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html_content.go 21.69 KB
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jhonm authored 2023-08-07 15:31 . init
* This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
* file 'LICENSE.md', which is part of this source code package.
package creator
import (
cssSelector "github.com/ericchiang/css"
type htmlMargin struct {
marginLeft float64
marginRight float64
marginTop float64
marginBottom float64
type htmlPadding struct {
paddingLeft float64
paddingRight float64
paddingTop float64
paddingBottom float64
// htmlElementStyle is one element only style
type htmlElementStyle struct {
// block style
// Background
backgroundColor *model.PdfColorDeviceRGB
borderLineStyle draw.LineStyle
// border
borderStyleLeft CellBorderStyle
borderColorLeft *model.PdfColorDeviceRGB
borderWidthLeft float64
borderStyleBottom CellBorderStyle
borderColorBottom *model.PdfColorDeviceRGB
borderWidthBottom float64
borderStyleRight CellBorderStyle
borderColorRight *model.PdfColorDeviceRGB
borderWidthRight float64
borderStyleTop CellBorderStyle
borderColorTop *model.PdfColorDeviceRGB
borderWidthTop float64
width *float64
height *float64
type htmlBlockStyle struct {
Bold bool
Italic bool
TextAlignment TextAlignment
ElementStyle *htmlElementStyle
func (style *htmlBlockStyle) getOrCreateElementStyle() *htmlElementStyle {
if style.ElementStyle == nil {
style.ElementStyle = &htmlElementStyle{}
return style.ElementStyle
func (style *htmlBlockStyle) addCSSStyle(tag, property, value string) {
switch property {
case "text-align":
switch value {
case "center":
style.TextAlignment = TextAlignmentCenter
case "left":
style.TextAlignment = TextAlignmentLeft
case "right":
style.TextAlignment = TextAlignmentRight
case "justify":
style.TextAlignment = TextAlignmentJustify
case "border-width":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
w, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
es.borderWidthBottom = w
es.borderWidthLeft = w
es.borderWidthRight = w
es.borderWidthTop = w
case "border-color":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
c := getRGBColorFromHTML(value)
es.borderColorBottom = model.NewPdfColorDeviceRGB(c.ToRGB())
es.borderColorLeft = es.borderColorBottom
es.borderColorRight = es.borderColorBottom
es.borderColorTop = es.borderColorBottom
case "border-style":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
switch value {
case "solid":
es.borderLineStyle = draw.LineStyleSolid
es.borderStyleTop = CellBorderStyleSingle
es.borderStyleRight = CellBorderStyleSingle
es.borderStyleBottom = CellBorderStyleSingle
es.borderStyleLeft = CellBorderStyleSingle
case "dashed":
es.borderLineStyle = draw.LineStyleDashed
es.borderStyleTop = CellBorderStyleSingle
es.borderStyleRight = CellBorderStyleSingle
es.borderStyleBottom = CellBorderStyleSingle
es.borderStyleLeft = CellBorderStyleSingle
case "double":
es.borderLineStyle = draw.LineStyleSolid
es.borderStyleTop = CellBorderStyleDouble
es.borderStyleRight = CellBorderStyleDouble
es.borderStyleBottom = CellBorderStyleDouble
es.borderStyleLeft = CellBorderStyleDouble
es.borderStyleTop = CellBorderStyleNone
es.borderStyleRight = CellBorderStyleNone
es.borderStyleBottom = CellBorderStyleNone
es.borderStyleLeft = CellBorderStyleNone
case "color":
style.Color = getRGBColorFromHTML(value)
case "background-color":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
c := getRGBColorFromHTML(value)
es.backgroundColor = model.NewPdfColorDeviceRGB(c.ToRGB())
case "padding-left":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
es.paddingLeft, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case "padding-right":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
es.paddingRight, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case "padding-top":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
es.paddingTop, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case "padding-bottom":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
es.paddingBottom, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case "margin-left":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
es.marginLeft, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case "margin-right":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
es.marginRight, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case "margin-top":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
es.marginTop, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
case "margin-bottom":
es := style.getOrCreateElementStyle()
es.marginBottom, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
func (style *htmlBlockStyle) addEmbeddedCSS(tag string, csstext string) {
ss := css.ParseBlock(csstext)
for _, s := range ss {
style.addCSSStyle(tag, s.Property, s.Value)
type htmlStyleStack struct {
RegularStyle TextStyle
BoldFont *model.PdfFont
ItalicFont *model.PdfFont
BoldItalicFont *model.PdfFont
styleStack []htmlBlockStyle
func (s *htmlStyleStack) currentStyle() htmlBlockStyle {
if len(s.styleStack) == 0 {
return htmlBlockStyle{
TextStyle: s.RegularStyle,
Bold: false,
Italic: false,
return s.styleStack[len(s.styleStack)-1]
func (s *htmlStyleStack) pushStyle(style htmlBlockStyle) {
style.ElementStyle = nil
s.styleStack = append(s.styleStack, style)
func (s *htmlStyleStack) popStyle() htmlBlockStyle {
style := s.currentStyle()
if len(s.styleStack) < 1 {
return style
s.styleStack = s.styleStack[:len(s.styleStack)-1]
return style
func (s *htmlStyleStack) addBold() htmlBlockStyle {
style := s.currentStyle()
style.Bold = true
if s.BoldFont != nil {
style.Font = s.BoldFont
if style.Italic && s.BoldItalicFont != nil {
style.Font = s.BoldItalicFont
return style
func (s *htmlStyleStack) addItalic() htmlBlockStyle {
style := s.currentStyle()
style.Italic = true
if s.ItalicFont != nil {
style.Font = s.ItalicFont
if style.Bold && s.BoldItalicFont != nil {
style.Font = s.BoldItalicFont
return style
type htmlTableCell struct {
block *htmlBlock
type htmlTableRow struct {
cells []*htmlTableCell
type htmlTable struct {
table *Table
maxColIndex int
rows []*htmlTableRow
func (t *htmlTable) generateContent() {
if t.table != nil {
t.table = newTable(t.maxColIndex)
for _, row := range t.rows {
for _, cell := range row.cells {
c := t.table.NewCell()
if cell.block != nil {
// Width returns the width of the Drawable.
func (t *htmlTable) Width() float64 {
return t.table.Width()
// Height returns the height of the Drawable.
func (t *htmlTable) Height() float64 {
return t.table.Height()
// GeneratePageBlocks generates the page blocks. Multiple blocks are generated if the contents wrap
// over multiple pages. Implements the Drawable interface.
func (t *htmlTable) GeneratePageBlocks(ctx DrawContext) ([]*Block, DrawContext, error) {
return t.table.GeneratePageBlocks(ctx)
type htmlTableStack struct {
tableStack []*htmlTable
func (st *htmlTableStack) createAndPushTable() *htmlTable {
t := &htmlTable{}
return t
func (st *htmlTableStack) currentTable() *htmlTable {
if len(st.tableStack) == 0 {
return nil
return st.tableStack[len(st.tableStack)-1]
func (st *htmlTableStack) pushTable(table *htmlTable) {
st.tableStack = append(st.tableStack, table)
func (st *htmlTableStack) popTable() *htmlTable {
t := st.currentTable()
if len(st.tableStack) < 1 {
return t
st.tableStack = st.tableStack[:len(st.tableStack)-1]
return t
type htmlBlock struct {
owner *HTMLContent
parent *htmlBlock
tableStack *htmlTableStack
styleStack *htmlStyleStack
elements []VectorDrawable
currentParagraph *StyledParagraph
style htmlBlockStyle
func newHTMLBlock(parent *htmlBlock, style htmlBlockStyle) *htmlBlock {
return &htmlBlock{
owner: parent.owner,
parent: parent,
tableStack: parent.tableStack,
styleStack: parent.styleStack,
elements: nil,
currentParagraph: nil,
style: style,
var ignoreReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("\r", "", "\n", "", "\t", " ")
func getAttributeValue(node *html.Node, attr string) string {
for _, a := range node.Attr {
if a.Key == attr {
return a.Val
return ""
func (b *htmlBlock) parseNodeStyle(node *html.Node) htmlBlockStyle {
style := b.styleStack.currentStyle()
if cssStyles, found := b.owner.cssStylessByNode[node]; found {
for _, cssStyle := range cssStyles {
style.addCSSStyle(node.Data, cssStyle.Property, cssStyle.Value)
for _, attr := range node.Attr {
switch attr.Key {
case "style":
style.addEmbeddedCSS(node.Data, attr.Val)
case "align":
switch attr.Val {
case "center":
style.TextAlignment = TextAlignmentCenter
case "left":
style.TextAlignment = TextAlignmentLeft
case "right":
style.TextAlignment = TextAlignmentRight
case "justify":
style.TextAlignment = TextAlignmentJustify
return style
func isElementNode(node *html.Node, tag string) bool {
if node == nil {
return false
if node.Type != html.ElementNode {
return false
return node.Data == tag
func (b *htmlBlock) processNode(node *html.Node) error {
newB := b
switch node.Type {
case html.TextNode:
text := ignoreReplacer.Replace(node.Data)
if text == "" {
return nil
isSpaces := strings.Count(text, " ") == len(text)
if isSpaces && isElementNode(node.NextSibling, "p") {
return nil
p, created := b.getCurrentOrCreateParagraph()
if created {
b.currentParagraph.alignment = b.styleStack.currentStyle().TextAlignment
p.Append(text).Style = b.styleStack.currentStyle().TextStyle
return nil
case html.ElementNode:
switch node.Data {
case "style":
return nil
case "script":
return nil
case "table":
t := b.tableStack.createAndPushTable()
style := b.parseNodeStyle(node)
defer b.styleStack.popStyle()
b.elements = append(b.elements, t)
defer b.tableStack.popTable()
case "tr":
if t := b.tableStack.currentTable(); t != nil {
t.rows = append(t.rows, &htmlTableRow{})
case "td", "th":
if t := b.tableStack.currentTable(); t != nil && len(t.rows) > 0 {
newB = newHTMLBlock(b, b.styleStack.currentStyle())
style := newB.parseNodeStyle(node)
newB.style = style
defer newB.styleStack.popStyle()
row := t.rows[len(t.rows)-1]
cell := htmlTableCell{block: newB}
row.cells = append(row.cells, &cell)
if l := len(row.cells); l > t.maxColIndex {
t.maxColIndex = l
if node.Data == "th" {
defer newB.styleStack.popStyle()
case "div":
newB = newHTMLBlock(b, b.styleStack.currentStyle())
b.elements = append(b.elements, newB)
b.currentParagraph = nil
style := newB.parseNodeStyle(node)
newB.style = style
defer newB.styleStack.popStyle()
case "p":
style := b.parseNodeStyle(node)
defer b.styleStack.popStyle()
b.currentParagraph = newStyledParagraph(b.styleStack.currentStyle().TextStyle)
b.currentParagraph.alignment = b.styleStack.currentStyle().TextAlignment
b.elements = append(b.elements, b.currentParagraph)
case "img":
//imgB := newHTMLBlock(b, b.styleStack.currentStyle())
//b.elements = append(b.elements, imgB)
b.currentParagraph = nil
//style := imgB.parseNodeStyle(node)
//newB.style = style
src := getAttributeValue(node, "src")
if img := b.owner.getImage(src); img != nil {
imgCopy := *img
//newB.elements = []VectorDrawable{&imgCopy}
b.elements = append(b.elements, &imgCopy)
case "br":
p, created := b.getCurrentOrCreateParagraph()
if created {
b.currentParagraph.alignment = b.styleStack.currentStyle().TextAlignment
} else {
case "b":
style := b.parseNodeStyle(node)
defer b.styleStack.popStyle()
defer b.styleStack.popStyle()
case "i":
style := b.parseNodeStyle(node)
defer b.styleStack.popStyle()
defer b.styleStack.popStyle()
style := b.parseNodeStyle(node)
defer b.styleStack.popStyle()
for next := node.FirstChild; next != nil; next = next.NextSibling {
if err := newB.processNode(next); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type htmlCSSRule struct {
rule *css.CSSRule
selector *cssSelector.Selector
// HTMLContent allow to use simple HTML markup to generate content.
type HTMLContent struct {
blocks []*htmlBlock
tableStack htmlTableStack
styleStack htmlStyleStack
cssRules []htmlCSSRule
cssStylessByNode map[*html.Node][]*css.CSSStyleDeclaration
images map[string]*Image
loadImageCallback func(string) *Image
func (b *htmlBlock) getCurrentOrCreateParagraph() (*StyledParagraph, bool) {
if b.currentParagraph == nil {
b.currentParagraph = newStyledParagraph(b.styleStack.RegularStyle)
b.elements = append(b.elements, b.currentParagraph)
return b.currentParagraph, true
return b.currentParagraph, false
// Width returns the width of the Drawable.
func (b *htmlBlock) Width() float64 {
if es := b.style.ElementStyle; es != nil && es.width != nil {
return *es.width
var w float64
for _, e := range b.elements {
w = math.Max(w, e.Width())
if es := b.style.ElementStyle; es != nil {
w += es.marginLeft + es.marginRight + es.paddingLeft + es.paddingRight
return w
// Height returns the height of the Drawable.
func (b *htmlBlock) Height() float64 {
if es := b.style.ElementStyle; es != nil && es.height != nil {
return *es.height
var h float64
for _, e := range b.elements {
h += e.Height()
if es := b.style.ElementStyle; es != nil {
h += es.marginTop + es.marginBottom + es.paddingTop + es.paddingBottom
return h
// SetWidth sets the width of the block.
func (b *htmlBlock) SetWidth(w float64) {
b.style.getOrCreateElementStyle().width = &w
// SetHeight sets the height of the block.
func (b *htmlBlock) SetHeight(h float64) {
b.style.getOrCreateElementStyle().height = &h
// GeneratePageBlocks generates the page blocks. Multiple blocks are generated if the contents wrap
// over multiple pages. Implements the Drawable interface.
func (b *htmlBlock) GeneratePageBlocks(ctx DrawContext) ([]*Block, DrawContext, error) {
var blocks []*Block
origCtx := ctx
if es := b.style.ElementStyle; es != nil {
ctx.Y += es.marginTop
ctx.Height -= es.marginTop + es.marginBottom
ctx.X += es.marginLeft
ctx.Width -= es.marginLeft + es.marginRight
blockCtx := ctx
blockCtx.Height = es.paddingTop + es.paddingBottom
for _, e := range b.elements {
blockCtx.Height += e.Height()
block := NewBlock(blockCtx.PageWidth, blockCtx.PageHeight)
block.xPos = ctx.X
block.yPos = ctx.Y
blocks = append(blocks, block)
border := newBorder(blockCtx.X, blockCtx.Y, blockCtx.Width, blockCtx.Height)
if es.backgroundColor != nil {
r := es.backgroundColor.R()
g := es.backgroundColor.G()
b := es.backgroundColor.B()
border.SetFillColor(ColorRGBFromArithmetic(r, g, b))
border.LineStyle = es.borderLineStyle
border.styleLeft = es.borderStyleLeft
border.styleRight = es.borderStyleRight
border.styleTop = es.borderStyleTop
border.styleBottom = es.borderStyleBottom
if es.borderColorLeft != nil {
border.SetColorLeft(ColorRGBFromArithmetic(es.borderColorLeft.R(), es.borderColorLeft.G(), es.borderColorLeft.B()))
if es.borderColorBottom != nil {
border.SetColorBottom(ColorRGBFromArithmetic(es.borderColorBottom.R(), es.borderColorBottom.G(), es.borderColorBottom.B()))
if es.borderColorRight != nil {
border.SetColorRight(ColorRGBFromArithmetic(es.borderColorRight.R(), es.borderColorRight.G(), es.borderColorRight.B()))
if es.borderColorTop != nil {
border.SetColorTop(ColorRGBFromArithmetic(es.borderColorTop.R(), es.borderColorTop.G(), es.borderColorTop.B()))
err := block.Draw(border)
if err != nil {
common.Log.Debug("ERROR: %v", err)
ctx.Y += es.paddingTop
ctx.Height -= es.paddingTop + es.paddingBottom
ctx.X += es.paddingLeft
ctx.Width -= es.paddingLeft + es.paddingRight
for _, e := range b.elements {
var newBlocks []*Block
var err error
var addY float64
switch v := e.(type) {
case *Image:
v.SetPos(ctx.X, ctx.Y)
addY = v.Height()
newBlocks, ctx, err = e.GeneratePageBlocks(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, ctx, err
ctx.Y += addY
if len(newBlocks) < 1 {
if len(blocks) == 0 {
blocks = newBlocks[0:1]
} else {
blocks = append(blocks, newBlocks[1:]...)
ctx.X = origCtx.X
ctx.Width = origCtx.Width
if es := b.style.ElementStyle; es != nil {
ctx.Y += es.marginBottom
return blocks, ctx, nil
func newHTMLParagraph(baseStyle TextStyle) *HTMLContent {
hp := HTMLContent{}
hp.styleStack.RegularStyle = baseStyle
return &hp
// SetImage sets an image for the path.
func (h *HTMLContent) SetImage(path string, img *Image) {
if h.images == nil {
h.images = make(map[string]*Image)
h.images[path] = img
// SetImageLoadCallback set a callback for load images.
func (h *HTMLContent) SetImageLoadCallback(callback func(string) *Image) {
h.loadImageCallback = callback
func (h *HTMLContent) getImage(path string) *Image {
if img, ok := h.images[path]; ok {
return img
if h.loadImageCallback != nil {
img := h.loadImageCallback(path)
h.SetImage(path, img)
return img
return nil
// SetRegularStyle sets the default text style.
func (h *HTMLContent) SetRegularStyle(style TextStyle) {
h.styleStack.RegularStyle = style
// SetRegularFont sets the font for the default text style.
func (h *HTMLContent) SetRegularFont(font *model.PdfFont) {
h.styleStack.RegularStyle.Font = font
// SetBoldFont sets the font for the bold text style.
func (h *HTMLContent) SetBoldFont(font *model.PdfFont) {
h.styleStack.BoldFont = font
// SetItalicFont sets the font for the italic text style.
func (h *HTMLContent) SetItalicFont(font *model.PdfFont) {
h.styleStack.ItalicFont = font
// SetBoldItalicFont sets the font for the bold and italic together text style.
func (h *HTMLContent) SetBoldItalicFont(font *model.PdfFont) {
h.styleStack.BoldItalicFont = font
// Append adds html to paragraph.
func (h *HTMLContent) Append(htmlCode string) error {
doc, err := html.Parse(bytes.NewBufferString(htmlCode))
if err != nil {
return err
newB := htmlBlock{
owner: h,
parent: nil,
tableStack: &h.tableStack,
styleStack: &h.styleStack,
h.blocks = append(h.blocks, &newB)
return newB.processNode(doc)
// AddCSS adds CSS to the paragraph.
func (h *HTMLContent) AddCSS(cssText string) error {
ss := css.Parse(cssText)
rules := ss.GetCSSRuleList()
for _, r := range rules {
sel, err := cssSelector.Compile(r.Style.SelectorText)
if err != nil {
return err
h.cssRules = append(h.cssRules, htmlCSSRule{
rule: r,
selector: sel,
return nil
func (h *HTMLContent) addDocumentCSS(node *html.Node) error {
if node.Type == html.ElementNode && node.Data == "style" && node.FirstChild != nil {
if err := h.AddCSS(node.FirstChild.Data); err != nil {
return err
for next := node.FirstChild; next != nil; next = next.NextSibling {
if err := h.addDocumentCSS(next); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *HTMLContent) processCSSRules(doc *html.Node) {
h.cssStylessByNode = make(map[*html.Node][]*css.CSSStyleDeclaration)
for _, r := range h.cssRules {
for _, node := range r.selector.Select(doc) {
for _, style := range r.rule.Style.Styles {
h.cssStylessByNode[node] = append(h.cssStylessByNode[node], style)
var stdHTMLColors = map[string]Color{
"blue": ColorBlue,
"black": ColorBlack,
"green": ColorGreen,
"red": ColorRed,
"white": ColorWhite,
"yellow": ColorYellow,
func getRGBColorFromHTML(color string) Color {
if c, ok := stdHTMLColors[color]; ok {
return c
return ColorRGBFromHex(color)
// GeneratePageBlocks generates the page blocks. Multiple blocks are generated if the contents wrap
// over multiple pages. Implements the Drawable interface.
func (h *HTMLContent) GeneratePageBlocks(ctx DrawContext) ([]*Block, DrawContext, error) {
var blocks []*Block
for _, e := range h.blocks {
var newBlocks []*Block
var err error
newBlocks, ctx, err = e.GeneratePageBlocks(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, ctx, err
if len(newBlocks) < 1 {
if len(blocks) == 0 {
blocks = newBlocks[0:1]
} else {
blocks = append(blocks, newBlocks[1:]...)
return blocks, ctx, nil
// Width returns the width of the Drawable.
func (h *HTMLContent) Width() float64 {
var width float64
for _, b := range h.blocks {
width = math.Max(width, b.Width())
return width
// Height returns the height of the Drawable.
func (h *HTMLContent) Height() float64 {
var height float64
for _, b := range h.blocks {
height += b.Height()
return height
// SetWidth sets the width of the block.
func (h *HTMLContent) SetWidth(w float64) {
for _, b := range h.blocks {
