[in_out_name]['MAIN'] = type_check
matches = {
'INPUTS': {'SHADER': [], 'RGBA': [], 'VECTOR': [], 'VALUE_NAME': [], 'VALUE': [], 'MAIN': []},
'OUTPUTS': {'SHADER': [], 'RGBA': [], 'VECTOR': [], 'VALUE_NAME': [], 'VALUE': [], 'MAIN': []},
for inout, soctype in (
('INPUTS', 'MAIN',),
('INPUTS', 'RGBA',),
if src_sockets[inout][soctype] and dst_sockets[inout][soctype]:
if soctype == 'MAIN':
sc = src_sockets[inout][src_sockets[inout]['MAIN']]
dt = dst_sockets[inout][dst_sockets[inout]['MAIN']]
sc = src_sockets[inout][soctype]
dt = dst_sockets[inout][soctype]
# start with 'dt' to determine number of possibilities.
for i, soc in enumerate(dt):
# if src main has enough entries - match them with dst main sockets by indexes.
if len(sc) > i:
matches[inout][soctype].append(((sc[i][1], sc[i][3]), (soc[1], soc[3])))
# add 'VALUE_NAME' criterion to inputs.
if inout == 'INPUTS' and soctype == 'VALUE':
for s in sc:
if s[2] == soc[2]: # if names match
# append src (index, dval), dst (index, dval)
matches['INPUTS']['VALUE_NAME'].append(((s[1], s[3]), (soc[1], soc[3])))
# When src ['INPUTS']['MAIN'] is 'VECTOR' replace 'MAIN' with matches VECTOR if possible.
# This creates better links when relinking textures.
if src_sockets['INPUTS']['MAIN'] == 'VECTOR' and matches['INPUTS']['VECTOR']:
matches['INPUTS']['MAIN'] = matches['INPUTS']['VECTOR']
# Pass default values and RELINK:
for tp in ('MAIN', 'SHADER', 'RGBA', 'VECTOR', 'VALUE_NAME', 'VALUE'):
# INPUTS: Base on matches in proper order.
for (src_i, src_dval), (dst_i, dst_dval) in matches['INPUTS'][tp]:
# pass dvals
if src_dval and dst_dval and tp in {'RGBA', 'VALUE_NAME'}:
new_node.inputs[dst_i].default_value = src_dval
# Special case: switch to math
if node.type in {'MIX_RGB', 'ALPHAOVER', 'ZCOMBINE'} and\
new_node.type == 'MATH' and\
tp == 'MAIN':
new_dst_dval = max(src_dval[0], src_dval[1], src_dval[2])
new_node.inputs[dst_i].default_value = new_dst_dval
if node.type == 'MIX_RGB':
if node.blend_type in [o[0] for o in operations]:
new_node.operation = node.blend_type
# Special case: switch from math to some types
if node.type == 'MATH' and\
new_node.type in {'MIX_RGB', 'ALPHAOVER', 'ZCOMBINE'} and\
tp == 'MAIN':
for i in range(3):
new_node.inputs[dst_i].default_value[i] = src_dval
if new_node.type == 'MIX_RGB':
if node.operation in [t[0] for t in blend_types]:
new_node.blend_type = node.operation
# Set Fac of MIX_RGB to 1.0
new_node.inputs[0].default_value = 1.0
# make link only when dst matching input is not linked already.
if node.inputs[src_i].links and not new_node.inputs[dst_i].links:
in_src_link = node.inputs[src_i].links[0]
in_dst_socket = new_node.inputs[dst_i]
links.new(in_src_link.from_socket, in_dst_socket)
# OUTPUTS: Base on matches in proper order.
for (src_i, src_dval), (dst_i, dst_dval) in matches['OUTPUTS'][tp]:
for out_src_link in node.outputs[src_i].links:
out_dst_socket = new_node.outputs[dst_i]
links.new(out_dst_socket, out_src_link.to_socket)
# relink rest inputs if possible, no criteria
for src_inp in node.inputs:
for dst_inp in new_node.inputs:
if src_inp.links and not dst_inp.links:
src_link = src_inp.links[0]
links.new(src_link.from_socket, dst_inp)
# relink rest outputs if possible, base on node kind if any left.
for src_o in node.outputs:
for out_src_link in src_o.links:
for dst_o in new_node.outputs:
if src_o.type == dst_o.type:
links.new(dst_o, out_src_link.to_socket)
# relink rest outputs no criteria if any left. Link all from first output.
for src_o in node.outputs:
for out_src_link in src_o.links:
if new_node.outputs:
links.new(new_node.outputs[0], out_src_link.to_socket)
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWMergeNodes(Operator, NWBase):
bl_idname = "node.nw_merge_nodes"
bl_label = "Merge Nodes"
bl_description = "Merge Selected Nodes"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
mode: EnumProperty(
description="All possible blend types, boolean operations and math operations",
items= blend_types + [op for op in geo_combine_operations if op not in blend_types] + [op for op in operations if op not in blend_types],
merge_type: EnumProperty(
name="merge type",
description="Type of Merge to be used",
('AUTO', 'Auto', 'Automatic Output Type Detection'),
('SHADER', 'Shader', 'Merge using ADD or MIX Shader'),
('GEOMETRY', 'Geometry', 'Merge using Boolean or Join Geometry Node'),
('MIX', 'Mix Node', 'Merge using Mix Nodes'),
('MATH', 'Math Node', 'Merge using Math Nodes'),
('ZCOMBINE', 'Z-Combine Node', 'Merge using Z-Combine Nodes'),
('ALPHAOVER', 'Alpha Over Node', 'Merge using Alpha Over Nodes'),
# Check if the link connects to a node that is in selected_nodes
# If not, then check recursively for each link in the nodes outputs.
# If yes, return True. If the recursion stops without finding a node
# in selected_nodes, it returns False. The depth is used to prevent
# getting stuck in a loop because of an already present cycle.
def link_creates_cycle(link, selected_nodes, depth=0)->bool:
if depth > 255:
# We're stuck in a cycle, but that cycle was already present,
# so we return False.
# NOTE: The number 255 is arbitrary, but seems to work well.
return False
node = link.to_node
if node in selected_nodes:
return True
if not node.outputs:
return False
for output in node.outputs:
if output.is_linked:
for olink in output.links:
if NWMergeNodes.link_creates_cycle(olink, selected_nodes, depth+1):
return True
# None of the outputs found a node in selected_nodes, so there is no cycle.
return False
# Merge the nodes in `nodes_list` with a node of type `node_name` that has a multi_input socket.
# The parameters `socket_indices` gives the indices of the node sockets in the order that they should
# be connected. The last one is assumed to be a multi input socket.
# For convenience the node is returned.
def merge_with_multi_input(nodes_list, merge_position,do_hide, loc_x, links, nodes, node_name, socket_indices):
# The y-location of the last node
loc_y = nodes_list[-1][2]
if merge_position == 'CENTER':
# Average the y-location
for i in range(len(nodes_list)-1):
loc_y += nodes_list[i][2]
loc_y = loc_y/len(nodes_list)
new_node = nodes.new(node_name)
new_node.hide = do_hide
new_node.location.x = loc_x
new_node.location.y = loc_y
selected_nodes = [nodes[node_info[0]] for node_info in nodes_list]
prev_links = []
outputs_for_multi_input = []
for i,node in enumerate(selected_nodes):
node.select = False
# Search for the first node which had output links that do not create
# a cycle, which we can then reconnect afterwards.
if prev_links == [] and node.outputs[0].is_linked:
prev_links = [link for link in node.outputs[0].links if not NWMergeNodes.link_creates_cycle(link, selected_nodes)]
# Get the index of the socket, the last one is a multi input, and is thus used repeatedly
# To get the placement to look right we need to reverse the order in which we connect the
# outputs to the multi input socket.
if i < len(socket_indices) - 1:
ind = socket_indices[i]
links.new(node.outputs[0], new_node.inputs[ind])
outputs_for_multi_input.insert(0, node.outputs[0])
if outputs_for_multi_input != []:
ind = socket_indices[-1]
for output in outputs_for_multi_input:
links.new(output, new_node.inputs[ind])
if prev_links != []:
for link in prev_links:
links.new(new_node.outputs[0], link.to_node.inputs[0])
return new_node
def execute(self, context):
settings = context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences
merge_hide = settings.merge_hide
merge_position = settings.merge_position # 'center' or 'bottom'
do_hide = False
do_hide_shader = False
if merge_hide == 'ALWAYS':
do_hide = True
do_hide_shader = True
elif merge_hide == 'NON_SHADER':
do_hide = True
tree_type = context.space_data.node_tree.type
if tree_type == 'GEOMETRY':
node_type = 'GeometryNode'
if tree_type == 'COMPOSITING':
node_type = 'CompositorNode'
elif tree_type == 'SHADER':
node_type = 'ShaderNode'
elif tree_type == 'TEXTURE':
node_type = 'TextureNode'
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
mode = self.mode
merge_type = self.merge_type
# Prevent trying to add Z-Combine in not 'COMPOSITING' node tree.
# 'ZCOMBINE' works only if mode == 'MIX'
# Setting mode to None prevents trying to add 'ZCOMBINE' node.
if (merge_type == 'ZCOMBINE' or merge_type == 'ALPHAOVER') and tree_type != 'COMPOSITING':
merge_type = 'MIX'
mode = 'MIX'
if (merge_type != 'MATH' and merge_type != 'GEOMETRY') and tree_type == 'GEOMETRY':
merge_type = 'AUTO'
# The math nodes used for geometry nodes are of type 'ShaderNode'
if merge_type == 'MATH' and tree_type == 'GEOMETRY':
node_type = 'ShaderNode'
selected_mix = [] # entry = [index, loc]
selected_shader = [] # entry = [index, loc]
selected_geometry = [] # entry = [index, loc]
selected_math = [] # entry = [index, loc]
selected_vector = [] # entry = [index, loc]
selected_z = [] # entry = [index, loc]
selected_alphaover = [] # entry = [index, loc]
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
if node.select and node.outputs:
if merge_type == 'AUTO':
for (type, types_list, dst) in (
('SHADER', ('MIX', 'ADD'), selected_shader),
('GEOMETRY', [t[0] for t in geo_combine_operations], selected_geometry),
('RGBA', [t[0] for t in blend_types], selected_mix),
('VALUE', [t[0] for t in operations], selected_math),
('VECTOR', [], selected_vector),
output_type = node.outputs[0].type
valid_mode = mode in types_list
# When mode is 'MIX' we have to cheat since the mix node is not used in
# geometry nodes.
if tree_type == 'GEOMETRY':
if mode == 'MIX':
if output_type == 'VALUE' and type == 'VALUE':
valid_mode = True
elif output_type == 'VECTOR' and type == 'VECTOR':
valid_mode = True
elif type == 'GEOMETRY':
valid_mode = True
# When mode is 'MIX' use mix node for both 'RGBA' and 'VALUE' output types.
# Cheat that output type is 'RGBA',
# and that 'MIX' exists in math operations list.
# This way when selected_mix list is analyzed:
# Node data will be appended even though it doesn't meet requirements.
elif output_type != 'SHADER' and mode == 'MIX':
output_type = 'RGBA'
valid_mode = True
if output_type == type and valid_mode:
dst.append([i, node.location.x, node.location.y, node.dimensions.x, node.hide])
for (type, types_list, dst) in (
('SHADER', ('MIX', 'ADD'), selected_shader),
('GEOMETRY', [t[0] for t in geo_combine_operations], selected_geometry),
('MIX', [t[0] for t in blend_types], selected_mix),
('MATH', [t[0] for t in operations], selected_math),
('ZCOMBINE', ('MIX', ), selected_z),
('ALPHAOVER', ('MIX', ), selected_alphaover),
if merge_type == type and mode in types_list:
dst.append([i, node.location.x, node.location.y, node.dimensions.x, node.hide])
# When nodes with output kinds 'RGBA' and 'VALUE' are selected at the same time
# use only 'Mix' nodes for merging.
# For that we add selected_math list to selected_mix list and clear selected_math.
if selected_mix and selected_math and merge_type == 'AUTO':
selected_mix += selected_math
selected_math = []
for nodes_list in [selected_mix, selected_shader, selected_geometry, selected_math, selected_vector, selected_z, selected_alphaover]:
if not nodes_list:
count_before = len(nodes)
# sort list by loc_x - reversed
nodes_list.sort(key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
# get maximum loc_x
loc_x = nodes_list[0][1] + nodes_list[0][3] + 70
nodes_list.sort(key=lambda k: k[2], reverse=True)
# Change the node type for math nodes in a geometry node tree.
if tree_type == 'GEOMETRY':
if nodes_list is selected_math or nodes_list is selected_vector:
node_type = 'ShaderNode'
if mode == 'MIX':
mode = 'ADD'
node_type = 'GeometryNode'
if merge_position == 'CENTER':
loc_y = ((nodes_list[len(nodes_list) - 1][2]) + (nodes_list[len(nodes_list) - 2][2])) / 2 # average yloc of last two nodes (lowest two)
if nodes_list[len(nodes_list) - 1][-1] == True: # if last node is hidden, mix should be shifted up a bit
if do_hide:
loc_y += 40
loc_y += 80
loc_y = nodes_list[len(nodes_list) - 1][2]
offset_y = 100
if not do_hide:
offset_y = 200
if nodes_list == selected_shader and not do_hide_shader:
offset_y = 150.0
the_range = len(nodes_list) - 1
if len(nodes_list) == 1:
the_range = 1
was_multi = False
for i in range(the_range):
if nodes_list == selected_mix:
add_type = node_type + 'MixRGB'
add = nodes.new(add_type)
add.blend_type = mode
if mode != 'MIX':
add.inputs[0].default_value = 1.0
add.show_preview = False
add.hide = do_hide
if do_hide:
loc_y = loc_y - 50
first = 1
second = 2
add.width_hidden = 100.0
elif nodes_list == selected_math:
add_type = node_type + 'Math'
add = nodes.new(add_type)
add.operation = mode
add.hide = do_hide
if do_hide:
loc_y = loc_y - 50
first = 0
second = 1
add.width_hidden = 100.0
elif nodes_list == selected_shader:
if mode == 'MIX':
add_type = node_type + 'MixShader'
add = nodes.new(add_type)
add.hide = do_hide_shader
if do_hide_shader:
loc_y = loc_y - 50
first = 1
second = 2
add.width_hidden = 100.0
elif mode == 'ADD':
add_type = node_type + 'AddShader'
add = nodes.new(add_type)
add.hide = do_hide_shader
if do_hide_shader:
loc_y = loc_y - 50
first = 0
second = 1
add.width_hidden = 100.0
elif nodes_list == selected_geometry:
if mode in ('JOIN', 'MIX'):
add_type = node_type + 'JoinGeometry'
add = self.merge_with_multi_input(nodes_list, merge_position, do_hide, loc_x, links, nodes, add_type,[0])
add_type = node_type + 'Boolean'
indices = [0,1] if mode == 'DIFFERENCE' else [1]
add = self.merge_with_multi_input(nodes_list, merge_position, do_hide, loc_x, links, nodes, add_type,indices)
add.operation = mode
was_multi = True
elif nodes_list == selected_vector:
add_type = node_type + 'VectorMath'
add = nodes.new(add_type)
add.operation = mode
add.hide = do_hide
if do_hide:
loc_y = loc_y - 50
first = 0
second = 1
add.width_hidden = 100.0
elif nodes_list == selected_z:
add = nodes.new('CompositorNodeZcombine')
add.show_preview = False
add.hide = do_hide
if do_hide:
loc_y = loc_y - 50
first = 0
second = 2
add.width_hidden = 100.0
elif nodes_list == selected_alphaover:
add = nodes.new('CompositorNodeAlphaOver')
add.show_preview = False
add.hide = do_hide
if do_hide:
loc_y = loc_y - 50
first = 1
second = 2
add.width_hidden = 100.0
add.location = loc_x, loc_y
loc_y += offset_y
add.select = True
# This has already been handled separately
if was_multi:
count_adds = i + 1
count_after = len(nodes)
index = count_after - 1
first_selected = nodes[nodes_list[0][0]]
# "last" node has been added as first, so its index is count_before.
last_add = nodes[count_before]
# Create list of invalid indexes.
invalid_nodes = [nodes[n[0]] for n in (selected_mix + selected_math + selected_shader + selected_z + selected_geometry)]
# Special case:
# Two nodes were selected and first selected has no output links, second selected has output links.
# Then add links from last add to all links 'to_socket' of out links of second selected.
if len(nodes_list) == 2:
if not first_selected.outputs[0].links:
second_selected = nodes[nodes_list[1][0]]
for ss_link in second_selected.outputs[0].links:
# Prevent cyclic dependencies when nodes to be merged are linked to one another.
# Link only if "to_node" index not in invalid indexes list.
if not self.link_creates_cycle(ss_link, invalid_nodes):
links.new(last_add.outputs[0], ss_link.to_socket)
# add links from last_add to all links 'to_socket' of out links of first selected.
for fs_link in first_selected.outputs[0].links:
# Link only if "to_node" index not in invalid indexes list.
if not self.link_creates_cycle(fs_link, invalid_nodes):
links.new(last_add.outputs[0], fs_link.to_socket)
# add link from "first" selected and "first" add node
node_to = nodes[count_after - 1]
links.new(first_selected.outputs[0], node_to.inputs[first])
if node_to.type == 'ZCOMBINE':
for fs_out in first_selected.outputs:
if fs_out != first_selected.outputs[0] and fs_out.name in ('Z', 'Depth'):
links.new(fs_out, node_to.inputs[1])
# add links between added ADD nodes and between selected and ADD nodes
for i in range(count_adds):
if i < count_adds - 1:
node_from = nodes[index]
node_to = nodes[index - 1]
node_to_input_i = first
node_to_z_i = 1 # if z combine - link z to first z input
links.new(node_from.outputs[0], node_to.inputs[node_to_input_i])
if node_to.type == 'ZCOMBINE':
for from_out in node_from.outputs:
if from_out != node_from.outputs[0] and from_out.name in ('Z', 'Depth'):
links.new(from_out, node_to.inputs[node_to_z_i])
if len(nodes_list) > 1:
node_from = nodes[nodes_list[i + 1][0]]
node_to = nodes[index]
node_to_input_i = second
node_to_z_i = 3 # if z combine - link z to second z input
links.new(node_from.outputs[0], node_to.inputs[node_to_input_i])
if node_to.type == 'ZCOMBINE':
for from_out in node_from.outputs:
if from_out != node_from.outputs[0] and from_out.name in ('Z', 'Depth'):
links.new(from_out, node_to.inputs[node_to_z_i])
index -= 1
# set "last" of added nodes as active
nodes.active = last_add
for i, x, y, dx, h in nodes_list:
nodes[i].select = False
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWBatchChangeNodes(Operator, NWBase):
bl_idname = "node.nw_batch_change"
bl_label = "Batch Change"
bl_description = "Batch Change Blend Type and Math Operation"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
blend_type: EnumProperty(
name="Blend Type",
items=blend_types + navs,
operation: EnumProperty(
items=operations + navs,
def execute(self, context):
blend_type = self.blend_type
operation = self.operation
for node in context.selected_nodes:
if node.type == 'MIX_RGB' or node.bl_idname == 'GeometryNodeAttributeMix':
if not blend_type in [nav[0] for nav in navs]:
node.blend_type = blend_type
if blend_type == 'NEXT':
index = [i for i, entry in enumerate(blend_types) if node.blend_type in entry][0]
#index = blend_types.index(node.blend_type)
if index == len(blend_types) - 1:
node.blend_type = blend_types[0][0]
node.blend_type = blend_types[index + 1][0]
if blend_type == 'PREV':
index = [i for i, entry in enumerate(blend_types) if node.blend_type in entry][0]
if index == 0:
node.blend_type = blend_types[len(blend_types) - 1][0]
node.blend_type = blend_types[index - 1][0]
if node.type == 'MATH' or node.bl_idname == 'GeometryNodeAttributeMath':
if not operation in [nav[0] for nav in navs]:
node.operation = operation
if operation == 'NEXT':
index = [i for i, entry in enumerate(operations) if node.operation in entry][0]
#index = operations.index(node.operation)
if index == len(operations) - 1:
node.operation = operations[0][0]
node.operation = operations[index + 1][0]
if operation == 'PREV':
index = [i for i, entry in enumerate(operations) if node.operation in entry][0]
#index = operations.index(node.operation)
if index == 0:
node.operation = operations[len(operations) - 1][0]
node.operation = operations[index - 1][0]
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWChangeMixFactor(Operator, NWBase):
bl_idname = "node.nw_factor"
bl_label = "Change Factor"
bl_description = "Change Factors of Mix Nodes and Mix Shader Nodes"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
# option: Change factor.
# If option is 1.0 or 0.0 - set to 1.0 or 0.0
# Else - change factor by option value.
option: FloatProperty()
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
option = self.option
selected = [] # entry = index
for si, node in enumerate(nodes):
if node.select:
if node.type in {'MIX_RGB', 'MIX_SHADER'}:
for si in selected:
fac = nodes[si].inputs[0]
nodes[si].hide = False
if option in {0.0, 1.0}:
fac.default_value = option
fac.default_value += option
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWCopySettings(Operator, NWBase):
bl_idname = "node.nw_copy_settings"
bl_label = "Copy Settings"
bl_description = "Copy Settings of Active Node to Selected Nodes"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
if (
context.active_node is not None and
context.active_node.type != 'FRAME'
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
node_active = context.active_node
node_selected = context.selected_nodes
# Error handling
if not (len(node_selected) > 1):
self.report({'ERROR'}, "2 nodes must be selected at least")
return {'CANCELLED'}
# Check if active node is in the selection
selected_node_names = [n.name for n in node_selected]
if node_active.name not in selected_node_names:
self.report({'ERROR'}, "No active node")
return {'CANCELLED'}
# Get nodes in selection by type
valid_nodes = [n for n in node_selected if n.type == node_active.type]
if not (len(valid_nodes) > 1) and node_active:
self.report({'ERROR'}, "Selected nodes are not of the same type as {}".format(node_active.name))
return {'CANCELLED'}
if len(valid_nodes) != len(node_selected):
# Report nodes that are not valid
valid_node_names = [n.name for n in valid_nodes]
not_valid_names = list(set(selected_node_names) - set(valid_node_names))
self.report({'INFO'}, "Ignored {} (not of the same type as {})".format(", ".join(not_valid_names), node_active.name))
# Reference original
orig = node_active
#node_selected_names = [n.name for n in node_selected]
# Output list
success_names = []
# Deselect all nodes
for i in node_selected:
i.select = False
# Code by zeffii from http://blender.stackexchange.com/a/42338/3710
# Run through all other nodes
for node in valid_nodes[1:]:
# Check for frame node
parent = node.parent if node.parent else None
node_loc = [node.location.x, node.location.y]
# Select original to duplicate
orig.select = True
# Duplicate selected node
new_node = context.selected_nodes[0]
# Deselect copy
new_node.select = False
# Properties to copy
node_tree = node.id_data
props_to_copy = 'bl_idname name location height width'.split(' ')
# Input and outputs
reconnections = []
mappings = chain.from_iterable([node.inputs, node.outputs])
for i in (i for i in mappings if i.is_linked):
for L in i.links:
reconnections.append([L.from_socket.path_from_id(), L.to_socket.path_from_id()])
# Properties
props = {j: getattr(node, j) for j in props_to_copy}
for prop in props_to_copy:
setattr(new_node, prop, props[prop])
# Get the node tree to remove the old node
nodes = node_tree.nodes
new_node.name = props['name']
if parent:
new_node.parent = parent
new_node.location = node_loc
for str_from, str_to in reconnections:
node_tree.links.new(eval(str_from), eval(str_to))
orig.select = True
node_tree.nodes.active = orig
self.report({'INFO'}, "Successfully copied attributes from {} to: {}".format(orig.name, ", ".join(success_names)))
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWCopyLabel(Operator, NWBase):
bl_idname = "node.nw_copy_label"
bl_label = "Copy Label"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
option: EnumProperty(
description="Source of name of label",
('FROM_ACTIVE', 'from active', 'from active node',),
('FROM_NODE', 'from node', 'from node linked to selected node'),
('FROM_SOCKET', 'from socket', 'from socket linked to selected node'),
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
option = self.option
active = nodes.active
if option == 'FROM_ACTIVE':
if active:
src_label = active.label
for node in [n for n in nodes if n.select and nodes.active != n]:
node.label = src_label
elif option == 'FROM_NODE':
selected = [n for n in nodes if n.select]
for node in selected:
for input in node.inputs:
if input.links:
src = input.links[0].from_node
node.label = src.label
elif option == 'FROM_SOCKET':
selected = [n for n in nodes if n.select]
for node in selected:
for input in node.inputs:
if input.links:
src = input.links[0].from_socket
node.label = src.name
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWClearLabel(Operator, NWBase):
bl_idname = "node.nw_clear_label"
bl_label = "Clear Label"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
option: BoolProperty()
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
for node in [n for n in nodes if n.select]:
node.label = ''
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
if self.option:
return self.execute(context)
return context.window_manager.invoke_confirm(self, event)
class NWModifyLabels(Operator, NWBase):
"""Modify Labels of all selected nodes"""
bl_idname = "node.nw_modify_labels"
bl_label = "Modify Labels"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
prepend: StringProperty(
name="Add to Beginning"
append: StringProperty(
name="Add to End"
replace_from: StringProperty(
name="Text to Replace"
replace_to: StringProperty(
name="Replace with"
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
for node in [n for n in nodes if n.select]:
node.label = self.prepend + node.label.replace(self.replace_from, self.replace_to) + self.append
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
self.prepend = ""
self.append = ""
self.remove = ""
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
class NWAddTextureSetup(Operator, NWBase):
bl_idname = "node.nw_add_texture"
bl_label = "Texture Setup"
bl_description = "Add Texture Node Setup to Selected Shaders"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
add_mapping: BoolProperty(name="Add Mapping Nodes", description="Create coordinate and mapping nodes for the texture (ignored for selected texture nodes)", default=True)
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
space = context.space_data
if space.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree':
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
shader_types = [x[1] for x in shaders_shader_nodes_props if x[1] not in {'MIX_SHADER', 'ADD_SHADER'}]
texture_types = [x[1] for x in shaders_texture_nodes_props]
selected_nodes = [n for n in nodes if n.select]
for t_node in selected_nodes:
valid = False
input_index = 0
if t_node.inputs:
for index, i in enumerate(t_node.inputs):
if not i.is_linked:
valid = True
input_index = index
if valid:
locx = t_node.location.x
locy = t_node.location.y - t_node.dimensions.y/2
xoffset = [500, 700]
is_texture = False
if t_node.type in texture_types + ['MAPPING']:
xoffset = [290, 500]
is_texture = True
coordout = 2
image_type = 'ShaderNodeTexImage'
if (t_node.type in texture_types and t_node.type != 'TEX_IMAGE') or (t_node.type == 'BACKGROUND'):
coordout = 0 # image texture uses UVs, procedural textures and Background shader use Generated
if t_node.type == 'BACKGROUND':
image_type = 'ShaderNodeTexEnvironment'
if not is_texture:
tex = nodes.new(image_type)
tex.location = [locx - 200, locy + 112]
nodes.active = tex
links.new(tex.outputs[0], t_node.inputs[input_index])
t_node.select = False
if self.add_mapping or is_texture:
if t_node.type != 'MAPPING':
m = nodes.new('ShaderNodeMapping')
m.location = [locx - xoffset[0], locy + 141]
m.width = 240
m = t_node
coord = nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexCoord')
coord.location = [locx - (200 if t_node.type == 'MAPPING' else xoffset[1]), locy + 124]
if not is_texture:
links.new(m.outputs[0], tex.inputs[0])
links.new(coord.outputs[coordout], m.inputs[0])
nodes.active = m
links.new(m.outputs[0], t_node.inputs[input_index])
links.new(coord.outputs[coordout], m.inputs[0])
self.report({'WARNING'}, "No free inputs for node: "+t_node.name)
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWAddPrincipledSetup(Operator, NWBase, ImportHelper):
bl_idname = "node.nw_add_textures_for_principled"
bl_label = "Principled Texture Setup"
bl_description = "Add Texture Node Setup for Principled BSDF"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
directory: StringProperty(
description='Folder to search in for image files'
files: CollectionProperty(
options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'}
relative_path: BoolProperty(
name='Relative Path',
description='Select the file relative to the blend file',
order = [
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.alignment = 'LEFT'
layout.prop(self, 'relative_path')
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
space = context.space_data
if space.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree':
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
# Check if everything is ok
if not self.directory:
self.report({'INFO'}, 'No Folder Selected')
return {'CANCELLED'}
if not self.files[:]:
self.report({'INFO'}, 'No Files Selected')
return {'CANCELLED'}
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
active_node = nodes.active
if not (active_node and active_node.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled'):
self.report({'INFO'}, 'Select Principled BSDF')
return {'CANCELLED'}
# Helper_functions
def split_into__components(fname):
# Split filename into components
# 'WallTexture_diff_2k.002.jpg' -> ['Wall', 'Texture', 'diff', 'k']
# Remove extension
fname = path.splitext(fname)[0]
# Remove digits
fname = ''.join(i for i in fname if not i.isdigit())
# Separate CamelCase by space
fname = re.sub("([a-z])([A-Z])","\g<1> \g<2>",fname)
# Replace common separators with SPACE
seperators = ['_', '.', '-', '__', '--', '#']
for sep in seperators:
fname = fname.replace(sep, ' ')
components = fname.split(' ')
components = [c.lower() for c in components]
return components
# Filter textures names for texturetypes in filenames
# [Socket Name, [abbreviations and keyword list], Filename placeholder]
tags = context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences.principled_tags
normal_abbr = tags.normal.split(' ')
bump_abbr = tags.bump.split(' ')
gloss_abbr = tags.gloss.split(' ')
rough_abbr = tags.rough.split(' ')
socketnames = [
['Displacement', tags.displacement.split(' '), None],
['Base Color', tags.base_color.split(' '), None],
['Subsurface Color', tags.sss_color.split(' '), None],
['Metallic', tags.metallic.split(' '), None],
['Specular', tags.specular.split(' '), None],
['Roughness', rough_abbr + gloss_abbr, None],
['Normal', normal_abbr + bump_abbr, None],
# Look through texture_types and set value as filename of first matched file
def match_files_to_socket_names():
for sname in socketnames:
for file in self.files:
fname = file.name
filenamecomponents = split_into__components(fname)
matches = set(sname[1]).intersection(set(filenamecomponents))
# TODO: ignore basename (if texture is named "fancy_metal_nor", it will be detected as metallic map, not normal map)
if matches:
sname[2] = fname
# Remove socketnames without found files
socketnames = [s for s in socketnames if s[2]
and path.exists(self.directory+s[2])]
if not socketnames:
self.report({'INFO'}, 'No matching images found')
print('No matching images found')
return {'CANCELLED'}
# Don't override path earlier as os.path is used to check the absolute path
import_path = self.directory
if self.relative_path:
if bpy.data.filepath:
import_path = bpy.path.relpath(self.directory)
self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Relative paths cannot be used with unsaved scenes!')
print('Relative paths cannot be used with unsaved scenes!')
# Add found images
print('\nMatched Textures:')
texture_nodes = []
disp_texture = None
normal_node = None
roughness_node = None
for i, sname in enumerate(socketnames):
print(i, sname[0], sname[2])
if sname[0] == 'Displacement':
disp_texture = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeTexImage')
img = bpy.data.images.load(path.join(import_path, sname[2]))
disp_texture.image = img
disp_texture.label = 'Displacement'
if disp_texture.image:
disp_texture.image.colorspace_settings.is_data = True
# Add displacement offset nodes
disp_node = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeDisplacement')
disp_node.location = active_node.location + Vector((0, -560))
link = links.new(disp_node.inputs[0], disp_texture.outputs[0])
# TODO Turn on true displacement in the material
# Too complicated for now
# Find output node
output_node = [n for n in nodes if n.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeOutputMaterial']
if output_node:
if not output_node[0].inputs[2].is_linked:
link = links.new(output_node[0].inputs[2], disp_node.outputs[0])
if not active_node.inputs[sname[0]].is_linked:
# No texture node connected -> add texture node with new image
texture_node = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeTexImage')
img = bpy.data.images.load(path.join(import_path, sname[2]))
texture_node.image = img
if sname[0] == 'Normal':
# Test if new texture node is normal or bump map
fname_components = split_into__components(sname[2])
match_normal = set(normal_abbr).intersection(set(fname_components))
match_bump = set(bump_abbr).intersection(set(fname_components))
if match_normal:
# If Normal add normal node in between
normal_node = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeNormalMap')
link = links.new(normal_node.inputs[1], texture_node.outputs[0])
elif match_bump:
# If Bump add bump node in between
normal_node = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeBump')
link = links.new(normal_node.inputs[2], texture_node.outputs[0])
link = links.new(active_node.inputs[sname[0]], normal_node.outputs[0])
normal_node_texture = texture_node
elif sname[0] == 'Roughness':
# Test if glossy or roughness map
fname_components = split_into__components(sname[2])
match_rough = set(rough_abbr).intersection(set(fname_components))
match_gloss = set(gloss_abbr).intersection(set(fname_components))
if match_rough:
# If Roughness nothing to to
link = links.new(active_node.inputs[sname[0]], texture_node.outputs[0])
elif match_gloss:
# If Gloss Map add invert node
invert_node = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeInvert')
link = links.new(invert_node.inputs[1], texture_node.outputs[0])
link = links.new(active_node.inputs[sname[0]], invert_node.outputs[0])
roughness_node = texture_node
# This is a simple connection Texture --> Input slot
link = links.new(active_node.inputs[sname[0]], texture_node.outputs[0])
# Use non-color for all but 'Base Color' Textures
if not sname[0] in ['Base Color'] and texture_node.image:
texture_node.image.colorspace_settings.is_data = True
# If already texture connected. add to node list for alignment
texture_node = active_node.inputs[sname[0]].links[0].from_node
# This are all connected texture nodes
texture_node.label = sname[0]
if disp_texture:
# Alignment
for i, texture_node in enumerate(texture_nodes):
offset = Vector((-550, (i * -280) + 200))
texture_node.location = active_node.location + offset
if normal_node:
# Extra alignment if normal node was added
normal_node.location = normal_node_texture.location + Vector((300, 0))
if roughness_node:
# Alignment of invert node if glossy map
invert_node.location = roughness_node.location + Vector((300, 0))
# Add texture input + mapping
mapping = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeMapping')
mapping.location = active_node.location + Vector((-1050, 0))
if len(texture_nodes) > 1:
# If more than one texture add reroute node in between
reroute = nodes.new(type='NodeReroute')
tex_coords = Vector((texture_nodes[0].location.x, sum(n.location.y for n in texture_nodes)/len(texture_nodes)))
reroute.location = tex_coords + Vector((-50, -120))
for texture_node in texture_nodes:
link = links.new(texture_node.inputs[0], reroute.outputs[0])
link = links.new(reroute.inputs[0], mapping.outputs[0])
link = links.new(texture_nodes[0].inputs[0], mapping.outputs[0])
# Connect texture_coordiantes to mapping node
texture_input = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeTexCoord')
texture_input.location = mapping.location + Vector((-200, 0))
link = links.new(mapping.inputs[0], texture_input.outputs[2])
# Create frame around tex coords and mapping
frame = nodes.new(type='NodeFrame')
frame.label = 'Mapping'
mapping.parent = frame
texture_input.parent = frame
# Create frame around texture nodes
frame = nodes.new(type='NodeFrame')
frame.label = 'Textures'
for tnode in texture_nodes:
tnode.parent = frame
# Just to be sure
active_node.select = False
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWAddReroutes(Operator, NWBase):
"""Add Reroute Nodes and link them to outputs of selected nodes"""
bl_idname = "node.nw_add_reroutes"
bl_label = "Add Reroutes"
bl_description = "Add Reroutes to Outputs"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
option: EnumProperty(
('ALL', 'to all', 'Add to all outputs'),
('LOOSE', 'to loose', 'Add only to loose outputs'),
('LINKED', 'to linked', 'Add only to linked outputs'),
def execute(self, context):
tree_type = context.space_data.node_tree.type
option = self.option
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
# output valid when option is 'all' or when 'loose' output has no links
valid = False
post_select = [] # nodes to be selected after execution
# create reroutes and recreate links
for node in [n for n in nodes if n.select]:
if node.outputs:
x = node.location.x
y = node.location.y
width = node.width
# unhide 'REROUTE' nodes to avoid issues with location.y
if node.type == 'REROUTE':
node.hide = False
# When node is hidden - width_hidden not usable.
# Hack needed to calculate real width
if node.hide:
helper = nodes.new('NodeReroute')
helper.select = True
node.select = True
# resize node and helper to zero. Then check locations to calculate width
bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
width = 2.0 * (helper.location.x - node.location.x)
# restore node location
node.location = x, y
# delete helper
node.select = False
# only helper is selected now
x = node.location.x + width + 20.0
if node.type != 'REROUTE':
y -= 35.0
y_offset = -22.0
loc = x, y
reroutes_count = 0 # will be used when aligning reroutes added to hidden nodes
for out_i, output in enumerate(node.outputs):
pass_used = False # initial value to be analyzed if 'R_LAYERS'
# if node != 'R_LAYERS' - "pass_used" not needed, so set it to True
if node.type != 'R_LAYERS':
pass_used = True
else: # if 'R_LAYERS' check if output represent used render pass
node_scene = node.scene
node_layer = node.layer
# If output - "Alpha" is analyzed - assume it's used. Not represented in passes.
if output.name == 'Alpha':
pass_used = True
# check entries in global 'rl_outputs' variable
for rlo in rl_outputs:
if output.name in {rlo.output_name, rlo.exr_output_name}:
pass_used = getattr(node_scene.view_layers[node_layer], rlo.render_pass)
if pass_used:
valid = ((option == 'ALL') or
(option == 'LOOSE' and not output.links) or
(option == 'LINKED' and output.links))
# Add reroutes only if valid, but offset location in all cases.
if valid:
n = nodes.new('NodeReroute')
nodes.active = n
for link in output.links:
links.new(n.outputs[0], link.to_socket)
links.new(output, n.inputs[0])
n.location = loc
reroutes_count += 1
y += y_offset
loc = x, y
# disselect the node so that after execution of script only newly created nodes are selected
node.select = False
# nicer reroutes distribution along y when node.hide
if node.hide:
y_translate = reroutes_count * y_offset / 2.0 - y_offset - 35.0
for reroute in [r for r in nodes if r.select]:
reroute.location.y -= y_translate
for node in post_select:
node.select = True
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWLinkActiveToSelected(Operator, NWBase):
"""Link active node to selected nodes basing on various criteria"""
bl_idname = "node.nw_link_active_to_selected"
bl_label = "Link Active Node to Selected"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
replace: BoolProperty()
use_node_name: BoolProperty()
use_outputs_names: BoolProperty()
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
if context.active_node is not None:
if context.active_node.select:
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
replace = self.replace
use_node_name = self.use_node_name
use_outputs_names = self.use_outputs_names
active = nodes.active
selected = [node for node in nodes if node.select and node != active]
outputs = [] # Only usable outputs of active nodes will be stored here.
for out in active.outputs:
if active.type != 'R_LAYERS':
# 'R_LAYERS' node type needs special handling.
# outputs of 'R_LAYERS' are callable even if not seen in UI.
# Only outputs that represent used passes should be taken into account
# Check if pass represented by output is used.
# global 'rl_outputs' list will be used for that
for rlo in rl_outputs:
pass_used = False # initial value. Will be set to True if pass is used
if out.name == 'Alpha':
# Alpha output is always present. Doesn't have representation in render pass. Assume it's used.
pass_used = True
elif out.name in {rlo.output_name, rlo.exr_output_name}:
# example 'render_pass' entry: 'use_pass_uv' Check if True in scene render layers
pass_used = getattr(active.scene.view_layers[active.layer], rlo.render_pass)
if pass_used:
doit = True # Will be changed to False when links successfully added to previous output.
for out in outputs:
if doit:
for node in selected:
dst_name = node.name # Will be compared with src_name if needed.
# When node has label - use it as dst_name
if node.label:
dst_name = node.label
valid = True # Initial value. Will be changed to False if names don't match.
src_name = dst_name # If names not used - this asignment will keep valid = True.
if use_node_name:
# Set src_name to source node name or label
src_name = active.name
if active.label:
src_name = active.label
elif use_outputs_names:
src_name = (out.name, )
for rlo in rl_outputs:
if out.name in {rlo.output_name, rlo.exr_output_name}:
src_name = (rlo.output_name, rlo.exr_output_name)
if dst_name not in src_name:
valid = False
if valid:
for input in node.inputs:
if input.type == out.type or node.type == 'REROUTE':
if replace or not input.is_linked:
links.new(out, input)
if not use_node_name and not use_outputs_names:
doit = False
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWAlignNodes(Operator, NWBase):
'''Align the selected nodes neatly in a row/column'''
bl_idname = "node.nw_align_nodes"
bl_label = "Align Nodes"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
margin: IntProperty(name='Margin', default=50, description='The amount of space between nodes')
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
margin = self.margin
selection = []
for node in nodes:
if node.select and node.type != 'FRAME':
# If no nodes are selected, align all nodes
active_loc = None
if not selection:
selection = nodes
elif nodes.active in selection:
active_loc = copy(nodes.active.location) # make a copy, not a reference
# Check if nodes should be laid out horizontally or vertically
x_locs = [n.location.x + (n.dimensions.x / 2) for n in selection] # use dimension to get center of node, not corner
y_locs = [n.location.y - (n.dimensions.y / 2) for n in selection]
x_range = max(x_locs) - min(x_locs)
y_range = max(y_locs) - min(y_locs)
mid_x = (max(x_locs) + min(x_locs)) / 2
mid_y = (max(y_locs) + min(y_locs)) / 2
horizontal = x_range > y_range
# Sort selection by location of node mid-point
if horizontal:
selection = sorted(selection, key=lambda n: n.location.x + (n.dimensions.x / 2))
selection = sorted(selection, key=lambda n: n.location.y - (n.dimensions.y / 2), reverse=True)
# Alignment
current_pos = 0
for node in selection:
current_margin = margin
current_margin = current_margin * 0.5 if node.hide else current_margin # use a smaller margin for hidden nodes
if horizontal:
node.location.x = current_pos
current_pos += current_margin + node.dimensions.x
node.location.y = mid_y + (node.dimensions.y / 2)
node.location.y = current_pos
current_pos -= (current_margin * 0.3) + node.dimensions.y # use half-margin for vertical alignment
node.location.x = mid_x - (node.dimensions.x / 2)
# If active node is selected, center nodes around it
if active_loc is not None:
active_loc_diff = active_loc - nodes.active.location
for node in selection:
node.location += active_loc_diff
else: # Position nodes centered around where they used to be
locs = ([n.location.x + (n.dimensions.x / 2) for n in selection]) if horizontal else ([n.location.y - (n.dimensions.y / 2) for n in selection])
new_mid = (max(locs) + min(locs)) / 2
for node in selection:
if horizontal:
node.location.x += (mid_x - new_mid)
node.location.y += (mid_y - new_mid)
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWSelectParentChildren(Operator, NWBase):
bl_idname = "node.nw_select_parent_child"
bl_label = "Select Parent or Children"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
option: EnumProperty(
('PARENT', 'Select Parent', 'Select Parent Frame'),
('CHILD', 'Select Children', 'Select members of selected frame'),
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
option = self.option
selected = [node for node in nodes if node.select]
if option == 'PARENT':
for sel in selected:
parent = sel.parent
if parent:
parent.select = True
else: # option == 'CHILD'
for sel in selected:
children = [node for node in nodes if node.parent == sel]
for kid in children:
kid.select = True
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWDetachOutputs(Operator, NWBase):
"""Detach outputs of selected node leaving inputs linked"""
bl_idname = "node.nw_detach_outputs"
bl_label = "Detach Outputs"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
selected = context.selected_nodes
new_nodes = context.selected_nodes
for node in selected:
node.select = True
for new_node in new_nodes:
new_node.select = True
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWLinkToOutputNode(Operator):
"""Link to Composite node or Material Output node"""
bl_idname = "node.nw_link_out"
bl_label = "Connect to Output"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if nw_check(context) and context.space_data.tree_type != 'GeometryNodeTree':
if context.active_node is not None:
for out in context.active_node.outputs:
if is_visible_socket(out):
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
active = nodes.active
output_node = None
output_index = None
tree_type = context.space_data.tree_type
output_types_shaders = [x[1] for x in shaders_output_nodes_props]
output_types_compo = ['COMPOSITE']
output_types_blender_mat = ['OUTPUT']
output_types_textures = ['OUTPUT']
output_types = output_types_shaders + output_types_compo + output_types_blender_mat
for node in nodes:
if node.type in output_types:
output_node = node
if not output_node:
if tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree':
output_node = nodes.new('ShaderNodeOutputMaterial')
elif tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree':
output_node = nodes.new('CompositorNodeComposite')
elif tree_type == 'TextureNodeTree':
output_node = nodes.new('TextureNodeOutput')
output_node.location.x = active.location.x + active.dimensions.x + 80
output_node.location.y = active.location.y
if (output_node and active.outputs):
for i, output in enumerate(active.outputs):
if is_visible_socket(output):
output_index = i
for i, output in enumerate(active.outputs):
if output.type == output_node.inputs[0].type and is_visible_socket(output):
output_index = i
out_input_index = 0
if tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree':
if active.outputs[output_index].name == 'Volume':
out_input_index = 1
elif active.outputs[output_index].type != 'SHADER': # connect to displacement if not a shader
out_input_index = 2
links.new(active.outputs[output_index], output_node.inputs[out_input_index])
force_update(context) # viewport render does not update
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWMakeLink(Operator, NWBase):
"""Make a link from one socket to another"""
bl_idname = 'node.nw_make_link'
bl_label = 'Make Link'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
from_socket: IntProperty()
to_socket: IntProperty()
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
n1 = nodes[context.scene.NWLazySource]
n2 = nodes[context.scene.NWLazyTarget]
links.new(n1.outputs[self.from_socket], n2.inputs[self.to_socket])
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWCallInputsMenu(Operator, NWBase):
"""Link from this output"""
bl_idname = 'node.nw_call_inputs_menu'
bl_label = 'Make Link'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
from_socket: IntProperty()
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
context.scene.NWSourceSocket = self.from_socket
n1 = nodes[context.scene.NWLazySource]
n2 = nodes[context.scene.NWLazyTarget]
if len(n2.inputs) > 1:
bpy.ops.wm.call_menu("INVOKE_DEFAULT", name=NWConnectionListInputs.bl_idname)
elif len(n2.inputs) == 1:
links.new(n1.outputs[self.from_socket], n2.inputs[0])
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWAddSequence(Operator, NWBase, ImportHelper):
"""Add an Image Sequence"""
bl_idname = 'node.nw_add_sequence'
bl_label = 'Import Image Sequence'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
directory: StringProperty(
filename: StringProperty(
files: CollectionProperty(
options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'}
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
directory = self.directory
filename = self.filename
files = self.files
tree = context.space_data.node_tree
# print ("\nDIR:", directory)
# print ("FN:", filename)
# print ("Fs:", list(f.name for f in files), '\n')
if tree.type == 'SHADER':
node_type = "ShaderNodeTexImage"
elif tree.type == 'COMPOSITING':
node_type = "CompositorNodeImage"
self.report({'ERROR'}, "Unsupported Node Tree type!")
return {'CANCELLED'}
if not files[0].name and not filename:
self.report({'ERROR'}, "No file chosen")
return {'CANCELLED'}
elif files[0].name and (not filename or not path.exists(directory+filename)):
# User has selected multiple files without an active one, or the active one is non-existant
filename = files[0].name
if not path.exists(directory+filename):
self.report({'ERROR'}, filename+" does not exist!")
return {'CANCELLED'}
without_ext = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1])
# if last digit isn't a number, it's not a sequence
if not without_ext[-1].isdigit():
self.report({'ERROR'}, filename+" does not seem to be part of a sequence")
return {'CANCELLED'}
extension = filename.split('.')[-1]
reverse = without_ext[::-1] # reverse string
count_numbers = 0
for char in reverse:
if char.isdigit():
count_numbers += 1
without_num = without_ext[:count_numbers*-1]
files = sorted(glob(directory + without_num + "[0-9]"*count_numbers + "." + extension))
num_frames = len(files)
nodes_list = [node for node in nodes]
if nodes_list:
nodes_list.sort(key=lambda k: k.location.x)
xloc = nodes_list[0].location.x - 220 # place new nodes at far left
yloc = 0
for node in nodes:
node.select = False
yloc += node_mid_pt(node, 'y')
yloc = yloc/len(nodes)
xloc = 0
yloc = 0
name_with_hashes = without_num + "#"*count_numbers + '.' + extension
bpy.ops.node.add_node('INVOKE_DEFAULT', use_transform=True, type=node_type)
node = nodes.active
node.label = name_with_hashes
img = bpy.data.images.load(directory+(without_ext+'.'+extension))
img.source = 'SEQUENCE'
img.name = name_with_hashes
node.image = img
image_user = node.image_user if tree.type == 'SHADER' else node
image_user.frame_offset = int(files[0][len(without_num)+len(directory):-1*(len(extension)+1)]) - 1 # separate the number from the file name of the first file
image_user.frame_duration = num_frames
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWAddMultipleImages(Operator, NWBase, ImportHelper):
"""Add multiple images at once"""
bl_idname = 'node.nw_add_multiple_images'
bl_label = 'Open Selected Images'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
directory: StringProperty(
files: CollectionProperty(
options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'}
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
xloc, yloc = context.region.view2d.region_to_view(context.area.width/2, context.area.height/2)
if context.space_data.node_tree.type == 'SHADER':
node_type = "ShaderNodeTexImage"
elif context.space_data.node_tree.type == 'COMPOSITING':
node_type = "CompositorNodeImage"
self.report({'ERROR'}, "Unsupported Node Tree type!")
return {'CANCELLED'}
new_nodes = []
for f in self.files:
fname = f.name
node = nodes.new(node_type)
node.label = fname
node.hide = True
node.width_hidden = 100
node.location.x = xloc
node.location.y = yloc
yloc -= 40
img = bpy.data.images.load(self.directory+fname)
node.image = img
# shift new nodes up to center of tree
list_size = new_nodes[0].location.y - new_nodes[-1].location.y
for node in nodes:
if node in new_nodes:
node.select = True
node.location.y += (list_size/2)
node.select = False
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWViewerFocus(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Set the viewer tile center to the mouse position"""
bl_idname = "node.nw_viewer_focus"
bl_label = "Viewer Focus"
x: bpy.props.IntProperty()
y: bpy.props.IntProperty()
def poll(cls, context):
return nw_check(context) and context.space_data.tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree'
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
render = context.scene.render
space = context.space_data
percent = render.resolution_percentage*0.01
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
viewers = [n for n in nodes if n.type == 'VIEWER']
if viewers:
mlocx = event.mouse_region_x
mlocy = event.mouse_region_y
select_node = bpy.ops.node.select(mouse_x=mlocx, mouse_y=mlocy, extend=False)
if not 'FINISHED' in select_node: # only run if we're not clicking on a node
region_x = context.region.width
region_y = context.region.height
region_center_x = context.region.width / 2
region_center_y = context.region.height / 2
bd_x = render.resolution_x * percent * space.backdrop_zoom
bd_y = render.resolution_y * percent * space.backdrop_zoom
backdrop_center_x = (bd_x / 2) - space.backdrop_offset[0]
backdrop_center_y = (bd_y / 2) - space.backdrop_offset[1]
margin_x = region_center_x - backdrop_center_x
margin_y = region_center_y - backdrop_center_y
abs_mouse_x = (mlocx - margin_x) / bd_x
abs_mouse_y = (mlocy - margin_y) / bd_y
for node in viewers:
node.center_x = abs_mouse_x
node.center_y = abs_mouse_y
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
return self.execute(context)
class NWSaveViewer(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
"""Save the current viewer node to an image file"""
bl_idname = "node.nw_save_viewer"
bl_label = "Save This Image"
filepath: StringProperty(subtype="FILE_PATH")
filename_ext: EnumProperty(
description="Choose the file format to save to",
items=(('.bmp', "BMP", ""),
('.rgb', 'IRIS', ""),
('.png', 'PNG', ""),
('.jpg', 'JPEG', ""),
('.jp2', 'JPEG2000', ""),
('.tga', 'TARGA', ""),
('.cin', 'CINEON', ""),
('.dpx', 'DPX', ""),
('.exr', 'OPEN_EXR', ""),
('.hdr', 'HDR', ""),
('.tif', 'TIFF', "")),
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
if context.space_data.tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree':
if "Viewer Node" in [i.name for i in bpy.data.images]:
if sum(bpy.data.images["Viewer Node"].size) > 0: # False if not connected or connected but no image
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
fp = self.filepath
if fp:
formats = {
'.bmp': 'BMP',
'.rgb': 'IRIS',
'.png': 'PNG',
'.jpg': 'JPEG',
'.jpeg': 'JPEG',
'.jp2': 'JPEG2000',
'.tga': 'TARGA',
'.cin': 'CINEON',
'.dpx': 'DPX',
'.exr': 'OPEN_EXR',
'.hdr': 'HDR',
'.tiff': 'TIFF',
'.tif': 'TIFF'}
basename, ext = path.splitext(fp)
old_render_format = context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format
context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = formats[self.filename_ext]
context.area.type = "IMAGE_EDITOR"
context.area.spaces[0].image = bpy.data.images['Viewer Node']
context.area.type = "NODE_EDITOR"
context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = old_render_format
return {'FINISHED'}
class NWResetNodes(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Reset Nodes in Selection"""
bl_idname = "node.nw_reset_nodes"
bl_label = "Reset Nodes"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
return space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR'
def execute(self, context):
node_active = context.active_node
node_selected = context.selected_nodes
node_ignore = ["FRAME","REROUTE", "GROUP"]
# Check if one node is selected at least
if not (len(node_selected) > 0):
self.report({'ERROR'}, "1 node must be selected at least")
return {'CANCELLED'}
active_node_name = node_active.name if node_active.select else None
valid_nodes = [n for n in node_selected if n.type not in node_ignore]
# Create output lists
selected_node_names = [n.name for n in node_selected]
success_names = []
# Reset all valid children in a frame
node_active_is_frame = False
if len(node_selected) == 1 and node_active.type == "FRAME":
node_tree = node_active.id_data
children = [n for n in node_tree.nodes if n.parent == node_active]
if children:
valid_nodes = [n for n in children if n.type not in node_ignore]
selected_node_names = [n.name for n in children if n.type not in node_ignore]
node_active_is_frame = True
# Check if valid nodes in selection
if not (len(valid_nodes) > 0):
# Check for frames only
frames_selected = [n for n in node_selected if n.type == "FRAME"]
if (len(frames_selected) > 1 and len(frames_selected) == len(node_selected)):
self.report({'ERROR'}, "Please select only 1 frame to reset")
self.report({'ERROR'}, "No valid node(s) in selection")
return {'CANCELLED'}
# Report nodes that are not valid
if len(valid_nodes) != len(node_selected) and node_active_is_frame is False:
valid_node_names = [n.name for n in valid_nodes]
not_valid_names = list(set(selected_node_names) - set(valid_node_names))
self.report({'INFO'}, "Ignored {}".format(", ".join(not_valid_names)))
# Deselect all nodes
for i in node_selected:
i.select = False
# Run through all valid nodes
for node in valid_nodes:
parent = node.parent if node.parent else None
node_loc = [node.location.x, node.location.y]
node_tree = node.id_data
props_to_copy = 'bl_idname name location height width'.split(' ')
reconnections = []
mappings = chain.from_iterable([node.inputs, node.outputs])
for i in (i for i in mappings if i.is_linked):
for L in i.links:
reconnections.append([L.from_socket.path_from_id(), L.to_socket.path_from_id()])
props = {j: getattr(node, j) for j in props_to_copy}
new_node = node_tree.nodes.new(props['bl_idname'])
for prop in props_to_copy:
setattr(new_node, prop, props[prop])
nodes = node_tree.nodes
new_node.name = props['name']
if parent:
new_node.parent = parent
new_node.location = node_loc
for str_from, str_to in reconnections:
node_tree.links.new(eval(str_from), eval(str_to))
new_node.select = False
# Reselect all nodes
if selected_node_names and node_active_is_frame is False:
for i in selected_node_names:
node_tree.nodes[i].select = True
if active_node_name is not None:
node_tree.nodes[active_node_name].select = True
node_tree.nodes.active = node_tree.nodes[active_node_name]
self.report({'INFO'}, "Successfully reset {}".format(", ".join(success_names)))
return {'FINISHED'}
# P A N E L
def drawlayout(context, layout, mode='non-panel'):
tree_type = context.space_data.tree_type
col = layout.column(align=True)
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.menu(NWSwitchNodeTypeMenu.bl_idname, text="Switch Node Type")
if tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree':
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.operator(NWAddTextureSetup.bl_idname, text="Add Texture Setup", icon='NODE_SEL')
col.operator(NWAddPrincipledSetup.bl_idname, text="Add Principled Setup", icon='NODE_SEL')
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.operator(NWDetachOutputs.bl_idname, icon='UNLINKED')
col.menu(NWAddReroutesMenu.bl_idname, text="Add Reroutes", icon='LAYER_USED')
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.menu(NWLinkActiveToSelectedMenu.bl_idname, text="Link Active To Selected", icon='LINKED')
if tree_type != 'GeometryNodeTree':
col.operator(NWLinkToOutputNode.bl_idname, icon='DRIVER')
col = layout.column(align=True)
if mode == 'panel':
row = col.row(align=True)
row.operator(NWClearLabel.bl_idname).option = True
col.operator(NWClearLabel.bl_idname).option = True
col.menu(NWBatchChangeNodesMenu.bl_idname, text="Batch Change")
col.menu(NWCopyToSelectedMenu.bl_idname, text="Copy to Selected")
col = layout.column(align=True)
if tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree':
col.operator(NWResetBG.bl_idname, icon='ZOOM_PREVIOUS')
if tree_type != 'GeometryNodeTree':
col.operator(NWReloadImages.bl_idname, icon='FILE_REFRESH')
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.operator(NWFrameSelected.bl_idname, icon='STICKY_UVS_LOC')
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.operator(NWAlignNodes.bl_idname, icon='CENTER_ONLY')
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.operator(NWDeleteUnused.bl_idname, icon='CANCEL')
class NodeWranglerPanel(Panel, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_PT_nw_node_wrangler"
bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
bl_label = "Node Wrangler"
bl_region_type = "UI"
bl_category = "Node Wrangler"
prepend: StringProperty(
append: StringProperty()
remove: StringProperty()
def draw(self, context):
self.layout.label(text="(Quick access: Shift+W)")
drawlayout(context, self.layout, mode='panel')
# M E N U S
class NodeWranglerMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_node_wrangler_menu"
bl_label = "Node Wrangler"
def draw(self, context):
self.layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_DEFAULT'
drawlayout(context, self.layout)
class NWMergeNodesMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_merge_nodes_menu"
bl_label = "Merge Selected Nodes"
def draw(self, context):
type = context.space_data.tree_type
layout = self.layout
if type == 'ShaderNodeTree':
layout.menu(NWMergeShadersMenu.bl_idname, text="Use Shaders")
if type == 'GeometryNodeTree':
layout.menu(NWMergeGeometryMenu.bl_idname, text="Use Geometry Nodes")
layout.menu(NWMergeMathMenu.bl_idname, text="Use Math Nodes")
layout.menu(NWMergeMixMenu.bl_idname, text="Use Mix Nodes")
layout.menu(NWMergeMathMenu.bl_idname, text="Use Math Nodes")
props = layout.operator(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, text="Use Z-Combine Nodes")
props.mode = 'MIX'
props.merge_type = 'ZCOMBINE'
props = layout.operator(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, text="Use Alpha Over Nodes")
props.mode = 'MIX'
props.merge_type = 'ALPHAOVER'
class NWMergeGeometryMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_merge_geometry_menu"
bl_label = "Merge Selected Nodes using Geometry Nodes"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
# The boolean node + Join Geometry node
for type, name, description in geo_combine_operations:
props = layout.operator(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, text=name)
props.mode = type
props.merge_type = 'GEOMETRY'
class NWMergeShadersMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_merge_shaders_menu"
bl_label = "Merge Selected Nodes using Shaders"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for type in ('MIX', 'ADD'):
props = layout.operator(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, text=type)
props.mode = type
props.merge_type = 'SHADER'
class NWMergeMixMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_merge_mix_menu"
bl_label = "Merge Selected Nodes using Mix"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for type, name, description in blend_types:
props = layout.operator(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, text=name)
props.mode = type
props.merge_type = 'MIX'
class NWConnectionListOutputs(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_connection_list_out"
bl_label = "From:"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
n1 = nodes[context.scene.NWLazySource]
for o in n1.outputs:
# Only show sockets that are exposed.
if o.enabled:
layout.operator(NWCallInputsMenu.bl_idname, text=o.name, icon="RADIOBUT_OFF").from_socket=index
class NWConnectionListInputs(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_connection_list_in"
bl_label = "To:"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
n2 = nodes[context.scene.NWLazyTarget]
index = 0
for i in n2.inputs:
# Only show sockets that are exposed.
# This prevents, for example, the scale value socket
# of the vector math node being added to the list when
# the mode is not 'SCALE'.
if i.enabled:
op = layout.operator(NWMakeLink.bl_idname, text=i.name, icon="FORWARD")
op.from_socket = context.scene.NWSourceSocket
op.to_socket = index
class NWMergeMathMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_merge_math_menu"
bl_label = "Merge Selected Nodes using Math"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for type, name, description in operations:
props = layout.operator(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, text=name)
props.mode = type
props.merge_type = 'MATH'
class NWBatchChangeNodesMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_batch_change_nodes_menu"
bl_label = "Batch Change Selected Nodes"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
class NWBatchChangeBlendTypeMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_batch_change_blend_type_menu"
bl_label = "Batch Change Blend Type"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for type, name, description in blend_types:
props = layout.operator(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, text=name)
props.blend_type = type
props.operation = 'CURRENT'
class NWBatchChangeOperationMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_batch_change_operation_menu"
bl_label = "Batch Change Math Operation"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for type, name, description in operations:
props = layout.operator(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, text=name)
props.blend_type = 'CURRENT'
props.operation = type
class NWCopyToSelectedMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_copy_node_properties_menu"
bl_label = "Copy to Selected"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator(NWCopySettings.bl_idname, text="Settings from Active")
class NWCopyLabelMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_copy_label_menu"
bl_label = "Copy Label"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator(NWCopyLabel.bl_idname, text="from Active Node's Label").option = 'FROM_ACTIVE'
layout.operator(NWCopyLabel.bl_idname, text="from Linked Node's Label").option = 'FROM_NODE'
layout.operator(NWCopyLabel.bl_idname, text="from Linked Output's Name").option = 'FROM_SOCKET'
class NWAddReroutesMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_add_reroutes_menu"
bl_label = "Add Reroutes"
bl_description = "Add Reroute Nodes to Selected Nodes' Outputs"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator(NWAddReroutes.bl_idname, text="to All Outputs").option = 'ALL'
layout.operator(NWAddReroutes.bl_idname, text="to Loose Outputs").option = 'LOOSE'
layout.operator(NWAddReroutes.bl_idname, text="to Linked Outputs").option = 'LINKED'
class NWLinkActiveToSelectedMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_link_active_to_selected_menu"
bl_label = "Link Active to Selected"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
class NWLinkStandardMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_link_standard_menu"
bl_label = "To All Selected"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
props = layout.operator(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, text="Don't Replace Links")
props.replace = False
props.use_node_name = False
props.use_outputs_names = False
props = layout.operator(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, text="Replace Links")
props.replace = True
props.use_node_name = False
props.use_outputs_names = False
class NWLinkUseNodeNameMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_link_use_node_name_menu"
bl_label = "Use Node Name/Label"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
props = layout.operator(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, text="Don't Replace Links")
props.replace = False
props.use_node_name = True
props.use_outputs_names = False
props = layout.operator(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, text="Replace Links")
props.replace = True
props.use_node_name = True
props.use_outputs_names = False
class NWLinkUseOutputsNamesMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_link_use_outputs_names_menu"
bl_label = "Use Outputs Names"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
props = layout.operator(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, text="Don't Replace Links")
props.replace = False
props.use_node_name = False
props.use_outputs_names = True
props = layout.operator(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, text="Replace Links")
props.replace = True
props.use_node_name = False
props.use_outputs_names = True
class NWVertColMenu(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_node_vertex_color_menu"
bl_label = "Vertex Colors"
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
snode = context.space_data
valid = snode.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree'
return valid
def draw(self, context):
l = self.layout
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
mat = context.object.active_material
objs = []
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
for slot in obj.material_slots:
if slot.material == mat:
vcols = []
for obj in objs:
if obj.data.vertex_colors:
for vcol in obj.data.vertex_colors:
vcols = list(set(vcols)) # get a unique list
if vcols:
for vcol in vcols:
l.operator(NWAddAttrNode.bl_idname, text=vcol).attr_name = vcol
l.label(text="No Vertex Color layers on objects with this material")
class NWSwitchNodeTypeMenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_node_type_menu"
bl_label = "Switch Type to..."
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
tree = context.space_data.node_tree
if tree.type == 'SHADER':
if tree.type == 'COMPOSITING':
if tree.type == 'TEXTURE':
if tree.type == 'GEOMETRY':
categories = [c for c in node_categories_iter(context)
if c.name not in ['Group', 'Script']]
for cat in categories:
idname = f"NODE_MT_nw_switch_{cat.identifier}_submenu"
if hasattr(bpy.types, idname):
layout.label(text="Unable to load altered node lists.")
layout.label(text="Please re-enable Node Wrangler.")
class NWSwitchShadersInputSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_shaders_input_submenu"
bl_label = "Input"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in shaders_input_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchShadersOutputSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_shaders_output_submenu"
bl_label = "Output"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in shaders_output_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchShadersShaderSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_shaders_shader_submenu"
bl_label = "Shader"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in shaders_shader_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchShadersTextureSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_shaders_texture_submenu"
bl_label = "Texture"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in shaders_texture_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchShadersColorSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_shaders_color_submenu"
bl_label = "Color"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in shaders_color_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchShadersVectorSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_shaders_vector_submenu"
bl_label = "Vector"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in shaders_vector_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchShadersConverterSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_shaders_converter_submenu"
bl_label = "Converter"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in shaders_converter_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchShadersLayoutSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_shaders_layout_submenu"
bl_label = "Layout"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in shaders_layout_nodes_props:
if node_type != 'FRAME':
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchCompoInputSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_compo_input_submenu"
bl_label = "Input"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in compo_input_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchCompoOutputSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_compo_output_submenu"
bl_label = "Output"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in compo_output_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchCompoColorSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_compo_color_submenu"
bl_label = "Color"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in compo_color_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchCompoConverterSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_compo_converter_submenu"
bl_label = "Converter"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in compo_converter_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchCompoFilterSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_compo_filter_submenu"
bl_label = "Filter"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in compo_filter_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchCompoVectorSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_compo_vector_submenu"
bl_label = "Vector"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in compo_vector_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchCompoMatteSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_compo_matte_submenu"
bl_label = "Matte"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in compo_matte_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchCompoDistortSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_compo_distort_submenu"
bl_label = "Distort"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in compo_distort_nodes_props:
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchCompoLayoutSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_compo_layout_submenu"
bl_label = "Layout"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in compo_layout_nodes_props:
if node_type != 'FRAME':
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchMatInputSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_mat_input_submenu"
bl_label = "Input"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(blender_mat_input_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchMatOutputSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_mat_output_submenu"
bl_label = "Output"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(blender_mat_output_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchMatColorSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_mat_color_submenu"
bl_label = "Color"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(blender_mat_color_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchMatVectorSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_mat_vector_submenu"
bl_label = "Vector"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(blender_mat_vector_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchMatConverterSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_mat_converter_submenu"
bl_label = "Converter"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(blender_mat_converter_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchMatLayoutSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_mat_layout_submenu"
bl_label = "Layout"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(blender_mat_layout_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
if node_type != 'FRAME':
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchTexInputSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_tex_input_submenu"
bl_label = "Input"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(texture_input_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchTexOutputSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_tex_output_submenu"
bl_label = "Output"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(texture_output_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchTexColorSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_tex_color_submenu"
bl_label = "Color"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(texture_color_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchTexPatternSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_tex_pattern_submenu"
bl_label = "Pattern"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(texture_pattern_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchTexTexturesSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_tex_textures_submenu"
bl_label = "Textures"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(texture_textures_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchTexConverterSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_tex_converter_submenu"
bl_label = "Converter"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(texture_converter_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchTexDistortSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_tex_distort_submenu"
bl_label = "Distort"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(texture_distort_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
class NWSwitchTexLayoutSubmenu(Menu, NWBase):
bl_idname = "NODE_MT_nw_switch_tex_layout_submenu"
bl_label = "Layout"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for ident, node_type, rna_name in sorted(texture_layout_nodes_props, key=lambda k: k[2]):
if node_type != 'FRAME':
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=rna_name)
props.to_type = ident
def draw_switch_category_submenu(self, context):
layout = self.layout
if self.category.name == 'Layout':
for node in self.category.items(context):
if node.nodetype != 'NodeFrame':
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=node.label)
props.to_type = node.nodetype
for node in self.category.items(context):
props = layout.operator(NWSwitchNodeType.bl_idname, text=node.label)
props.geo_to_type = node.nodetype
def select_parent_children_buttons(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator(NWSelectParentChildren.bl_idname, text="Select frame's members (children)").option = 'CHILD'
layout.operator(NWSelectParentChildren.bl_idname, text="Select parent frame").option = 'PARENT'
def attr_nodes_menu_func(self, context):
col = self.layout.column(align=True)
def multipleimages_menu_func(self, context):
col = self.layout.column(align=True)
col.operator(NWAddMultipleImages.bl_idname, text="Multiple Images")
col.operator(NWAddSequence.bl_idname, text="Image Sequence")
def bgreset_menu_func(self, context):
def save_viewer_menu_func(self, context):
if nw_check(context):
if context.space_data.tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree':
if context.scene.node_tree.nodes.active:
if context.scene.node_tree.nodes.active.type == "VIEWER":
self.layout.operator(NWSaveViewer.bl_idname, icon='FILE_IMAGE')
def reset_nodes_button(self, context):
node_active = context.active_node
node_selected = context.selected_nodes
node_ignore = ["FRAME","REROUTE", "GROUP"]
# Check if active node is in the selection and respective type
if (len(node_selected) == 1) and node_active.select and node_active.type not in node_ignore:
row = self.layout.row()
row.operator("node.nw_reset_nodes", text="Reset Node", icon="FILE_REFRESH")
elif (len(node_selected) == 1) and node_active.select and node_active.type == "FRAME":
row = self.layout.row()
row.operator("node.nw_reset_nodes", text="Reset Nodes in Frame", icon="FILE_REFRESH")
switch_category_menus = []
addon_keymaps = []
# kmi_defs entry: (identifier, key, action, CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, props, nice name)
# props entry: (property name, property value)
kmi_defs = (
# NWMergeNodes with Ctrl (AUTO).
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_0', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'MIX'), ('merge_type', 'AUTO'),), "Merge Nodes (Automatic)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'ZERO', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'MIX'), ('merge_type', 'AUTO'),), "Merge Nodes (Automatic)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_PLUS', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'ADD'), ('merge_type', 'AUTO'),), "Merge Nodes (Add)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'EQUAL', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'ADD'), ('merge_type', 'AUTO'),), "Merge Nodes (Add)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_ASTERIX', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'MULTIPLY'), ('merge_type', 'AUTO'),), "Merge Nodes (Multiply)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'EIGHT', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'MULTIPLY'), ('merge_type', 'AUTO'),), "Merge Nodes (Multiply)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_MINUS', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'SUBTRACT'), ('merge_type', 'AUTO'),), "Merge Nodes (Subtract)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'MINUS', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'SUBTRACT'), ('merge_type', 'AUTO'),), "Merge Nodes (Subtract)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_SLASH', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'DIVIDE'), ('merge_type', 'AUTO'),), "Merge Nodes (Divide)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'SLASH', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'DIVIDE'), ('merge_type', 'AUTO'),), "Merge Nodes (Divide)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'COMMA', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'LESS_THAN'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Less than)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'PERIOD', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'GREATER_THAN'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Greater than)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_PERIOD', 'PRESS', True, False, False,
(('mode', 'MIX'), ('merge_type', 'ZCOMBINE'),), "Merge Nodes (Z-Combine)"),
# NWMergeNodes with Ctrl Alt (MIX or ALPHAOVER)
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_0', 'PRESS', True, False, True,
(('mode', 'MIX'), ('merge_type', 'ALPHAOVER'),), "Merge Nodes (Alpha Over)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'ZERO', 'PRESS', True, False, True,
(('mode', 'MIX'), ('merge_type', 'ALPHAOVER'),), "Merge Nodes (Alpha Over)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_PLUS', 'PRESS', True, False, True,
(('mode', 'ADD'), ('merge_type', 'MIX'),), "Merge Nodes (Color, Add)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'EQUAL', 'PRESS', True, False, True,
(('mode', 'ADD'), ('merge_type', 'MIX'),), "Merge Nodes (Color, Add)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_ASTERIX', 'PRESS', True, False, True,
(('mode', 'MULTIPLY'), ('merge_type', 'MIX'),), "Merge Nodes (Color, Multiply)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'EIGHT', 'PRESS', True, False, True,
(('mode', 'MULTIPLY'), ('merge_type', 'MIX'),), "Merge Nodes (Color, Multiply)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_MINUS', 'PRESS', True, False, True,
(('mode', 'SUBTRACT'), ('merge_type', 'MIX'),), "Merge Nodes (Color, Subtract)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'MINUS', 'PRESS', True, False, True,
(('mode', 'SUBTRACT'), ('merge_type', 'MIX'),), "Merge Nodes (Color, Subtract)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_SLASH', 'PRESS', True, False, True,
(('mode', 'DIVIDE'), ('merge_type', 'MIX'),), "Merge Nodes (Color, Divide)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'SLASH', 'PRESS', True, False, True,
(('mode', 'DIVIDE'), ('merge_type', 'MIX'),), "Merge Nodes (Color, Divide)"),
# NWMergeNodes with Ctrl Shift (MATH)
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_PLUS', 'PRESS', True, True, False,
(('mode', 'ADD'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Math, Add)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'EQUAL', 'PRESS', True, True, False,
(('mode', 'ADD'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Math, Add)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_ASTERIX', 'PRESS', True, True, False,
(('mode', 'MULTIPLY'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Math, Multiply)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'EIGHT', 'PRESS', True, True, False,
(('mode', 'MULTIPLY'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Math, Multiply)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_MINUS', 'PRESS', True, True, False,
(('mode', 'SUBTRACT'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Math, Subtract)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'MINUS', 'PRESS', True, True, False,
(('mode', 'SUBTRACT'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Math, Subtract)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_SLASH', 'PRESS', True, True, False,
(('mode', 'DIVIDE'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Math, Divide)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'SLASH', 'PRESS', True, True, False,
(('mode', 'DIVIDE'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Math, Divide)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'COMMA', 'PRESS', True, True, False,
(('mode', 'LESS_THAN'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Math, Less than)"),
(NWMergeNodes.bl_idname, 'PERIOD', 'PRESS', True, True, False,
(('mode', 'GREATER_THAN'), ('merge_type', 'MATH'),), "Merge Nodes (Math, Greater than)"),
# NWBatchChangeNodes with Alt
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_0', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'MIX'), ('operation', 'CURRENT'),), "Batch change blend type (Mix)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'ZERO', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'MIX'), ('operation', 'CURRENT'),), "Batch change blend type (Mix)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_PLUS', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'ADD'), ('operation', 'ADD'),), "Batch change blend type (Add)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'EQUAL', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'ADD'), ('operation', 'ADD'),), "Batch change blend type (Add)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_ASTERIX', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'MULTIPLY'), ('operation', 'MULTIPLY'),), "Batch change blend type (Multiply)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'EIGHT', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'MULTIPLY'), ('operation', 'MULTIPLY'),), "Batch change blend type (Multiply)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_MINUS', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'SUBTRACT'), ('operation', 'SUBTRACT'),), "Batch change blend type (Subtract)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'MINUS', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'SUBTRACT'), ('operation', 'SUBTRACT'),), "Batch change blend type (Subtract)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_SLASH', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'DIVIDE'), ('operation', 'DIVIDE'),), "Batch change blend type (Divide)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'SLASH', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'DIVIDE'), ('operation', 'DIVIDE'),), "Batch change blend type (Divide)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'COMMA', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'CURRENT'), ('operation', 'LESS_THAN'),), "Batch change blend type (Current)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'PERIOD', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'CURRENT'), ('operation', 'GREATER_THAN'),), "Batch change blend type (Current)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'DOWN_ARROW', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'NEXT'), ('operation', 'NEXT'),), "Batch change blend type (Next)"),
(NWBatchChangeNodes.bl_idname, 'UP_ARROW', 'PRESS', False, False, True,
(('blend_type', 'PREV'), ('operation', 'PREV'),), "Batch change blend type (Previous)"),
# Don't use names, don't replace links (K)
(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, 'K', 'PRESS', False, False, False,
(('replace', False), ('use_node_name', False), ('use_outputs_names', False),), "Link active to selected (Don't replace links)"),
# Don't use names, replace links (Shift K)
(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, 'K', 'PRESS', False, True, False,
(('replace', True), ('use_node_name', False), ('use_outputs_names', False),), "Link active to selected (Replace links)"),
# Use node name, don't replace links (')
(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, 'QUOTE', 'PRESS', False, False, False,
(('replace', False), ('use_node_name', True), ('use_outputs_names', False),), "Link active to selected (Don't replace links, node names)"),
# Use node name, replace links (Shift ')
(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, 'QUOTE', 'PRESS', False, True, False,
(('replace', True), ('use_node_name', True), ('use_outputs_names', False),), "Link active to selected (Replace links, node names)"),
# Don't use names, don't replace links (;)
(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, 'SEMI_COLON', 'PRESS', False, False, False,
(('replace', False), ('use_node_name', False), ('use_outputs_names', True),), "Link active to selected (Don't replace links, output names)"),
# Don't use names, replace links (')
(NWLinkActiveToSelected.bl_idname, 'SEMI_COLON', 'PRESS', False, True, False,
(('replace', True), ('use_node_name', False), ('use_outputs_names', True),), "Link active to selected (Replace links, output names)"),
(NWChangeMixFactor.bl_idname, 'LEFT_ARROW', 'PRESS', False, False, True, (('option', -0.1),), "Reduce Mix Factor by 0.1"),
(NWChangeMixFactor.bl_idname, 'RIGHT_ARROW', 'PRESS', False, False, True, (('option', 0.1),), "Increase Mix Factor by 0.1"),
(NWChangeMixFactor.bl_idname, 'LEFT_ARROW', 'PRESS', False, True, True, (('option', -0.01),), "Reduce Mix Factor by 0.01"),
(NWChangeMixFactor.bl_idname, 'RIGHT_ARROW', 'PRESS', False, True, True, (('option', 0.01),), "Increase Mix Factor by 0.01"),
(NWChangeMixFactor.bl_idname, 'LEFT_ARROW', 'PRESS', True, True, True, (('option', 0.0),), "Set Mix Factor to 0.0"),
(NWChangeMixFactor.bl_idname, 'RIGHT_ARROW', 'PRESS', True, True, True, (('option', 1.0),), "Set Mix Factor to 1.0"),
(NWChangeMixFactor.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_0', 'PRESS', True, True, True, (('option', 0.0),), "Set Mix Factor to 0.0"),
(NWChangeMixFactor.bl_idname, 'ZERO', 'PRESS', True, True, True, (('option', 0.0),), "Set Mix Factor to 0.0"),
(NWChangeMixFactor.bl_idname, 'NUMPAD_1', 'PRESS', True, True, True, (('option', 1.0),), "Mix Factor to 1.0"),
(NWChangeMixFactor.bl_idname, 'ONE', 'PRESS', True, True, True, (('option', 1.0),), "Set Mix Factor to 1.0"),
(NWClearLabel.bl_idname, 'L', 'PRESS', False, False, True, (('option', False),), "Clear node labels"),
# MODIFY LABEL (Alt Shift L)
(NWModifyLabels.bl_idname, 'L', 'PRESS', False, True, True, None, "Modify node labels"),
# Copy Label from active to selected
(NWCopyLabel.bl_idname, 'V', 'PRESS', False, True, False, (('option', 'FROM_ACTIVE'),), "Copy label from active to selected"),
(NWDetachOutputs.bl_idname, 'D', 'PRESS', False, True, True, None, "Detach outputs"),
(NWLinkToOutputNode.bl_idname, 'O', 'PRESS', False, False, False, None, "Link to output node"),
# Select Children
(NWSelectParentChildren.bl_idname, 'RIGHT_BRACKET', 'PRESS', False, False, False, (('option', 'CHILD'),), "Select children"),
# Select Parent
(NWSelectParentChildren.bl_idname, 'LEFT_BRACKET', 'PRESS', False, False, False, (('option', 'PARENT'),), "Select Parent"),
# Add Texture Setup
(NWAddTextureSetup.bl_idname, 'T', 'PRESS', True, False, False, None, "Add texture setup"),
# Add Principled BSDF Texture Setup
(NWAddPrincipledSetup.bl_idname, 'T', 'PRESS', True, True, False, None, "Add Principled texture setup"),
# Reset backdrop
(NWResetBG.bl_idname, 'Z', 'PRESS', False, False, False, None, "Reset backdrop image zoom"),
# Delete unused
(NWDeleteUnused.bl_idname, 'X', 'PRESS', False, False, True, None, "Delete unused nodes"),
# Frame Selected
(NWFrameSelected.bl_idname, 'P', 'PRESS', False, True, False, None, "Frame selected nodes"),
# Swap Outputs
(NWSwapLinks.bl_idname, 'S', 'PRESS', False, False, True, None, "Swap Outputs"),
# Preview Node
(NWPreviewNode.bl_idname, 'LEFTMOUSE', 'PRESS', True, True, False, (('run_in_geometry_nodes', False),), "Preview node output"),
(NWPreviewNode.bl_idname, 'LEFTMOUSE', 'PRESS', False, True, True, (('run_in_geometry_nodes', True),), "Preview node output"),
# Reload Images
(NWReloadImages.bl_idname, 'R', 'PRESS', False, False, True, None, "Reload images"),
# Lazy Mix
(NWLazyMix.bl_idname, 'RIGHTMOUSE', 'PRESS', True, True, False, None, "Lazy Mix"),
# Lazy Connect
(NWLazyConnect.bl_idname, 'RIGHTMOUSE', 'PRESS', False, False, True, (('with_menu', False),), "Lazy Connect"),
# Lazy Connect with Menu
(NWLazyConnect.bl_idname, 'RIGHTMOUSE', 'PRESS', False, True, True, (('with_menu', True),), "Lazy Connect with Socket Menu"),
# Viewer Tile Center
(NWViewerFocus.bl_idname, 'LEFTMOUSE', 'DOUBLE_CLICK', False, False, False, None, "Set Viewers Tile Center"),
# Align Nodes
(NWAlignNodes.bl_idname, 'EQUAL', 'PRESS', False, True, False, None, "Align selected nodes neatly in a row/column"),
# Reset Nodes (Back Space)
(NWResetNodes.bl_idname, 'BACK_SPACE', 'PRESS', False, False, False, None, "Revert node back to default state, but keep connections"),
('wm.call_menu', 'W', 'PRESS', False, True, False, (('name', NodeWranglerMenu.bl_idname),), "Node Wrangler menu"),
('wm.call_menu', 'SLASH', 'PRESS', False, False, False, (('name', NWAddReroutesMenu.bl_idname),), "Add Reroutes menu"),
('wm.call_menu', 'NUMPAD_SLASH', 'PRESS', False, False, False, (('name', NWAddReroutesMenu.bl_idname),), "Add Reroutes menu"),
('wm.call_menu', 'BACK_SLASH', 'PRESS', False, False, False, (('name', NWLinkActiveToSelectedMenu.bl_idname),), "Link active to selected (menu)"),
('wm.call_menu', 'C', 'PRESS', False, True, False, (('name', NWCopyToSelectedMenu.bl_idname),), "Copy to selected (menu)"),
('wm.call_menu', 'S', 'PRESS', False, True, False, (('name', NWSwitchNodeTypeMenu.bl_idname),), "Switch node type menu"),
classes = (
def register():
from bpy.utils import register_class
# props
bpy.types.Scene.NWBusyDrawing = StringProperty(
name="Busy Drawing!",
description="An internal property used to store only the first mouse position")
bpy.types.Scene.NWLazySource = StringProperty(
name="Lazy Source!",
description="An internal property used to store the first node in a Lazy Connect operation")
bpy.types.Scene.NWLazyTarget = StringProperty(
name="Lazy Target!",
description="An internal property used to store the last node in a Lazy Connect operation")
bpy.types.Scene.NWSourceSocket = IntProperty(
name="Source Socket!",
description="An internal property used to store the source socket in a Lazy Connect operation")
bpy.types.NodeSocketInterface.NWViewerSocket = BoolProperty(
name="NW Socket",
description="An internal property used to determine if a socket is generated by the addon"
for cls in classes:
# keymaps
kc = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs.addon
if kc:
km = kc.keymaps.new(name='Node Editor', space_type="NODE_EDITOR")
for (identifier, key, action, CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, props, nicename) in kmi_defs:
kmi = km.keymap_items.new(identifier, key, action, ctrl=CTRL, shift=SHIFT, alt=ALT)
if props:
for prop, value in props:
setattr(kmi.properties, prop, value)
addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))
# menu items
# switch submenus
for cat in node_categories_iter(None):
if cat.name not in ['Group', 'Script'] and cat.identifier.startswith('GEO'):
idname = f"NODE_MT_nw_switch_{cat.identifier}_submenu"
switch_category_type = type(idname, (bpy.types.Menu,), {
"bl_space_type": 'NODE_EDITOR',
"bl_label": cat.name,
"category": cat,
"poll": cat.poll,
"draw": draw_switch_category_submenu,
def unregister():
from bpy.utils import unregister_class
# props
del bpy.types.Scene.NWBusyDrawing
del bpy.types.Scene.NWLazySource
del bpy.types.Scene.NWLazyTarget
del bpy.types.Scene.NWSourceSocket
del bpy.types.NodeSocketInterface.NWViewerSocket
for cat_types in switch_category_menus:
# keymaps
for km, kmi in addon_keymaps:
# menuitems
for cls in classes:
if __name__ == "__main__":
马建仓 AI 助手
