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project.go 16.12 KB
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DaMeng 提交于 2024-10-24 15:32 +08:00 . :art:修改mod名称
// Copyright 2021-present The Atlas Authors. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license found
// in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
package cmdapi
import (
cmdmigrate "gitee.com/damengde/atlas/cmd/atlas/internal/migrate"
type (
// Project represents an atlas.hcl project config file.
Project struct {
Envs []*Env `spec:"env"` // List of environments
Lint *Lint `spec:"lint"` // Optional global lint policy
Diff *Diff `spec:"diff"` // Optional global diff policy
cfg *cmdext.AtlasConfig
// Env represents an Atlas environment.
Env struct {
// Name for this environment.
Name string `spec:"name,name"`
// URL of the database.
URL string `spec:"url"`
// URL of the dev-database for this environment.
// See: https://atlasgo.io/dev-database
DevURL string `spec:"dev"`
// List of schemas in this database that are managed by Atlas.
Schemas []string `spec:"schemas"`
// Exclude defines a list of glob patterns used to filter
// resources on inspection.
Exclude []string `spec:"exclude"`
// Migration containing the migration configuration of the env.
Migration *Migration `spec:"migration"`
// Diff policy of the environment.
Diff *Diff `spec:"diff"`
// Lint policy of the environment.
Lint *Lint `spec:"lint"`
// Format of the environment.
Format Format `spec:"format"`
cfg *cmdext.AtlasConfig
// Migration represents the migration directory for the Env.
Migration struct {
Dir string `spec:"dir"`
Format string `spec:"format"`
Baseline string `spec:"baseline"`
ExecOrder string `spec:"exec_order"`
LockTimeout string `spec:"lock_timeout"`
RevisionsSchema string `spec:"revisions_schema"`
// Lint represents the configuration of migration linting.
Lint struct {
// Format configures the --format option.
Format string `spec:"log"`
// Latest configures the --latest option.
Latest int `spec:"latest"`
Git struct {
// Dir configures the --git-dir option.
Dir string `spec:"dir"`
// Base configures the --git-base option.
Base string `spec:"base"`
} `spec:"git"`
// Review defines when Atlas will ask the user to review and approve the changes.
Review string `spec:"review"`
// Diff represents the schema diffing policy.
Diff struct {
// SkipChanges configures the skip changes policy.
SkipChanges *SkipChanges `spec:"skip"`
// SkipChanges represents the skip changes policy.
SkipChanges struct {
AddSchema bool `spec:"add_schema"`
DropSchema bool `spec:"drop_schema"`
ModifySchema bool `spec:"modify_schema"`
AddTable bool `spec:"add_table"`
DropTable bool `spec:"drop_table"`
ModifyTable bool `spec:"modify_table"`
RenameTable bool `spec:"rename_table"`
AddColumn bool `spec:"add_column"`
DropColumn bool `spec:"drop_column"`
ModifyColumn bool `spec:"modify_column"`
AddIndex bool `spec:"add_index"`
DropIndex bool `spec:"drop_index"`
ModifyIndex bool `spec:"modify_index"`
AddForeignKey bool `spec:"add_foreign_key"`
DropForeignKey bool `spec:"drop_foreign_key"`
ModifyForeignKey bool `spec:"modify_foreign_key"`
AddView bool `spec:"add_view"`
DropView bool `spec:"drop_view"`
ModifyView bool `spec:"modify_view"`
RenameView bool `spec:"rename_view"`
AddFunc bool `spec:"add_func"`
DropFunc bool `spec:"drop_func"`
ModifyFunc bool `spec:"modify_func"`
RenameFunc bool `spec:"rename_func"`
AddProc bool `spec:"add_proc"`
DropProc bool `spec:"drop_proc"`
ModifyProc bool `spec:"modify_proc"`
RenameProc bool `spec:"rename_proc"`
AddTrigger bool `spec:"add_trigger"`
DropTrigger bool `spec:"drop_trigger"`
ModifyTrigger bool `spec:"modify_trigger"`
RenameTrigger bool `spec:"rename_trigger"`
// Format represents the output formatting configuration of an environment.
Format struct {
Migrate struct {
// Apply configures the formatting for 'migrate apply'.
Apply string `spec:"apply"`
// Lint configures the formatting for 'migrate lint'.
Lint string `spec:"lint"`
// Status configures the formatting for 'migrate status'.
Status string `spec:"status"`
// Apply configures the formatting for 'migrate diff'.
Diff string `spec:"diff"`
} `spec:"migrate"`
Schema struct {
// Apply configures the formatting for 'schema apply'.
Apply string `spec:"apply"`
// Apply configures the formatting for 'schema diff'.
Diff string `spec:"diff"`
} `spec:"schema"`
// envScheme defines the scheme that can be used to reference env attributes.
const envAttrScheme = "env"
// VarFromURL returns the string variable (env attribute) from the URL.
func (e *Env) VarFromURL(s string) (string, error) {
u, err := url.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if u.Host == "" || u.Path != "" || u.RawQuery != "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid env:// variable %q", s)
var sv string
switch u.Host {
case "url":
sv = e.URL
case "dev":
sv = e.DevURL
attr, ok := e.Attr(u.Host)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("env://%s (attribute) not found in env.%s", u.Host, e.Name)
if sv, err = attr.String(); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("env://%s: %w", u.Host, err)
if strings.HasPrefix(sv, envAttrScheme+"://") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("env://%s (attribute) cannot reference another env://", s)
return sv, nil
// support backward compatibility with the 'log' attribute.
func (e *Env) remainedLog() error {
r, ok := e.Remain().Resource("log")
if ok {
return r.As(&e.Format)
return nil
// Extend allows extending environment blocks with
// a global one. For example:
// lint {
// log = <<EOS
// ...
// EOS
// }
// env "local" {
// ...
// lint {
// latest = 1
// }
// }
// env "ci" {
// ...
// lint {
// git {
// dir = "../"
// base = "master"
// }
// }
// }
func (l *Lint) Extend(global *Lint) *Lint {
if l == nil {
return global
if l.Review == "" {
l.Review = global.Review
if l.Format == "" {
l.Format = global.Format
l.Extra = global.Extra
switch {
// Changes detector was configured on the env.
case l.Git.Dir != "" && l.Git.Base != "" || l.Latest != 0:
// Inherit global git detection.
case global.Git.Dir != "" || global.Git.Base != "":
if global.Git.Dir != "" {
l.Git.Dir = global.Git.Dir
if global.Git.Base != "" {
l.Git.Base = global.Git.Base
// Inherit latest files configuration.
case global.Latest != 0:
l.Latest = global.Latest
return l
// support backward compatibility with the 'log' attribute.
func (l *Lint) remainedLog() error {
at, ok := l.Remain().Attr("log")
if !ok {
return nil
if l.Format != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot use both 'log' and 'format' in the same lint block")
s, err := at.String()
if err != nil {
return err
l.Format = s
return nil
// Extend allows extending environment blocks with
// a global one. For example:
// diff {
// skip {
// drop_schema = true
// }
// }
// env "local" {
// ...
// diff {
// concurrent_index {
// create = true
// drop = true
// }
// }
// }
func (d *Diff) Extend(global *Diff) *Diff {
if d == nil {
return global
if d.SkipChanges == nil {
d.SkipChanges = global.SkipChanges
return d
// Options converts the diff policy into options.
func (d *Diff) Options() (opts []schema.DiffOption) {
// Per-driver configuration.
opts = append(opts, func(opts *schema.DiffOptions) {
opts.Extra = d.DefaultExtension
if d.SkipChanges == nil {
var (
changes schema.Changes
rv = reflect.ValueOf(d.SkipChanges).Elem()
for _, c := range []schema.Change{
&schema.AddSchema{}, &schema.DropSchema{}, &schema.ModifySchema{},
&schema.AddView{}, &schema.DropView{}, &schema.ModifyView{}, &schema.RenameView{},
&schema.AddFunc{}, &schema.DropFunc{}, &schema.ModifyFunc{}, &schema.RenameFunc{},
&schema.AddProc{}, &schema.DropProc{}, &schema.ModifyProc{}, &schema.RenameProc{},
&schema.AddTrigger{}, &schema.DropTrigger{}, &schema.ModifyTrigger{}, &schema.RenameTrigger{},
&schema.AddTable{}, &schema.DropTable{}, &schema.ModifyTable{}, &schema.RenameTable{},
&schema.AddColumn{}, &schema.DropColumn{}, &schema.ModifyColumn{}, &schema.AddIndex{},
&schema.DropIndex{}, &schema.ModifyIndex{}, &schema.AddForeignKey{}, &schema.DropForeignKey{},
} {
if rt := reflect.TypeOf(c).Elem(); rv.FieldByName(rt.Name()).Bool() {
changes = append(changes, c)
if len(changes) > 0 {
opts = append(opts, schema.DiffSkipChanges(changes...))
return opts
// DiffOptions returns the diff options configured for the environment,
// or nil if no environment or diff policy were set.
func (e *Env) DiffOptions() []schema.DiffOption {
if e == nil || e.Diff == nil {
return nil
return e.Diff.Options()
// Sources returns the paths containing the Atlas schema.
func (e *Env) Sources() ([]string, error) {
attr, exists := e.Attr("src")
if !exists {
return nil, nil
switch attr.V.Type() {
case cty.String:
s, err := attr.String()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []string{s}, nil
case cty.List(cty.String):
return attr.Strings()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected src to be either a string or strings, got: %s", attr.V.Type().FriendlyName())
// asMap returns the extra attributes stored in the Env as a map[string]string.
func (e *Env) asMap() (map[string]string, error) {
m := make(map[string]string, len(e.Extra.Attrs))
for _, attr := range e.Extra.Attrs {
if attr.K == "src" {
if v, err := attr.String(); err == nil {
m[attr.K] = v
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expecting attr %q to be a literal, got: %T", attr.K, attr.V)
return m, nil
// EnvByName parses and returns the project configuration with selected environments.
func EnvByName(cmd *cobra.Command, name string, vars map[string]cty.Value) (*Project, []*Env, error) {
envs := make(map[string][]*Env)
defer func() {
setEnvs(cmd.Context(), envs[name])
if p, e, ok := envsCache.load(GlobalFlags.ConfigURL, name, vars); ok {
return p, e, nil
u, err := url.Parse(GlobalFlags.ConfigURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if u.Scheme != "file" {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported config file driver %q", u.Scheme)
path := filepath.Join(u.Host, u.Path)
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
err = fmt.Errorf("config file %q was not found: %w", path, err)
return nil, nil, err
project, err := parseConfig(path, name, vars)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// The project token predates 'atlas login' command. If exists,
// attach it to the context to indicate the user is authenticated.
if project.cfg.Token != "" && project.cfg.Client != nil {
ctx, err := withTokenContext(cmd.Context(), project.cfg.Token, project.cfg.Client)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if err := project.Lint.remainedLog(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for _, e := range project.Envs {
if e.Name == "" {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("all envs must have names on file %q", path)
if _, err := e.Sources(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if e.Migration == nil {
e.Migration = &Migration{}
if err := e.remainedLog(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
e.Diff = e.Diff.Extend(project.Diff)
e.Lint = e.Lint.Extend(project.Lint)
if err := e.Lint.remainedLog(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
envs[e.Name] = append(envs[e.Name], e)
envsCache.store(GlobalFlags.ConfigURL, name, vars, project, envs[name])
switch {
case name == "":
// If no env was selected,
// return only the project.
return project, nil, nil
case len(envs[name]) == 0:
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("env %q not defined in project file", name)
return project, envs[name], nil
type (
envCacheK struct {
path, env, vars string
envCacheV struct {
p *Project
e []*Env
envCache struct {
m map[envCacheK]envCacheV
var envsCache = &envCache{m: make(map[envCacheK]envCacheV)}
func (c *envCache) load(path, env string, vars Vars) (*Project, []*Env, bool) {
v, ok := c.m[envCacheK{path: path, env: env, vars: vars.String()}]
return v.p, v.e, ok
func (c *envCache) store(path, env string, vars Vars, p *Project, e []*Env) {
c.m[envCacheK{path: path, env: env, vars: vars.String()}] = envCacheV{p: p, e: e}
const (
blockEnv = "env"
refAtlas = "atlas"
defaultConfigPath = "file://atlas.hcl"
func parseConfig(path, env string, vars map[string]cty.Value) (*Project, error) {
pr, err := partialParse(path, env)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
base, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(path))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cfg := &cmdext.AtlasConfig{
Project: cloudapi.DefaultProjectName,
state := schemahcl.New(
append(cmdext.SpecOptions, specOptions...),
schemahcl.WithScopedEnums("env.migration.format", cmdmigrate.Formats...),
schemahcl.WithScopedEnums("env.migration.exec_order", "LINEAR", "LINEAR_SKIP", "NON_LINEAR"),
schemahcl.WithScopedEnums("env.lint.review", ReviewModes...),
schemahcl.WithScopedEnums("lint.review", ReviewModes...),
refAtlas: cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
blockEnv: cty.StringVal(env),
"file": schemahcl.MakeFileFunc(base),
"getenv": function.New(&function.Spec{
Params: []function.Parameter{
Name: "key",
Type: cty.String,
Type: function.StaticReturnType(cty.String),
Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
return cty.StringVal(os.Getenv(args[0].AsString())), nil
p := &Project{Lint: &Lint{}, Diff: &Diff{}, cfg: cfg}
if err := state.Eval(pr, p, vars); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, e := range p.Envs {
e.cfg = cfg
return p, nil
func init() {
cloudapi.SetVersion(version, flavor)
schemahcl.Register(blockEnv, &Env{})
func partialParse(path, env string) (*hclparse.Parser, error) {
parser := hclparse.NewParser()
fi, err := parser.ParseHCLFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var used []*hclsyntax.Block
for _, b := range fi.Body.(*hclsyntax.Body).Blocks {
switch b.Type {
case blockEnv:
switch n := len(b.Labels); {
// No env was selected.
case env == "" && n == 0:
// Exact env was selected.
case n == 1 && b.Labels[0] == env:
used = append(used, b)
// Dynamic env selection.
case n == 0 && b.Body != nil && b.Body.Attributes[schemahcl.AttrName] != nil:
t, ok := b.Body.Attributes[schemahcl.AttrName].Expr.(*hclsyntax.ScopeTraversalExpr)
if ok && len(t.Traversal) == 2 && t.Traversal.RootName() == refAtlas && t.Traversal[1].(hcl.TraverseAttr).Name == blockEnv {
used = append(used, b)
used = append(used, b)
fi.Body = &hclsyntax.Body{
Blocks: used,
Attributes: fi.Body.(*hclsyntax.Body).Attributes,
return parser, nil
// Review modes for 'schema apply'.
const (
ReviewAlways = "ALWAYS" // Always review changes. The default mode.
ReviewWarning = "WARNING" // Review changes only if there are any diagnostics (including warnings).
ReviewError = "ERROR" // Review changes only if there are severe diagnostics (error level).
var ReviewModes = []string{ReviewAlways, ReviewWarning, ReviewError}
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