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message.go 12.86 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
andeyalee 提交于 2018-12-11 18:29 . style: Ids -> IDs
// Copyright 2017 HenryLee. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package socket
import (
type (
// Message a socket message interface.
Message interface {
// Header is an operation interface of required message fields.
// NOTE: Must be supported by Proto interface.
// Body is an operation interface of optional message fields.
// SUGGEST: For features complete, the protocol interface should support it.
// XferPipe transfer filter pipe, handlers from outer-most to inner-most.
// SUGGEST: The length can not be bigger than 255!
XferPipe() *xfer.XferPipe
// Size returns the size of message.
// SUGGEST: For better statistics, Proto interfaces should support it.
Size() uint32
// SetSize sets the size of message.
// If the size is too big, returns error.
// SUGGEST: For better statistics, Proto interfaces should support it.
SetSize(size uint32) error
// Reset resets itself.
Reset(settings ...MessageSetting)
// Context returns the message handling context.
Context() context.Context
// String returns printing message information.
String() string
// Header is an operation interface of required message fields.
// NOTE: Must be supported by Proto interface.
Header interface {
// Seq returns the message sequence.
Seq() int32
// SetSeq sets the message sequence.
// Mtype returns the message type, such as CALL, REPLY, PUSH.
Mtype() byte
// Mtype sets the message type, such as CALL, REPLY, PUSH.
// ServiceMethod returns the serviec method.
// SUGGEST: max len ≤ 255!
ServiceMethod() string
// SetServiceMethod sets the serviec method.
// SUGGEST: max len ≤ 255!
// Meta returns the metadata.
// SUGGEST: urlencoded string max len ≤ 65535!
Meta() *utils.Args
// Body is an operation interface of optional message fields.
// SUGGEST: For features complete, the protocol interface should support it.
Body interface {
// BodyCodec returns the body codec type id.
BodyCodec() byte
// SetBodyCodec sets the body codec type id.
SetBodyCodec(bodyCodec byte)
// Body returns the body object.
Body() interface{}
// SetBody sets the body object.
SetBody(body interface{})
// SetNewBody resets the function of geting body.
// NOTE: NewBodyFunc is only for reading form connection;
// MarshalBody returns the encoding of body.
// NOTE: when the body is a stream of bytes, no marshalling is done.
MarshalBody() ([]byte, error)
// UnmarshalBody unmarshals the encoded data to the body.
// NOTE:
// seq, mtype, uri must be setted already;
// if body=nil, try to use newBodyFunc to create a new one;
// when the body is a stream of bytes, no unmarshalling is done.
UnmarshalBody(bodyBytes []byte) error
// messageIdentity prevents implementation outside the package.
// NewBodyFunc creates a new body by header,
// and only for reading form connection.
NewBodyFunc func(Header) interface{}
// message a socket message data.
type message struct {
// Head: required message fields
// message sequence
// 32-bit, compatible with various system platforms and other languages
seq int32
// message type, such as CALL, REPLY, PUSH
mtype byte
// service method
// SUGGEST: max len ≤ 255!
serviceMethod string
// metadata
// SUGGEST: urlencoded string max len ≤ 65535!
meta *utils.Args
// Body: optional message fields
// body codec type
bodyCodec byte
// body object
body interface{}
// newBodyFunc creates a new body by message type and URI.
// NOTE:
// only for writing message;
// should be nil when reading message.
newBodyFunc NewBodyFunc
// Other
// XferPipe transfer filter pipe, handlers from outer-most to inner-most.
// SUGGEST: the length can not be bigger than 255!
xferPipe *xfer.XferPipe
// message size
size uint32
// ctx is the message handling context,
// carries a deadline, a cancelation signal,
// and other values across API boundaries.
ctx context.Context
var messagePool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return NewMessage()
// GetMessage gets a *message form message pool.
// NOTE:
// newBodyFunc is only for reading form connection;
// settings are only for writing to connection.
func GetMessage(settings ...MessageSetting) Message {
m := messagePool.Get().(*message)
return m
// PutMessage puts a *message to message pool.
func PutMessage(m Message) {
// NewMessage creates a new *message.
// NOTE:
// NewBody is only for reading form connection;
// settings are only for writing to connection.
func NewMessage(settings ...MessageSetting) Message {
var m = &message{
meta: new(utils.Args),
xferPipe: xfer.NewXferPipe(),
return m
func (m *message) messageIdentity() {}
// Reset resets itself.
// NOTE:
// settings are only for writing to connection.
func (m *message) Reset(settings ...MessageSetting) {
m.body = nil
m.newBodyFunc = nil
m.seq = 0
m.mtype = 0
m.serviceMethod = ""
m.size = 0
m.ctx = nil
m.bodyCodec = codec.NilCodecID
func (m *message) doSetting(settings ...MessageSetting) {
for _, fn := range settings {
if fn != nil {
// Context returns the message handling context.
func (m *message) Context() context.Context {
if m.ctx == nil {
return context.Background()
return m.ctx
// Seq returns the message sequence.
func (m *message) Seq() int32 {
return m.seq
// SetSeq sets the message sequence.
func (m *message) SetSeq(seq int32) {
m.seq = seq
// Mtype returns the message type, such as CALL, REPLY, PUSH.
func (m *message) Mtype() byte {
return m.mtype
// Mtype sets the message type, such as CALL, REPLY, PUSH.
func (m *message) SetMtype(mtype byte) {
m.mtype = mtype
// ServiceMethod returns the serviec method.
// SUGGEST: max len ≤ 255!
func (m *message) ServiceMethod() string {
return m.serviceMethod
// SetServiceMethod sets the serviec method.
// SUGGEST: max len ≤ 255!
func (m *message) SetServiceMethod(serviceMethod string) {
m.serviceMethod = serviceMethod
// Meta returns the metadata.
// When the package is reset, it will be reset.
// SUGGEST: urlencoded string max len ≤ 65535!
func (m *message) Meta() *utils.Args {
return m.meta
// BodyCodec returns the body codec type id.
func (m *message) BodyCodec() byte {
return m.bodyCodec
// SetBodyCodec sets the body codec type id.
func (m *message) SetBodyCodec(bodyCodec byte) {
m.bodyCodec = bodyCodec
// Body returns the body object.
func (m *message) Body() interface{} {
return m.body
// SetBody sets the body object.
func (m *message) SetBody(body interface{}) {
m.body = body
// SetNewBody resets the function of geting body.
// NOTE: newBodyFunc is only for reading form connection;
func (m *message) SetNewBody(newBodyFunc NewBodyFunc) {
m.newBodyFunc = newBodyFunc
// MarshalBody returns the encoding of body.
// NOTE: when the body is a stream of bytes, no marshalling is done.
func (m *message) MarshalBody() ([]byte, error) {
switch body := m.body.(type) {
c, err := codec.Get(m.bodyCodec)
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err
return c.Marshal(body)
case nil:
return []byte{}, nil
case *[]byte:
if body == nil {
return []byte{}, nil
return *body, nil
case []byte:
return body, nil
// UnmarshalBody unmarshals the encoded data to the body.
// NOTE:
// seq, mtype, uri must be setted already;
// if body=nil, try to use newBodyFunc to create a new one;
// when the body is a stream of bytes, no unmarshalling is done.
func (m *message) UnmarshalBody(bodyBytes []byte) error {
if m.body == nil && m.newBodyFunc != nil {
m.body = m.newBodyFunc(m)
length := len(bodyBytes)
if length == 0 {
return nil
switch body := m.body.(type) {
c, err := codec.Get(m.bodyCodec)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.Unmarshal(bodyBytes, m.body)
case nil:
return nil
case *[]byte:
if cap(*body) < length {
*body = make([]byte, length)
} else {
*body = (*body)[:length]
copy(*body, bodyBytes)
return nil
// XferPipe returns transfer filter pipe, handlers from outer-most to inner-most.
// NOTE: the length can not be bigger than 255!
func (m *message) XferPipe() *xfer.XferPipe {
return m.xferPipe
// Size returns the size of message.
// SUGGEST: For better statistics, Proto interfaces should support it.
func (m *message) Size() uint32 {
return m.size
// SetSize sets the size of message.
// If the size is too big, returns error.
// SUGGEST: For better statistics, Proto interfaces should support it.
func (m *message) SetSize(size uint32) error {
err := checkMessageSize(size)
if err != nil {
return err
m.size = size
return nil
const messageFormat = `
"seq": %d,
"mtype": %d,
"service_method": %q,
"meta": %q,
"body_codec": %d,
"body": %s,
"xfer_pipe": %s,
"size": %d
// String returns printing message information.
func (m *message) String() string {
var xferPipeIDs = make([]int, m.xferPipe.Len())
for i, id := range m.xferPipe.IDs() {
xferPipeIDs[i] = int(id)
idsBytes, _ := json.Marshal(xferPipeIDs)
b, _ := json.Marshal(m.body)
dst := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, len(b)*2))
json.Indent(dst, goutil.StringToBytes(
), "", " ")
return goutil.BytesToString(dst.Bytes())
// MessageSetting is a pipe function type for setting message,
// and only for writing to connection.
type MessageSetting func(Message)
// WithNothing nothing to do.
func WithNothing() MessageSetting {
return func(Message) {}
// WithContext sets the message handling context.
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) MessageSetting {
return func(m Message) {
m.(*message).ctx = ctx
// WithMtype sets the message type.
func WithMtype(mtype byte) MessageSetting {
return func(m Message) {
// WithServiceMethod sets the message service method.
// SUGGEST: max len ≤ 255!
func WithServiceMethod(serviceMethod string) MessageSetting {
return func(m Message) {
// WithAddMeta adds 'key=value' metadata argument.
// Multiple values for the same key may be added.
// SUGGEST: urlencoded string max len ≤ 65535!
func WithAddMeta(key, value string) MessageSetting {
return func(m Message) {
m.Meta().Add(key, value)
// WithSetMeta sets 'key=value' metadata argument.
// SUGGEST: urlencoded string max len ≤ 65535!
func WithSetMeta(key, value string) MessageSetting {
return func(m Message) {
m.Meta().Set(key, value)
// WithBodyCodec sets the body codec.
func WithBodyCodec(bodyCodec byte) MessageSetting {
return func(m Message) {
// WithBody sets the body object.
func WithBody(body interface{}) MessageSetting {
return func(m Message) {
// WithNewBody resets the function of geting body.
// NOTE: newBodyFunc is only for reading form connection.
func WithNewBody(newBodyFunc NewBodyFunc) MessageSetting {
return func(m Message) {
// WithXferPipe sets transfer filter pipe.
// NOTE: Panic if the filterID is not registered.
// SUGGEST: The length can not be bigger than 255!
func WithXferPipe(filterID ...byte) MessageSetting {
return func(m Message) {
if err := m.XferPipe().Append(filterID...); err != nil {
var (
messageSizeLimit uint32 = math.MaxUint32
// ErrExceedMessageSizeLimit error
ErrExceedMessageSizeLimit = errors.New("Size of package exceeds limit")
// MessageSizeLimit gets the message size upper limit of reading.
func MessageSizeLimit() uint32 {
return messageSizeLimit
// SetMessageSizeLimit sets max message size.
// If maxSize<=0, set it to max uint32.
func SetMessageSizeLimit(maxMessageSize uint32) {
if maxMessageSize <= 0 {
messageSizeLimit = math.MaxUint32
} else {
messageSizeLimit = maxMessageSize
func checkMessageSize(messageSize uint32) error {
if messageSize > messageSizeLimit {
return ErrExceedMessageSizeLimit
return nil
