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selectendorsehandler.go 11.06 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
MJL 提交于 2021-08-06 18:40 . first commit
Copyright SecureKey Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package invoke
import (
selectopts "gitee.com/bupt-zkjc/fabric-sdk-go/pkg/client/common/selection/options"
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go/peer"
var logger = logging.NewLogger("fabsdk/client")
var lsccFilter = func(ccID string) bool {
return ccID != "lscc" && ccID != "_lifecycle"
// SelectAndEndorseHandler selects endorsers according to the policies of the chaincodes in the provided invocation chain
// and then sends the proposal to those endorsers. The read/write sets from the responses are then checked to see if additional
// chaincodes were invoked that were not in the original invocation chain. If so, a new endorser set is computed with the
// additional chaincodes and (if necessary) endorsements are requested from those additional endorsers.
type SelectAndEndorseHandler struct {
next Handler
// NewSelectAndEndorseHandler returns a new SelectAndEndorseHandler
func NewSelectAndEndorseHandler(next ...Handler) Handler {
return &SelectAndEndorseHandler{
EndorsementHandler: NewEndorsementHandler(),
next: getNext(next),
// Handle selects endorsers and sends proposals to the endorsers
func (e *SelectAndEndorseHandler) Handle(requestContext *RequestContext, clientContext *ClientContext) {
var ccCalls []*fab.ChaincodeCall
targets := requestContext.Opts.Targets
if len(targets) == 0 {
var err error
ccCalls, requestContext.Opts.Targets, err = getEndorsers(requestContext, clientContext)
if err != nil {
requestContext.Error = err
e.EndorsementHandler.Handle(requestContext, clientContext)
if requestContext.Error != nil {
if len(targets) == 0 && len(requestContext.Response.Responses) > 0 {
additionalEndorsers, err := getAdditionalEndorsers(requestContext, clientContext, ccCalls)
if err != nil {
// Log a warning. No need to fail the endorsement. Use the responses collected so far,
// which may be sufficient to satisfy the chaincode policy.
logger.Warnf("error getting additional endorsers: %s", err)
} else {
if len(additionalEndorsers) > 0 {
requestContext.Opts.Targets = additionalEndorsers
logger.Debugf("...getting additional endorsements from %d target(s)", len(additionalEndorsers))
additionalResponses, err := clientContext.Transactor.SendTransactionProposal(requestContext.Response.Proposal, peer.PeersToTxnProcessors(additionalEndorsers))
if err != nil {
requestContext.Error = errors.WithMessage(err, "error sending transaction proposal")
// Add the new endorsements to the list of responses
requestContext.Response.Responses = append(requestContext.Response.Responses, additionalResponses...)
} else {
logger.Debugf("...no additional endorsements are required.")
if e.next != nil {
e.next.Handle(requestContext, clientContext)
//NewChainedCCFilter returns a chaincode filter that chains
//multiple filters together. False is returned if at least one
//of the filters in the chain returns false.
func NewChainedCCFilter(filters ...CCFilter) CCFilter {
return func(ccID string) bool {
for _, filter := range filters {
if !filter(ccID) {
return false
return true
func getEndorsers(requestContext *RequestContext, clientContext *ClientContext, opts ...options.Opt) ([]*fab.ChaincodeCall, []fab.Peer, error) {
var selectionOpts []options.Opt
selectionOpts = append(selectionOpts, opts...)
if requestContext.SelectionFilter != nil {
selectionOpts = append(selectionOpts, selectopts.WithPeerFilter(requestContext.SelectionFilter))
if requestContext.PeerSorter != nil {
selectionOpts = append(selectionOpts, selectopts.WithPeerSorter(requestContext.PeerSorter))
ccCalls := newInvocationChain(requestContext)
peers, err := clientContext.Selection.GetEndorsersForChaincode(newInvocationChain(requestContext), selectionOpts...)
return ccCalls, peers, err
func getAdditionalEndorsers(requestContext *RequestContext, clientContext *ClientContext, invocationChain []*fab.ChaincodeCall) ([]fab.Peer, error) {
invocationChainFromResponse, err := getInvocationChainFromResponse(requestContext.Response.Responses[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "error getting invocation chain from proposal response")
invocationChain, foundAdditional := mergeInvocationChains(invocationChain, invocationChainFromResponse, getCCFilter(requestContext))
if !foundAdditional {
return nil, nil
requestContext.Request.InvocationChain = invocationChain
logger.Debugf("Found additional chaincodes/collections. Checking if additional endorsements are required...")
// If using Fabric selection then disable retries. We don't want to keep retrying if the endorsement query returns an error.
// Also, add a priority selector that gives priority to peers from which we already have endorsements. This way, we don't
// unnecessarily get endorsements from other orgs.
_, endorsers, err := getEndorsers(
requestContext, clientContext,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "error getting additional endorsers")
var additionalEndorsers []fab.Peer
for _, endorser := range endorsers {
if !containsMSP(requestContext.Opts.Targets, endorser.MSPID()) {
logger.Debugf("... will ask for additional endorsement from [%s] in order to satisfy the chaincode policy", endorser.URL())
additionalEndorsers = append(additionalEndorsers, endorser)
return additionalEndorsers, nil
func getCCFilter(requestContext *RequestContext) CCFilter {
if requestContext.Opts.CCFilter != nil {
return NewChainedCCFilter(lsccFilter, requestContext.Opts.CCFilter)
return lsccFilter
func containsMSP(peers []fab.Peer, mspID string) bool {
for _, p := range peers {
if p.MSPID() == mspID {
return true
return false
func getInvocationChainFromResponse(response *fab.TransactionProposalResponse) ([]*fab.ChaincodeCall, error) {
rwSets, err := getRWSetsFromProposalResponse(response.ProposalResponse)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
invocationChain := make([]*fab.ChaincodeCall, len(rwSets))
for i, rwSet := range rwSets {
collections := make([]string, len(rwSet.CollHashedRwSets))
for j, collRWSet := range rwSet.CollHashedRwSets {
collections[j] = collRWSet.CollectionName
logger.Debugf("Found chaincode in RWSet [%s], Collections %v", rwSet.NameSpace, collections)
invocationChain[i] = &fab.ChaincodeCall{ID: rwSet.NameSpace, Collections: collections}
return invocationChain, nil
func getRWSetsFromProposalResponse(response *pb.ProposalResponse) ([]*rwsetutil.NsRwSet, error) {
if response == nil {
return nil, nil
prp := &pb.ProposalResponsePayload{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(response.Payload, prp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chaincodeAction := &pb.ChaincodeAction{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(prp.Extension, chaincodeAction)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(chaincodeAction.Results) == 0 {
return nil, nil
txRWSet := &rwsetutil.TxRwSet{}
if err := txRWSet.FromProtoBytes(chaincodeAction.Results); err != nil {
return nil, err
return txRWSet.NsRwSets, nil
func mergeInvocationChains(invocChain []*fab.ChaincodeCall, respInvocChain []*fab.ChaincodeCall, filter CCFilter) ([]*fab.ChaincodeCall, bool) {
var mergedInvocChain []*fab.ChaincodeCall
var changed bool
for _, respCCCall := range respInvocChain {
if !filter(respCCCall.ID) {
logger.Debugf("Ignoring chaincode [%s] in the RW set since it was filtered out", respCCCall.ID)
mergedCCCall, merged := mergeCCCall(invocChain, respCCCall)
if merged {
changed = true
mergedInvocChain = append(mergedInvocChain, mergedCCCall)
return mergedInvocChain, changed
// mergeCCCall checks if the provided invocation chain contains the given Chaincode Call.
// - If the invocation chain does not contain the chaincode call then return (respCCCall,true)
// - If the invocation chain contains the chaincode call but the collection sets are different, then return (mergedCCCall,true)
// - If the invocation chain contains the chaincode call and the collection sets are the same, then return (respCCCall,false)
func mergeCCCall(invocChain []*fab.ChaincodeCall, respCCCall *fab.ChaincodeCall) (*fab.ChaincodeCall, bool) {
ccCall, ok := getCCCall(invocChain, respCCCall.ID)
if ok {
logger.Debugf("Already have chaincode [%s]. Checking to see if any private data collections were detected in the proposal response", respCCCall.ID)
c, merged := merge(ccCall, respCCCall)
if merged {
logger.Debugf("Modifying chaincode call for chaincode [%s] since additional private data collections were detected in the RW set", respCCCall.ID)
} else {
logger.Debugf("No additional private data collections were detected for chaincode [%s]", respCCCall.ID)
return c, merged
logger.Debugf("Detected chaincode [%s] in the RW set of the proposal response that was not part of the original invocation chain", respCCCall.ID)
return respCCCall, true
// getCC returns the ChaincodeCall from the invocation chain that matches the chaincode ID or
// returns nil if the ChaincodeCall is not found.
func getCCCall(invocChain []*fab.ChaincodeCall, ccID string) (*fab.ChaincodeCall, bool) {
for _, ccCall := range invocChain {
if ccCall.ID == ccID {
return ccCall, true
return nil, false
// merge merges the collections from c1 and c2 and returns the resulting ChaincodeCall.
// true is returned if a merge was necessary; false is returned if the two ChaincodeCalls were the same.
func merge(c1 *fab.ChaincodeCall, c2 *fab.ChaincodeCall) (*fab.ChaincodeCall, bool) {
c := &fab.ChaincodeCall{ID: c1.ID, Collections: c1.Collections}
merged := false
for _, coll := range c2.Collections {
if !contains(c.Collections, coll) {
c.Collections = append(c.Collections, coll)
merged = true
return c, merged
func contains(values []string, value string) bool {
for _, val := range values {
if val == value {
return true
return false
// prioritizePeers is a priority selector that gives priority to the peers that are in the given set
func prioritizePeers(peers []fab.Peer) selectopts.PrioritySelector {
return func(peer1, peer2 fab.Peer) int {
hasPeer1 := containsPeer(peers, peer1)
hasPeer2 := containsPeer(peers, peer2)
if hasPeer1 && hasPeer2 {
return 0
if hasPeer1 {
return 1
if hasPeer2 {
return -1
return 0
func containsPeer(peers []fab.Peer, peer fab.Peer) bool {
for _, p := range peers {
if p.URL() == peer.URL() {
return true
return false


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