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build.fsx 17.17 KB
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海洋饼干 提交于 2021-05-23 14:12 . Workflows target main branch
#I @"tools/FAKE/tools"
#r "FakeLib.dll"
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text
open Fake
open Fake.DotNetCli
open Fake.NuGet.Install
// Variables
let configuration = "Debug"
let solution = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(string "./DotNetty.sln")
// Directories
let toolsDir = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "tools"
let output = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "Artifacts"
let outputTests = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "TestResults"
let outputPerfTests = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "PerfResults"
let buildNumber = environVarOrDefault "BUILD_NUMBER" "0"
let hasTeamCity = (not (buildNumber = "0")) // check if we have the TeamCity environment variable for build # set
let preReleaseVersionSuffix = "beta" + (if (not (buildNumber = "0")) then (buildNumber) else DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString())
let releaseNotes =
|> ReleaseNotesHelper.parseReleaseNotes
let versionFromReleaseNotes =
match releaseNotes.SemVer.PreRelease with
| Some r -> r.Origin
| None -> ""
let versionSuffix =
match (getBuildParam "nugetprerelease") with
| "main" -> preReleaseVersionSuffix
| "" -> versionFromReleaseNotes
| str -> str
// Incremental builds
let runIncrementally = hasBuildParam "incremental"
let incrementalistReport = output @@ "incrementalist.txt"
// Configuration values for tests
let testNetFrameworkVersion = "net471"
let testNetFramework451Version = "net452"
let testNetCoreVersion = "netcoreapp3.1"
let testNetCore21Version = "netcoreapp2.1"
let testNetVersion = "net5.0"
Target "Clean" (fun _ ->
ActivateFinalTarget "KillCreatedProcesses"
CleanDir output
CleanDir outputTests
CleanDir outputPerfTests
CleanDirs !! "./**/TestResults"
CleanDirs !! "./**/bin"
CleanDirs !! "./**/obj"
// Incrementalist targets
// Pulls the set of all affected projects detected by Incrementalist from the cached file
let getAffectedProjectsTopology =
log (sprintf "Checking inside %s for changes" incrementalistReport)
let incrementalistFoundChanges = File.Exists incrementalistReport
log (sprintf "Found changes via Incrementalist? %b - searched inside %s" incrementalistFoundChanges incrementalistReport)
if not incrementalistFoundChanges then None
let sortedItems = (File.ReadAllLines incrementalistReport) |> Seq.map (fun x -> (x.Split ','))
|> Seq.map (fun items -> (items.[0], items))
let d = dict sortedItems
let getAffectedProjects =
let finalProjects = getAffectedProjectsTopology.Value
match finalProjects with
| None -> None
| Some p -> Some (p.Values |> Seq.concat)
Target "ComputeIncrementalChanges" (fun _ ->
if runIncrementally then
let targetBranch = match getBuildParam "targetBranch" with
| "" -> "main"
| null -> "main"
| b -> b
let incrementalistPath =
let incrementalistDir = toolsDir @@ "incrementalist"
let globalTool = tryFindFileOnPath "incrementalist.exe"
match globalTool with
| Some t -> t
| None -> if isWindows then findToolInSubPath "incrementalist.exe" incrementalistDir
elif isMacOS then incrementalistDir @@ "incrementalist"
else incrementalistDir @@ "incrementalist"
let args = StringBuilder()
|> append "-b"
|> append targetBranch
|> append "-s"
|> append solution
|> append "-f"
|> append incrementalistReport
|> toText
let result = ExecProcess(fun info ->
info.FileName <- incrementalistPath
info.WorkingDirectory <- __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
info.Arguments <- args) (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.0) (* Reasonably long-running task. *)
if result <> 0 then failwithf "Incrementalist failed. %s" args
log "Skipping Incrementalist - not enabled for this build"
let filterProjects selectedProject =
if runIncrementally then
let affectedProjects = getAffectedProjects.Value
if affectedProjects.IsSome then
log (sprintf "Searching for %s inside [%s]" selectedProject (String.Join(",", affectedProjects.Value)))
log "No affected projects found"
match affectedProjects with
| None -> None
| Some x when x |> Seq.exists (fun n -> n.Contains (System.IO.Path.GetFileName(string selectedProject))) -> Some selectedProject
| _ -> None
log "Not running incrementally"
Some selectedProject
// Build targets
let skipBuild =
match getAffectedProjects.Value with
| None when runIncrementally -> true
| _ -> false
let headProjects =
match getAffectedProjectsTopology.Value with
| None when runIncrementally -> [||]
| None -> [|solution|]
| Some p -> p.Keys |> Seq.toArray
Target "Build" (fun _ ->
if not skipBuild.Value then
let additionalArgs = if versionSuffix.Length > 0 then [sprintf "/p:VersionSuffix=%s" versionSuffix] else []
let buildProject proj =
(fun p ->
{ p with
Project = proj
Configuration = configuration
AdditionalArgs = additionalArgs })
match getAffectedProjects.Value with
| Some p -> p |> Seq.iter buildProject
| None -> buildProject solution // build the entire solution if incrementalist is disabled
// Tests targets
type Runtime =
| NetCore
| Net
| NetFramework
let getTestAssembly runtime project =
let assemblyPath = match runtime with
| NetCore -> !! ("test" @@ "**" @@ "bin" @@ "Debug" @@ testNetCoreVersion @@ fileNameWithoutExt project + ".dll")
| NetFramework -> !! ("test" @@ "**" @@ "bin" @@ "Debug" @@ "win-x64" @@ testNetFrameworkVersion @@ fileNameWithoutExt project + ".dll")
| Net -> !! ("src" @@ "**" @@ "bin" @@ "Release" @@ testNetVersion @@ fileNameWithoutExt project + ".dll")
if Seq.isEmpty assemblyPath then
Some (assemblyPath |> Seq.head)
module internal ResultHandling =
let (|OK|Failure|) = function
| 0 -> OK
| x -> Failure x
let buildErrorMessage = function
| OK -> None
| Failure errorCode ->
Some (sprintf "xUnit2 reported an error (Error Code %d)" errorCode)
let failBuildWithMessage = function
| DontFailBuild -> traceError
| _ -> (fun m -> raise(FailedTestsException m))
let failBuildIfXUnitReportedError errorLevel =
>> Option.iter (failBuildWithMessage errorLevel)
Target "RunTests" (fun _ ->
if not skipBuild.Value then
let projects =
let rawProjects = match (isWindows) with
| true -> !! "./test/*.Tests/*.Tests.csproj"
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Transport.Tests.csproj"
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Suite.Tests.csproj"
| _ -> !! "./test/*.Tests/*.Tests.csproj" // if you need to filter specs for Linux vs. Windows, do it here
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Transport.Tests.csproj"
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Suite.Tests.csproj"
rawProjects |> Seq.choose filterProjects
let runSingleProject project =
let arguments =
match (hasTeamCity) with
| true -> (sprintf "test -c Debug --no-build --logger:trx --logger:\"console;verbosity=normal\" --framework %s -- RunConfiguration.TargetPlatform=x64 --results-directory \"%s\" -- -parallel none -teamcity" testNetVersion outputTests)
| false -> (sprintf "test -c Debug --no-build --logger:trx --logger:\"console;verbosity=normal\" --framework %s -- RunConfiguration.TargetPlatform=x64 --results-directory \"%s\" -- -parallel none" testNetVersion outputTests)
let result = ExecProcess(fun info ->
info.FileName <- "dotnet"
info.WorkingDirectory <- (Directory.GetParent project).FullName
info.Arguments <- arguments) (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 30.0)
ResultHandling.failBuildIfXUnitReportedError TestRunnerErrorLevel.Error result
CreateDir outputTests
projects |> Seq.iter (runSingleProject)
Target "RunTestsNetCore31" (fun _ ->
if not skipBuild.Value then
let projects =
let rawProjects = match (isWindows) with
| true -> !! "./test/*.Tests/*.Tests.csproj"
| _ -> !! "./test/*.Tests/*.Tests.csproj" // if you need to filter specs for Linux vs. Windows, do it here
rawProjects |> Seq.choose filterProjects
let runSingleProject project =
let arguments =
match (hasTeamCity) with
| true -> (sprintf "test -c Debug --no-build --logger:trx --logger:\"console;verbosity=normal\" --framework %s -- RunConfiguration.TargetPlatform=x64 --results-directory \"%s\" -- -parallel none -teamcity" testNetCoreVersion outputTests)
| false -> (sprintf "test -c Debug --no-build --logger:trx --logger:\"console;verbosity=normal\" --framework %s -- RunConfiguration.TargetPlatform=x64 --results-directory \"%s\" -- -parallel none" testNetCoreVersion outputTests)
let result = ExecProcess(fun info ->
info.FileName <- "dotnet"
info.WorkingDirectory <- (Directory.GetParent project).FullName
info.Arguments <- arguments) (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 30.0)
ResultHandling.failBuildIfXUnitReportedError TestRunnerErrorLevel.Error result
CreateDir outputTests
projects |> Seq.iter (runSingleProject)
Target "RunTestsNetCore21" (fun _ ->
if not skipBuild.Value then
let projects =
let rawProjects = match (isWindows) with
| true -> !! "./test/*.Tests/*.Tests.csproj"
| _ -> !! "./test/*.Tests/*.Tests.csproj" // if you need to filter specs for Linux vs. Windows, do it here
rawProjects |> Seq.choose filterProjects
let runSingleProject project =
let arguments =
match (hasTeamCity) with
| true -> (sprintf "test -c Debug --no-build --logger:trx --logger:\"console;verbosity=normal\" --framework %s -- RunConfiguration.TargetPlatform=x64 --results-directory \"%s\" -- -parallel none -teamcity" testNetCore21Version outputTests)
| false -> (sprintf "test -c Debug --no-build --logger:trx --logger:\"console;verbosity=normal\" --framework %s -- RunConfiguration.TargetPlatform=x64 --results-directory \"%s\" -- -parallel none" testNetCore21Version outputTests)
let result = ExecProcess(fun info ->
info.FileName <- "dotnet"
info.WorkingDirectory <- (Directory.GetParent project).FullName
info.Arguments <- arguments) (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 30.0)
ResultHandling.failBuildIfXUnitReportedError TestRunnerErrorLevel.Error result
CreateDir outputTests
projects |> Seq.iter (runSingleProject)
Target "RunTestsNetFx471" (fun _ ->
let projects =
let rawProjects = match (isWindows) with
| true -> !! "./test/*.Tests/*.Tests.csproj"
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Suite.Tests.csproj"
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Buffers.ReaderWriter.Tests"
| _ -> !! "./test/*.Tests/*.Tests.csproj" // if you need to filter specs for Linux vs. Windows, do it here
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Suite.Tests.csproj"
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Buffers.ReaderWriter.Tests"
rawProjects |> Seq.choose filterProjects
let runSingleProject project =
let arguments =
match (hasTeamCity) with
| true -> (sprintf "test -c Debug --no-build --logger:trx --logger:\"console;verbosity=normal\" --framework %s -- RunConfiguration.TargetPlatform=x64 --results-directory \"%s\" -- -parallel none -teamcity" testNetFrameworkVersion outputTests)
| false -> (sprintf "test -c Debug --no-build --logger:trx --logger:\"console;verbosity=normal\" --framework %s -- RunConfiguration.TargetPlatform=x64 --results-directory \"%s\" -- -parallel none" testNetFrameworkVersion outputTests)
let result = ExecProcess(fun info ->
info.FileName <- "dotnet"
info.WorkingDirectory <- (Directory.GetParent project).FullName
info.Arguments <- arguments) (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 30.0)
ResultHandling.failBuildIfXUnitReportedError TestRunnerErrorLevel.Error result
CreateDir outputTests
projects |> Seq.iter (runSingleProject)
Target "RunTestsNetFx451" (fun _ ->
let projects =
let rawProjects = match (isWindows) with
| true -> !! "./test/*.Tests/*.Tests.csproj"
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Suite.Tests.csproj"
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Buffers.ReaderWriter.Tests"
| _ -> !! "./test/*.Tests/*.Tests.csproj" // if you need to filter specs for Linux vs. Windows, do it here
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Suite.Tests.csproj"
-- "./test/*.Tests/DotNetty.Buffers.ReaderWriter.Tests"
rawProjects |> Seq.choose filterProjects
let runSingleProject project =
let arguments =
match (hasTeamCity) with
| true -> (sprintf "test -c Debug --no-build --logger:trx --logger:\"console;verbosity=normal\" --framework %s -- RunConfiguration.TargetPlatform=x64 --results-directory \"%s\" -- -parallel none -teamcity" testNetFramework451Version outputTests)
| false -> (sprintf "test -c Debug --no-build --logger:trx --logger:\"console;verbosity=normal\" --framework %s -- RunConfiguration.TargetPlatform=x64 --results-directory \"%s\" -- -parallel none" testNetFramework451Version outputTests)
let result = ExecProcess(fun info ->
info.FileName <- "dotnet"
info.WorkingDirectory <- (Directory.GetParent project).FullName
info.Arguments <- arguments) (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 30.0)
ResultHandling.failBuildIfXUnitReportedError TestRunnerErrorLevel.Error result
CreateDir outputTests
projects |> Seq.iter (runSingleProject)
FinalTarget "KillCreatedProcesses" (fun _ ->
log "Shutting down dotnet build-server"
let result = ExecProcess(fun info ->
info.FileName <- "dotnet"
info.WorkingDirectory <- __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
info.Arguments <- "build-server shutdown") (System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes 2.0)
if result <> 0 then failwithf "dotnet build-server shutdown failed"
// Help
Target "Help" <| fun _ ->
List.iter printfn [
"/build [target]"
" Targets for building:"
" * Build Builds"
" * RunTests Runs tests"
" * All Builds, run tests, creates and optionally publish nuget packages"
" Other Targets"
" * Help Display this help"
// Target dependencies
Target "BuildDebug" DoNothing
Target "All" DoNothing
Target "Nuget" DoNothing
Target "RunTestsFull" DoNothing
Target "RunTestsNetCoreFull" DoNothing
// build dependencies
"Clean" ==> "Build"
"Build" ==> "BuildDebug"
"ComputeIncrementalChanges" ==> "Build" // compute incremental changes
// tests dependencies
"Build" ==> "RunTests"
"Build" ==> "RunTestsNetCore31"
"Build" ==> "RunTestsNetCore21"
"Build" ==> "RunTestsNetFx471"
"Build" ==> "RunTestsNetFx451"
// all
"BuildDebug" ==> "All"
"RunTests" ==> "All"
"RunTestsNetCore31" ==> "All"
"RunTestsNetCore21" ==> "All"
"RunTestsNetFx471" ==> "All"
"RunTestsNetFx451" ==> "All"
RunTargetOrDefault "Help"
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