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tidb_test.go 12.74 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tidb
import (
. "github.com/pingcap/check"
var store = flag.String("store", "memory", "registered store name, [memory, goleveldb, boltdb]")
func TestT(t *testing.T) {
logLevel := os.Getenv("log_level")
CustomVerboseFlag = true
var _ = Suite(&testMainSuite{})
type testMainSuite struct {
dbName string
createDBSQL string
dropDBSQL string
useDBSQL string
createTableSQL string
selectSQL string
type brokenStore struct{}
func (s *brokenStore) Open(schema string) (kv.Storage, error) {
return nil, errors.New("try again later")
func (s *testMainSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
s.dbName = "test_main_db"
s.createDBSQL = fmt.Sprintf("create database if not exists %s;", s.dbName)
s.dropDBSQL = fmt.Sprintf("drop database %s;", s.dbName)
s.useDBSQL = fmt.Sprintf("use %s;", s.dbName)
s.createTableSQL = `
CREATE TABLE tbl_test(id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(id));
CREATE TABLE tbl_test1(id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 2, name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(id), INDEX name(name));
CREATE TABLE tbl_test2(id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 3, name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(id));`
s.selectSQL = `SELECT * from tbl_test;`
schemaExpiredRetryTimes = 5
checkSchemaValiditySleepTime = 20 * time.Millisecond
func (s *testMainSuite) TearDownSuite(c *C) {
defer testleak.AfterTest(c)()
removeStore(c, s.dbName)
schemaExpiredRetryTimes = 30
checkSchemaValiditySleepTime = 1 * time.Second
func checkResult(c *C, se Session, affectedRows uint64, insertID uint64) {
gotRows := se.AffectedRows()
c.Assert(gotRows, Equals, affectedRows)
gotID := se.LastInsertID()
c.Assert(gotID, Equals, insertID)
func (s *testMainSuite) TestConcurrent(c *C) {
dbName := "test_concurrent_db"
defer removeStore(c, dbName)
store := newStore(c, dbName)
se := newSession(c, store, dbName)
defer store.Close()
// create db
createDBSQL := fmt.Sprintf("create database if not exists %s;", dbName)
dropDBSQL := fmt.Sprintf("drop database %s;", dbName)
useDBSQL := fmt.Sprintf("use %s;", dbName)
createTableSQL := ` CREATE TABLE test(id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(id)); `
mustExecSQL(c, se, dropDBSQL)
mustExecSQL(c, se, createDBSQL)
mustExecSQL(c, se, useDBSQL)
mustExecSQL(c, se, createTableSQL)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
f := func(start, count int) {
sess := newSession(c, store, dbName)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
// insert data
mustExecSQL(c, sess, fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO test VALUES (%d, "hello");`, start+i))
step := 10
for i := 0; i < step; i++ {
go f(i*step, step)
mustExecSQL(c, se, dropDBSQL)
func (s *testMainSuite) TestTableInfoMeta(c *C) {
store := newStore(c, s.dbName)
se := newSession(c, store, s.dbName)
defer store.Close()
// create db
mustExecSQL(c, se, s.createDBSQL)
// use db
mustExecSQL(c, se, s.useDBSQL)
// create table
mustExecSQL(c, se, s.createTableSQL)
// insert data
mustExecSQL(c, se, `INSERT INTO tbl_test VALUES (1, "hello");`)
checkResult(c, se, 1, 0)
mustExecSQL(c, se, `INSERT INTO tbl_test VALUES (2, "hello");`)
checkResult(c, se, 1, 0)
mustExecSQL(c, se, `UPDATE tbl_test SET name = "abc" where id = 2;`)
checkResult(c, se, 1, 0)
mustExecSQL(c, se, `DELETE from tbl_test where id = 2;`)
checkResult(c, se, 1, 0)
// select data
mustExecMatch(c, se, s.selectSQL, [][]interface{}{{1, []byte("hello")}})
// drop db
mustExecSQL(c, se, s.dropDBSQL)
func (s *testMainSuite) TestInfoSchema(c *C) {
store := newStore(c, s.dbName)
se := newSession(c, store, s.dbName)
row, err := rs.Next()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
match(c, row.Data, "utf8mb4")
err = store.Close()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *testMainSuite) TestCaseInsensitive(c *C) {
store := newStore(c, s.dbName)
se := newSession(c, store, s.dbName)
defer store.Close()
mustExecSQL(c, se, "create table T (a text, B int)")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "insert t (A, b) values ('aaa', 1)")
rs := mustExecSQL(c, se, "select * from t")
fields, err := rs.Fields()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(fields[0].ColumnAsName.O, Equals, "a")
c.Assert(fields[1].ColumnAsName.O, Equals, "B")
rs = mustExecSQL(c, se, "select A, b from t")
fields, err = rs.Fields()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(fields[0].ColumnAsName.O, Equals, "A")
c.Assert(fields[1].ColumnAsName.O, Equals, "b")
rs = mustExecSQL(c, se, "select a as A from t where A > 0")
fields, err = rs.Fields()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(fields[0].ColumnAsName.O, Equals, "A")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "update T set b = B + 1")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "update T set B = b + 1")
rs = mustExecSQL(c, se, "select b from T")
rows, err := GetRows(rs)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
match(c, rows[0], 3)
mustExecSQL(c, se, s.dropDBSQL)
err = store.Close()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// Testcase for delete panic
func (s *testMainSuite) TestDeletePanic(c *C) {
store := newStore(c, s.dbName)
se := newSession(c, store, s.dbName)
defer store.Close()
mustExecSQL(c, se, "create table t (c int)")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "insert into t values (1), (2), (3)")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "delete from `t` where `c` = ?", 1)
rs := mustExecSQL(c, se, "delete from `t` where `c` = ?", 2)
c.Assert(rs, IsNil)
// Testcase for arg type.
func (s *testMainSuite) TestCheckArgs(c *C) {
store := newStore(c, s.dbName)
se := newSession(c, store, s.dbName)
defer store.Close()
mustExecSQL(c, se, "create table if not exists t (c datetime)")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "insert t values (?)", time.Now())
mustExecSQL(c, se, "drop table t")
checkArgs(nil, true, false, int8(1), int16(1), int32(1), int64(1), 1,
uint8(1), uint16(1), uint32(1), uint64(1), uint(1), float32(1), float64(1),
"abc", []byte("abc"), time.Now(), time.Hour, time.Local)
func (s *testMainSuite) TestIsQuery(c *C) {
tbl := []struct {
sql string
ok bool
{"/*comment*/ select 1;", true},
{"/*comment*/ /*comment*/ select 1;", true},
{"select /*comment*/ 1 /*comment*/;", true},
{"(select /*comment*/ 1 /*comment*/);", true},
for _, t := range tbl {
c.Assert(IsQuery(t.sql), Equals, t.ok, Commentf(t.sql))
func (s *testMainSuite) TestTrimSQL(c *C) {
tbl := []struct {
sql string
target string
{"/*comment*/ select 1; ", "select 1;"},
{"/*comment*/ /*comment*/ select 1;", "select 1;"},
{"select /*comment*/ 1 /*comment*/;", "select /*comment*/ 1 /*comment*/;"},
{"/*comment select 1; ", "/*comment select 1;"},
for _, t := range tbl {
c.Assert(trimSQL(t.sql), Equals, t.target, Commentf(t.sql))
func (s *testMainSuite) TestRetryOpenStore(c *C) {
begin := time.Now()
RegisterStore("dummy", &brokenStore{})
_, err := newStoreWithRetry("dummy://dummy-store", 3)
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
elapse := time.Since(begin)
c.Assert(uint64(elapse), GreaterEqual, uint64(3*time.Second))
// TODO: Merge TestIssue1435 in session test.
func (s *testMainSuite) TestSchemaValidity(c *C) {
localstore.MockRemoteStore = true
store := newStore(c, s.dbName+"schema_validity")
se := newSession(c, store, s.dbName)
se1 := newSession(c, store, s.dbName)
se2 := newSession(c, store, s.dbName)
ctx := se.(context.Context)
sessionctx.GetDomain(ctx).SetLease(20 * time.Millisecond)
mustExecSQL(c, se, "drop table if exists t;")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "create table t (a int);")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "drop table if exists t1;")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "create table t1 (a int);")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "drop table if exists t2;")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "create table t2 (a int);")
startCh1 := make(chan struct{})
startCh2 := make(chan struct{})
endCh1 := make(chan error)
endCh2 := make(chan error)
execFailedFunc := func(s Session, tbl string, start chan struct{}, end chan error) {
// execute successfully
_, err := exec(s, "begin;")
if err == nil {
// execute failed
_, err = exec(s, fmt.Sprintf("insert into %s values(1)", tbl))
// table t1 executes failed
// table t2 executes successfully
_, err = exec(s, "commit")
end <- err
go execFailedFunc(se1, "t1", startCh1, endCh1)
go execFailedFunc(se2, "t2", startCh2, endCh2)
// Make sure two insert transactions are begin.
startCh1 <- struct{}{}
startCh2 <- struct{}{}
select {
case <-endCh1:
// Make sure the first insert statement isn't finish.
c.Error("The statement shouldn't be executed")
// Make sure loading information schema is failed and server is invalid.
lease := sessionctx.GetDomain(ctx).DDL().GetLease()
// Make sure insert to table t1 transaction executes.
startCh1 <- struct{}{}
// Make sure executing insert statement is failed when server is invalid.
mustExecFailed(c, se, "insert t values (100);")
err := <-endCh1
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
// recover
select {
case <-endCh2:
// Make sure the second insert statement isn't finish.
c.Error("The statement shouldn't be executed")
ver, err := store.CurrentVersion()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(ver, NotNil)
sessionctx.GetDomain(ctx).SchemaValidity.SetExpireInfo(false, ver.Ver)
mustExecSQL(c, se, "drop table if exists t;")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "create table t (a int);")
mustExecSQL(c, se, "insert t values (1);")
// Make sure insert to table t2 transaction executes.
startCh2 <- struct{}{}
err = <-endCh2
c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("err:%v", err))
err = se.Close()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = se1.Close()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = se2.Close()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = store.Close()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
localstore.MockRemoteStore = false
func sessionExec(c *C, se Session, sql string) ([]ast.RecordSet, error) {
r, err := se.Execute(sql)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return r, err
func newStore(c *C, dbPath string) kv.Storage {
store, err := NewStore(*store + "://" + dbPath)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return store
var testConnID uint64
func newSession(c *C, store kv.Storage, dbName string) Session {
se, err := CreateSession(store)
id := atomic.AddUint64(&testConnID, 1)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
se.Auth(`root@%`, nil, []byte("012345678901234567890"))
mustExecSQL(c, se, "create database if not exists "+dbName)
mustExecSQL(c, se, "use "+dbName)
return se
func removeStore(c *C, dbPath string) {
func exec(se Session, sql string, args ...interface{}) (ast.RecordSet, error) {
if len(args) == 0 {
rs, err := se.Execute(sql)
if err == nil && len(rs) > 0 {
return rs[0], nil
return nil, err
stmtID, _, _, err := se.PrepareStmt(sql)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rs, err := se.ExecutePreparedStmt(stmtID, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rs, nil
func mustExecSQL(c *C, se Session, sql string, args ...interface{}) ast.RecordSet {
rs, err := exec(se, sql, args...)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return rs
func match(c *C, row []types.Datum, expected ...interface{}) {
c.Assert(len(row), Equals, len(expected))
for i := range row {
got := fmt.Sprintf("%v", row[i].GetValue())
need := fmt.Sprintf("%v", expected[i])
c.Assert(got, Equals, need)
func matches(c *C, rows [][]types.Datum, expected [][]interface{}) {
c.Assert(len(rows), Equals, len(expected))
for i := 0; i < len(rows); i++ {
match(c, rows[i], expected[i]...)
func mustExecMatch(c *C, se Session, sql string, expected [][]interface{}) {
r := mustExecSQL(c, se, sql)
rows, err := GetRows(r)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
matches(c, rows, expected)
func mustExecFailed(c *C, se Session, sql string, args ...interface{}) {
r, err := exec(se, sql, args...)
if err == nil && r != nil {
// sometimes we may meet error after executing first row.
_, err = r.Next()
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
