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lifecycle.go 20.51 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
MJL 提交于 2021-08-06 18:40 . first commit
Copyright SecureKey Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package resource
import (
reqContext "context"
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go/peer"
lb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go/peer/lifecycle"
contextImpl "gitee.com/bupt-zkjc/fabric-sdk-go/pkg/context"
const (
lifecycleCC = "_lifecycle"
lifecycleInstallFuncName = "InstallChaincode"
lifecycleQueryInstalledChaincodesFunc = "QueryInstalledChaincodes"
lifecycleGetInstalledChaincodePackageFunc = "GetInstalledChaincodePackage"
lifecycleApproveChaincodeFuncName = "ApproveChaincodeDefinitionForMyOrg"
lifecycleQueryApprovedCCDefinitionFunc = "QueryApprovedChaincodeDefinition"
lifecycleCheckCommitReadinessFuncName = "CheckCommitReadiness"
lifecycleCommitFuncName = "CommitChaincodeDefinition"
lifecycleQueryChaincodeDefinitionFunc = "QueryChaincodeDefinition"
lifecycleQueryChaincodeDefinitionsFunc = "QueryChaincodeDefinitions"
// ApproveChaincodeRequest contains the parameters required to approve a chaincode
type ApproveChaincodeRequest struct {
Name string
Version string
PackageID string
Sequence int64
EndorsementPlugin string
ValidationPlugin string
SignaturePolicy *common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope
ChannelConfigPolicy string
CollectionConfig []*pb.CollectionConfig
InitRequired bool
// QueryApprovedChaincodeRequest contains the parameters for an approved chaincode query
type QueryApprovedChaincodeRequest struct {
Name string
Sequence int64
// CommitChaincodeRequest contains the parameters for a commit chaincode request
type CommitChaincodeRequest struct {
Name string
Version string
Sequence int64
EndorsementPlugin string
ValidationPlugin string
SignaturePolicy *common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope
ChannelConfigPolicy string
CollectionConfig []*pb.CollectionConfig
InitRequired bool
// CheckChaincodeCommitReadinessRequest contains the parameters for checking the 'commit readiness' of a chaincode
type CheckChaincodeCommitReadinessRequest struct {
Name string
Version string
Sequence int64
EndorsementPlugin string
ValidationPlugin string
SignaturePolicy *common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope
ChannelConfigPolicy string
CollectionConfig []*pb.CollectionConfig
InitRequired bool
// QueryCommittedChaincodesRequest contains the parameters to query committed chaincodes.
// If name is not provided then all committed chaincodes on the given channel are returned,
// otherwise only the chaincode with the given name is returned.
type QueryCommittedChaincodesRequest struct {
Name string
type protoMarshaller func(pb proto.Message) ([]byte, error)
type protoUnmarshaller func(buf []byte, pb proto.Message) error
type contextProvider func(ctx reqContext.Context) (context.Client, bool)
type txnHeaderProvider func(ctx context.Client, channelID string, opts ...fab.TxnHeaderOpt) (*txn.TransactionHeader, error)
// Lifecycle implements chaincode lifecycle operations
type Lifecycle struct {
protoMarshal protoMarshaller
protoUnmarshal protoUnmarshaller
newContext contextProvider
newTxnHeader txnHeaderProvider
// NewLifecycle returns a Lifecycle resource implementation that handles all chaincode lifecycle functions
func NewLifecycle() *Lifecycle {
return &Lifecycle{
protoMarshal: proto.Marshal,
protoUnmarshal: proto.Unmarshal,
newContext: contextImpl.RequestClientContext,
newTxnHeader: txn.NewHeader,
// Install installs a chaincode package
func (lc *Lifecycle) Install(reqCtx reqContext.Context, installPkg []byte, targets []fab.ProposalProcessor, opts ...Opt) ([]*LifecycleInstallProposalResponse, error) {
if len(installPkg) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("chaincode package is required")
ctx, ok := lc.newContext(reqCtx)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("failed get client context from reqContext for txn header")
txh, err := lc.newTxnHeader(ctx, fab.SystemChannel)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "create transaction ID failed")
prop, err := lc.createInstallProposal(txh, installPkg)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "creation of install chaincode proposal failed")
optionsValue := getOpts(opts...)
resp, err := retry.NewInvoker(retry.New(optionsValue.retry)).Invoke(
func() (interface{}, error) {
return txn.SendProposal(reqCtx, prop, targets)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response := resp.([]*fab.TransactionProposalResponse)
installResponse := make([]*LifecycleInstallProposalResponse, len(response))
for i, r := range response {
ir := &lb.InstallChaincodeResult{}
err = lc.protoUnmarshal(r.Response.Payload, ir)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal install chaincode result")
installResponse[i] = &LifecycleInstallProposalResponse{
TransactionProposalResponse: r,
InstallChaincodeResult: ir,
return installResponse, nil
// QueryInstalled returns information about the installed chaincodes on a given peer.
func (lc *Lifecycle) QueryInstalled(reqCtx reqContext.Context, target fab.ProposalProcessor, opts ...Opt) (*LifecycleQueryInstalledCCResponse, error) {
ctx, ok := lc.newContext(reqCtx)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("failed get client context from reqContext for txn header")
txh, err := lc.newTxnHeader(ctx, fab.SystemChannel)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "create transaction ID failed")
prop, err := lc.createQueryInstalledProposal(txh)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "creation of query installed chaincodes proposal failed")
optionsValue := getOpts(opts...)
resp, err := retry.NewInvoker(retry.New(optionsValue.retry)).Invoke(
func() (interface{}, error) {
return txn.SendProposal(reqCtx, prop, []fab.ProposalProcessor{target})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tpResponses := resp.([]*fab.TransactionProposalResponse)
r := tpResponses[0]
logger.Debugf("Query installed chaincodes endorser '%s' returned ProposalResponse status:%v", r.Endorser, r.Status)
qicr := &lb.QueryInstalledChaincodesResult{}
err = lc.protoUnmarshal(r.Response.Payload, qicr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal proposal response's response payload")
return &LifecycleQueryInstalledCCResponse{
TransactionProposalResponse: r,
InstalledChaincodes: toInstalledChaincodes(qicr.InstalledChaincodes),
}, nil
// GetInstalledPackage returns the installed chaincode package for the given package ID
func (lc *Lifecycle) GetInstalledPackage(reqCtx reqContext.Context, packageID string, target fab.ProposalProcessor, opts ...Opt) ([]byte, error) {
ctx, ok := lc.newContext(reqCtx)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("failed get client context from reqContext for txn header")
txh, err := lc.newTxnHeader(ctx, fab.SystemChannel)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "create transaction ID failed")
prop, err := lc.createGetInstalledPackageProposal(txh, packageID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "creation of get installed chaincode package proposal failed")
optionsValue := getOpts(opts...)
resp, err := retry.NewInvoker(retry.New(optionsValue.retry)).Invoke(
func() (interface{}, error) {
return txn.SendProposal(reqCtx, prop, []fab.ProposalProcessor{target})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tpResponses := resp.([]*fab.TransactionProposalResponse)
r := tpResponses[0]
logger.Debugf("Get installed chaincode package endorser '%s' returned ProposalResponse status:%v", r.Endorser, r.Status)
qicr := &lb.GetInstalledChaincodePackageResult{}
err = lc.protoUnmarshal(r.Response.Payload, qicr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal proposal response's response payload")
return qicr.ChaincodeInstallPackage, nil
// QueryApproved returns information about the approved chaincode
func (lc *Lifecycle) QueryApproved(reqCtx reqContext.Context, channelID string, req *QueryApprovedChaincodeRequest, target fab.ProposalProcessor, opts ...Opt) (*LifecycleQueryApprovedCCResponse, error) {
ctx, ok := lc.newContext(reqCtx)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("failed get client context from reqContext for txn header")
txh, err := lc.newTxnHeader(ctx, channelID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "create transaction ID failed")
prop, err := lc.createQueryApprovedDefinitionProposal(txh, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "creation of query approved chaincodes proposal failed")
optionsValue := getOpts(opts...)
resp, err := retry.NewInvoker(retry.New(optionsValue.retry)).Invoke(
func() (interface{}, error) {
return txn.SendProposal(reqCtx, prop, []fab.ProposalProcessor{target})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tpResponses := resp.([]*fab.TransactionProposalResponse)
tpr := tpResponses[0]
logger.Debugf("Query approved chaincodes endorser '%s' returned ProposalResponse status:%v", tpr.Endorser, tpr.Status)
result := &lb.QueryApprovedChaincodeDefinitionResult{}
err = lc.protoUnmarshal(tpr.Response.Payload, result)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal proposal response's response payload")
approvedCC, err := lc.toApprovedChaincodes(req.Name, result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &LifecycleQueryApprovedCCResponse{
TransactionProposalResponse: tpr,
ApprovedChaincode: approvedCC,
}, nil
func (lc *Lifecycle) createInstallProposal(txh fab.TransactionHeader, installPkg []byte) (*fab.TransactionProposal, error) {
cir, err := lc.createInstallRequest(installPkg)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "creating lscc install invocation request failed")
return txn.CreateChaincodeInvokeProposal(txh, cir)
func (lc *Lifecycle) createInstallRequest(installPkg []byte) (fab.ChaincodeInvokeRequest, error) {
installChaincodeArgs := &lb.InstallChaincodeArgs{
ChaincodeInstallPackage: installPkg,
installChaincodeArgsBytes, err := lc.protoMarshal(installChaincodeArgs)
if err != nil {
return fab.ChaincodeInvokeRequest{}, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal InstallChaincodeArgs")
return fab.ChaincodeInvokeRequest{
ChaincodeID: lifecycleCC,
Fcn: lifecycleInstallFuncName,
Args: [][]byte{installChaincodeArgsBytes},
}, nil
func (lc *Lifecycle) createQueryInstalledProposal(txh fab.TransactionHeader) (*fab.TransactionProposal, error) {
args := &lb.QueryInstalledChaincodesArgs{}
argsBytes, err := lc.protoMarshal(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal InstallChaincodeArgs")
return txn.CreateChaincodeInvokeProposal(txh,
ChaincodeID: lifecycleCC,
Fcn: lifecycleQueryInstalledChaincodesFunc,
Args: [][]byte{argsBytes},
func (lc *Lifecycle) createGetInstalledPackageProposal(txh fab.TransactionHeader, packageID string) (*fab.TransactionProposal, error) {
args := &lb.GetInstalledChaincodePackageArgs{
PackageId: packageID,
argsBytes, err := lc.protoMarshal(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal GetInstalledChaincodePackageArgs")
return txn.CreateChaincodeInvokeProposal(txh,
ChaincodeID: lifecycleCC,
Fcn: lifecycleGetInstalledChaincodePackageFunc,
Args: [][]byte{argsBytes},
// CreateApproveProposal creates a proposal to query approved chaincodes
func (lc *Lifecycle) CreateApproveProposal(txh fab.TransactionHeader, req *ApproveChaincodeRequest) (*fab.TransactionProposal, error) {
var ccsrc *lb.ChaincodeSource
if req.PackageID != "" {
ccsrc = &lb.ChaincodeSource{
Type: &lb.ChaincodeSource_LocalPackage{
LocalPackage: &lb.ChaincodeSource_Local{
PackageId: req.PackageID,
} else {
ccsrc = &lb.ChaincodeSource{
Type: &lb.ChaincodeSource_Unavailable_{
Unavailable: &lb.ChaincodeSource_Unavailable{},
policyBytes, err := lc.MarshalApplicationPolicy(req.SignaturePolicy, req.ChannelConfigPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "create application policy failed")
args := &lb.ApproveChaincodeDefinitionForMyOrgArgs{
Name: req.Name,
Version: req.Version,
Sequence: req.Sequence,
EndorsementPlugin: req.EndorsementPlugin,
ValidationPlugin: req.ValidationPlugin,
ValidationParameter: policyBytes,
InitRequired: req.InitRequired,
Collections: &pb.CollectionConfigPackage{Config: req.CollectionConfig},
Source: ccsrc,
argsBytes, err := lc.protoMarshal(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cir := fab.ChaincodeInvokeRequest{
ChaincodeID: lifecycleCC,
Fcn: lifecycleApproveChaincodeFuncName,
Args: [][]byte{argsBytes},
return txn.CreateChaincodeInvokeProposal(txh, cir)
// CreateCommitProposal creates a proposal to commit a chaincode
func (lc *Lifecycle) CreateCommitProposal(txh fab.TransactionHeader, req *CommitChaincodeRequest) (*fab.TransactionProposal, error) {
policyBytes, err := lc.MarshalApplicationPolicy(req.SignaturePolicy, req.ChannelConfigPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "create application policy failed")
args := &lb.CommitChaincodeDefinitionArgs{
Name: req.Name,
Version: req.Version,
Sequence: req.Sequence,
EndorsementPlugin: req.EndorsementPlugin,
ValidationPlugin: req.ValidationPlugin,
ValidationParameter: policyBytes,
InitRequired: req.InitRequired,
Collections: &pb.CollectionConfigPackage{Config: req.CollectionConfig},
argsBytes, err := lc.protoMarshal(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cir := fab.ChaincodeInvokeRequest{
ChaincodeID: lifecycleCC,
Fcn: lifecycleCommitFuncName,
Args: [][]byte{argsBytes},
return txn.CreateChaincodeInvokeProposal(txh, cir)
// CreateCheckCommitReadinessProposal creates a propoposal to check 'commit readiness' of a chaincode
func (lc *Lifecycle) CreateCheckCommitReadinessProposal(txh fab.TransactionHeader, req *CheckChaincodeCommitReadinessRequest) (*fab.TransactionProposal, error) {
policyBytes, err := lc.MarshalApplicationPolicy(req.SignaturePolicy, req.ChannelConfigPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "create application policy failed")
args := &lb.CheckCommitReadinessArgs{
Name: req.Name,
Version: req.Version,
Sequence: req.Sequence,
EndorsementPlugin: req.EndorsementPlugin,
ValidationPlugin: req.ValidationPlugin,
ValidationParameter: policyBytes,
InitRequired: req.InitRequired,
Collections: &pb.CollectionConfigPackage{Config: req.CollectionConfig},
argsBytes, err := lc.protoMarshal(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cir := fab.ChaincodeInvokeRequest{
ChaincodeID: lifecycleCC,
Fcn: lifecycleCheckCommitReadinessFuncName,
Args: [][]byte{argsBytes},
return txn.CreateChaincodeInvokeProposal(txh, cir)
// CreateQueryCommittedProposal creates a propoposal to query for committed chaincodes. If the chaincode name is provided
// in the request then the proposal will contain a query for a single chaincode, otherwise all committed chaincodes on the
// chainnel will be queried.
func (lc *Lifecycle) CreateQueryCommittedProposal(txh fab.TransactionHeader, req *QueryCommittedChaincodesRequest) (*fab.TransactionProposal, error) {
var function string
var args proto.Message
if req.Name != "" {
function = lifecycleQueryChaincodeDefinitionFunc
args = &lb.QueryChaincodeDefinitionArgs{
Name: req.Name,
} else {
function = lifecycleQueryChaincodeDefinitionsFunc
args = &lb.QueryChaincodeDefinitionsArgs{}
argsBytes, err := lc.protoMarshal(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cir := fab.ChaincodeInvokeRequest{
ChaincodeID: lifecycleCC,
Fcn: function,
Args: [][]byte{argsBytes},
return txn.CreateChaincodeInvokeProposal(txh, cir)
func (lc *Lifecycle) createQueryApprovedDefinitionProposal(txh fab.TransactionHeader, req *QueryApprovedChaincodeRequest) (*fab.TransactionProposal, error) {
args := &lb.QueryApprovedChaincodeDefinitionArgs{
Name: req.Name,
Sequence: req.Sequence,
argsBytes, err := lc.protoMarshal(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cir := fab.ChaincodeInvokeRequest{
ChaincodeID: lifecycleCC,
Fcn: lifecycleQueryApprovedCCDefinitionFunc,
Args: [][]byte{argsBytes},
return txn.CreateChaincodeInvokeProposal(txh, cir)
// MarshalApplicationPolicy marshals the given signature or channel config policy into an ApplicationPolicy payload
func (lc *Lifecycle) MarshalApplicationPolicy(signaturePolicy *common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope, channelConfigPolicy string) ([]byte, error) {
if signaturePolicy == nil && channelConfigPolicy == "" {
return nil, nil
if signaturePolicy != nil && channelConfigPolicy != "" {
return nil, errors.New("cannot specify both signature policy and channel config policy")
var applicationPolicy *pb.ApplicationPolicy
if signaturePolicy != nil {
applicationPolicy = &pb.ApplicationPolicy{
Type: &pb.ApplicationPolicy_SignaturePolicy{
SignaturePolicy: signaturePolicy,
if channelConfigPolicy != "" {
applicationPolicy = &pb.ApplicationPolicy{
Type: &pb.ApplicationPolicy_ChannelConfigPolicyReference{
ChannelConfigPolicyReference: channelConfigPolicy,
policyBytes, err := lc.protoMarshal(applicationPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to marshal application policy")
return policyBytes, nil
// UnmarshalApplicationPolicy unmarshals the policy baytes and returns either a signature policy or a channel config policy.
func (lc *Lifecycle) UnmarshalApplicationPolicy(policyBytes []byte) (*common.SignaturePolicyEnvelope, string, error) {
applicationPolicy := &pb.ApplicationPolicy{}
err := lc.protoUnmarshal(policyBytes, applicationPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to unmarshal application policy")
switch policy := applicationPolicy.Type.(type) {
case *pb.ApplicationPolicy_SignaturePolicy:
return policy.SignaturePolicy, "", nil
case *pb.ApplicationPolicy_ChannelConfigPolicyReference:
return nil, policy.ChannelConfigPolicyReference, nil
return nil, "", errors.Errorf("unsupported policy type %T", policy)
func (lc *Lifecycle) toApprovedChaincodes(ccName string, result *lb.QueryApprovedChaincodeDefinitionResult) (*LifecycleApprovedCC, error) {
var collConfig []*pb.CollectionConfig
if result.Collections != nil {
collConfig = result.Collections.Config
var packageID string
if result.Source != nil {
switch source := result.Source.Type.(type) {
case *lb.ChaincodeSource_LocalPackage:
packageID = source.LocalPackage.PackageId
case *lb.ChaincodeSource_Unavailable_:
signaturePolicy, channelConfigPolicy, err := lc.UnmarshalApplicationPolicy(result.ValidationParameter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &LifecycleApprovedCC{
Name: ccName,
Version: result.Version,
Sequence: result.Sequence,
EndorsementPlugin: result.EndorsementPlugin,
ValidationPlugin: result.ValidationPlugin,
SignaturePolicy: signaturePolicy,
ChannelConfigPolicy: channelConfigPolicy,
CollectionConfig: collConfig,
InitRequired: result.InitRequired,
PackageID: packageID,
}, nil
func toInstalledChaincodes(installedChaincodes []*lb.QueryInstalledChaincodesResult_InstalledChaincode) []LifecycleInstalledCC {
result := make([]LifecycleInstalledCC, len(installedChaincodes))
for i, ic := range installedChaincodes {
refsByChannelID := make(map[string][]CCReference)
for channelID, chaincodes := range ic.References {
refs := make([]CCReference, len(chaincodes.Chaincodes))
for j, cc := range chaincodes.Chaincodes {
refs[j] = CCReference{
Name: cc.Name,
Version: cc.Version,
refsByChannelID[channelID] = refs
result[i] = LifecycleInstalledCC{
PackageID: ic.PackageId,
Label: ic.Label,
References: refsByChannelID,
return result
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