// Copyright 2021-present The Atlas Authors. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license found
// in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
// Package parseutil exposes shared functions used by the different parsers.
package parseutil
import (
// Rename describes rename of a resource.
type Rename struct {
From, To string
// RenameColumn patches DROP/ADD column commands to RENAME.
func RenameColumn(modify *schema.ModifyTable, r *Rename) {
changes := schema.Changes(modify.Changes)
switch i, j := changes.IndexDropColumn(r.From), changes.IndexAddColumn(r.To); {
case j == -1:
// Rename column.
case i != -1:
changes[max(i, j)] = &schema.RenameColumn{
From: changes[i].(*schema.DropColumn).C,
To: changes[j].(*schema.AddColumn).C,
changes.RemoveIndex(min(i, j))
// Rename column and add the previous name back.
if i = changes.IndexModifyColumn(r.From); i == -1 {
// ADD COLUMN must come after the RENAME.
modify := changes[i].(*schema.ModifyColumn)
changes[min(i, j)] = &schema.RenameColumn{
From: modify.From,
To: changes[j].(*schema.AddColumn).C,
changes[max(i, j)] = &schema.AddColumn{
C: modify.To,
modify.Changes = changes
// RenameIndex patches DROP/ADD index commands to RENAME.
func RenameIndex(modify *schema.ModifyTable, r *Rename) {
changes := schema.Changes(modify.Changes)
i := changes.IndexDropIndex(r.From)
j := changes.IndexAddIndex(r.To)
if i != -1 && j != -1 {
changes[max(i, j)] = &schema.RenameIndex{
From: changes[i].(*schema.DropIndex).I,
To: changes[j].(*schema.AddIndex).I,
changes.RemoveIndex(min(i, j))
modify.Changes = changes
// RenameTable patches DROP/ADD table commands to RENAME.
func RenameTable(changes schema.Changes, r *Rename) schema.Changes {
i := changes.LastIndexDropTable(r.From)
j := changes.LastIndexAddTable(r.To)
if i != -1 && j != -1 {
changes[max(i, j)] = &schema.RenameTable{
From: changes[i].(*schema.DropTable).T,
To: changes[j].(*schema.AddTable).T,
changes.RemoveIndex(min(i, j))
return changes
// MatchStmtBefore reports if the file contains any statement that matches the predicate before the given position.
func MatchStmtBefore(stmts []*migrate.Stmt, pos int, p func(*migrate.Stmt) (bool, error)) (bool, error) {
i := slices.IndexFunc(stmts, func(s *migrate.Stmt) bool {
return s.Pos >= pos
if i != -1 {
stmts = stmts[:i]
for _, s := range stmts {
m, err := p(s)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if m {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// MatchStmtAfter reports if the file contains any statement that matches the predicate after the given position.
func MatchStmtAfter(stmts []*migrate.Stmt, pos int, p func(*migrate.Stmt) (bool, error)) (bool, error) {
i := slices.IndexFunc(stmts, func(s *migrate.Stmt) bool {
return s.Pos > pos
if i == -1 {
return false, nil
stmts = stmts[i:]
for _, s := range stmts {
m, err := p(s)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if m {
return true, nil
return false, nil
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