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invoice.go 21.75 KB
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jhonm 提交于 2023-08-07 15:31 . init
package creator
import "fmt"
// InvoiceAddress contains contact information that can be displayed
// in an invoice. It is used for the seller and buyer information in the
// invoice template.
type InvoiceAddress struct {
Name string
Street string
Zip string
City string
Country string
Phone string
Email string
// InvoiceCellProps holds all style properties for an invoice cell.
type InvoiceCellProps struct {
TextStyle TextStyle
Alignment CellHorizontalAlignment
BackgroundColor Color
BorderColor Color
BorderWidth float64
BorderSides []CellBorderSide
// InvoiceCell represents any cell belonging to a table from the invoice
// template. The main tables are the invoice information table, the line
// items table and totals table. Contains the text value of the cell and
// the style properties of the cell.
type InvoiceCell struct {
Value string
// Invoice represents a configurable invoice template.
type Invoice struct {
// Invoice title.
title string
// Invoice logo.
logo *Image
// Invoice addresses.
buyerAddress *InvoiceAddress
sellerAddress *InvoiceAddress
// Invoice information.
number [2]*InvoiceCell
date [2]*InvoiceCell
dueDate [2]*InvoiceCell
info [][2]*InvoiceCell
// Invoice lines.
columns []*InvoiceCell
lines [][]*InvoiceCell
// Invoice totals.
subtotal [2]*InvoiceCell
total [2]*InvoiceCell
totals [][2]*InvoiceCell
// Invoice note sections.
notes [2]string
terms [2]string
sections [][2]string
// Invoice styles.
defaultStyle TextStyle
headingStyle TextStyle
titleStyle TextStyle
addressStyle TextStyle
addressHeadingStyle TextStyle
noteStyle TextStyle
noteHeadingStyle TextStyle
// Invoice style properties.
infoProps InvoiceCellProps
colProps InvoiceCellProps
itemProps InvoiceCellProps
totalProps InvoiceCellProps
// Positioning: relative/absolute.
positioning positioning
// newInvoice returns an instance of an empty invoice.
func newInvoice(defaultStyle, headingStyle TextStyle) *Invoice {
i := &Invoice{
// Title.
title: "INVOICE",
// Addresses.
sellerAddress: &InvoiceAddress{},
buyerAddress: &InvoiceAddress{},
// Styles.
defaultStyle: defaultStyle,
headingStyle: headingStyle,
// Default colors.
lightGrey := ColorRGBFrom8bit(245, 245, 245)
mediumGrey := ColorRGBFrom8bit(155, 155, 155)
// Default title style.
i.titleStyle = headingStyle
i.titleStyle.Color = mediumGrey
i.titleStyle.FontSize = 20
// Default address styles.
i.addressStyle = defaultStyle
i.addressHeadingStyle = headingStyle
// Default note styles.
i.noteStyle = defaultStyle
i.noteHeadingStyle = headingStyle
// Invoice information default properties.
i.infoProps = i.NewCellProps()
i.infoProps.BackgroundColor = lightGrey
i.infoProps.TextStyle = headingStyle
// Invoice line items default properties.
i.colProps = i.NewCellProps()
i.colProps.TextStyle = headingStyle
i.colProps.BackgroundColor = lightGrey
i.colProps.BorderColor = lightGrey
i.itemProps = i.NewCellProps()
i.itemProps.BorderColor = lightGrey
i.itemProps.BorderSides = []CellBorderSide{CellBorderSideBottom}
i.itemProps.Alignment = CellHorizontalAlignmentRight
// Invoice totals default properties.
i.totalProps = i.NewCellProps()
i.totalProps.Alignment = CellHorizontalAlignmentRight
// Invoice information fields.
i.number = [2]*InvoiceCell{
i.newCell("Invoice number", i.infoProps),
i.newCell("", i.infoProps),
i.date = [2]*InvoiceCell{
i.newCell("Date", i.infoProps),
i.newCell("", i.infoProps),
i.dueDate = [2]*InvoiceCell{
i.newCell("Date", i.infoProps),
i.newCell("", i.infoProps),
// Invoice totals fields.
i.subtotal = [2]*InvoiceCell{
i.newCell("Subtotal", i.totalProps),
i.newCell("", i.totalProps),
totalProps := i.totalProps
totalProps.TextStyle = headingStyle
totalProps.BackgroundColor = lightGrey
totalProps.BorderColor = lightGrey
i.total = [2]*InvoiceCell{
i.newCell("Total", totalProps),
i.newCell("", totalProps),
// Invoice notes fields.
i.notes = [2]string{"Notes", ""}
i.terms = [2]string{"Terms and conditions", ""}
// Default item columns.
i.columns = []*InvoiceCell{
i.newColumn("Description", CellHorizontalAlignmentLeft),
i.newColumn("Quantity", CellHorizontalAlignmentRight),
i.newColumn("Unit price", CellHorizontalAlignmentRight),
i.newColumn("Amount", CellHorizontalAlignmentRight),
return i
// Title returns the title of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) Title() string {
return i.title
// SetTitle sets the title of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) SetTitle(title string) {
i.title = title
// Logo returns the logo of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) Logo() *Image {
return i.logo
// SetLogo sets the logo of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) SetLogo(logo *Image) {
i.logo = logo
// SellerAddress returns the seller address used in the invoice template.
func (i *Invoice) SellerAddress() *InvoiceAddress {
return i.sellerAddress
// SetSellerAddress sets the seller address of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) SetSellerAddress(address *InvoiceAddress) {
i.sellerAddress = address
// BuyerAddress returns the buyer address used in the invoice template.
func (i *Invoice) BuyerAddress() *InvoiceAddress {
return i.buyerAddress
// SetBuyerAddress sets the buyer address of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) SetBuyerAddress(address *InvoiceAddress) {
i.buyerAddress = address
// Number returns the invoice number description and value cells.
// The returned values can be used to customize the styles of the cells.
func (i *Invoice) Number() (*InvoiceCell, *InvoiceCell) {
return i.number[0], i.number[1]
// SetNumber sets the number of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) SetNumber(number string) (*InvoiceCell, *InvoiceCell) {
i.number[1].Value = number
return i.number[0], i.number[1]
// Date returns the invoice date description and value cells.
// The returned values can be used to customize the styles of the cells.
func (i *Invoice) Date() (*InvoiceCell, *InvoiceCell) {
return i.date[0], i.date[1]
// SetDate sets the date of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) SetDate(date string) (*InvoiceCell, *InvoiceCell) {
i.date[1].Value = date
return i.date[0], i.date[1]
// DueDate returns the invoice due date description and value cells.
// The returned values can be used to customize the styles of the cells.
func (i *Invoice) DueDate() (*InvoiceCell, *InvoiceCell) {
return i.dueDate[0], i.dueDate[1]
// SetDueDate sets the due date of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) SetDueDate(dueDate string) (*InvoiceCell, *InvoiceCell) {
i.dueDate[1].Value = dueDate
return i.dueDate[0], i.dueDate[1]
// InfoLines returns all the rows in the invoice information table as
// description-value cell pairs.
func (i *Invoice) InfoLines() [][2]*InvoiceCell {
info := [][2]*InvoiceCell{
return append(info, i.info...)
// AddInfo is used to append a piece of invoice information in the template
// information table.
func (i *Invoice) AddInfo(description, value string) (*InvoiceCell, *InvoiceCell) {
info := [2]*InvoiceCell{
i.newCell(description, i.infoProps),
i.newCell(value, i.infoProps),
i.info = append(i.info, info)
return info[0], info[1]
// Columns returns all the columns in the invoice line items table.
func (i *Invoice) Columns() []*InvoiceCell {
return i.columns
// SetColumns overwrites any columns in the line items table. This should be
// called before AddLine.
func (i *Invoice) SetColumns(cols []*InvoiceCell) {
i.columns = cols
// AppendColumn appends a column to the line items table.
func (i *Invoice) AppendColumn(description string) *InvoiceCell {
col := i.NewColumn(description)
i.columns = append(i.columns, col)
return col
// InsertColumn inserts a column in the line items table at the specified index.
func (i *Invoice) InsertColumn(index uint, description string) *InvoiceCell {
l := uint(len(i.columns))
if index > l {
index = l
col := i.NewColumn(description)
i.columns = append(i.columns[:index], append([]*InvoiceCell{col}, i.columns[index:]...)...)
return col
// Lines returns all the rows of the invoice line items table.
func (i *Invoice) Lines() [][]*InvoiceCell {
return i.lines
// AddLine appends a new line to the invoice line items table.
func (i *Invoice) AddLine(values ...string) []*InvoiceCell {
lenCols := len(i.columns)
var line []*InvoiceCell
for j, value := range values {
itemCell := i.newCell(value, i.itemProps)
if j < lenCols {
itemCell.Alignment = i.columns[j].Alignment
line = append(line, itemCell)
i.lines = append(i.lines, line)
return line
// Subtotal returns the invoice subtotal description and value cells.
// The returned values can be used to customize the styles of the cells.
func (i *Invoice) Subtotal() (*InvoiceCell, *InvoiceCell) {
return i.subtotal[0], i.subtotal[1]
// SetSubtotal sets the subtotal of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) SetSubtotal(value string) {
i.subtotal[1].Value = value
// Total returns the invoice total description and value cells.
// The returned values can be used to customize the styles of the cells.
func (i *Invoice) Total() (*InvoiceCell, *InvoiceCell) {
return i.total[0], i.total[1]
// SetTotal sets the total of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) SetTotal(value string) {
i.total[1].Value = value
// TotalLines returns all the rows in the invoice totals table as
// description-value cell pairs.
func (i *Invoice) TotalLines() [][2]*InvoiceCell {
totals := [][2]*InvoiceCell{i.subtotal}
totals = append(totals, i.totals...)
return append(totals, i.total)
// AddTotalLine adds a new line in the invoice totals table.
func (i *Invoice) AddTotalLine(desc, value string) (*InvoiceCell, *InvoiceCell) {
descCell := &InvoiceCell{
valueCell := &InvoiceCell{
i.totals = append(i.totals, [2]*InvoiceCell{descCell, valueCell})
return descCell, valueCell
// Notes returns the notes section of the invoice as a title-content pair.
func (i *Invoice) Notes() (string, string) {
return i.notes[0], i.notes[1]
// SetNotes sets the notes section of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) SetNotes(title, content string) {
i.notes = [2]string{
// Terms returns the terms and conditions section of the invoice as a
// title-content pair.
func (i *Invoice) Terms() (string, string) {
return i.terms[0], i.terms[1]
// SetTerms sets the terms and conditions section of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) SetTerms(title, content string) {
i.terms = [2]string{
// Sections returns the custom content sections of the invoice as
// title-content pairs.
func (i *Invoice) Sections() [][2]string {
return i.sections
// AddSection adds a new content section at the end of the invoice.
func (i *Invoice) AddSection(title, content string) {
i.sections = append(i.sections, [2]string{
// TitleStyle returns the style properties used to render the invoice title.
func (i *Invoice) TitleStyle() TextStyle {
return i.titleStyle
// SetTitleStyle sets the style properties of the invoice title.
func (i *Invoice) SetTitleStyle(style TextStyle) {
i.titleStyle = style
// AddressStyle returns the style properties used to render the content of
// the invoice address sections.
func (i *Invoice) AddressStyle() TextStyle {
return i.addressStyle
// SetAddressStyle sets the style properties used to render the content of
// the invoice address sections.
func (i *Invoice) SetAddressStyle(style TextStyle) {
i.addressStyle = style
// AddressHeadingStyle returns the style properties used to render the
// heading of the invoice address sections.
func (i *Invoice) AddressHeadingStyle() TextStyle {
return i.headingStyle
// SetAddressHeadingStyle sets the style properties used to render the
// heading of the invoice address sections.
func (i *Invoice) SetAddressHeadingStyle(style TextStyle) {
i.addressHeadingStyle = style
// NoteStyle returns the style properties used to render the content of the
// invoice note sections.
func (i *Invoice) NoteStyle() TextStyle {
return i.noteStyle
// SetNoteStyle sets the style properties used to render the content of the
// invoice note sections.
func (i *Invoice) SetNoteStyle(style TextStyle) {
i.noteStyle = style
// NoteHeadingStyle returns the style properties used to render the heading of
// the invoice note sections.
func (i *Invoice) NoteHeadingStyle() TextStyle {
return i.noteHeadingStyle
// SetNoteHeadingStyle sets the style properties used to render the heading
// of the invoice note sections.
func (i *Invoice) SetNoteHeadingStyle(style TextStyle) {
i.noteHeadingStyle = style
// NewCellProps returns the default properties of an invoice cell.
func (i *Invoice) NewCellProps() InvoiceCellProps {
white := ColorRGBFrom8bit(255, 255, 255)
return InvoiceCellProps{
TextStyle: i.defaultStyle,
Alignment: CellHorizontalAlignmentLeft,
BackgroundColor: white,
BorderColor: white,
BorderWidth: 1,
BorderSides: []CellBorderSide{CellBorderSideAll},
// NewCell returns a new invoice table cell.
func (i *Invoice) NewCell(value string) *InvoiceCell {
return i.newCell(value, i.NewCellProps())
func (i *Invoice) newCell(value string, props InvoiceCellProps) *InvoiceCell {
return &InvoiceCell{
// NewColumn returns a new column for the line items invoice table.
func (i *Invoice) NewColumn(description string) *InvoiceCell {
return i.newColumn(description, CellHorizontalAlignmentLeft)
func (i *Invoice) newColumn(description string, alignment CellHorizontalAlignment) *InvoiceCell {
col := &InvoiceCell{i.colProps, description}
col.Alignment = alignment
return col
func (i *Invoice) setCellBorder(cell *TableCell, invoiceCell *InvoiceCell) {
for _, side := range invoiceCell.BorderSides {
cell.SetBorder(side, CellBorderStyleSingle, invoiceCell.BorderWidth)
func (i *Invoice) drawAddress(title, name string, addr *InvoiceAddress) []*StyledParagraph {
var paragraphs []*StyledParagraph
// Address title.
if title != "" {
titleParagraph := newStyledParagraph(i.addressHeadingStyle)
titleParagraph.SetMargins(0, 0, 0, 7)
paragraphs = append(paragraphs, titleParagraph)
// Address information.
addressParagraph := newStyledParagraph(i.addressStyle)
city := addr.City
if addr.Zip != "" {
if city != "" {
city += ", "
city += addr.Zip
if name != "" {
addressParagraph.Append(addr.Name + "\n")
if addr.Street != "" {
addressParagraph.Append(addr.Street + "\n")
if city != "" {
addressParagraph.Append(city + "\n")
if addr.Country != "" {
addressParagraph.Append(addr.Country + "\n")
// Contact information.
contactParagraph := newStyledParagraph(i.addressStyle)
contactParagraph.SetMargins(0, 0, 7, 0)
if addr.Phone != "" {
contactParagraph.Append(fmt.Sprintf("Phone: %s\n", addr.Phone))
if addr.Email != "" {
contactParagraph.Append(fmt.Sprintf("Email: %s\n", addr.Email))
paragraphs = append(paragraphs, addressParagraph, contactParagraph)
return paragraphs
func (i *Invoice) drawSection(title, content string) []*StyledParagraph {
var paragraphs []*StyledParagraph
// Title paragraph.
if title != "" {
titleParagraph := newStyledParagraph(i.noteHeadingStyle)
titleParagraph.SetMargins(0, 0, 0, 5)
paragraphs = append(paragraphs, titleParagraph)
// Content paragraph.
if content != "" {
contentParagraph := newStyledParagraph(i.noteStyle)
paragraphs = append(paragraphs, contentParagraph)
return paragraphs
func (i *Invoice) drawInformation() *Table {
table := newTable(2)
info := append([][2]*InvoiceCell{
}, i.info...)
for _, v := range info {
description, value := v[0], v[1]
if value.Value == "" {
// Add description.
cell := table.NewCell()
i.setCellBorder(cell, description)
p := newStyledParagraph(description.TextStyle)
p.SetMargins(0, 0, 2, 1)
// Add value.
cell = table.NewCell()
i.setCellBorder(cell, value)
p = newStyledParagraph(value.TextStyle)
p.SetMargins(0, 0, 2, 1)
return table
func (i *Invoice) drawTotals() *Table {
table := newTable(2)
totals := [][2]*InvoiceCell{i.subtotal}
totals = append(totals, i.totals...)
totals = append(totals, i.total)
for _, total := range totals {
description, value := total[0], total[1]
if value.Value == "" {
// Add description.
cell := table.NewCell()
i.setCellBorder(cell, description)
p := newStyledParagraph(description.TextStyle)
p.SetMargins(0, 0, 2, 1)
// Add value.
cell = table.NewCell()
i.setCellBorder(cell, description)
p = newStyledParagraph(value.TextStyle)
p.SetMargins(0, 0, 2, 1)
return table
func (i *Invoice) generateHeaderBlocks(ctx DrawContext) ([]*Block, DrawContext, error) {
// Create title paragraph.
titleParagraph := newStyledParagraph(i.titleStyle)
// Add invoice logo.
table := newTable(2)
if i.logo != nil {
cell := table.NewCell()
i.logo.ScaleToHeight(titleParagraph.Height() + 20)
} else {
// Add invoice title.
cell := table.NewCell()
// Generate blocks.
return table.GeneratePageBlocks(ctx)
func (i *Invoice) generateInformationBlocks(ctx DrawContext) ([]*Block, DrawContext, error) {
// Draw addresses.
separatorParagraph := newStyledParagraph(i.defaultStyle)
separatorParagraph.SetMargins(0, 0, 0, 20)
addrParagraphs := i.drawAddress(i.sellerAddress.Name, "", i.sellerAddress)
addrParagraphs = append(addrParagraphs, separatorParagraph)
addrParagraphs = append(addrParagraphs,
i.drawAddress("Bill to", i.buyerAddress.Name, i.buyerAddress)...)
addrDivision := newDivision()
for _, addrParagraph := range addrParagraphs {
// Draw invoice information.
information := i.drawInformation()
// Generate blocks.
table := newTable(2)
table.SetMargins(0, 0, 25, 0)
cell := table.NewCell()
cell = table.NewCell()
return table.GeneratePageBlocks(ctx)
func (i *Invoice) generateLineBlocks(ctx DrawContext) ([]*Block, DrawContext, error) {
table := newTable(len(i.columns))
table.SetMargins(0, 0, 25, 0)
// Draw item columns.
for _, col := range i.columns {
paragraph := newStyledParagraph(col.TextStyle)
paragraph.SetMargins(0, 0, 1, 0)
cell := table.NewCell()
i.setCellBorder(cell, col)
// Draw item lines.
for _, line := range i.lines {
for _, itemCell := range line {
paragraph := newStyledParagraph(itemCell.TextStyle)
paragraph.SetMargins(0, 0, 3, 2)
cell := table.NewCell()
i.setCellBorder(cell, itemCell)
return table.GeneratePageBlocks(ctx)
func (i *Invoice) generateTotalBlocks(ctx DrawContext) ([]*Block, DrawContext, error) {
table := newTable(2)
table.SetMargins(0, 0, 5, 40)
totalsTable := i.drawTotals()
totalsTable.SetMargins(0, 0, 5, 0)
cell := table.NewCell()
return table.GeneratePageBlocks(ctx)
func (i *Invoice) generateNoteBlocks(ctx DrawContext) ([]*Block, DrawContext, error) {
division := newDivision()
sections := append([][2]string{
}, i.sections...)
for _, section := range sections {
if section[1] != "" {
paragraphs := i.drawSection(section[0], section[1])
for _, paragraph := range paragraphs {
sepParagraph := newStyledParagraph(i.defaultStyle)
sepParagraph.SetMargins(0, 0, 10, 0)
return division.GeneratePageBlocks(ctx)
// GeneratePageBlocks generate the Page blocks. Multiple blocks are generated
// if the contents wrap over multiple pages.
func (i *Invoice) GeneratePageBlocks(ctx DrawContext) ([]*Block, DrawContext, error) {
origCtx := ctx
blockFuncs := []func(ctx DrawContext) ([]*Block, DrawContext, error){
var blocks []*Block
for _, blockFunc := range blockFuncs {
newBlocks, c, err := blockFunc(ctx)
if err != nil {
return blocks, ctx, err
if len(blocks) == 0 {
blocks = newBlocks
} else if len(newBlocks) > 0 {
blocks = append(blocks, newBlocks[1:]...)
ctx = c
if i.positioning.isRelative() {
// Move back X to same start of line.
ctx.X = origCtx.X
if i.positioning.isAbsolute() {
// If absolute: return original context.
return blocks, origCtx, nil
return blocks, ctx, nil
